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The Origins of the Satan Myth and impact to global politics

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ya whose face is on canadian money ? why the queen of course and of course don will have a good reason why it is but really canada is a us lacky when it comes to logging,hydro,medical care and law . like afganistan the russians go there then the americans and of course were america dumps on people canada the great northern saviour comes and wipes their derrieres as they withdraw.

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Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in remarks published Monday that he would support a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear program.




Well just see - the warmonger – he just doesn’t get it does he?


Thank goodness he isn’t PM and - nor is he going to be.


What kind of agenda does he have?


Is Bush and Co. already undermining Mr. Sharon in the hopes of having Netanyahu return to the Knesset as PM?


So in any case - all the good people in Israel shall see to it that this warmonger is denied another theater of terror – as they know - it’ll be at their expense!


Even when was he was PM his attitude was quite poor toward peace - no - he is bound by false ego and a deep sense of lording-it-over – so he wants no peace and he wants to induce another war…


May Mr. Sharon succeed in his efforts to bring balance and peace to the region!



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CONDOLEEZZA RICE challenged European leaders to back controversial American anti-terrorism tactics yesterday as she robustly defended the CIA’s extrajudicial seizure, transportation and interrogation of thousands of suspects. In a defiant statement delivered before flying to Berlin, the US Secretary of State responded to European demands for explanations of secret CIA flights from EU territory by insisting that aggressive US actions had “prevented attacks in Europe” and “saved innocent lives”. Despite the uproar in Europe over America’s “extraordinary rendition” of suspects...Dr Rice said that she expected American allies to co-operate and keep quiet about sensitive anti-terrorism operations.




Cooperate and keep quiet – gee sounds a littler dictatorial to me…


Of course - why should we be wary of these gulag activities? Why shouldn't we just trust Bush and Co.?


I hope the E.U. is forming an understanding of what this really is and why it is going this direction.


Is the end-times evangelical extremism a global issue – like the oft-noted ‘Islamic’ extremists? Do they have a concerted effort on the global evangelical agenda?


These jails are not open to the U.N. - for what reason?


Is the U.N. denied access - because these ‘programs’ are really the seedlings of ‘pogroms’ – when does that become obvious?



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Dear 'unknown entity' known here as 'Guest':




of course don will have a good reason why it is but really canada is a us lacky




Don't I present good 'reasons' here all the time? What you don't do is provide real reasons for saying Canada is an American 'lacky' - just to say it isn't enough - why?




america dumps on people canada the great northern saviour comes and wipes their derrieres as they withdraw.




Again that is untrue - Canada is in Afganistan because it's now an U.N. action going on there...and we wipe the tears of their victims...not as you've suggested.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2005 Posted at 12:18 PM EST


Globe and Mail Update

Prime Minister Paul Martin had tough words today for the United States on its refusal to ratify the Kyoto Accord.


”To the United States...there is such a thing as a global conscience and now is the time to listen to it,” Mr. Martin told reporters after speaking at the United Nations climate change conference in Montreal.


Although 141 countries have ratified the agreement, which came into effect in February of this year, the United States has not.


Mr. Martin said reducing environmental damage globally is only going to happen if every nation takes action.


”We have the potential to make real progress on the whole range of environmental issues.


”But for that progress to be meaningful, it has to be global.”


Canada has vowed to cut its emissions by 6 per cent from its 1990 level over the period from 2008 to 2012, but its emissions by the end of 2003 were up 24 per cent, according to a recent Kyoto progress report.


Canada has begun to do its part by ratifying Kyoto and intends to continue to work to reduce emissions, Mr. Martin said today.


He said he remains "hopeful" great deal of progress can be made over the next couple of days and years. And the Prime Minister expressed optimism that the world leaders at the Montreal summit can use the event to come to an historic agreement on global warming.


"There is a consensus growing. And that consensus presents us with an opportunity – a chance to make a difference here. A chance to make Montreal a name that is synonymous with the moment the world came together, and together set off down the long but vital path to progress, real progress, progress we can measure, progress we can one day celebrate."


However, his critics say it still is far from perfect — that despite Mr. Martin's tough talk, the U.S. outpaces Canada in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions even though it not signed the Kyoto accord.


Mr. Martin admitted in his speech that global warming is affecting Canada — especially in the north, where ice caps and permafrost are melting.


"The country we know is being transformed," he said.


About 175 countries are at the Montreal conference.


Mr. Martin's federal election opponents are expected to use the event to hammer his government's environmental record.





Them Canuks are tough. /images/graemlins/blush.gif


How do you last the Canadian winter Don? /images/graemlins/wink.gif All that snow , ice and cold wind: does the soul freeze during the winter months? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Hare Krishna!


It's very cold here right now - it is a hell in a way this winter thing - but - in tropical climates they have all kinds of bugs and other creepy crawlies - I'll take the snow to avoid that - but right now it is brutal cold - below normal - much like people.


As for Kyoto - well - I don't expect the situation to change overnight - and in Paul Martin we have someone who understands and IS working on this.


He noted in his speeh today that curent levels of consuption are out of control - and if we go into the store now and look around to see the ratio of raw goods to manufactured - we can see a big part of the problem.


Of course the meat industry is the worst offender in this regard - they use more than half of all raw materials used for all purposes! None of these parties are going to address that issue - so what's next?


There is too much processed trash on the shelves [in very lagre containers compared to the small amounts of product therein – like soup cans for example] - and what a huge amount of energy to produce these things. How much energy is wasted in making all this?


Who is getting rich from it?


These 'factories' are NOW mostly automated - so these manufacturing plants aren’t really providing employment in the proportions required to offset their use of the resources.


Of course - as far as possible - devotees avoid 'manufactured foods' as they technically cannot be offered to the Lord and have no real food value.


In communism the [incorrect] idea is that the resources belong to everyone and – in capitalism - they belong to whoever can buy them. There is a middle ground in this...


As we all know - these things are finite – the future does depend on change – and who is going to bring this change in the increments that are needed?


So we have to choose based on various conditions and in this case it seems that Mr. Martin is speaking-out about the issue that says he has a proper perspective on the issues – no he isn’t going to go the right-wing route and act like Bush and Co. and reject the issue – nor is he going to go left-wing and despoil the economy by forcing too much change too quickly – this is an issue where ‘center’ is important!


Let's see if there can be reductions in waste - through education in this regard - later I want to post more directly on this issue.


I just want to say that the conservatives are like Bush and Co. - they do not wish to engage in this plan - even in the 'spirit of Kyoto' - as it slaps the very face of capitalism [in their minds'] - then on the other side - we have the NDP - who will say anything to get the vote - but should they form any government - they would not follow through with their radical plans in the manner promised. They instead have ‘other’ programs to get off the ground!


Of course - the onus in this GLOBAL problem is on each person living in the west - FIRST - in that we are in control of what we purchase and thus - support.


People cannot lay it all on the government in this case!


Certainly a MASS shift away from slaughterhouse consciousness would be good for everyone! That time is coming!








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An open Prayer:


Please - God - move the hearts of the group that have kidnapped the four peace activists in Iraq to a proper understanding - move their hearts to - release them now!


Please Lord - help them to understand that - not everyone there from 'the outside' - is with Bush and Co. and - that these peace activists have taken all risk to help the unfortunate Iraqi people.


"And who believes in that which has been revealed to you and that which was revealed before you and they are sure of the hereafter." [Koran 2.4]


"And there are some people who say: We believe in Allah and the last day; and they are not at all believers. They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe, and they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive. There is a disease in their hearts, so Allah added to their disease and they shall have a painful chastisement because they lied. And when it is said to them, Do not make mischief in the land, they say: We are but peace-makers. Now surely they themselves are the mischief makers, but they do not perceive." [Koran 2.8-12]


"...do not quarrel for then you will be weak in hearts and your power will depart, and be patient; surely Allah is with the patient." [Koran 8.46]


"Those who spend [benevolently] in ease as well as in straitness, and those who restrain [their] anger and pardon men; and Allah loves the doers of good [to others]." [Koran 3.134]


Please dear Lord - help them to understand Your Words here in these quotes – please Lord in Your Mercy - bring the Miracle now!


If there is ever going to be widespread sentiment for the peaceful ‘GO HOME’ program [for Bush and Co.] that must ensue in the world then this violence must stop as you know Lord – people are far more inclined to help victims - when they are not fighting in the manner of their attackers – please Lord - help them to see ‘that’.


May You also move the hearts of Bush and Co. - to cease and desist with their invasions and gulags and - they must free the innocent peoples in the gulags.


Please dear Lord - respond to all the sincere prayers of the many millions around the world and - grant an instant reprieve for these four peace activists and - the thousands in the gulags to follow...


Blessed be Your Holy Name!


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come on bhakta don obviously global politics is not a spiritual discussion, wether or not you pray for it is another thing.


but your input in this forum seems to be quite interesting to say none the least.


J.S das

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Please restrict your posts to Krishna-related subjects. If you find anything interesting in Abrahamic religions that you'd like to share, there are plenty of forums for that. Just don't desecrate this place with that kind of stuff. Thanks.

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Jaya Narasinghadeva!


Take your nameless diatribe and get lost already.


If the subject of this thread is so offensive to you – why then do you again and again - click on it?


This ‘Spiritual Discussions’ forum is ‘cluttered’ with a great deal of threads that have little to no purpose being here [which are yours dear ‘guest’?] – but do we see you ‘oh nameless one’ pounding on those threads/members? I think that you are targeting me for some 'other' reason.


The truth is - this thread has a very many GOOD quotes from Prabhupada and His Books [and other sources too] – and they are posted in context – including His opinions on ‘Abrahamic religions’ – if you cannot accept these quotes that isn’t my fault.


The fictional Satan is a part of the ‘faith’ of billions – a discussion of the topic and - an elucidation to its impact to others – is a spiritual discussion – even this is a spiritual discussion – I guess it all depends on how broadminded you are.


Try to rebut the contents of my postings instead of the making of stained-veiled hate statements…?


Yer servant,




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What is it that is fueling the 'political' extremists?


Could it be religion?


In that context - how isn’t this thread a spiritual discussion?


Thank you for saying - "your input in this forum seems to be quite interesting to say none the least".


Clearly the other ‘naysay’ is an individual - averse to biblical faiths and – ‘that’ is why they have the opinion of this thread they do and - I would say that is petty - wouldn't you?


We can wonder why this individual is not posting with a ‘consistent identity’ [real or fake – but consistent nonetheless] – all this 'guest' stuff – it’s an ability for a silly rajo-guna-rant - without the hassles of anyone connecting their various postings - to these rants – so what kind of qualified debater engages this way - [i don't!]?





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Control your anger. This is a forum for Krishna-related topics, so take your abrahamic thoughts to Christian/muslim forums. These posts don't fit here. I hope I've simplified this enough for you to understand.

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