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Everything posted by Amlesh

  1. True. It seems both the Ruler and the Ruled are corrupted.. but all that is due to their own ignorance. Why I pointed out the specifically Woman and Kids is because they are the least implicated in the planning process of such wars.. specially the 3rd world women. The reasons for war is the only thing that really bemuse me.. had it been some really evident and worthy reasons, I might have looked upon it and unfortunately all the reasons are puny and trivial.. joking with the lives of many. In truth, I can accept a war for the eradication of evil.. but in that War I would like to see great like Shivaji Maharaj, Chanaky Pandita, Hukka and Bukka, Tatia Tope, Tipu Sultan et al as the mastermind, since they fought selflessly and without any tinge of selfish interest.. just to protect Dharma. Who is ready to take such challenge? None.. without any vested interest.. so where is the utility for such war. And dear Sephiroth.. I agree about ur Hindu War.. but tell me whether we have real Hindus these days.
  2. Sephiroth.. I do understand all that.. but Asvathama was someone who sided the Evil Route... So his thinking was like that... In the Army that was guided by Sri Krishna.. the correct War Code was conducted.
  3. I do understand.. but a proper planning and understanding should be there before taking any step. Many innocent die in such wars.. see the Mahabharata.. that war took place somewhere outside the city..where assurance was made not to kill any civilian. Not like today... innocent kids and women lose their lives.
  4. Maybe because rules have become more prominent with its Do's and Dont's not letting the intricacies of proper spiritual understanding prime.
  5. And when did you ever start your Bhakti Yoga - Dualism path and how did you end up with Advaita? Explain? How and when did you find it more important on listening to Shankara than Krishna? Illuminate this ignorant soul. Is there any step greater than a Mahatma... since the term is given to one who is surrendered to Krishna. And mahatma is the last step in the phase of spiritual quest. If there is another then please show me the light.
  6. You are the rare few who goes beyond barriers but bounded by Hari's Love. That's why the intense meaning of the verses willingly comes to your lap.
  7. There is no sin in eating meat, in drinking spirituous liquor, and in carnal intercourse, for that is the natural way of created beings, but abstention brings great rewards. --Manu Smriti 5.56
  8. I'll do it but after some time.. right now.. office duties. Thanks.
  9. About your soma rasa and its DO's and DONT's.. please consult the Manu Smriti.
  10. They deny God because of their taste for material enjoyment. The more deeply they are attached.. the more deeper is the ditch.
  11. I believe Sephiroth that the basic teaching that was transmitted from generation to generation is nearly coming to an end. Each generation pass on the values to the next... but each time when that process takes place.. some elements are missed. Today.. everything is missed.. since no element is left to pass. But I hope and I have that feeling that.. restoration of this great culture will surely take place...
  12. True.. none. The only drug is the Love for God.
  13. Gandhiji said, "I'm in a war but this time the weapon is different". The thing about choosing the weapon is not the main thing in a war.. but the reason for war should not be tainted by any personal selfish motive.
  14. Not in every war, the selfless desire for the betterment of mankind is present and in the rest of the war.. the selfish motives of ignorant.
  15. Cannot really distinguish. Is he NarsimhaDev?
  16. No need of any psychedelic stuffs for me.. I'm always on the high-fly.
  17. Indirectly proportionate with the happiness of this world. The more religion loses ground, the less happy Dharti Maa will be.
  18. Satya vachan. Your words are enlightening.
  19. That makes me remember one story about Sri Haridas Thakura.. that Great Vaishnava used to stay in a cave cohabited by a venomous cobra.. Everyone at the particular place knew that fact and He also and he used to sleep peacefully... Everyday people used to advise him about the unsafe feature of this cave and he used to smile... later on he understood the fearful nature of those seeking to meet him. He one day decided to leave the cave on request of his followers.. he accepted.. but surprisingly.. the moment he was leaving, the snake also left the cave.. but forever..
  20. Everything offered to any powerful Entity directly or indirectly goes to that very Sweet Lord... Lord Narsimha... that is unquestionable.
  21. beautiful.. as always... Thanks Gokulkr
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