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celibacy-related issues

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Fatigue, headaches, pressure in head, excessive heat--especially excessive heat (mostly felt as a build up of heat in my head)--are these familiar problems to anyone and what have you done about them?

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  • 3 weeks later...


Fatigue, headaches, pressure in head, excessive heat--especially excessive heat (mostly felt as a build up of heat in my head)--are these familiar problems to anyone and what have you done about them?

You need to change your sexual energy into other form of energy. Conversion is not happening so your sexual energy still trapped inside of you with no way of coming out.

My suggestion - take up sports which requires a lot of physical workout. Release those energies out before you burn along with it.

I take up Martial Arts (Swordmanship) to control mine. :cool:

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  • 3 months later...

Sepiroh is 100% true. I respect his suggestion.Read Hanuman Chaalisa Daily.practice padmasana. Give up dirty habits. Lord seeing population overload made sex as the means of reproduction for man to age get sick and ultimately die. Sex is ones greatest enemy and celibacy the greatest friend. loss of celibacy results in old age greying wrinkles and schizophrenia ,nervous deblility and loss of vigour. the research that married men live longer is due to the fact that being unmarried dosent ensure celibacy they use unnatural means of gratification that is even more deadly. Practice celibacy.After child birth your wife is only your best friend say the shastras,and so it is.

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As noted, you must sublimate the energy gathered. If this is not done, the power turns against you. Though physical exercise is good, sound sadhana and a sattvic life-style is the best means of managing this. Some practices you may want to take up:


* Do extended periods of japa. Sit in a proper posture (padmasana, siddhasana, gomukhasana), do not whirl around. At least an hour or two daily. (1)

* When the body gathers heat, favor a diet that cools the body. Always drink enough water - at least two liters daily.

* Practice yoga-asanas that contribute both to celibacy and to general health – sirsasana and sarvangasana being among the most important.

* Stay aloof from asat-sanga – specifically, company and entertainment that deal with sexually provoking themes.


You may also find the gkWiki-article on Brahmacarya useful.




(1) If you find vacika-japa to be too intense (as I sometimes do), you may also do upamsu (quiet muttering) or manasika (mental) - I find that they generally allow for better inner concentration and also create less strain on the head and the vocal cords.

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  • 1 month later...


Hari Om,


The symptoms described by you are not necessarily due to celibacy.


Of course, all ailments begin in the mind. However to make sure, please go to a doctor and a undergo a Medical check-up. Try Neem tablets.



I'm sorry, but I disagree. All the symptoms of heating increase and such, while similar to other factors, IS related to being celibacy. I have been one long (and studied) long enough to know how energy is converted.


If you do not believe, then make a simple experiment. Fast for 30 days - eat only minimun (bread, water or milk) which is essential to the body. You will notice that your sexual apetite had been reduce a bit.


Sexual energy is developed by the body which has adequate energy for other process. A healthy body will produce a healthy amount of energy and some of this energy will change to sexual energy which will influence the mind (by giving sexual related dreams and such).


By taking up sports, martial arts and such, what you are doing is forcing the body to reconvert the energy used by the sexual energy back to the energy which will be beneficial to the body doing this exercise.


The fact that most people (especially youngsters) are taking sexual activities uncontrolled is because they have no proper release mechanism for their energy other than through sex.

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I saw a program once re: Isaac Newton, and they made an interesting comment. He, too practiced celibacy, because he believed in very similar ideas. He shunned the lavish splendours that others indulged in and simply devoted himself to observing nature and meditating on the nature of the universe.


During his later years though, he did have periods of madness and hardly slept at all.

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I saw a program once re: Isaac Newton, and they made an interesting comment. He, too practiced celibacy, because he believed in very similar ideas. He shunned the lavish splendours that others indulged in and simply devoted himself to observing nature and meditating on the nature of the universe.


During his later years though, he did have periods of madness and hardly slept at all.


There is some strict rules to follow when one practise Celibacy (or Brahmachari as it is known in Hindusm). And those who learn and understood Magic and Energy knows how dangerous it could be.


Like I said before, practise of Celibacy involves reconverting energy used by the body to form sexual energy back to its energy form. However, Christians do not practise it properly. They do not meditate to control their minds like Hindus does, they do not exercise their bodies like Buddhist Monks does and they do not eat properly either.


The act of reconverting sexual energy to energy is done through meditation and physical exercise (not a religious practise but a normal lifestyle). Christians do not convert it, and this suppressed sexual energy wreck chaos inside the body - resulting in mental illness.

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There is some strict rules to follow when one practise Celibacy (or Brahmachari as it is known in Hindusm). And those who learn and understood Magic and Energy knows how dangerous it could be.


Like I said before, practise of Celibacy involves reconverting energy used by the body to form sexual energy back to its energy form. However, Christians do not practise it properly. They do not meditate to control their minds like Hindus does, they do not exercise their bodies like Buddhist Monks does and they do not eat properly either.


The act of reconverting sexual energy to energy is done through meditation and physical exercise (not a religious practise but a normal lifestyle). Christians do not convert it, and this suppressed sexual energy wreck chaos inside the body - resulting in mental illness.


Perhaps, but I've also heard that it allows for the arousal of kundalini and the awakening of true genius. Which I believe was what happened to Newton, although there were periods where he was struggling to cope. He did a number of meditations though, on the nature of the universe, on God, etc. Physical exercise though was probably lacking though.


I saw an episode of Seinfeld where George doesn't have sex for a while, and his mind becomes extremely clear and he becomes a genius for a while before he indulges in sexual activity once again. It was a funny episode, but it was also interesting to see that idea represented on TV.

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Perhaps, but I've also heard that it allows for the arousal of kundalini and the awakening of true genius. Which I believe was what happened to Newton, although there were periods where he was struggling to cope. He did a number of meditations though, on the nature of the universe, on God, etc. Physical exercise though was probably lacking though.


I saw an episode of Seinfeld where George doesn't have sex for a while, and his mind becomes extremely clear and he becomes a genius for a while before he indulges in sexual activity once again. It was a funny episode, but it was also interesting to see that idea represented on TV.


True Genius? There is no true or false genius.


When a person's mind is preoccupied with desire for sex (due to his/her own sexual energy arousal), he or she will not have any other thoughts other than fullfilling that desire. Same way a starving man will not think of anything else except food and fullfilling his stomach.


The so-called "True Genius" is just someone who ignores his desire for other cravings and desires, and concentrate in bring out his higher purpose. He don't become an Einstein overnight, he just concentrate in more important things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I want to try the brahmacarya lifestyle seriously. Can some smart vaisnav help me? :) What foods should I eat? What schedule should I follow? Right now I am very unregulated , lazy and lustful. Thus far I have been able to stop meat eating (several years ago) and I have become a staunch vegetarian yet I fall for other material desires. Perhaps if someone has AIM they can IM me about this. Thanks to everybody in advance.

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Okay I see no one has replied on this thread but I want to say that it has been a relatively successful few days of being a brahmacarya for me! Hopefully I can keep it up, I want to give up all alcohol and sex, it took some years but I think i can now fully appreciate the true nature of these tamasic activities. I find it exceedingly difficult to give up lustful/sexual desires, especially when seeing a beautiful girl, or even an image of one. I no longer want to objectify women, or engage in this maya. Any support from you great devotees would be most beneficial. Thank you, and jai sri Krishna to whoever reads this!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Okay I see no one has replied on this thread but I want to say that it has been a relatively successful few days of being a brahmacarya for me! Hopefully I can keep it up, I want to give up all alcohol and sex, it took some years but I think i can now fully appreciate the true nature of these tamasic activities. I find it exceedingly difficult to give up lustful/sexual desires, especially when seeing a beautiful girl, or even an image of one. I no longer want to objectify women, or engage in this maya. Any support from you great devotees would be most beneficial. Thank you, and jai sri Krishna to whoever reads this!


That is because you demand too much from others. Do not demand people to help you. :eek4:


You are in a hurry and demands people to come to you and help you. Sorry, others have better things to do with their time.

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Okay I see no one has replied on this thread but I want to say that it has been a relatively successful few days of being a brahmacarya for me! Hopefully I can keep it up, I want to give up all alcohol and sex, it took some years but I think i can now fully appreciate the true nature of these tamasic activities. I find it exceedingly difficult to give up lustful/sexual desires, especially when seeing a beautiful girl, or even an image of one. I no longer want to objectify women, or engage in this maya. Any support from you great devotees would be most beneficial. Thank you, and jai sri Krishna to whoever reads this!


I think you posted this under the wrong place - this is rather a spiritual topic and not a medical. Celibacy is ultimately NO such thing as oppression but replacing material pleasure with spiritual pleasure. When experiencing actual spiritual pleasure from within you automatically are no more interested in material pleasure, which isnt indeed no pleasure at all, but just a temporary short relieve.


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Go to wwwpurebhakticom and look under preachers, there are lots of sanyasis in good standing listed who will be glad to give you very good advice.




Okay I see no one has replied on this thread but I want to say that it has been a relatively successful few days of being a brahmacarya for me! Hopefully I can keep it up, I want to give up all alcohol and sex, it took some years but I think i can now fully appreciate the true nature of these tamasic activities. I find it exceedingly difficult to give up lustful/sexual desires, especially when seeing a beautiful girl, or even an image of one. I no longer want to objectify women, or engage in this maya. Any support from you great devotees would be most beneficial. Thank you, and jai sri Krishna to whoever reads this!
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You know ... sometimes, Hindus could be so blinded by simple fact and can easily suggest running off to an "expert". Can't you people think for yourselves?


Sport - good for your body and used to regulate energy.

Meditation - good for the mind and used to help control the mind and the heart.

Religion - good for the soul and promote Spiritualism.


You go anywhere also, you will be told the same thing - whether it is a guru ji or a Yogi. So why tell some guy to run off to find some Yogi when they could do it on their own?


Celibacy is not a dangerous or powerful weapon. It is something man can handle on his own by practising Meditation, Sports (including Martial Arts) and Religion without help of some gurus.

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Dear members of this erudite fellowship,


Now I feel that if we throw some more lights on this subject which has now created much interest, it will be beneficial to all.I have subjoined the quotes of the familiar personalities to substantiate my views.


Celibacy implies chastity and complete sexual abstinence and is probably the strongest word in English for the sexless state.implying a commitment or even a vow.The word, Brahmacharya, is also used for the vow of celibacy that a Hindu sanyasin or renunciate may take at any age when they have understood that living for material/sensual pleasures will never bring the perfect happiness that their soul desires. Thus their life becomes centered on surrender to Guru and God with the firm hope of realization of inner self and the perfect Divine Happiness.


Just hear the words of Mahatma Gandhi, the great Indian political and spiritual leader who had embraced the vow and maintained celebacy and lifestyle permanently throughout his life from the age of 36.

“The scientists of old have put great value upon the vial fluid and they have insisted upon its strong transmutation into the highest form of energy for the befit of society.”

“The strength of the body, the light of the eyes, and the entire life of the man is slowly being lost by too much loss of the vital fluid.” - Jewish Code of Laws.

These words are more than sufficient and now it is clearly understood that if a person is in the correct path of celebacy the syptoms narrated elsewhere in this Thread will never occur.


In YOGA the term celebacy can also mean disciplining and preservation of sexual energy and is discussed in Yogic Text like Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. There are many yogic techniques, such as meditation and asanas (e.g. shirsasana and pranayams) that can help a person to achieve the aim of celebacy.


A Guru (who releives a person from the darkness of ignorance ) You can be a self guru because of your expertise. It does not mean that the concept of " seeking gurus " itself is a waste. If you say nobody needs a guru then what is the necessity for the teachers/lecturers ?. A guru is also a teacher in the spiritual path.


There may be so many routes to reach a destination. But if you know the straight or shortcut route you can better avoid the time and strain. Guru is a person who teaches you the correct path or way in a spiritual pursuits. Books are rudimentary and they may help to know the elements of yoga, but for practising " yoga " definety you need a guru. It is a very common and furndamental principle for the mankind and not confined only to Hindus.


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Dear members of this erudite fellowship,


In YOGA the term celebacy can also mean disciplining and preservation of sexual energy and is discussed in Yogic Text like Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. There are many yogic techniques, such as meditation and asanas (e.g. shirsasana and pranayams) that can help a person to achieve the aim of celebacy.



A Guru (who releives a person from the darkness of ignorance ) You can be a self guru because of your expertise. It does not mean that the concept of " seeking gurus " itself is a waste. If you say nobody needs a guru then what is the necessity for the teachers/lecturers ?. A guru is also a teacher in the spiritual path.


There may be so many routes to reach a destination. But if you know the straight or shortcut route you can better avoid the time and strain. Guru is a person who teaches you the correct path or way in a spiritual pursuits. Books are rudimentary and they may help to know the elements of yoga, but for practising " yoga " definety you need a guru. It is a very common and furndamental principle for the mankind and not confined only to Hindus.



Sigh ... I'm probably speaking to someone who lives under a nutshell. :eek4:


Here's what is happening in the World - for your information as well as for those who are reading this thread. What is happening with Yoga and other Hindu exercises and practise?


In the West, Yoga Studios are very famous and many westerners comes to learn its beneficts for their body.


Besides Yoga, Ayurveda is also making Westerns turn their attention toward more homeopathic approach in life. In Malaysia alone, in a small area of Petaling Jaya (which is roughly 30% of Bombay/Mumbai), I have seen AT LEAST 3 Yoga Studios available for Malaysia of ALL sort of Life.


And don't be so boostful. Do you know WHAT makes me ache in the heart? This studios are run by NON-Hindus, giving beneficts to Non-Hindus organisations and foundation and for benefits of non-Hindu beliefs. In society where Christians condemns Hindusm in the open, they stealing Hindu culture right under your nose.


In the West, Ayurvedic remedies are been studied and patented by Western Phamautetical companies. Millions, if not Billions of dollars worth of patents are been stolen by West EVER YEAR. Malaysia happened to be one of the first countries in Asia to condemn this practise back in 1992 and stopped Westerners from continue to steal from Malaysian rainforest.


A lot of people, including from Japan and China have developed Interest in Yoga, BUT this is not expoited by Hindus BECAUSE some idiot kept barking that to learn this, you need to go and find some Guruji and bang your head onto his feet. You do that, while foreigners continues to steal from your children and later charge them for what supposed to be free and part of their heritage.


So stop hiding behind a nutshell called India and see the Whole Wide World. There is a World outside India and if you kept hiding in there, you will soon be left behind.


PS : I have personally asked about Yoga by Japanese colleaques who come to work on contract basics (my company is Japanese based so they will come from overseas for a year or so). Many of them are interested and I have seen them practise it at their homes. It is beautiful to see something so classical, beneficial and beautiful to be used by foreigners and not Indians alone. Don't you agree?

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