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The Origins of the Satan Myth and impact to global politics

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Here is an interesting point about the repealed War Measures Act and its application:


The Governor in Council may do and authorize such acts and things, and make from time to time such orders and regulations, as he may by reason of the existence of real or apprehended war, invasion or insurrection deem necessary or advisable for the security, defence, peace, order and welfare of Canada; and for greater certainty, but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing terms, it is hereby declared that the powers of the Governor in Council shall extend to all matters coming within the classes of subjects hereinafter enumerated, that is to say:-


(a) Censorship and the control and suppression of publications, writings, maps, plans, photographs, communications and means of communication;




6. The provisions of the three sections last preceding shall only be in force during war, invasion, or insurrection, real or apprehended.




So it was the conservatives that had enacted this Statute - that could be used to induce ‘Censorship and the control and suppression of publications, writings, maps, plans, photographs, communications and means of communication’ – without need for ‘war, invasion, or insurrection, real or apprehended’ – just imagine that!


So of course this War Measures Act of 1914 was repealed and replaced in 1988 with the Emergencies Act – in the new act - the government can pass temporary laws under the same directives – however – there are points continuously emerging that are showing that the conservatives would invoke the notwithstanding clause - on other constitutional points.


Is there a time coming that a right-wing government in the U.S. and Canada - would see these types of discussions of criticisms of the state - as ‘sedition mongering’? How about censorships of political points in Srila Prabhupada’s [and other’s] books – who wants that?


Is there a time coming that we could see our rights to freedom of expression - trounced in this way? Who wants to find out?


Let us NOT vote for any party that has a record of this nature – the Left wing and the Right wing in Canada - have a past ‘record’ of this nature – even unto today there are these tendencies and inclinations in them…

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We doth think that you've nothing 'proper' to say?


I'd say you are seemingly envious of me....are you a 'local' detractor - who [despite the fact that it wasn't posted for the likes of you] saw my 'local' postings about 'idols' versus the archa-vigraha of the Lord.


Just why do you call me 'lady' - I'm quite suspicious of 'who' you are - you're not very bright or - you might try to debate.


Of course your 'idols' comment shows you aren't someone who has respect for Krishna...

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Why are you posting behind the ‘Guest’ feature – why is anonymity very important to your comments here – are you afraid to put your real name behind them comments?


At least I'm not that kind of 'coward' – my name and location are well known on the WWW – but alas - some of us posters aren't as inclined to show some - honor and backbone…


Are you saying that if you were implanted you wouldn’t be protesting it? I do doubt that!

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Israel: We prefer Assad

Israel told the United States it fears the outcome of regime change in Syria.


At a strategic-dialogue meeting this week among senior officials, Israel laid out for the United States three scenarios if Bashar Assad is toppled: chaos, an Islamist regime or another strongman from Assad’s minority Alawite sect. Israel fears all those options, saying Assad provides a measure of stability.


U.S. officials told their Israeli counterparts that toppling Assad could be “transformative” and dismissed concerns about an Islamist regime taking his place. Israel and the United States favor pressure on Syria to force it to stop hosting Palestinian terrorist groups and supporting Hezbollah, a Lebanese terrorist organization.




This U.S. reaction should be evidence for the leaders of Israel - stop listening to the anti-Semitic Whitehouse lies!


Just as I noted numerous times on this thread – the present Whitehouse has very different plans for the middle east – different that those of the peoples living there.


Indeed the president of Syria may be unpredictable but – Israel knows who he is and - there may be room to work with them – but - the Whitehouse would despair on that thought!


It is time for the U.S. administration to mind their business and quit trying to cultivate wars and chaos – as we all know their Iraq invasion has been such a great success for them hasn’t it – only problem is – they planned on it plunging the entire region into chaos and - that didn’t happen – so now - the axis of Armageddon cult must try to make a ‘new’ war – but they are sort of stretched out on the military side right now – so - better to get the Israelis to attack someone and thus see if ‘that’ can bring the “great war” – nope - they are going to be denied their Armageddon! There is to be peace between Israel and Syria – sooner rather than later…


Also see:



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Iran must not be allowed to become a nuclear power, but Israel is not in the vanguard of efforts to block Tehran's nuclear ambitions, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Sunday…




That is good to hear - indeed 'Tehran' shouldn't have these weapons - [neither should 'Jerusalem' - nor anyone for that matter] - but as Mr. Sharon has noted - it's not on the 'vanguard' of Israel's efforts to negate this [alleged?] program.


If Israel continues on the path to peace - without the directions of the U.S. and the British - then there will be nothing to worry about – if they continue with Bush and Co. they shall be goaded into some war with Iran – that’s a fact.


When the majority of Americans have now [at last] lost faith in Bush and Co. - it isn’t prudent for other political powers in the world to continue as though all were well and good.


If Bush and Co. continues with their usurp programs - in that region especially - it isn’t going to do anything but induce broad dislike for America – and the world MUST not forget that there are so many good innocent people - in America - who are themselves being held hostage by the Bush and Co. syndicate!


We can hope that as time goes by the American people shall demand full accountability from Bush and Co. – as it is noted that [peaceful] change must be from within – even for America.


As noted before:


Violence is not any good way to induce reformations - All these point counter-point 'leaders' must NOW understand - violent retaliations are not any good way of inducing reformations in each other.


It is now time for our World - to move forward - away from graveyards and munitions factories.


It is now time for our world to shut down the ‘theaters of terror’ and 'thus' - marginalize their 'producers' 'directors' and ‘performers’.


There is only one - decisive manner - to do that:


Draw the audiences away from those theaters – that is the first consideration.


Of course - there must be ‘somewhere’ to draw them – and 'that' then is the business of the broadminded EVERYWHERE in our world – to create an atmosphere of tolerance and cooperation - in as many places as possible.


It would seem that the noted extremist groups have a great deal of events functions and centers [obviously some open to the public - some not] to draw the peoples in – churches mosques temples synagogues – these are the real front-lines – this is where ‘extremists’ canvass for recruits – it’s where they focus efforts to actually take-over these places – there are now those who engage in opening these centers – to directly function as propaganda centers.


Without a doubt - all the temples and churches and mosques and synagogues - not tainted by this extremist slant - must work diligently and quickly - individually and collectively - to stave off this trend.


There must be somewhere people can hear the messages of truth – messages to keep them from turning-on to an extremist position – especially within the context of the [false] ‘end-times’ teachings!

It might help if the extremists would stop and think for a moment about 'why' they must turn away from their exclusivity and hate – in order to see ‘where’ they really are.


So let’s pray that God [blessed be His Holy Name] ‘Pours His Spirit Out on All Flesh very soon’ – the Mercy of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu for EVERYONE – Hare Krishna!



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The plane is among at least seven aircraft owned by alleged CIA front companies that have landed at Canadian airports, including three in Newfoundland and one in Nunavut, during the last six months, according to flight data.


Several European countries have begun investigations into charges that planes owned by the intelligence agency landed at airstrips in their cities. Concern has focused on reports some of the planes may have been transporting terrorist suspects to foreign prisons.




It is quite obvious that Bush and Co. have much to answer too...

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Another homicide bombing in Israel today – for God sake I hope that the leaders in Israel are able to connect with the meaning of these comments:


Violence is not any good way to induce reformations - All these point counter-point 'leaders' must NOW understand - violent retaliations are not any good way of inducing reformations in each other.


Please God [blessed be Your Holy Name] let there be real understanding in Mr. Sharon right now – let the point and counter-point come to an end – and please God bring these cousins to REAL peace soon!

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That you will actually vote in the next federal election? /images/graemlins/confused.gif


Has anything 'good' come out of a constitutional democracy?(or and democracy <Demon-crazy>) /images/graemlins/confused.gif


Isn't Canada for all intents and purposes a 'colony' of the USA ( or an ex-colony of Great Britain, former commonwealth Empire)? /images/graemlins/confused.gif


Why is Canada such a small fry global player compared to so many other countries in the world even though it is a member of the G7? /images/graemlins/blush.gif

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I have a ‘faith’ in the Liberals - and 'no' – this democracy may not be perfect - but - it is far better [for now at least] than what they have in China and - many other places.


I will Vote and - it'll be for the Liberals.


Canada isn't an American colony and - we are a ‘small fry’ - because Canada isn't inclined to the usurping process that comes with 'taking' more…


Canadians have contributed much good to the world!


As for living here - I'd be here over anywhere - most especially America!


Also - those who have ‘little to no faith in the political system’ - better get out there and ‘counter-vote’ [for the Liberals not the NDP] - as the conservatives will make this a much worse place...






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