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World War 3 Began Today... God Help Us

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Originally posted by leyh:

You're totally missing the point.




That's because of his overiding need to make his point and have us all focus on him so that he can control all the discussions. Really, none of it has anything to do with either the search for truth and understanding, or the desire to actually communicate with anyone here.


Even if one attempts to follow his twisty logic, intentionally out-of-context scriptural quotes, etc. etc., they will inevitably find their energies depleted, since that is what he feeds on. Should one persist in attempting to comprehend him, his thought processes, and/or what he is supposedly trying to say, they will become as confused and disturbed as he obviously is.


However, like the carrier of some complex disease (dis-ease), he remains unaffected while leaving bewilderment in his wake. Only personal experience will finally confirm all this and these forums continue to be a fresh source of sincere souls, I'm sorry to say. Their is such a thing as too smart for one's own good!

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Originally posted by Maitreya:

Haribol leyh,


He knows no other way.Never expect Satyaraja to agree.If he does it is just to set up another point of arguement.


On VNN when shown to be incorrect in something[as we all experience]he would just go back and edit his post so that what he had said that had been shown to be incorrect disappeared and the revised corrected version

would now be there like it had been all the time.


He can't do that here but one will become very dizzy trying to follow this morphing game of his.


Hare Krishna

Haribol Maitreya! My similar post to yours was written simultaneously without having read what you said. Guess you're teaching me something after all, prabhu. I hate to give up on anyone, but some seem hopelessly impossible. So sorry to have reached this regrettable conclusion, Satyaraja dasa.





[This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 09-12-2001).]

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Originally posted by Maitreya:

Haribol leyh,


He knows no other way.Never expect Satyaraja to agree.If he does it is just to set up another point of arguement.


On VNN when shown to be incorrect in something[as we all experience]he would just go back and edit his post so that what he had said that had been shown to be incorrect disappeared and the revised corrected version

would now be there like it had been all the time.


He can't do that here but one will become very dizzy trying to follow this morphing game of his.


Hare Krishna

Dear Maitreya:

I think I know what you mean Posted Image


From now on,its going to be "No Comments" as far as Satyaraja dasa is concerned.



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Originally posted by amanpeter:

That's because of his overiding need to make his point and have us all focus on him so that he can control all the discussions. Really, none of it has anything to do with either the search for truth and understanding, or the desire to actually communicate with anyone here.


Even if one attempts to follow his twisty logic, intentionally out-of-context scriptural quotes, etc. etc., they will inevitably find their energies depleted, since that is what he feeds on. Should one persist in attempting to comprehend him, his thought processes, and/or what he is supposedly trying to say, they will become as confused and disturbed as he obviously is.


However, like the carrier of some complex disease (dis-ease), he remains unaffected while leaving bewilderment in his wake. Only personal experience will finally confirm all this and these forums continue to be a fresh source of sincere souls, I'm sorry to say. Their is such a thing as too smart for one's own good!

Dear amanpeter:

Thanks for the advice.In the Narada Bhakti Sutras, Narada Muni advices: "One should not indulge in argumentative debate."(Narada Bhakti Sutras,Sutra 74)Its a waste of time arguing with someone like Satyaraja dasa.I am completely mystified by his anti-Prabhupada sentiments,but somehow,I don't feel like solving this mystery....


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O.K. to comment, but not a good idea to invest oneself deeply, either emotionally or intellectually, except perhaps very briefly. After awhile, most of us get to know what our limits are and the consequences of getting sucked into muddy swirling waters. Though I may think my motives in getting involved are good, often it's just my foolish pride...

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I don't feel that you ever had a grasp on what Gaudiya Vaishnavism is all about when you were an 'adherent', and you certainly don't seem to have any better idea now. You left because you felt that Gaudiya's needed some enemy to demonize such as sahajiyas or karmis or meat eaters etc. In actuality if you would take the time to be a little introspective you would have noticed that it was you who chose to demonize everyone else and you who continues to do so - you have simply added the Gaudiya's to your list of groups that should be criticized.


Allah consciousness and Krsna consciousness is the same thing. When one actually reaches beyond the mind to that plane of experience and their consciousness is raised they will know in the real sense of the word. No truly Allah conscious or Krsna conscious person would engage in terrorism.


If you want to fault find why not look at yourself? I am sure you have plenty to work on, I know I do.


Your servant,

Audarya lila dasa

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karthik_v: He never said that we should treat 'others' as enemies.


Satyaraj: Yes, Prabhupada was actually a self-made acarya and did not follow his preceptorial line, isn’t? Because Bhaktivinoda has recommended to madhyama-bhaktas to consider some (most) people as enemies. Just read Jaiva-dharma’s chapter 8 on “Vaisnava Behavior” and you may check it out by yourself.


It is an established doctrine in Gaudiya-vaisnavism that non-believers should be considered as enemies. Your own society mirrors this precept and you cannot disguise it too much.




[This message has been edited by Satyaraja dasa (edited 09-12-2001).]

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Originally posted by Ananga:

Exactly, Jijaji!


Any righteous Vaishnava must condemn these vile and cowardly acts as PURE UNADULTERATED EVIL.


Quoting Hitler, Tarun? Please take your medication!



[This message has been edited by Ananga (edited 09-12-2001).]



How is it going? In shock like the rest of us I am sure. I think we all knew inside something like this was coming after the passing of the new millinium.

This is an event that will lead to something very big. This was BIG in of itself, but just wait...for every action a reaction and the reaction to this is going to cause earth changes no doubt..!

I don't know if I should run to the hills and hide or run to the city to make money (what's left) to survive the coming doom!




Jai Sri Krishna,







[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 09-13-2001).]

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Relax dude, there is no cause for panic.


Statistically it is more probable that we will get killed by a drunk driver than by a bomb, because that happens more often. If that didn't scare us enough to stay out of the streets, why should this?


Besides, death is not something that we can experience. It is also not like I will die, come out of my body and say "Oh my god ! I am dead !!!".


So there is nothing to worry about. In the words of Shankara, "Uncertain is the life of man, as raindrops on a lotus leaf".





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Originally posted by shvu:





Besides, death is not something that we can experience. It is also not like I will die, come out of my body and say "Oh my god ! I am dead !!!".


That's right shvu.we come out of the body and say "Oh my god! I am alive!!!"


"...The wise lament neither for the living nor the dead"BG 2.11


This whole episode has shown me how unrealized I am.Back to BG second chapter.


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Originally posted by Caitanyachandra:

Fear. When Pentagon turns into Qadruagon.


The Pentagon is still standing as the Pentagon. Still has FIVE sides. You should fear what we will do to you who support this cowardly attack, newbie.

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I cannot share any info that I am doing because of the following warning that I've sent to all under my command:


Posted Image


But I can assure that, as our beloved President said: "THOSE THAT BROUGHT THESE BUILDINGS DOWN WILL HEAR FROM US SOON."


He also said during the National Day of Prayer, that these cowards attacked on their timeline, and that WE WILL CONFRONT THEM ON OUR TIME.


We will smoke them out of their ratholes and exterminate them.


God Bless America.

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'To be engaged in Krsna consciousness,one should realize, "I am Krsna's.I am not this matter.I am not of this nation or of this society.I do not belong to this rascal or that rascal.I am simply Krsna's."' (The Path of Perfection by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Chapter Five --- Determination and Steadiness in Yoga)




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 09-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by leyh:

'To be engaged in Krsna consciousness,one should realize, "I am Krsna's.I am not this matter.I am not of this nation or of this society.I do not belong to this rascal or that rascal.I am simply Krsna's."' (The Path of Perfection by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,Chapter Five --- Determination and Steadiness in Yoga)


[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 09-15-2001).]


All true, prabhu, but `I am not this body!` Devotional service is not material, nor is it related to our gross or subtle physical forms. These bodies must be fed, clothed, protected and otherwise provided for. We cannot evade such responsibilities under the guise of devotion.


When we are completely situated in our spiritual identities, through self-realization by His Divine Grace, and no longer bound by this world in any way, since we are wholly engaged in pure devotional service, our natural allegiance will be elsewhere. Meanwhile, we have debts to consider here.


While our hearts pine for our real home, we must continue to fulfil our responsibities in this world as best we can. That remains our duty, as explained by Krsna in Srimad Bhagavad-gita. Haribol! valaya






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Originally posted by amanpeter:

All true, prabhu, but `I am not this body!` Devotional service is not material, nor is it related to our gross or subtle physical forms. These bodies must be fed, clothed, protected and otherwise provided for. We cannot evade such responsibilities under the guise of devotion.


When we are completely situated in our spiritual identities, through self-realization by His Divine Grace, and no longer bound by this world in any way, since we are wholly engaged in pure devotional service, our natural allegiance will be elsewhere. Meanwhile, we have debts to consider here.


While our hearts pine for our real home, we must continue to fulfil our responsibities in this world as best we can. That remains our duty, as explained by Krsna in Srimad Bhagavad-gita. Haribol! valaya



It is written in the Srimad Bhagavatam (11.5.41):


"Every human being born in this world is immediately indebted to the demigods,the great sages,ordinary living entities,the family,society,and so on.But a person who surrenders unto the lotus feet of the Lord and engages fully in His service is no longer indebted to anyone. In other words,he has no obligations to fulfil except executing devotional service."


Maybe fighting those demonic terrorists for Krsna (and not for America or any other country or political party) should be the attitude of a Krsna Conscious person.




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One can simultaneously fight for (serve) Krsna and the vaisnavas and ones family and ones country at the same time. Some may fight with words in a brahminical spirit others will utilise all their energy in a ksatriya spirit. It is not that one is more noble or honorable than the other. But rather it is the mood of saranagati to Bhagavan that is to be recognised. And then the outcome is all in The Lords hands. I may be wrong but I think everything is in Divine control and the inevitable outcome is a forgone conclusion. How it pans out we will have to wait and see. But not for too long.

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Originally posted by leyh:


Maybe fighting those demonic terrorists for Krsna (and not for America or any other country or political party) should be the attitude of a Krsna Conscious person.



Who said these war/criminal terrorist acts are about “America or any other country or political party”.


Leyh, it is certainly not a nationalist thing – it has to do with abuse, terrorism, fanaticism and illicit religious illustration. Is to fight these abuses not service to Krishna?


[This message has been edited by suryaz (edited 09-16-2001).]

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Originally posted by suryaz:

Who said these war/criminal terrorist acts are about “America or any other country or political party”.


Leyh, it is certainly not a nationalist thing – it has to do with abuse, terrorism, fanaticism and illicit religious illustration. Is to fight these abuses not service to Krishna?


[This message has been edited by suryaz (edited 09-16-2001).]

My point exactly.


However,I feel that in fighting these demons,a Krsna conscious person should be doing it on the spiritual and not the material platform.Thus,a Krsna Conscious person would dedicate the fight against these demons to Krsna and not to the country or political party.In the Bhagavad Gita,Krsna informs Arjuna:


"O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me."(Bhagavad-gita 9:27)


However,for many people,the coming struggle against terrorism has become a nationalist thing ---my country v.s the bad guys.But the devotee should know that ultimately we do not belong to any nation or political party.We belong to Krsna.

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