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Why does everyone always blame the Jews?

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This has always puzzled me. I think the jewish people are probably the most targeted group religiously. I can't figure it out. The only thing I can think of is that they tend to be a very tight knit community. As such they work together, pool their resources and build up their own communities. This is perhaps intimidating to less organized groups, who feel dominated by the Jewish unity. But you really can't blame them for that, actually its quite admirable. Any thoughts?

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

This has always puzzled me. I think the jewish people are probably the most targeted group religiously. I can't figure it out. The only thing I can think of is that they tend to be a very tight knit community. As such they work together, pool their resources and build up their own communities. This is perhaps intimidating to less organized groups, who feel dominated by the Jewish unity. But you really can't blame them for that, actually its quite admirable. Any thoughts?


You are easily puzzled.



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Many religious Jews do NOT accept Israel's physical political existence at this point in time.

While at Queens College CUNY, I regularly attended Rabbi Meir Kahane fiery militant Student Union lectures.

Too bad he was assassinated.

He used to advise all Jews present:

"Don't become doctors, become farmers!

Israel needs more farmers. We already have enough Jewish doctors worldwide!"

Then again Palestinians certainly have their equally valid viewpoint.

Hitler recommended Israel be set up in Madagascar.

Far from the Maddening Crowd. Away from it all.

League of Nations did not agree. United Nations neither.

Instead we have this ongoing incongruous turmoil.

Steady business for all our gun & plane manufacturers.

Somebody says Jews are behind all World Banking.

Somebody else says Jews control less than 1% of all World Banks.

So many famous Jews changed their European family name.

Who can say for sure whether 'Tony Curtis', 'Kirk Douglas' & 'Edward G Robinson' were Bar Mitzvahed or not?

Some say Rothchild's Family is Jewish + most powerful of all.

Many say Protocol of Zionism book is authentic.

Many say Protocol of Zionism book is fabricated.

One says Jews identify with Afro-Amerikans' struggle to survive.

Another says Jews exploit Blacks' struggle for their own gain.

So many Jews become Hare KRSNa devotees: that is best.

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Chosen, but for what. Ya see, there is a gulf of difference between jews and israelites. What is known as "ISRAELITE" (which can translate as "those devoted to the Wife of God"), and such folks are always depending on the shelter and protection of the Supreme Lord, just as a wife expects the protection of the husband.


Jews, however, refers to a religious system which is rather obscure, and is pretty mundane, and far off the mark when compared to the above meaning prescribed to Israelite. Jews seem to have a "manifest destiny", and because they have this "chosen people" idealogy and apply it to this world, and think that Holy Zion is somewhere in the temporal plane, such Zionism is justifyably a serious irritant to all other people. Not just the Palestinians suffer under this false ownership, there is no limit to their expansionism.


So, ya get freaks like hitler and others like this and they fight back, and it is just a choice between two evil mundane systems, not unlike the manson family versus the Tates and labiancas.


So, some may suffer unrighteously, the pious israelites who are mislabeled jews, but there are others who like to be called jews who make much propaganda from the holocaust, have no concern for the suffering of the death camp victims, but use the buzz word of holocaust to even make them,selves more powerful (Like the freak sharon who says "never again", yet marches through refugee camps murdering, like his dear nazi friends, old men and all fathers in full view of the small children who grow up to be great terrorists without remorse).


Fact is, suffering is not jewish, it is a problem ofr israelites, though. Many Holy Zion destinees are just here for one or two more births anyway, and the sooner they are purged from the last vestiges of their past karma, the sooner they are back home with Laxmi-Narayana in Holy Zion.


Now ya got me jew talkin, and probably someone will call me anti semitic. But what do I care, these fools call Palestinians anti-semitic, even though they themselves are from Russia and Milwaukee and are the most anti-semitic people who ever walked the face of the earth. It just aint kosher to consider your palestinians to be any other tribesmen than the semites.


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At the heart of it

they have a dominant matriarchy

which is quite admirable .....

This might just be a stereotype, but I have a co-worker who is orthodox jewish. He is very pushy, and likes to take over projects etc.... but it is absolutely hilarious when his wife comes by. She totally bosses him around, yells and screams at him... Posted Image I figure he likes to boss us around at work as a way of asserting himself, since at home he just gets yelled at Posted Image



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At work we were recently discussing how many jewish people there are in the world. We were breaking out the world religions in terms of size, and a number of people had the idea that there were several hundred million jews in the world. Then we found one book, which was like 10 years old, which said there were only like 14 million jews in the world.


It is really unfortunate that they always end up the scapegoat. To some degree this is likely due to the influence Christianity has had through the years. In addition, I think it might be a similar phenomenon to how blacks relate to Koreans. In the U.S. Korean Americans tend to band together, pool their resources and start up small businesses in the inner city. Many African Americans lack the unity to pool their resources, and so resent the Koreans who become successful. I think there are parallels to this with respect to how Jews are often treated.


As for Jewish devotees being among the brightest, I wouldn't be surprised. I do remember reading one book by some academics that pointed out that almost all of the initial devotees were either Jewish or Catholic. Perhaps it was just the strict Jewish/Catholic upbringing that caused them to rebel Posted Image

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It's hard to tell how many 'Jews' there really r on this planet.

So many changed their names, became atheists, intermarried.

Moreover, many Africans now claim to be the real Jews.

Some such descendents often demonstrate at Timessquare.

We regularly see & hear them nearby our Chanting Party.


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Originally posted by Gauracandra:



At the heart of it

they have a dominant matriarchy

which is quite admirable .....





Dear Gauracandra,


When you quote me, please don't delete my name.

Aren't things impersonal enough already ?


As you must be aware, when you use the quote facility

the quoted person's name presents automatically

so why go to the extra trouble to delete it ?


Thanking You in anticipation.



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Originally posted by gHari:

They are the chosen people. The rest of us exist just for them to live off; part of the food chain; essentially non-entities.


We rebel from our desperate lowly position, as eventually all second-class citizens do.

What ?

Low level sarcasm ?


Now its the Jews. Uh oh - don't tell me:

you got into a taxi while chanting and the driver was ...... ?





Hey friends !

Catch a train - you can't see the driver.



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Sorry, Tal. I've lived my whole life with them. The painting is painfully accurate. The one in the taxi will be the exception. I suggest you do not know many well.


Gauracandra wanted to know the reason, so I told him. It doesn't mean it's right or that I feel that way.

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Originally posted by suryaz:

Don - Who said that?

Many many non-Jewish Devotees have told this to me!


I also belive this to be true.


Shrila Prabhupada did say this:


Prabhupada: ...in the human society the Jews are most beautiful. Is it a fact? Jews? Yehudi.(?)


Satsvarupa: Each group says that they're the most beautiful. (laughter) The blacks say they are beautiful, and the whites say...


Prabhupada: No, impartially. That everyone will say, "I am beautiful....". (July 30, 1975 Dallas)


Your Servant,


Bhakta don




I am neither Jewish or good looking!


Satyaraj Das a famous Jewish Devotee is a Genius--His books are very good.


[This message has been edited by Bhakta Don Muntean (edited 11-22-2001).]


[This message has been edited by Bhakta Don Muntean (edited 11-24-2001).]

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Not to be too controversial but there was a book published a few years back called "The Bell Curve" by Charles Murray and another person (who was Jewish). According to them intelligence does have some genetic basis, and they put Asians as on average being the most intelligent. The second most were a group of Jews known to be from Eastern Europe (I can't recall the name). Of course some people may say the co-author was being biased. Who knows?


As for beauty, I too have heard this with regard to some jewish women. But then one would have to define beauty which is pretty hard to do Posted Image




PS I too am not Jewish, but I am damn good looking Posted Image


[This message has been edited by Gauracandra (edited 11-23-2001).]

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Gaurji: Azhkenasi is one name for Eastern European Jews.

Spelling for Ashkenazi may be a little different.

Sephardik Jews are from Morocco through Spain, Portugal.

I received this article over 5 months ago.

Somewhat bias.

Still it contains some interesting facts.

Keep in mind: some Jews not all.

JNdAsji: before you delete this one consider it's relevance to this particular thread topic.

Let us discuss and/or dispute what is written below.

Just as we would any other philosophy.

Give it a try. Good exercise.




>Globalization - a Jewish Scam

>Sat, 9 Jun 2001 11:18:18 +0200


>Globalization - a Jewish Scam


>The New Stürmer

>Volume 3


>Visit my website at: http://www.propatria.org /julius_streiker


>Dear kindred and fellow Aryans


>I am sure most of you know who stands behind the current blight which is

>striking our countries. The evil forces and their lemmings, the

>politicians, call it globalization or free movement of money and products.


>Who are these people? Well most of them are freemasons, and some are known

>as members of the Bilderberg Group. Are they Jews? Unfortunately no, most

>of those whom we meet/see are not Jews. The real satans, however, are

>behind the screen; as always, there are some Jews among them.



>Let us look at the Bilderberg Group


>Here you can read a brief characterization of the Bilderberg Group, the

>shadowy cabal dedicated to one-world government.


>The Bilderberg Group: Took its name from the hotel in Holland where the

>group first met in 1954. The group meets every year at various locations in

>US and Europe, always in extreme secrecy, often at resorts controlled by

>either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families. The Rothschild family is the

>leading European force within the Bilderberg Group, sharing its power with

>the American-based Rockefeller empire.


>The internationalist group has a revolving membership of several hundred

>perticipants composed of banking, political and media elites from US and

>Western Europe, almost exclusively from NATO countries (representatives

>from former Soviet Union and East Bloc countries attended the 1992

>gathering, however).


>The Bilderberg Group maintains an extremely low profile and never publishes

>reports or studies under its own official aegis.


>Bilderberg participants and all newspaper editors in the US denied the

>group's very existence until it was forced to admit its existence by The



>Who opposes the Bilderberg Group?


>During the recent demonstrations against globalization, we have had the

>opportunity to study the opponents. Who they are?


>They call themselves anarchists, members of Troski's group, communists,

>feminists and other professional demonstrators.


>Anarchism has always been a profession of Jewish activists.


>Troski was a leading communist during the Jewish Revolution in Soviet.

>Troski was a Jew. The group with his name is headed by Jews.


>The feminists are also headed by Jews; this we have seen in the US, where

>the feminists have been in the forefront when it comes to pushing for

>abortions not among Asians or Africans, but among Whites. In Europe too,

>the abortionists have been headed by Jews. Just look at the article written

>by Philip Weiss in the New York Observer on January 1, 2001 where he tells

>who are behind all proposals regarding social demands like abortion, free

>immigration, etc: Jews. "In all phases of the American society Jews are the

>leading people. The Jews have been those demanding privileges for all



>Double safety


>In this the Jews have secured all possible outcomes; they are at both

>sides. They have decided that they will not lose the battle of the people.

>They will, after the battle of globalization, be on the winning side. If

>the freemasons/Bilderberg Group misses, they want to be among the winners

>as activists.


>If the politicians loses, the Jews will point to the Bilderberg Group and

>say, "They wanted globalization; we the Jews did not want it. We fought

>with the people!".


>Where did the Rockefellers and Rothschilds make their money?


>Both of these Jewish families were among the dealers of opium in Hong Kong

>back in 1700 and early 1800. Both families lost opium when the Chinees

>Emperor decided to burn all opium stored in Cantong in 1847..


>The Rockefellers got their opium from Turkey; the Rothschilds got theirs

>from Bengal. It was the Rothschilds, however, who got the British Navy to

>go to war with China over the loss of opium.


>Those of you wanting to learn the background of both these families must

>read the story of the Opium War written before 1940. Here you will find

>names and records of profit from the traffic.


>Do they still deal in drugs?


>I have never heard of a Jew who gave up a good business.


>Yes, I think they are behind the traffic of drugs even today.


>I do not think they are dealers or buyers anymore, but they are the owners

>of the traffic as they are the ones who, for a big part of the profit,

>allow dealers to sell drugs in their territories.


>Why can small European countries not prevent the illegal entrance of drugs?

>Because the police are instructed not to. Even in a country as large as the

>US, the drug traffickers could be stopped if the police were allowed to act

>aagainst them. But someone is preventing the police from working



>Hurry up - get rid of the Jews


>The more I learn about the Jews and their wheeling, dealing and crimes, the

>more I want to participate as they are brought to justice. I therefore urge

>the youth to start up not only defending their countries - but bringing the

>Jews to the courts of justice. Not to their courts but to ours, where we

>are the judges, prosecutors and executors. I would like to be one of the

>prosecuters. I think I qualify for such a job. My credentials are:


>- belonging to the Nordic race

>- willing to do the job

>- loving my race

>- loving all White people

>- not feeling sorry for a dead Jew




>Please remember to keep a part of your heart free for the hatred of Jews.

>They hate us, and their Elie Wiesel has asked all world Jews to hate

>Germans. You are all Germans in the eye of the Jews; therefore you MUST

>hate. If you do not hate, you are not prepared for the final battle for the

>survival of your race.


>Heil og sael (Norwegian)


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White supremacists make me ashamed to be 'white'. This guy makes me ashamed to be a goy. Stupid people should not be allowed to hold opinions, although this would likely be difficult to legislate. Perhaps if we make the Jeopardy answers more difficult, the cereal boxes more esoteric, and video games harder, they would realize their incompetence.


Unfortunately the world is full of such idiots; they are killing each other in Afghanistan, Palestine, Ireland and on every street corner in the world.

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Post Afternote:


I would like to say that these points from TARUNS post should be here in my Reply:


>"Keep in mind: some Jews not all.




That hardly Covers the 'Obvious' Slant to anti-semitisim.


>JNdAsji: before you delete this one consider it's relevance to this particular thread topic.




Tarun You could have edited portions of the message you were re-posting--but somehow you wanted us to read them.


And added "some jews not all"--not a word really on the neo-nazi Ideas guised as an 'Expose' on the Illuminati.


>Let us discuss and/or dispute what is written below.




Which is what follows in these replies--and the Comments from 'Stonehearted' that follow in the Thread sort of over-look these Points.



All Glories to Shrila Prabhupada



Dear Tarun:


>Dear kindred and fellow Aryans




Do not call yourself an Aryan--You are not!


Neither are you "Kindred" to anyone here.


>I am sure most of you know who stands behind the current blight which is

striking our countries. The evil forces and their lemmings, the politicians, call it globalization or free movement of money and products.




Are you for Real? Freedom of Commerce--an "evil" thing??!!


Listen--the Actual Cause of the 'current blight' is--the influence of 'Kali Yuga'--the present 'Age of Quarrel'.


This is COMPOUNDED by an Obsessive Slant to Godlessness--IN PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF.


>Who are these people? Well most of them are freemasons, and some are known as members of the Bilderberg Group.




You have not a clue about the "Authority" of such a Group--'Puny Nationalistic Thinking' is 'Blinding' you to what is 'Best' for this World.


What is wrong with the "Freemasons"?


They are a misrepresented Group--they are not in any way "bad"--as Hate Mongers like you tend to imply.


They may delve into things which are 'Secret'--but they are doing this for the 'Good of the World'.


>te real satans, however, are behind the screen; as always, there are some Jews among them.




So here you show more Ignorance--the real cause of the unfolding of all events in the World is Karma--which you seem to have a 'LOT' of! Figure out the 'pun'!


>Let us look at the Bilderberg Group. Here you can read a brief characterization of the Bilderberg Group, the shadowy cabal dedicated to one-world government.




Again--what is 'wrong' with a Global Government? You never did mention it!


Do not the Leaders of the 'Free World'--enjoy their 'Freedoms' along with their 'kindred'?


Why then--if 'Globalization' is so Terrible a 'Scam'--they are 'FOR' it?


You will see one day--this limited 'Regional World' is a 'Place of the Past'--and a serious cause of Global Imballance.


We need a 'Group'--with the True Moral Dignity and 'Guts'--to make Global Government a Reality.


>The Bilderberg Group: Took its name from the hotel in Holland where the group first met in 1954. The group meets every year at various locations in US and Europe, always in extreme secrecy, often at resorts controlled by either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families. The Rothschild family is the leading European force within the Bilderberg Group, sharing its power with

>the American-based Rockefeller empire.




So what? Does any of this prove the 'bad intentions' of which you are Muttering?


>The Bilderberg Group maintains an extremely low profile and never publishes reports or studies under its own official aegis.




That is due in part to--too many people under the Influence of Propagandists like yourself--Wait Little Man--in due course of time--the Choice will be clear to all 'Enlightened' Citizens of the World--and to Hell with the rest of you!


>Who opposes the Bilderberg Group?




People with Little or No 'Vision'!


People with a 'Regional Superiority Complex'.


>During the recent demonstrations against globalization, we have had the opportunity to study the opponents. Who they are?




These are People who have 'Little to No Understanding' of the Real Problems of this World--at times some of them even listen to--and follow--Right Wing Hate Mongering Idiologies a.k.a--Idiots!


>They call themselves anarchists, members of Troski's group, communists, feminists and other professional demonstrators.




Well I guess 'they' are a Group we can rely on! THEY have 'all' our Answers--right?


>Anarchism has always been a profession of Jewish activists.




So the Jews are against Globalization now?


You best make up your mind!!


>they will not lose the battle of the people They will, after the battle of globalization, be on the winning side.




So all of us shall be on that side--if we are not Foolish enough to Listen to the likes of you and your non-sense.


>If the freemasons/Bilderberg Group misses, they want to be among the winners as activists.




NO--We'll not 'miss'!


>If the politicians loses, the Jews will point to the Bilderberg Group and

>say, "They wanted globalization; we the Jews did not want it. We fought with the people!".




What happens when YOU lose? At your Present Rate 'you' will lose to all Sides...


>Where did the Rockefellers and Rothschilds make their money?




Where did 'you' get yours?


>Both of these Jewish families were among the dealers of opium in Hong Kong back in 1700 and early 1800. Both families lost opium when the Chinees [sic]Emperor decided to burn all opium stored in Cantong in 1847..




Don't 'waste' our time!


>Those of you wanting to learn the background of both these families must

read the story of the Opium War written before 1940. Here you will find

names and records of profit from the traffic.




There were as many anti-semitic asuras writing in the 1940's as there are now oh, and--who Cares?


>Do they still deal in drugs? I have never heard of a Jew who gave up a good business. Yes, I think they are behind the traffic of drugs even today.




YOU think!??


Let me assure you--you 'cannot' pronounce so-called Judgement from the 'Prison-house'!


>I do not think they are dealers or buyers anymore, but they are the owners...




Sounds more like YOU are a drug dealer--'Halucinating' some Competition!


We all know you can't work an honest Occupation--do you work for your Local Slaughterhouse or Meat Packers?


>Why can small European countries not prevent the illegal entrance of drugs?

Because the police are instructed not to. Even in a country as large as the

US, the drug traffickers could be stopped if the police were allowed to act against them. But someone is preventing the police from working effectively.




The whole 'War on Drugs' is a waste of time!


It is NOT the way to deal with the 'drug' problem--you'll see one day.


Just think--if the Police were to be given the Authority to round-up asuras like you?!!!


>Hurry up - get rid of the Jews




--into the next room--we have a Great Party planned! Did anyone remember the Hats? We are Celebrating the Fact that Asuras like YOU--are on the 'Decline'.


>The more I learn about the Jews and their wheeling, dealing and crimes, the more I want to participate as they are brought to justice.




Be not surprised when you find yourself--in a 'Pinch to Escape' Future Bondage!


>I therefore urge the youth to start up not

only defending their countries..




I urge the Youth--to see the 'Insanity' of such a Plea!


If they are to Defend anything 'it' should be a Future--where our World--'Acts as One'.


>Not to their courts but to ours, where we

are the judges, prosecutors and executors. I would like to be one of the prosecuters.




You will 'again' have to go to the Court of Yamaraja--what will you tell Him 'this' time?


You do indeed--have a Long Dark Path ahead!


>I think I qualify for such a job.







>My credentials are: not feeling sorry for a dead Jew




I ask you--are you Inbred? You Must be!


So Tarun--if you can Muster-up enough 'Healthy Brain' to read on--you might see some Genuine Perspective to this Issue:


Shrila Prabhupada had an interesting Room Conversation in regard to a Perfect "Dictator" with Lord Fenner-Brockway in London July 9, 1972:


Breaking in on the conversation........


Prabhupada: No, democracy we don't approve.


Lord Brockway: We don't...?


Devotee: Approve.


Lord Brockway: Hm?


Devotee: Approve.


Lord Brockway: Of what?


Devotee: Democracy we don't approve.


Lord Brockway: Oh, I approve of it very, very strongly. Very strongly. It must be...It must be the basis of all, of all good.


Prabhupada: No, basis... Now, suppose if a people in general, they are not advanced, by their votes, somebody is elected, he may not be also advanced. That is the defect of democracy. Mass of people, they are not advanced. So simply by their vote, if somebody is elected, then they will have to repent. Just like Nixon. He's elected, but these people are again decrying him, that "No, you are not good." So why do you, did you elect him? You elect, and again you reject. That is the defect of democracy. that people are not advanced. They can commit mistake, elect somebody wrong. And then they will lament. This is the defect. But monarchy, as it was approved by the Vedic culture, the monarchy, if the king is first-class, God conscious... A king should be like that. That is the ideal king. They are described in the Bhagavad Gita: rajarshi. The king should be "just like saintly person", although he's king. Rajarshi. (Bg. 4.2). And just like Maharaja Yudhishtira. He was rajarshi. All the kings in those days, they were trained up in such a way that they were saintly persons, although they were the king. Not debauch. So one person, if he's authorized... Just like the communists, they are thinking of dictatorship. This is also another kind of dictatorship. But if the dictator, or the king, is a perfect man, then his dictatorship or royal power is quite... But that, that is not possible at the present moment. But at the present moment, the democracy is also not perfect. Because the mass of people, they have no perfect knowledge. By sentiment. So it may be they're electing a wrong person. That is the defect of democracy.


Lord Brockway: No, I'm not saying that democracy as we have it is perfect. I am saying that a people will advance only as it is a reflection of the progress of thepeople themselves, and that they, and that they cannot be changed by

an external pressure...


Prabhupada: That is not possible.


Lord Brockway:...which is dictatorship. And even...


Prabhupada: No, dictatorship, I told you...


Lord Brockway: And even a, a good dictatorship is a bad thing. I would rather have...


Prabhupada: No, how good dictatorship can be a bad thing?


Lord Brockway: I would rather have people make mistakes when they had self-government than if you had a dictatorship which didn't make mistakes and imposed it's own...


Prabhupada: No, but my proposition is that they should NOT commit, either the king or the elected person should NOT commit mistake.


But if you try to educate the mass of people to become educated to elect the right person, that is very difficult. But if a king, a person, is educated nicely, that is easier. That is my point of view.


Lord Brockway: Yes. Yes, but the mass of people in poverty, the...


Prabhupada: No, everything will be all right. Because the man on the head is perfect, he'll manage, he'll manage. But if he's not perfect, then it is not possible. Therefore the endeavor should be made... Either call it dictator or president or king, it doesn't matter. The man on the top of the executive must be a perfect man.


Lord Brockway: Now, in taking your view that all men and women are the children of God, they've got God within them, then the advance of mankind must be by giving the opportunity of God in all men and women.


Prabhupada: Yes.


Lord Brockway: To come to fulfillment.


Prabhupada: Yes. That is our mission.


Lord Brockway: And at the present time you haven't got those conditions. Because of inequalities, because of poverty, because of hunger, because of war, you haven't got those conditions.


Prabhupada: No, I...


Lord Brockway: And therefore, therefore, it is not only the goodness of an individual which you want. You want, combined with the goodness of an individual, of an understanding of the causes...


Prabhupada: Yes.


Lord Brockway: ...which lead to hunger and poverty and war.


Prabhupada: That...


Lord Brockway: It's only when you have those two things together...


Prabhupada: Yes, we have got...


Lord Brockway: ...that you can bring about a solution.


Prabhupada: Because people are Godless at the present moment, they're suffering.


Lord Brockway: It's not only because of that.


Prabhupada: Eh?


Lord Brockway: It's not only...


Prabhupada: That is the only cause.


Lord Brockway: No...,


Prabhupada: That we can, that we can give very scientific evidence. That is the only cause.


Lord Brockway: No, it's not the only cause.


Prabhupada: No, that we have to understand.


Lord Brockway: No, please. I know, I know of people who are very God conscious, beautiful people, kind in all their human relations, but they haven't got a beginning of an understanding of how one can bring brotherhood and peace to the world.


Prabhupada: Hmmm. Then...


Lord Brockway: And therefore, in addition to God consciousness, you must have understanding, knowledge.


Prabhupada: Yes, that understanding, that required. So that is needed. People have no opportunity to understand. Just like if you speak...


Lord Brockway: Yes.


Prabhupada: ...they'll talk of universal brotherhood, but they'll send the poor animals to the slaughterhouse.


Lord Brockway: They...?


Prabhupada: To the slaughterhouse.


Devotee: Animals.


Prabhupada: Animals.


Lord Brockway: Yes.


Prabhupada: That means they have no right understanding of universal brotherhood.


Lord Brockway: No. With that I agree.


Prabhupada: Yes. So what is the use of talking of universal brotherhood when you actually do not treat like that?


Lord Brockway: Yes.


Prabhupada: But that is due to his lack of God consciousness. He'll talk very high words, but practically he cannot do it.


Devotee: No information.


Prabhupada: Yes, no information. Just like the commu... Even in communist country. They, they are thinking that national, everything should be national. So what is the meaning of national?


Means any living entity born in that country is national. So why the poor animals are not nationals? That

is, means lack of God consciousness. He does not know. He thinks simply human being national.


Lord Brockway: Oh, I agree. I'm a vegetarian. [and he was born in 1886! Prabhupada in 1896]


Prabhupada: [laughs] Thank you. Hare Krishna. So this is all due to lack of God consciousness. Therefore the only remedy is to make people God conscious, thoroughly, perfectly. Then everything will be all right.


Lord Brockway: That I don't accept. God consciousness plus understanding.


Prabhupada: Now, God conscious means understanding. Without understanding, how there can be God consciousness?


Lord Brockway: And you, you may easily have a person who is very God conscious, beautiful in their own lives, beautiful to all the group around them, who have no understanding of the problems of the world at all.


Prabhupada: That is not perfect God conscious. That is partial.




So let's Pray to Lord Narahari for such a Situation!




Please remember this:




"No, everything will be all right. Because the man on the head is perfect, he'll manage, he'll manage. But if he's not perfect, then it is not possible. Therefore the endeavor should be made... EITHER CALL IT DICTATOR OR PRESIDENT OR KING, IT DOESN'T MATTER. The man on the top of the executive MUST be a perfect man."


It could happen by the Grace of Lord Sri Chaitanya and the Mercy of Shrila Prabhupada, to defeat this Kali Yuga's heavy influence 'The Illuminati--The New World Order' could "Fit" this Perfect 'Position'!


Your Servant in Shrila Prabhupada


Bhakta don


[This message has been edited by Bhakta Don Muntean (edited 11-27-2001).]


[This message has been edited by Bhakta Don Muntean (edited 11-27-2001).]


[This message has been edited by Bhakta Don Muntean (edited 11-28-2001).]

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gHariji & Donji, I'm no Aryan...

except for my slight connection to PrabhupAd & ZrIdhardev.

If u disagree with Julius, let him know.

His website is posted there.

Some of what Donji wrote is conditioned emotion, insubstantial.

One thing for sure: We're in Kaliyuga.

BhAgavatam 1.1.10 describes Kaliyuga jIvas' predominant qualities.

We're not at all hard to fool. A cinch.

So many so-called 'unsolved' easy to solve assassinations:

JFK, X, MLK, RFK, ACBSP, Lennon...

So many 'unsolved' terrorist acts.

So many witnesses not allowed to testify.

Some know what really happened 9/11. You don't. They do.

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Originally posted by Tarun:

gHariji & Donji, I'm no Aryan...

except for my slight connection to PrabhupAd & ZrIdhardev.

If u disagree with Julius, let him know.

His website is posted there.

Some of what Donji wrote is conditioned emotion, insubstantial.

One thing for sure: We're in Kaliyuga.

BhAgavatam 1.1.10 describes Kaliyuga jIvas' predominant qualities.

We're not at all hard to fool. A cinch.

So many so-called 'unsolved' easy to solve assassinations:

JFK, X, MLK, RFK, ACBSP, Lennon...

So many 'unsolved' terrorist acts.

So many witnesses not allowed to testify.

Some know what really happened 9/11. You don't. They do.


All Glories to Shrila Prabhupada


So what "I" said is "conditioned emotion,(sic) insubstantial"!


Could you be a 'Sport' and Explain WHY?


Could you also Explain why you would even re-post anti-semite trash? As part of that--please Inform us how THAT was NOT "conditioned emotional and, insubstantial"!


I have to ask--why are you so Limited in your Interpretations of Global Administration?


Do you possibly think that our World an go on with Regional Imballances in everything from Economy to Political Rule.


You KNOW it is Kali Yuga, an Ocean of Faults--[by your own admission]--so how can YOU then be against the something that HAS to Happen (Global Adimistration on a Proper Platform) to 'Check the Certain Advance' of ever increasing "godlessness"--and its reactions.


You have given some List of Names--that they were put away somehow by the NWO--well again you do not see that it is the Material Modes of Nature and Karma that "gruel-out" these things.


Placing Shrila Prabhupada in that 'List' was--IN VERY POOR TASTE.


Where is your Evidence:


Within the Framework of some Twisted Over-Complicated 'Conspirocy Theory'!


Did you know that 'Theories' are a Waste of Time?


If I sound Pompus and Emotional to you it is only a 'Reflecting of what your are Projecting' to the World.....


Your Servant,


Bhakta don


[This message has been edited by Bhakta Don Muntean (edited 11-27-2001).]

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