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Everything posted by RadheyRadhey108

  1. Radharani knows Krishna. We must first attain Her love and mercy through constant duty in Her service, and in so doing, will attain the mercy of Krishna to someday understand at least a part of His infinite glory.
  2. Do the scriptures support democracy? Most of them speak of monarchies. Democracy is omitted from the scriptures. So, I suppose that democracy is now condemned by the scriptures as well, since all things not in the scriptures are now condemnable (according to your views).
  3. I am from Indiana... the people are so ignorant here.
  4. Where is there any condemnation of homosexuality in the scriptures?
  5. Bija Ji, that is so beautiful. The Manjaris truly are Radharani's greatest devotees. They follow Her everywhere without wanting any pleasure for themselves other than seeing the Blissful Lotus-like Face of Radharani. May we someday reach Their platform of devotion, that we wish for nothing but a glimpse of Radharani's bliss and joy.
  6. I think it would've been a sweet monument if he would've treated the workers properly and not destroyed a shrine to Lord Shiva Dev to build it... but he was psychotic... so you're right, it's just terrible. I say they tear it down and make deities of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna and Sri Sri Narayani-Shiva.
  7. No need for apologies, my dear God-brother I'm sure that He's just very glad that you were thinking of Him and sharing Him with us on His appearance day
  8. Yes, we should love and respect all of our brothers and sisters... something which is much easier said than done!
  9. Your Murtis are lovely! Are they pure marble? There are many Punjabis in my state... they all seem very friendly, but the people here are so prejudiced that they can't even appreciate them as their brothers and sisters
  10. Oh! I so love Khodiyar Ma! Thank you for posting Her Holy Form for us!
  11. Beggar Ji, that is such a beautiful and sweet pastime Thank you so much for sharing it!
  12. I agree Even if Her beauty is meant to only serve Lord Krishna (which, no question, that's the only reason why She even takes form, to please and serve Him), I think we can still appreciate it in some form or another... but I don't know if we'll ever be able to appreciate Her Transcendental Beauty to it's fullest extent.
  13. So all Vaishnava Sampradayas (excluding Gaudiya Vaishnavism, of course) view all things the exact same way that Sri Vaishnavas do? That's strange... then I guess there should be only two Vaishnava Sampradayas- Gaudiya and Sri.
  14. Heterosexuals also aren't considering themselves and the people around them as pure spirit/soul, if you want to go in that direction, since they consider themselves heterosexuals.
  15. Except for the Lotus Feet of Lord Nityananda, there is no other shelter! Jai Nityananda! Jai Gauranga!
  16. Thank you I think They are most beautiful, myself. I wish I could show you the gold deities! He's ever so beautiful. You were blessed to come by Him for such a low price! He must've wanted to go to your home specifically Well... He is yours, you meditate on Him and you bathe Him and love Him... just as Mother Yashoda has Her Krishna, so you have yours
  17. This certainly shows the benefits of Sankirtan (in whatever form it may come in... whether Rosary or Harinam Japa).
  18. Jai Sri Krishna! Casting away all ethics of caste, my heart dotes on Sri Krishna day and night. The custom of the clan is a far-away cry, and now I know that love adheres wholly to its own laws.
  19. He is most beautiful, Bija Prabhu! And an artifact! How much did you pay for Him? I didn't purchase any deities from Exotic India... I am going to get two twelve inch golden deities of Sri Sri Radha Krishna, though. They have seashell eyes They're so beautiful. I bought Them from Vedic Resource, but for some reason the site isn't working I'm also getting these ones of Nitai-Gauranga from Krishna.com: http://www.thekrishnastore.com/Detail.bok?no=4903&bar=_shp_home-wor
  20. Oh, Indulekha Ji, I will miss you so much! I'm so sad! He really did bring us very close together... it's sad that we're going to be pulled apart so soon! :crying2:
  21. Indeed. What a horrible thing to do They do all this work for him, and that's what he does to them. What a hideous person.
  22. Great song... I also like "Blackbird".
  23. Yeah... I must agree with shvu. Hinduism is unique. It doesn't fit into a specific category b/c it is eternal.
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