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Love your enemies?

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Nuke 'em. Nuke the whole bloody desert!


Ooops, somehow that got out. Turn the other cheek. Treat them as you would treat yourself. It's your karma to be mistreated, so learn the lesson. There are no enemies, only Krsna.


Nuke 'em. Nuke the whole bloody desert!

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What is God?


I've been looking for a Romanian translation of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is for you, for surely God can describe Himself much better than we can. Until then I can try to write some of the major qualities He mentions therein here.


He is the Cause of all Causes, and All that is.


He is One Beyond a Second.


He is the Unborn Primal Person, from whom everything and everyone emanates.


He is the owner of everything; He is the enjoyer of everything; He is everyone's best friend.


He is described as Bhagavan, which means that He possesses all six opulences in complete perfection to an absolute degree (wealth, fame, beauty, strength, knowledge, and renunciation).


No one is equal to or greater than God.


He is the one who gave you yoga (hatha, jnana, dhyana, all that 'knowledge' and those sanskrit words of which you are so proud, etc.) even though others would try to take the credit for that. If I can find the Gita translation for you, you will see how He defines the various yoga disciplines for different spiritual aptitudes. You will see what yoga really is, as taught by the object of yoga itself.


The Vedas and those who have realized Him by drowning their hearts in love for Him describe His form like this:


<center><img src=http://home.earthlink.net/~jay540/syama.jpg></center>



Gary Stevason

Seeking the Kingdom of God

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Originally posted by alfa1:

What is God?

God is eternal form of bliss and knowledge.He has no limit and we all are "females" in relationshhip to the supreme being because he is "all attractive",even to demons.


Krsna is love--the force which is holding this universe together.


Interview with God:


Love and blessings,Joy



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Originally posted by Tarun:

Kundhara Kandahar can always be depended (deep-ended) upon for reincarnative advice.

Amazing how those who r initiated continue to prove they know less than those who aren't. Whatta a lift!

So Tarun Taliban: You do not agree with the maxum that their is no sin in killing four kinds of aggressors? (What are the 4? One who poisons, one who attacks with sharp instrument, what are the other 2?)


You can try to understand your enemies, you can go ahead and swap spit with your enemies. I will continue to send them to hell.


Srila Narayan Maharaja recently called the terrorists asuras. "They must be killed". "Mahaprabhu has a plan."

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bhaktajoy - nice website "Interview with God"

I posted one before:



gHari - what you said God is:

He is the Cause of all Causes, and All that is.


He is One Beyond a Second.


He is the Unborn Primal Person, from whom everything and everyone emanates.


He is the owner of everything; He is the enjoyer of everything; He is everyone's best friend.


He is described as Bhagavan, which means that He possesses all six opulences in complete perfection to an absolute degree (wealth, fame, beauty, strength, knowledge, and renunciation).


No one is equal to or greater than God.



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I think you are correct. Those words about God are generally accepted by the three major religions as defining God's unique position. They are intuitive.


The following words, however, were unique to the original religion, as found still intact in the Vedic knowledge:

He is the one who gave you yoga (hatha, jnana, dhyana, all that 'knowledge' and those sanskrit words of which you are so proud, etc.) even though others would try to take the credit for that. If I can find the Gita translation for you, you will see how He defines the various yoga disciplines for different spiritual aptitudes. You will see what yoga really is, as taught by the object of yoga itself.


The Vedas and those who have realized Him by drowning their hearts in love for Him describe His form like this:




[This message has been edited by gHari (edited 04-05-2002).]

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This seemed applicable and wise from Gauracandra's most recent "Q&A With Srila Siddhaswarupananda" thread:

How can the spiritualist love someone he doesn’t like? All of the saints, the Goswamis, Jesus, the Scriptures like the Srimad Bhagavatam and Bible say we must love God. And likewise, if we are truly lovers of God we will love one another. But this doesn’t mean to be artificial. We don’t try to love others. We try to love God and show respect to others. As our love for God grows we will develop love for others naturally. If you try to love someone you hate, you’ll hate him even more.


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Alfalfaji: Spiritualists cannot hate. Totally incompatible.

KundharAnanda: 6 aggressors can be killed sans incurring sin.

Which type has attacked u? Where's your proof?

So far, from your self-righteous side, we've seen alot of puff & poof, but as of yet, no proof at all.

Instead we see severe reactions coming to all those involved.

U can fool some people all the time,

U can fool all people sometimes,

But u can't fool any demigod at anytime.

Each body organ & orifice is totally controlled by devas.

Auw! Isn't that a shame. All that wonderful technology all gone to waste.

How does it feel to not understand anything at all after so many years?

U'll get additional stripes alright. Nature's very kind.

U have enemies u want to kill. So, can u identify them?

Fixed number or variable? Within or without?

MahAprabhu's plan was revealed long ago.

Yes, terrorists r certainly punishable asuras.

Which set of 'terrorists' did/do u have in mind?

The original provokers? Or the reactors to provocation?

Or whomever they pay u to kill?

If u think for one second there was/is/will be no severe adverse reactions to Desert Stormy, Hanoi Hilton, Afghan etc well then think again.

And if u want to remain/feign ignorant/ce of y we/USA repeatedly attacks, massacres the tiny countries we do,

then best u avoid me like the plague.

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Tarun you don't Understand,

if you check on my website, majority of the people are not "spiritulists". That's why I consider when Jesus said "love your enemies" he didn't speak for himself, but for the non "spiritualists".

Enemy could be your husband, brother, wife, not enemies with guns.

You are here to burn some Karma because of your relationship with your "enemies", and everybody in India knows that.

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a journalist friend of mine in scarborough uk did google web search on hate your friends and got 1,470 odd hits or something.does this speak for itself?


I did google search on "love your friends" and I got 2510 hits.


Then I did search on "love your enemies" and I got 29100 hits. Posted Image

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