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Does God Want Man to Eat Meat?

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Does God Want Man to Eat Meat?


When discussing the topic of killing (meat eating) with Christians and Muslims. They ultimately justify killing animals for food by pointing to their scriptures. Thus the main reason why man kills for a living (meat eating) is religion. The Bible and Koran both state that animals are food. They both claim that their scripture is the word of God and thus there is absolutely nothing wrong in killing innocent animals.

This raises the question does God want man to eat meat?


This question can be answered by looking at the health, economic, and violence issues.

1. Health


Is meat good for us?


It’s a scientific fact that vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters. Scientific studies show that vegetarians have a much lower risk of suffering from diseases like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and other health disorders compared to meat eaters.

Scientific Studies Support a Vegetarian Diet


A major study reported in the British Medical Journal in 1994 found that, of 5000 meat-eaters and 6000 non-meat eaters, vegetarians had 40% less risk of cancer and 30% less risk of heart disease than the meat-eaters and were 20% less likely to die of any cause (Oxford Vegetarian Study).


A US study of 50,000 vegetarians showed a very low rate of cancer (Seventh Day Adventist Study, Massachusetts). It has been estimated that by following a low-fat vegetarian diet, the risk of food poisoning is decreased by 80%.


A balanced vegetarian diet is better for humans than one that includes meat (from TIME magazine, July 2002).



An 11-year study of 1,900 German vegetarians has found mortality from cardiovascular disease to be 61% lower in male vegetarians and 44% lower in female vegetarians than the general population.

Hypertension can contribute to heart disease, strokes, and kidney failure. A number of studies have shown vegetarians to have lower blood pressure than meat eaters (Sacks 1974, Armstrong 1977).

The British Medical Association (1986) stated that vegetarians have lower rates of obesity than meat eaters.

Vegetarians have lower rates of colon cancer than meat eaters (Phillips 1980).

There is overwhelming scientific evidence to prove that a vegetarian diet is much more healthier than a meat based diet. Eating meat can seriously damage your health.

What about Protein?


Most people are brainwashed into thinking that meat is the only source of protein. The simple fact is that there is plenty of protein in a vegetarian diet too.


Thus would God want man to eat food that will increase the chances of suffering from major diseases, reduce the quality of life, and reduce the life span?

Absolutely not.

Would you want your children to eat food that is not good for them? No?

Similarly God doesn’t want his children, you and me, to eat food that is bad for our health.

2. Economic


Does it make economic sense to raise animals for food?


It takes at least 17 kg of corn, beans, grains etc., many gallons of water, and some time to produce just 1 kg of beef. This is like investing $17 in a bank term deposit and withdrawing $1 at maturity.

The 17 kg of corn, beans, and grains would feed at least 20 people while the 1 kg of beef would feed at most 2 people.

Does it makes any sense to feed an animal 17 kg of vegetation, many gallons of water, provide shelter, allow some time, and then cut it’s throat and kill it to produce 1 kg of meat?

Would it be better just to take the 17 kg of vegetation and feed on it directly rather than having it go through an animal and then feeding on the animal a much reduced quantity of food?

The reason why somewhere in the World a child dies of starvation every two seconds is because of slaughterhouse mentality as described above. If the millions of acres of land, which is used to grow food for animals, were used to grow food for humans directly then there would be at least 17 times more food than currently. Thus there would be no poverty in the World.

About 70% of the crops grown in the US are fed to animals and not to humans. The mentality is that convert 17 kg of vegetarian food into 1 kg of meat so that at most 2 people can eat instead of at least 20. Also there is the thrill of killing the animals, which is very much liked by the average person.

If everyone in the world became a vegetarian, there would be no such thing as poverty. But unfortunately the majority of the humans simply can’t give up the thrill of killing innocent animals and so the children will have to continue dying due to starvation at the rate of 2 every seconds.



Would God want man to turn 17 kg of vegetarian food into1 kg of meat, involving killing innocent animals and ensuring millions of children die of starvation?

3. Violence

Is violence related to meat eating?


What do all the terrorists have in common?

What do all the violent criminals have in common?

What do all the murderers have in common?

The simple answer is that they are all killers (meat eaters).

Have you heard of vegetarian terrorists?

Have you heard of vegetarian criminals?

Have you heard of a vegetarian murderer?

The over whelming majority of the violent people in the World are meat eaters and not vegetarians.

How does meat eating make one violent?


By killing for a living (meat eating), the human mind develops a taste for killing, which leads to a mentality of violence to others. People who kill animals are much likely to kill people too. This is a fact as the terrorists, and the most violent criminals are mostly animal killers (meat eaters).

The vegetarians don’t kill for a living (no meat) and so their mind develops a taste for non-violence to other living beings.

The US government spends billions of dollars each year on combating terrorism. They think by going after those with guns and bombs will solve this problem. They totally ignore the root cause of violence. Which is human mentality of violence, caused by killing for a living (meat eating).

The simple formula for stopping terrorism and violence is:

No Meat= No killing = No mentality of violence = No terrorism/No violence

What about killing the plants?


There is a big difference between cutting grass and the necks of chickens. Killing plants and animals is not the same.

Would God want man to kill for a living (meat eating) so that they can develop a mentality of violence and become killers of humans too?

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I am sorry. but some of your copy-paste arguments are plain silly.


Who told you that vegetarians are not violent? There is no such researched conclusion. Violence has nothing to do with one's diet.


And what are you saying anyway? You start off with religious reasons and then turn to reserach and logic. Make up your mind. Do you want people to be vegetarian for logical reasons or religious reasons? or simple because you are one?


The fact of the matter is man is omnivorous and has evolved or has been "intelligently designed" to eat meat. If God created man and intended him to be vegetarian he would have created him as a herbivore like a deer or a cow.


Historically, the vegetarian culture has been found in the Indian sub continent only and nowhere else. The majority of the world's populations has been eating meat and I do not see that changing anytime soon.


Anyway, the vegetarian country India has an average life expectancy of 60+ years while meat eating nations have improved their life expectancy to near 80. Obviously the good Lord has not cursed them until now for slaughtering animals.



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Where does it say that God wants anyone to eat meat. No where in any Vedic scripture does it say that. Only the British insert certain passages into the scriptures stating this. This was done during their occupation of India vis a vis the Asiatic Society. There sole purpose was to distort the scriptures with the goal to bring down the culture and religion of India. Please refer to the most amazing book "The True History and Religion of India". Great documentation and historical information about Hinduism (Sanatan Dharm) and the effect of the Bristish.

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Who told you that vegetarians are not violent? There is no such researched conclusion. Violence has nothing to do with one's diet.

As long as man kills animals and eats their flesh; there can be no true and eternal peace.


The fact of the matter is man is omnivorous and has evolved or has been "intelligently designed" to eat meat. If God created man and intended him to be vegetarian he would have created him as a herbivore like a deer or a cow.

:eek: And if God had meant for man to fly; he would have given him wings.


Anyway, the vegetarian country India has an average life expectancy of 60+ years while meat eating nations have improved their life expectancy to near 80. Obviously the good Lord has not cursed them until now for slaughtering animals.

And they will continue to come back and live long lifes in this hellish material world until they learn to quit killing and eating their brothers.

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Right in the very first chapter of the first book in the Bible one reads that man's first diet given by the Elohim was a vegan diet. But later different Hebrew teachers said different things and so contradictions can be found.


I have beaten my head against the stone of Christian hard headness enough on this issue. Now I just point them to various Christian vegetarian web sites to learn if they want.

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Right in the very first chapter of the first book in the Bible one reads that man's first diet given by the Elohim was a vegan diet. But later different Hebrew teachers said different things and so contradictions can be found.

I have beaten my head against the stone of Christian hard headness enough on this issue. Now I just point them to various Christian vegetarian web sites to learn if they want.

Can you please post the links to the Christian Vegetarian sites?

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Hare Krishna,



I am sorry. but some of your copy-paste arguments are plain silly.


As are some of your arguments:



Who told you that vegetarians are not violent? There is no such researched conclusion.


I agree. I don't see why a vegetarian couldn't be violent, though they are probably less prone to commit violence. This argument can be put into the realm of speculation. The following statement however:



Violence has nothing to do with one's diet.


With this argument I wholeheartedly disagree. Violence begets violence. Meat is always obtained in a violent way. Unlike plantlife, animals have a central nervous system which allows them to feel, and they are much more conscious than plants. Those who have the taste for the flesh will have to kill an animal, thus inflicting a great deal of pain and fear onto the animal one way or the other. Therefore, even though you do not see the process that precedes the neatly packaged slab of meat you see in the supermarket, you are still being violent if you buy it. A visit to the slaughterhouse will validate this. Just because there is a conscious effort of the masses by masquerading the violence and trying not to think about it, doesn't make it go away. Most know this and are simply surpressing any thought of it, but if asked if they would kill their dog or cat for food, they will look in disgust and horror and deny they could ever do such an unspeakable act. Out of ignorance they wilfully forget that by eating meat the killing of an innocent animal similar in consciousness to their cat or dog has to take place. Their blood has to be spilled. In the various bonafide scriptures it is stated who is guilty of killing an animal: he who gives permission, he who kills the animal,he who sells the slaughtered animal,he who cooks the animal,he who administers distribution of the foodstuff and he who eats such animals. They are all considered to be murderers and all are liable to be punished by the laws of nature. So once more, violence begets violence.


Now in order to survive, we have to "kill", even if it's only to a small degree, this is true. Even breathing air kills other life, life we can't even see. This however is beyond our control, it's not our fault, it's the way of the world so no sin will be incurred for that.(This "but you breath air and kill plants" is usually the lame and tiresome argument that a meateater eventually brings up after you say you are vegetarian, which indicates a recognition of guilt on their behalf).

What we can and must do as civilized human beings is to try and minimize the damage and suffering caused to other living beings and our surroundings and that is where the vegetarian diet comes in. We as humans have been given a discriminating power, unlike any other creature on this planet. We have the power to chose right or wrong,good or evil. It is God's providence that allows us this tiny spec of independence. Without it, any possible relation of us with God would become stale. This is where your following statement comes in:



The fact of the matter is man is omnivorous and has evolved or has been "intelligently designed" to eat meat. If God created man and intended him to be vegetarian he would have created him as a herbivore like a deer or a cow.


So God has given us the possibility to choose our own diet according to our own desire, be it fruits,grains and vegetables or flesh. From the scriptures however, we can conclude that the eating of meat is condemned and any person taking to such a diet is surely considered to be in the mode of ignorance. The whole of material nature consists of three modes or gunas, they are Sattva(goodness),Rajas(passion) and Tama(ignorance). From the scriptures clear distinctions are made among humans as well as foodstuffs, as they are divided into these three modes. NEEDLESS TO SAY, meat falls into the category of ignorance, and needless to say, the demonic people take to such foodstuffs as in the mode of ignorance and passion whereas the divine people take to the sattvic foodstuffs, such as milk,grains and fruits. So to get back to this statement:



Violence has nothing to do with one's diet.


So, clearly violence has something to do with one's diet. Actually, we should not underestimate the influence our dietary habits have on our mind and mood because the impact is quite significant. It's obviously preposterous to suggest that the human body 'evolved' to eat meat as if it's a superior concept. If anything, 'regressed' would make a more accurate rendering of that baseless theory.

The fact is that, although man can consume flesh, it is very clear from both a physical and physiological point of view that God has designed our bodies having a preference for a meatless diet. Not only that but as stated above, in all the scriptures a vegetarian diet is stated by God as being the ideal diet for mankind. Nevertheless, it remains a matter of choice, it is up to you.


Now to get back on how I don't see why a vegetarian can't be violent: Most vegetarians have at least an ethical if not a spiritual reason for abstaining from the consumption of meat. Although an indication of a mind more elevated and cleansed of the dust of ignorance than that of the meateater, a vegetarian could have a diet heavily imbibed with garlic, spicy foodstuffs and onions, creating alot of disturbance in the mind. More importantly, one can be a vegetarian without God in one's life and on that subject, Krishna says that those who eat food not offered to Him and which is prepared only for personal sense enjoyment verily eat only sin(B.G.:Ch3.13).


Therefore, simply being a vegetarian alone doesn't make one nonviolent by definition. The lacking ingredient is Krishna. By thinking of Him, hearing of Him, worshipping Him, submitting fully onto Him, by glorifying Him, and by only eating prasadam, food sincerely offered onto the Lord and unmotivated by want of personal enjoyment, one will gradually lose his violent temperament and ahimsa,or nonviolence, one of the transcendental qualities of those of a divine nature will be prevalent instead. By truly submitting to the Supreme Lord one will automatically endeavour to be compassionate and nonviolent towards other living beings, the concomitant result being the realized knowledge of scriptures which in turn results in the knowledge that a vegetarian diet is the logical,civilized and only proper diet for man. This is why Sadhus (saintly persons) the world over have taken to a sober and simple vegetarian diet since time immemorial. Even in Muslim and Christian religion there have been since the and still are groups that strictly follow this principle. So the reason for taking to a vegetarian diet should first and foremost be out of love of God, before any ethical, economical or health reasons.



Historically, the vegetarian culture has been found in the Indian sub continent only and nowhere else. The majority of the world's populations has been eating meat and I do not see that changing anytime soon.


Actually the majority of the Mayans were also vegetarians, which is not surprising since they were once a part of the global kingdom of Bharat. The Vedic culture and it's heritage has not been restricted to India, as careful scrutiny reveals that all ancient cultures have one common ancestor. That part of the world which is now known as Europe, in the Vedic scriptures has been described as the land of mlecchas, or uncivilized persons, meateaters, barbarians. We are in the age of Kali, this is Kali Yuga and as such europeans and Muslims have been quite succesful in conveying their ways to the rest of the world. At the time of Christ, the world was already thousands of years into Kali Yuga, in any case since written history. This makes it seem as though most of the human population has always been eating meat. But once more, since we're in Kali Yuga, I have to agree in that I also don't see it change anytime soon, though Caitanya Mahaprabhu predicted a golden age so this cloud has a silver lining. In any way, the way it is now is the way it was meant to be.



Anyway, the vegetarian country India has an average life expectancy of 60+ years while meat eating nations have improved their life expectancy to near 80. Obviously the good Lord has not cursed them until now for slaughtering animals.


This is a mean and ignorant statement. After the British rule, India has been turned from the world's wealthiest empire to a third world country. They have been squeezed for every drop as Britain and the rest of europe before them have exploited India to the maximum, building their civilizations mostly on the wealth of India. Ever wondered why Colombus called the native americans 'indians'? Every country in Europe was sailing out to India to get spices and other riches, and if they couldn't get it there, they'd sail to one of their neighbouring countries. This is how your meateating countries have managed to improve their life expectancy levels and lower the life expectancy of theirs. By exploitation of other nations. To return the favour of those exploited, they brought ruthless oppression and unkown diseases. So, today's life expectancy rate in India can only be contributed to the resultant poverty, which in turn results in poor living conditions, poor healthcare, corruption, pollution and dilapidated social structure and welfare. Clearly it has nothing to do with the vegetarian diet whatsoever. They are the result of Kali Yuga and Karma.


An Indian sage was once asked what he thought of western civilization. He replied:"I think it is a good idea, when will it begin?"


Hope this has cleared any misconceptions!



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So God has given us the possibility to choose our own diet according to our own desire, be it fruits,grains and vegetables or flesh.

Exactly my point too. If God wanted man to eat only grain and veggies, then man would be a herbivore like a cow or a deer.



From the scriptures however, we can conclude that the eating of meat is condemned ....

Which makes no sense by your own admission above. If God condemns meat eating by humans, he would have simply made man a herbivore. Giving man the ability to eat meat and then condemning the practise through "divine" North Indian scriptures makes has no meaning, unless you are willing to take the position that God is Flaky and contradicts himself.


There was definitely no balnket rule condemning meat eating even in Indian scriptures. The Mahabaharta talks about a butcher with exalted qualities which shows there were people eating meat during that time and it was acceptable. Animal sacrifice by Brahmanas existed even during the time of Madhva (13th century). There is a story in his biography of how he argues with his people and then replaces live animals by flour animals. What was happening to the sacrified animals? You can bet they were being eaten and not just thrown away. Maybe not by the Brahmanas, but by others.


So should one be a vegetarian or not?


It is simply a matter of humanity and concern for other humans and other forms of life. For example, man has the ability to commit crime and many do use that ability, which is a similar case as the vegetarian issue.


You have the ability to do it, but if you are concerned about others and can feel for their pain, then you will refrain from crime and by similar logic you will also be a vegetarian. If not, then no. This does not mean meat eaters are criminals, but while they feel concern for humans, they are not able to feel the same concern for animals being slaughtered. That is just the way it is.


God has nothing to do with this matter. If you want to bring God into this issue, then you have to admit he created man as an omnivore which is why there are millions of animals being slaughtered today. If God did not wish any of that to happen, he would have created man as a herbivore.


Someone else said if God wanted man to fly he would have given him wings. God did not want man to fly and did not give him wings and so we do not see flying humans, do we? You are actually supporting my position! Mahesh Yogi is one person who has claimed to have the ability to fly and has made plenty of $$$, although no one has seen him fly yet.



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Hare Krishna,



Which makes no sense by your own admission above. If God condemns meat eating by humans, he would have simply made them herbivore. Giving man the ability to eat meat and then condemning the practise through "divine" North Indian scriptures makes has no meaning, unless you are willing to take the position that God is Flaky and contradicts himself.

No, it makes perfect sense actually. If God would have made us herbivore we wouldn't have had a choice in our diet now would we? God wants us to come to Him of our own accord, by our own free will. Otherwise if God would have simply made us exactly how He wants us to be, any relationship we would have with God would then be nothing but a play, a dull lifeless act. We would simply be puppets on a string. This is the reason why God allows us to do as we please,why we are omnivores, but in order to give us some direction He does let us know which path leads to hell and which path leads to Him.


By the way, you should know that animal sacrifice in ancient times was done to promote the animal to a higher lifeform, not for sense enjoyment. That started later when animal sacrifice was rampant and people were atheists who were simply out for material sense enjoyment. They acted horribly on account of the Vedas but no one was able to properly execute such sacrifices for a long time, their state was far too degraded. Which is why God descended as Lord Buddha, rejecting the authority of the Vedas in order to stop the madness, while at the same time misleading the demonic people who took to meat eating, by giving them pious rules without God in the picture. Later Krishna sent Lord Shiva as Shankaracarya to re-establish the authority of the Vedas and re-establish the existence of a God, albeit an impersonal one. It was not merely done to turn atheists into theists but simply to clear the now blurry and dirtridden path of sanatana dharma and save the devotees. When God intervenes there are often multiple reasons which He clears up in one blow, so here He wished to save His devotees and gradually re-establish the true path of Sanatana Dharma, the other happenings were simply a positive side-effect.


So like you said, we have the choice to do what we want and will have to bear the fruits of those actions. So God has everything to do with everything and so does His opinion which is faultless and always the truth. His opinion is that meateaters are murderers condemnable to hell, the advice is there. What we do with it is up to us, though the intelligent ones will opt to follow His advice..


The real reason why countless billions of innocent animals are slaughtered on a yearly basis worldwide is ignorance. It's Kali Yuga and humans are ever more turning away from God and losing faith in Him and His word. So in their forgetfulness they turn to boundless gross material sense enjoyment and so pave their own royal road to hell. It is not God's choice that the world is as rotten and perverted as it is today, it's our choice, and the what you see is the result of our choices.


Hope this has cleared any misconceptions!



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  • 1 month later...

Our digestive system is verrrry long and meat rots very quickly. It rots in places like the intestines most and it sticks to the intestines which produces fungi and spreads diseases over the body. Meat is spiritually wrong, as animals have souls. Vegetarian food is good and spiritually good too. There can be no ifs and buts to eat meat or not only a no-no to meat

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I am sorry. but some of your copy-paste arguments are plain silly.


Who told you that vegetarians are not violent? There is no such researched conclusion. Violence has nothing to do with one's diet.


And what are you saying anyway? You start off with religious reasons and then turn to reserach and logic. Make up your mind. Do you want people to be vegetarian for logical reasons or religious reasons? or simple because you are one?


The fact of the matter is man is omnivorous and has evolved or has been "intelligently designed" to eat meat. If God created man and intended him to be vegetarian he would have created him as a herbivore like a deer or a cow.


Historically, the vegetarian culture has been found in the Indian sub continent only and nowhere else. The majority of the world's populations has been eating meat and I do not see that changing anytime soon.


Anyway, the vegetarian country India has an average life expectancy of 60+ years while meat eating nations have improved their life expectancy to near 80. Obviously the good Lord has not cursed them until now for slaughtering animals.








What you are saying is stupid. God has cursed them to live longer so they experience more pain just like bishma did. Since vegetarianism has only been found in the indian sub-continent that means our bharat desh is the only sensible country in the world. We have both logical and religious reasons, you are being arrogant in saying logical or religious reasons because both are needed but i would turn more to the logical side as the people who mostly eat meat are not religious or they are just downright stupid. If anyone disagrees with me say (except for shiv cos he knows he's wrong) and i will try my best to change your mind. I expect and ope many of you agree with me

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God will not feed us from his mouth. We must make our own desicions according to what we know. Yes, our body is best suited for herbivores. Our teeth are blunt were as carnivores have sharp teeth. Our digestive system is very long so hence we should foods that do not rot quickly unlike meat. Meat uses up proteins instead of making them.

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It's mainly not scriptures that tell people eating meat is good - it's primarily modern science that says so, or actually withholds information on the benefits of vegetarianism. Amongst the first Christians were many vegetarians. Also it's a myth that Indian culture is or was purely vegetarian always. Even in books like Ramayan there are ample examples of meat-eating, as well as in other Vedic literatures, like Puranas and Mahabharat. Even examples of eating cow's meat are there to be found. To state that all humans could or should become vegetarians is simply daydreaming. According to their gunas people will select the food of their choice. Personally I prefer to keep vegetarianism a matter of personal choice, not something one should force others to follow, even though it´s never wrong to try to inspire. And there are places on earth where people are simply bound to eat meat, since there's no other food available, like where it's extremely dry or cold (desert and polar areas). Out of his mercy, God has created man in such a way that he can survive practically everywhere on this planet. He is an omnivore, not a herbivore pur sang, and some will live as vegetarians while others will not. Also to state that all vegetarians are per definition non-violent is wrong. Adolf Hitler, by whose order millions of people died and suffered, had an inclination towards vegetarianism too. Here in Holland one politician was killed by the hands of a strict vegan, a vegetarian who doesn´t consume any product coming from animal, such as milk or even honey. Still he didn´t hesitate to kill a human for political reasons. But you are right to say that meat eaters are generally more violent than vegetarians, of course. Whenever I see those angry Muslim mobs, I wish they could become vegetarian by some magic...

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I often wondered how come spiritual cultures like the Native Americans ate meat? Perhaps because meat-eating was more of a spiritual ritual to them, where the animal was honored for giving it's life, they were not as karmically affected as careless hunters? This I do not know. Maybe they were just primitives like the rest of the world. But they were pretty spiritual from what I have read.



Amongst the first Christians were many vegetarians.


This appears to be an ubstantiated claim. The only Jews who were vegetarian were the Essene monastics and the Ebionites. And they were influenced by buddhists.


Vegetarianism is not an issue in Christianity, because they do not believe animals have souls. If they believed animals had souls, this would totally throw off their main theology. They believe the beasts of the field were created for man to have dominion over, as stated in the Book of Genesis. They also believe that we each have only one live to live, followed by an eternity in heaven and hell. So thinking that animals have souls like humans would confuse them. They do not have a concept of animals reincarnating and advancing into higher human bodies. So if you told them animals have souls, they would think that meant they would be an animal bodies for all eternity.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

You have no idea what you're talking about. You say "Meat uses up proteins instead of making them." Now that is just plain funny, so I hope you were just trying to be funny.



God will not feed us from his mouth. We must make our own desicions according to what we know. Yes, our body is best suited for herbivores. Our teeth are blunt were as carnivores have sharp teeth. Our digestive system is very long so hence we should foods that do not rot quickly unlike meat. Meat uses up proteins instead of making them.
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For most people in the modern world, who eat meat regularly, the meat is cooked. Raw meat, fermented a bit (soaked in lemon or lime or left in the hot sun for a couple hours), is optimal for human digestion.


Even with the most healthy and powerful digestive system, there is some by product of digesting meat cooked to any degree at all, which is considered a toxic or deranged protein.


Most people do not have that type of perfect digestive system, and so in direct proportion the meat they eat is converted to what are considered toxic proteins.


They will scavenge amino acids in the blood, but will not ultimately be able to use them to build muscle tissue, or for the other myriad uses that amino acids and complete proteins have in the human body.


This condition causes serious inhibition to the neurochemistry in certain areas of the brain. The overuse of cooked flesh is thus considered to be an actually gross physical hindrance to processing higher emotional thoughts such as true compassion, ahimsa, and others.


Thus the injunction that restricting meat eating is essential to progress in Spiritual devotional service. It helps bring one to the mode of goodness, which is the platform from which Suddha Sattva is more easily attained.


There are extraordinary healing and regenerative properties in medium quantities of raw flesh from certain animals and fish, which can do wonders to help one with a critical degenerative condition. However, a qualified Ayurvedic doctor could achieve the same without the use of flesh, although it would maybe be a bit more complicated, and take a little longer.

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It's mainly not scriptures that tell people eating meat is good - it's primarily modern science that says so, or actually withholds information on the benefits of vegetarianism. Amongst the first Christians were many vegetarians. Also it's a myth that Indian culture is or was purely vegetarian always. Even in books like Ramayan there are ample examples of meat-eating, as well as in other Vedic literatures, like Puranas and Mahabharat. Even examples of eating cow's meat are there to be found. To state that all humans could or should become vegetarians is simply daydreaming. According to their gunas people will select the food of their choice. Personally I prefer to keep vegetarianism a matter of personal choice, not something one should force others to follow, even though it´s never wrong to try to inspire. And there are places on earth where people are simply bound to eat meat, since there's no other food available, like where it's extremely dry or cold (desert and polar areas). Out of his mercy, God has created man in such a way that he can survive practically everywhere on this planet. He is an omnivore, not a herbivore pur sang, and some will live as vegetarians while others will not. Also to state that all vegetarians are per definition non-violent is wrong. Adolf Hitler, by whose order millions of people died and suffered, had an inclination towards vegetarianism too. Here in Holland one politician was killed by the hands of a strict vegan, a vegetarian who doesn´t consume any product coming from animal, such as milk or even honey. Still he didn´t hesitate to kill a human for political reasons. But you are right to say that meat eaters are generally more violent than vegetarians, of course. Whenever I see those angry Muslim mobs, I wish they could become vegetarian by some magic...


I believe the meat eating you are referring to in Ramayan and Mahabharat is a mistranslation. It may actually refer to sweet-meat (ladoos, etc...). If you disagree, then quote the actual verse where meat eating is directly stated in these epics so I can research it.


Also, Adolf Hitler did not have tendencies toward vegetarianism! This is a complete myth propagated by his scoundrels to give him a good image. There info about this myth on the Internet.

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Shiv, I live in America. America eats beef like crazy, America is also the country with the most heart disease. There are actually more people over the age of 100 in third world countries vs. people in a more modern environment. Don't believe me, look it up. We learned about it in my developmental psychology class.


It is also known that the human digestive system is not completely fit for meat digestion. I have noticed a change in my digestion ever since I stopped eating meat, it's much easier on me .Seems reasonable to me that humans are not exactly fit to eat meat. Especially since it sits there and rots in your digestive system :eek4:

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Shiv, I live in America. America eats beef like crazy, America is also the country with the most heart disease. There are actually more people over the age of 100 in third world countries vs. people in a more modern environment. Don't believe me, look it up. We learned about it in my developmental psychology class.


It is also known that the human digestive system is not completely fit for meat digestion. I have noticed a change in my digestion ever since I stopped eating meat, it's much easier on me .Seems reasonable to me that humans are not exactly fit to eat meat. Especially since it sits there and rots in your digestive system :eek4:


nekozuki, you are an inspiration to me. I am also a white american convert to Sanatana Dharma (hinduism). About 6 months ago, I stopped eating beef and have had no desire to eat it after learning about how cows suffer to feed our appetites. I have still struggled with eating things made with eggs, but that's another story.


just this past weekend, I was invited to a memorial day cookout. And as you can imagine, it was the typical American feast of steak, ribs and hot dogs being served.


My relatives (who are Catholic) are the type that think vegetarians are hippy pussies. They do not know that I don't eat like them anymore, so I was really struggling on what to do when it came time to eat. I didn't want to hear their crap when I passed on their food. So I thought I would just try to go unnoticed when it came time to eat. I just took a few beans and a brownies on a plate and went off to eat in the corner, where no one noticed what I was eating. It was a telling moment for me. I realized how hard it is to be a vegetarian in America, in the typical meat-eating family, when no one supports you. I know I should not care what they think, and should just let their taunts pass me by, but I just didn't want to deal with their BS. With my friends I don't give a s--t. They know I have changed my diet and they don't give me any crap about it. But some of the older folks, who have went their whole life eating meat, being hunters for sport, etc.. do not take well to what they view as animal rights fags. Ugh..

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nekozuki, you are an inspiration to me. I am also a white american convert to Sanatana Dharma (hinduism). About 6 months ago, I stopped eating beef and have had no desire to eat it after learning about how cows suffer to feed our appetites. I have still struggled with eating things made with eggs, but that's another story.


just this past weekend, I was invited to a memorial day cookout. And as you can imagine, it was the typical American feast of steak, ribs and hot dogs being served.


My relatives (who are Catholic) are the type that think vegetarians are hippy pussies. They do not know that I don't eat like them anymore, so I was really struggling on what to do when it came time to eat. I didn't want to hear their crap when I passed on their food. So I thought I would just try to go unnoticed when it came time to eat. I just took a few beans and a brownies on a plate and went off to eat in the corner, where no one noticed what I was eating. It was a telling moment for me. I realized how hard it is to be a vegetarian in America, in the typical meat-eating family, when no one supports you. I know I should not care what they think, and should just let their taunts pass me by, but I just didn't want to deal with their BS. With my friends I don't give a s--t. They know I have changed my diet and they don't give me any crap about it. But some of the older folks, who have went their whole life eating meat, being hunters for sport, etc.. do not take well to what they view as animal rights fags. Ugh..



The most meat I will eat is seafood, so don't feel bad about the egg thing. Funny, that they're Catholic, what's the reasoning behind not being able to eat meat on Fridays during Lent. How do they handle that, lol.:eek2: I really don't care what people think about my religion, my family is also Catholic but not very good ones.

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The most meat I will eat is seafood, so don't feel bad about the egg thing. Funny, that they're Catholic, what's the reasoning behind not being able to eat meat on Fridays during Lent. How do they handle that, lol.:eek2: I really don't care what people think about my religion, my family is also Catholic but not very good ones.


I still eat seafood as well. I am not a Gaudiya, so I do not follow their strict dietary laws. But I do not eat cows, for one how they suffer to satisfy our appetite, and two, because cows are one of the 7 mothers of man. If I take milk from a mother cow their whole life, and they provide that for me, and then I go and slaughter the same cow when they get old, that's just whack. Totally cruel when you think about it.


I didn't say my relatives were "good Catholics". heh, they are the easter and christmas mass goers (if even that). The type that has a crucifix on the wall in their room, and will have a priest perform last rites when they die, but other than that, their whole life is mainly irreligious. Anyway, I am very against the Catholic teachings on original sin, eternal hell-fire and purgatory, so don't get me started on Catholicism. :)

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I still eat seafood as well. I am not a Gaudiya, so I do not follow their strict dietary laws. But I do not eat cows, for one how they suffer to satisfy our appetite, and two, because cows are one of the 7 mothers of man. If I take milk from a mother cow their whole life, and they provide that for me, and then I go and slaughter the same cow when they get old, that's just whack. Totally cruel when you think about it.


I didn't say my relatives were "good Catholics". heh, they are the easter and christmas mass goers (if even that). The type that has a crucifix on the wall in their room, and will have a priest perform last rites when they die, but other than that, their whole life is mainly irreligious. Anyway, I am very against the Catholic teachings on original sin, eternal hell-fire and purgatory, so don't get me started on Catholicism. :)



yeah if I'm not mistakened humans share a common ancestor with all hoofed animals too so to eat a hoofed animal period after that fact is a bit gross. With seafood you're only wasting the shell, cow gets wasted.

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