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What is the Gauranga Dharma...

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I prefer not to engage much with anonymous "guests," but I will make two simple points.


First, if you really believe what you say, why not stand behind it with your name? Most of us who have been here a while have seen many abuses of these forums by folks who refuse to sign in and hide behind Jahanava Nitai's liberal policy. So, dear soul, come out of the shadows and take a fake name like the rest of us. It's so hard keeping track of all the so-called "guests." If you post more than three or four times, you should register, then log on when you post.


More to the point, you should note that Sadhu Maharaj is teaching a practice quite different from what Srila Prabhupada teaches, all the while claiming to be his pure representative. Yes, Srila Prabhupada wrote and spoke the things quoted in this thread. But what practice did he teach his disciples? Not what you've been given. So many people accuse Siddhasvarupananda of deviating and making things up. That, however, is simply not true. Sadhu Maharaja is, on the other hand, teaching a practice that, while certainly laudatory, is quite different from what my spiritual master and his disciples teach.


Babhru das

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"Worshipers of Sri Gaurasundara accept the four syllables gau-ra-an-ga as the Gaura mantra, but pure worshipers of Radha and Krsna accept the four syllables ra-dha krs-na as the Gaura-gopala mantra. However, Vaisnavas consider Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu nondifferent from Radha-Krsna (sri-krsna-caitanya radha-krsna nahe anya). Therefore one who chants the mantra "gauranga" and one who chants the names of Radha and Krsna are on the same level." (SP in Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita Antya 2.31 purport)



Therefore one who chants the mantra "gauranga" and one who chants the names of Radha and Krsna are on the same level.




Unfortunately in this forum those who claim themselves as loyal followers of Shrila Prabhupada are criticizing the chanting of the Gauranga Mantra what to speak of accepting the Gauranga Mantra chanters on the same level as those who chant the the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra as per the above instructions of Shrila Prabhupada.


Thus infact they are criticizing the instructions of Srila Prabhupada themselves and instead of giving equal respect to the chanters of the Gauranga Mantra in Gauranga Dharma they are desperately trying to find out any thing which they can criticize and belittle the devotees who are performing this sublime process of chanting the Gauranga Mantra.


So who is actually violating the instructions of Srila Prabhupada? Any child can understand the above purport.

So taking all the purports of Shrila Prabhupada in harmony we can conclude that when he speaks about not chanting bogus concocted Mantras comprising of the Names of Nitai-Gaura, the Gauranga Mantra is certainly not included because it is the eternal and authorized 4-syllable Gaura Gopala Mantra chanted by the acharyas and it is authorized by Srila Prabhupada in the above purport. Thus Gauranga Dharma devotees should be given equal respect based on the following purport by Srila Prabhupada. Ofcourse it is not about respect but about following the above instructions of Srila Prabhupada. And please remember this is in the books!


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Ok, I'm going to comment after some thought.


First, I'm not trying to offend any devotee and not trying to take any sides, so please dont anyone take it personal.


Second, I have not read this entire thread, so I dont know the details of the debate here. Therefore my words are not in relationship to all of that.


This is all I have to say:


I am not against such chanting, only that Prabhupada gave us his method of the MahaMantra. He didn't like it when we were always going after something new, different or exciting. He often complained how us westerners always want to change things. He pointed out how he gave us everything we need, not to keep searching once we have found guru (at that time he was guru, so this is in relationship to having found him, so currently I take that to mean his method).


I am sure there is benefit in chanting either mantra, but Prabhupada's method is to predominately chant Hare Krishna.

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>>>>>>>>>The first international festival has taken place here for the Iskcon devotees. The Bengali form of kirtan has had a major influence on many of the devotees. Srila Prabhupada expressed some displeasure about the chanting of so many different mantras. He said, "They can chant their 'Nitai Gaura, Hari Bols', but I will chant Hare Krsna and go back home, Back to Godhead."<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Regarding the chanting of the names of Nitai-Gaura we give first preference to what Srila Prabhupada said directly and which is very clear as stated below [ALWAYS CHANTING NITAI-GAURA...]:


"Then you become gosvami. Then, as Narottama dasa Thakura says, grhe va banete thake ha gauranga bole dake. Ha gauranga, >>>>>ALWAYS CHANTING NITAI-GAURA,<<<<<<< and thinking of Nitai-Gaura,' such person, Narottama dasa Thakura says... Grhe va... 'He may be a sannyasi, or he may be a grhastha. It doesn't matter. Because he is absorbed in the thought of Nitai-Gaura.' So narottama mage tanra sanga: 'Narottama is always desiring to associate with such person.' (SP Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.1.2, Vrndavana, March 17, 1974)


"If you simply >>>>>chant Nitai-Gaura and dance<<<<<<<, then you'll become happy. There is no difficulty. There is no difficulty." (SP Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 20.102, Baltimore, July 7, 1976)


">>>>>>>>It is the advice of Narottama das Thakura to chant the holy name of Gauranga either if one remains at home or in the forest. <<<<<<<<< Similarly, do not forget the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra either you live in the temple or at home." (SP Letter to: Sacimata, Bombay, 8 December, 1974)

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>>>>>>>So Caitanya Mahaprabhu has appeared with panca..., panca-tattvatmakam. You cannot neglect anything. If you think that “I shall simply worship...,” oh, that is a great offense, “...Caitanya Mahaprabhu or only Caitanya-Nityananda”<<<<<<<<


The following statement directly in his books explains:


SP in Cc Adi 8.24 purport:


"It is very beneficial to chant the names sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda before chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra because by chanting ##### THESE TWO HOLY NAMES #####-sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda-one immediately becomes ecstatic, and if he then chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra he becomes free of offenses."

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It seems that Jahnava Nitai das has so rapidly changed his thinking over the past one year especially when he nicely defended the chanting and japa of the Nityananda and Gauranga Mantrarajas on 7th Oct 2002 in a public email conference in the following words by quoting the example of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya who performed constant japa of Gauranga's Name in Caitanya Caritamrita. In the email he clearly states that it is not a manufactured process of chanting and now he is accusing Guru Maharaj of manufacting the chanting of the Gauranga Mantra. It really seems ridiculous that he has turned around 180 degrees in such a short time and is attacking the chanting of the Gauranga Mantra as deviated, concocted, speculated etc. After reading the below email, I personally could not believe it is him speaking in this thread as he is doing now and simply searching the Gauranga Dharma site http://www.GaurangaDharma.org/ just to find some defects and loopholes somewhere. He said he cannot find anything good in that site but is the Name of Gauranga itself not the best of all the best things is this world? And the site begins and ends with the Names of Nityananda and Gauranga so even a new devotee can see something good in the site.


Ofcourse he may say that now good sense has dawned upon him now but I personally want to request him to clearly reconsider his previous thinking and stand in order to avoid heinous offenses against indirect minimization of the process of chanting Gauranga Nama.


I talked to Guru Maharaj and he has thanked him and all the other devotees from the bottom of his heart for taking the time to provide his views and critics about Gauranga Dharma, our site etc. He stated that as per Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada our critic is our actual and real friend in this world.


He said that just the discussion about Gauranga Dharma and the Names of Nityananda and Gauranga is very very auspicious beacause anyone participating in such a discussion even though controversially is always forced to chant, read and write the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga! So we thank him and all the other devotees profusely for their mercy in participation and taxing their brains to understand the process of chanting Gauranga's Name.


---------- Forwarded Message ------------------------------

Text PAMHO:6069658 (40 lines) [W1]

Jahnava Nitai (das) (Mysore - IN)

07-Oct-02 08:32 (01:32 -0700)

(Krsna) Katha [7056]

Comment: Text PAMHO:6070982 by (Bhaktiratna) Sadhu Swami

16 Beneficial Activities for the Whole World

Rely to Isvara das Vrndavan



>We accept only the bonafide translation of Srila >Prabhupada.


(Comments below by Jahnava Nitai das)


The verse literally says Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya performed japa of Sri Chaitanya's name. But you are accusing Sadhu Maharaj of manufacturing the

process of chanting Sri Chaitanya's name in japa.


Whether ISKCON devotees should perform this japa is another topic, but the fact that it was not manufactured by Sadhu maharaj should be admitted.


>But no acarya in our line has ever advocate chanting

>the names of Nitai and Gauranga on mala as is being

>presented by BR Swami.


I believe I have heard Brahmananda prabhu saying Srila Prabhupada told him the devotees in Africa could chant rounds of Pancatattva mantra instead of Hare Krishna mahamantra because they were too fallen. Perhaps this could be confirmed or denied by asking him, since he is also in Vrindavan.


>That is the pramana.


No idea what your talking about here.


>Hare Krishna maha-mantra encompasses all aspect

>of Krishna, His lilas, rasas and everything else.


Yet devotees such as Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya performed japa and dhyana on the names of Sri Krishna Chaitanya.


In Srila Prabhupada's own words: "The Bhattacharya always chanted the holy name of Shri Krishna Chaitanya..."


>No need to invent any japa of Nitai and Gauranga, when

>Their holy names is already included within the >mahamantra. Hare Krishna maha-mantra encompasses all >aspect of Krishna, His lilas, rasas and

>everything else.


Yet we acknowledge the necessity to pray to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates through the Panchatattva Mantra. By your logic one could just chant the Hare Krishna mahamantra directly since everything is already

included within it.


(Text PAMHO:6069658) ----

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Thanks for exposing jndas's duplicity. It is clear that he has a personal agendas to attack Gaurangapada and doesn't actually have anything against the chanting of Nityananda and Gauranga per se. This is clear Vaishnava-aparadha, indulgence in which will cause our tender bhakti-lata to shrivel up and die, how sad.

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Oh and one more thing. Gaurangapada was given diksa by Bhaktisastri Parampada prabhu, and he received sannyasa-initiation from Bhakti Kumud Santa Maharaja. Both these Vaishnavas are disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, and they have given their permission to Swami Gaurangapada to do and preach in the way he does. Swami Gaurangapada also considers Srila Prabhupada (ACBSP) to be his pre-eminent siksa-guru, so there is no objection to his status as a full-fledged and authorised member of the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya.


It is only envious persons with an offensive mentality who produce the same old tired and boring arguments (which we deal with daily) who would seek to criticise and defame an elevated Vaishnava who has done some genuine preaching and has reached out to many countless souls including disciples of Srila Prabhupada. Rather that submit their concerns directly to Swami Gaurangapada (who is available at three email addresses), they seek to defame his name on a public Internet forum behind his back. These cowardly tactics only serve to show the lack of strength in such futile arguments. Not satisfied with having their weak arguments soundly defeated, they then proceed to speak lies and complete slander, such as that ISKCON devotees are seduced away and that they are not very intelligent in KC philosophy anyway, which is nonsensical. I know of at least two disciples of Srila Prabhupada who have taken mahadiksa from Gaurangapada, oops sorry, Gaurangapada stole them from ISKCON and brainwashed them into his philosophy because they didn't know Srila Prabhupada's teachings very well even after following them for 25 years or thereabouts.

In fact, that is the surprising thing about Gaurangapada. Especially for thise who have known him before all this "Gauranga Dharma" came about, it is surprising just how far and wide it has spread WITHOUT seeking any help from ISKCON or seducing their devotees away. Even though there are plenty of ISKCON devotees who follow Gaurangapada and wholeheartedly chant the names of Nityananda and Gauranga, the charge of seducing them away is absolutely nonsensical. Add to that the various violent threats that Gaurangapada has received from prominent ISKCON leaders along the way, and it is clear that all the objections against him are not just "philosophical," but political and sectarian also.


Vaishnava-aparadha, I feel sorry for those who commit this. They are destined to be "crushed" by that mad elephant who entered the beautiful garden of flowers without invitation.

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Hare Krishna


I am a neophye devotee so i can say this,


You'd think chanting 64 rounds a day would have given you some intelligence guest!





All elevated devotees are saying is THIS IS NOT WHAT PRABHUPADA TAUGHT TO HIS DISICPLES..


neophyte out.


Ps.One more thing..(i really should control my tongue)



above guest

---Vaishnava-aparadha, I feel sorry for those who commit this. They are destined to be "crushed" by that mad elephant who entered the beautiful garden of flowers without invitation.



100% typical scares tactics, i don't think ppls here, are offending anybody, it just shows how immature you are, that you are offended, anyways i know nothing, harekrishna.



From another forum:


Well, in the Caitanya Bhagavata Mahaprabhu specifically instructs us to chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra in japa. Caitanya Bhagavata (2.23.75-78):


Apane sabAre prabhu kore upadeze |

kRSNa-nAma mahA-mantra zunoho hariSe || 75 ||

hare kRSNa hare kRSNa kRSNa kRSNa hare hare |

hare rAma hare rAma rAma rAma hare hare|| 76 ||

prabhu kohe kohilam ei mahA-mantra |

iha japa giyA sabe koriyA nirbandha|| 77 ||

iha hoite sarva-siddhi hoibe sabAra |

sarva kSaNa bolo ithe vidhi nAhi Ara || 78 ||


"The Lord ordered everyone in great joy: 'Listen to the Krishna-nama maha-mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.'The Lord said: 'I spoke this maha-mantra. Perform japa of this mantra a prescribed number of times. All perfection will be attained through this. Chant this mantra every moment - there is no other rule."

Of course there is no particular restriction prohibiting one from chanting other mantras as well, but certainly no other mantra should be given a more prominent position than the mantra Mahaprabhu taught us to chant.




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Hare Krishna


I am a neophye devotee so i can say this,


You'd think chanting 64 rounds a day would have given you some intelligence guest!





So you think being rude and sarcastic is appropriate behaviour for a Vaishnava, even a neophyte?



All elevated devotees are saying is THIS IS NOT WHAT PRABHUPADA TAUGHT TO HIS DISICPLES..



Which elevated devotee ar eyou talking about? Obviously you have not been listening to a word of what is being said. You might be better of reading this website, where there are plenty of quotes from Srila Prabhuada:




Shrila Prabhupada in Cc Adi 8.31 purp) "A neophyte student who is not sufficiently educated or enlightened should not indulge in the worship of Sri Radha and Krsna or the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. Even if he does so, he cannot get the desired result. One should therefore chant the names of Nitai-Gaura and worship Them without false prestige. In the beginning one should very regularly chant Sri Gaurasundara&#8217;s holy name and then chant the holy name of Lord Nityananda. Thus one's heart will be cleansed of impure desires for material enjoyment. Then one can approach Vrndavana-dhama to worship Lord Krsna."


Srila Prabhupada in Cc Adi-lila 8.31 purport


"It should be noted in this connection that the holy names of Lord Krsna and Gaurasundara are both identical with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore one should not consider one name to be more potent than the other. Considering the position of the people of this age, however, the chanting of Shri Caitanya Mahäprabhu's name is more essential than the chanting of the Hare Krsna mahä-mantra because Shri Caitanya Mahäprabhu is the most magnanimous incarnation and His mercy is very easily achieved."


And so on. Can't believe your eyes? Check out if it's there in Srila Prabhupada's books then.

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Ps.One more thing..(i really should control my tongue)



above guest

---Vaishnava-aparadha, I feel sorry for those who commit this. They are destined to be "crushed" by that mad elephant who entered the beautiful garden of flowers without invitation.



100% typical scares tactics, i don't think ppls here, are offending anybody, it just shows how immature you are, that you are offended, anyways i know nothing, harekrishna.




If you know nothing then why are you speaking? If you know nothing then of course you will not know about the grievous consequences of Vaishnava-aparadha, which is why you carelessly refer to it as "scare tactics." Obviously you ar enot very keen on taking care of your tender bhakti-lata which is really your business, but it does not give you the right to automatically criticise and slander people whom you know virtually nothing of. The simple fact that you do not care that all these objections against Swami Gaurangapada have just been exposed as pure politics and sectarianism with very little philosophical basis just shows the weakness of the objections.





From another forum:


Well, in the Caitanya Bhagavata Mahaprabhu specifically instructs us to chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra in japa. Caitanya Bhagavata (2.23.75-78):



Yes, very nice quote. However, did you see the previous quote: prthivite ache yata nagaradi-grama sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama? Caitanya said that as well, how nice of Him!


Look my dear Govindaram, no one is forcing you to believe anything. However if you just go to the website given above, you will see that there is plenty of evidences why the chanting of Nityananda and Gauranga is most essential. End of subject, thank you.

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My request to your webmaster is to take Prabhupada's pictures and His quotes off this website.


I stand by what I said in my first post which was if you have a desire to follow Prabhupada's teachings and instructions then it is best not to go to this website because it will only confuse you.


That is a fact because it has done so many times over and is still doing that.


The instructions on that site are NOT Prabhupada's instructions and the site is using Prabhupada to gain fame and disciples.


That is offensive.


Hmmm...BTW...did the webmaster get written permission from the BBT for the usage of the pics and quotes?.....hmmmm.





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It is unfortunate that you feel the need to attack those who point out things that most would find cheapening the process Prabhupada taught.


such things as if you follow gaurangapad's method,


# Get instant and permanent relief from each and every problem in life including all kinds of physical (diseases), emotional, mental stress, external influences etc.!


# Solve all your financial problems in life!


# Gain complete control over your present and future and change your past too!


# Become a great success in whatever you do!




The point people are making is that if he wants to do that he should not claim he is following Prabhupada and using his name on his site.


When this is pointed out to you, you call such people "fanaticsoffenders" of the holy names ect.


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And they honestly think that these teachings are the same as Srila Prabhupada:


# Quickly Attain the Topmost Spiritual Realizations unattainable even after practicing all kinds of Yoga combined together for millions of lives!


# Get instant and permanent relief from each and every problem in life including all kinds of physical (diseases), emotional, mental stress, external influences etc.!


# Solve all your financial problems in life!


# Permanent Fulfillment of all desires in life!


# Gain complete control over your present and future and change your past too!


# Feel the ultimate happiness, peace, satisfaction, harmony and prosperity in life

not available by any other means!


# Become a great success in whatever you do!


# Realize, control & experience the power of your every breath (prana) & second of your life!


# Gauranga-Kriya is the topmost welfare activity for your own self and humanity!


# Experience the real energy, strength and confidence from within!


# Unlimitedly increase your memory, will-power, determination and efficiency!


# Ideal for students, working and business class for ensuring maximum output on all levels!


# Dovetail yourself in the supremely blissful service of the Cosmic Controller!


# Awaken the universal love, kindness and compassion which is lying dormant in your heart!


# Instantly illuminate and open all your chakras and raise your kundalini permanently to the topmost perfection and thus always be in harmony with the Purusha!!


# Gauranga-Kriya is the culmination and essence of all kinds of Yoga, Maha-Meditations Mahapranayams, Mahakriyas, Mahamudras, Maha-asanas and Mahayajnas in the Vedas!


# Give 30 minutes daily for the most powerful Gauranga-Kriya in Kali-yuga,

the One and Only Supreme, Free and Permanent Remedy for all the problems of Life!





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The point people are making is that if he wants to do that he should not claim he is following Prabhupada and using his name on his site.


When this is pointed out to you, you call such people "fanaticsoffenders" of the holy names ect.



They have selective reading (hearing). This is truly sad.




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My request to your webmaster is to take Prabhupada's pictures and His quotes off this website.



My request to you is to directly email the webmaster himself and submit your request there, instead of openly displaying insufficient knowledge of correct procedures on a public Internet forum.



I stand by what I said in my first post which was if you have a desire to follow Prabhupada's teachings and instructions then it is best not to go to this website because it will only confuse you.



Unfortunately there have been plenty of people who ar enot confused at all. They are all quite happy, thank you for your concern.



That is a fact because it has done so many times over and is still doing that.






The instructions on that site are NOT Prabhupada's instructions and the site is using Prabhupada to gain fame and disciples.



You might like to check out Srila Prabhupada's books to see if the quotes really do exist there. My second request to you is not to repeat and perpetuate slander and lies without due evidence, as it brings you into a rather foolish position.



That is offensive.



Not you and your posts since the beginning of this thread?



Hmmm...BTW...did the webmaster get written permission from the BBT for the usage of the pics and quotes?.....hmmmm.



Thanks for confirming exactly what I have been saying in all of my previous posts. The objections against Swami Gaurangapada are very philosophically weak, and mainly consist of character attacks and politics. This BBT copyright thing is just the latest politics, thank you.


As for the posts dealing with all the "new age improve your life right now" thing, when I personally discussed this with Swami Gaurangapada himself (at one of his three email addresses), he told me that he himself did not like talking in that way, but because many "yoga advertisements" employ such vocabulary then some people who are interested in yoga and new age things may be attracted to the glories of Nityananada and Gauranga, and ultimately Radha-Krishna. True enough, I have seen many people interested in yoga coming to us.Of course those were not his exact words, but that is the substance of what our conversation was.


I think all the objections have been adequately smashed here. No more on my plate, thank you.

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The picture on his vyaspuja page shows him directly after Prabhupad, and doesn't show his initiating spiritual master at all. I can see how people feel he is missusing probhupad to establish his own crediblity. Plus he seems to imply there that Bhativenode, Bhaktisidhanta and Bhaktivedanta "laid the groundwork for gaurangadharma". I have to admitt it does not look good, and i have posted one of his articles in the journal section here before.




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with your immature screeching of <font color="red">OFFENSE!! OFFENSE!!! APARADHA!! APARADHA!!</font color>

These are your only answers when stumped by a question or you do not know how to respond when someone does not agree with you. You need to arm yourself better.


Ok...now this is what I find rather offensive...someone is attracted to Krishna Consciousness through Srila Prabhupada's teachings and instructions; practices for a few years in His movement and then decides, "Hey, this ain't good enough. I can do it better than Srila Prabhupada." Goes off and starts his own methods but feels in order to have credibility he must use Prabhupada to gain fame and disciples going so far as to write a book which is supposed to help people develop <font color="blue">interest</font color> in Prabhupada's books. Excuse but Prabhupada does not need any help. Thank you very much.


Oh, and before I forget, I do know the proper procedure for gaining permission from the BBT to use the images and quotes. I have had to do this before for a website that I created and the owner wanted to use BBT images. Your answer makes one wonder if this procedure was followed for your website.







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on my screen. Thanks for posting this extremely informative picture!!!


The pictures reminds me of my oh so offensive (give me a break) unanswered questions which I will post for the third time here:


1. What was your guru's name when he was a brahmacari in ISKCON?


2. What years was he the head book distributor?


3. What years was he head of the Mayapur BBT?


4. Who was his initiating guru in ISKCON?


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For some reason we quoted only part of CC Adi 8.31. To keep us honest in our discussion, here is all the verse where the conclusion is clearly stated at the end:<BLOCKQUOTE><CENTER><FONT COLOR=RED>caitanya-nityAnande nAhi esaba vicAra

nAma laite prema dena, vahe azrudhAra


caitanya-nityAnande--when chanting the holy names of Lord Caitanya and NityAnanda; nAhi--there are not; esaba--all these; vicara--considerations; nAma--the holy name; laite--simply by chanting; prema--love of Godhead; dena--they give; vahe--there is a flow; azru-dhAra--tears in the eyes.


But if one only chants, with some slight faith, the holy names of Lord Caitanya and NityAnanda, very quickly he is cleansed of all offenses. Thus as soon as he chants the Hare KRSNa mahA-mantra, he feels the ecstasy of love for God.



SrIla BhaktisiddhAnta SarasvatI ThAkura remarks in this connection that if one takes shelter of Lord SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu and NityAnanda, follows Their instructions to become more tolerant than the tree and humbler than the grass, and in this way chants the holy name of the Lord, very soon he achieves the platform of transcendental loving service to the Lord, and tears appear in his eyes. There are offenses to be considered in chanting the Hare KRSNa mahA-mantra, but there are no such considerations in chanting the names of Gaura-NityAnanda. Therefore, if one chants the Hare KRSNa mahA-mantra but his life is still full of sinful activities, it will be very difficult for him to achieve the platform of loving service to the Lord. But if in spite of being an offender one chants the holy names of Gaura-NityAnanda, he is very quickly freed from the reactions to his offenses. Therefore, one should first approach Lord Caitanya and NityAnanda, or worship Guru-GaurAGga, and then come to the stage of worshiping RAdhA-KRSNa. In our KRSNa consciousness movement, our students are first advised to worship Guru-GaurAGga, and then, when they are somewhat advanced, the RAdhA-KRSNa Deity is installed, and they are engaged in the worship of the Lord.


One should first take shelter of Gaura-NityAnanda in order to reach, ultimately, RAdhA-KRSNa. SrIla Narottama dAsa ThAkura sings in this connection:


gaurAGga balite ha'be pulaka zarIra

hari hari balite nayane ba'be nIra


Ara kabe nitAi-cAGdera karuNA karibe

saMsAra-vAsanA mora kabe tuccha habe


viSaya chADiyA kabe zuddha habe mana

kabe hAma heraba zrI-vRndAvana


In the beginning one should very regularly chant SrI Gaurasundara's holy name and then chant the holy name of Lord NityAnanda. Thus one's heart will be cleansed of impure desires for material enjoyment. Then one can approach VRndAvana-dhAma to worship Lord KRSNa. Unless one is favored by Lord Caitanya and NityAnanda, there is no need to go to VRndAvana, for unless one's mind is purified, he cannot see VRndAvana, even if he goes there. Actually going to VRndAvana involves taking shelter of the six GosvAmIs by reading the Bhakti-rasAmRta-sindhu, Vidagdha-mAdhava, Lalita-mAdhava and the other books that they have given. In this way one can understand the transcendental loving affairs between RAdhA and KRSNa. Kabe hAma bujhaba se yugala-pirIti. The conjugal love between RAdhA and KRSNa is not an ordinary human affair; it is fully transcendental. In order to understand RAdhA and KRSNa, worship Them and engage in Their loving service, one must be guided by SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu, NityAnanda Prabhu and the six GosvAmIs, Lord Caitanya's direct disciples.


For an ordinary man, worship of SrI Caitanya and NityAnanda Prabhu or the PaJca-tattva is easier than worship of RAdhA and KRSNa. Unless one is very fortunate, he should not be induced to worship RAdhA-KRSNa directly. A neophyte student who is not sufficiently educated or enlightened should not indulge in the worship of SrI RAdhA and KRSNa or the chanting of the Hare KRSNa mantra. Even if he does so, he cannot get the desired result. One should therefore chant the names of NitAi-Gaura and worship Them without false prestige. Since everyone within this material world is more or less influenced by sinful activities, in the beginning it is essential that one take to the worship of Guru-GaurAGga and ask their favor, for thus despite all his disqualifications one will very soon become qualified to worship the RAdhA-KRSNa vigraha.


It should be noted in this connection that the holy names of Lord KRSNa and Gaurasundara are both identical with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore one should not consider one name to be more potent than the other. Considering the position of the people of this age, however, the chanting of SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu's name is more essential than the chanting of the Hare KRSNa mahA-mantra because SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu is the most magnanimous incarnation and His mercy is very easily achieved. Therefore one must first take shelter of SrI Caitanya MahAprabhu by chanting zrI-kRSNa-caitanya prabhu-nityAnanda zrI-advaita gadAdhara zrIvAsAdi-gaura-bhakta-vRnda. By serving Gaura-NityAnanda one is freed from the entanglements of material existence and thus becomes qualified to worship the RAdhA-KRSNa Deity.</BLOCKQUOTE>


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