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Looking for Kalki Avtaar

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I am looking for the Incarnation of Kalki. In my childhood, i had read that incarnation of Sri Krishna - Kalki is in waiting.

Recently, i came across various independent sources which talk of the same thing.

I have listed these below. I am convinced that the incarnation has already taken place.

In fact, my search landed me to one Mr. Kalki in Andhra pradesh. Though this person seemed very knowledgable and apt, yet his inclination towards money(this recently figured in an issue of 'INDIA TODAY' by name 'CULT IN CRISIS') makes one disbelieve his claims.

No doubt the incarnation has already taken place, but i am not able to locate him. If neone of u are aware of ne such thing, please let me know.

I am very desperately looking for Him.




The various pointers to incarnation of Kalki:

1. The book which i read in my childhood specifically mentioned that a S.Indian sage will be the incarnation of Kalki.

2. In N.India there is an organization by the name of Gayathri Parivaar(based in Mathura). Their Guru Late Sreeram Sharma Acharyaji had mentioned in 1969 that Kaliyuga is in end-phase and that by 2000 this end will become evident.(Source:Nav Yug Nirmaan Yojna, August, 2001 - Chapter 'Dasam Avtaar kaa prakatya-the coming of tenth incarnation')

3.Late Sri Yukteshwarji - the Guru of Sri Yogananda Paramhamsa (Author of 'Autobiography of a Yogi') had mentioned in 'The Holy Science - 1894 a.d. that the cycle of yugas is indeed of 24,000 years as against the popular beleif 4,32,0000 years and that the kaliyuga is near completion.

4.Late Sri Gopi Krishna's book 'The Purpose of Yoga'. In the chapter on ancient Mayan civilization, it is mentioned that the Mayan calender ends on 24th Dec, 2011 which according to them marks the beginning of a new time cycle(One can even search on the net -google ' for Mayan + prediction)

4.Bejan Daruwala predicts that by 2011, India will emerge as a super-power and 2007 marks the meeting point of various religions(search the net -google ' for bejan + daruwala + 2011)

5.Some interpretitions of Nostradamus have been interpreted in respect of India. Nostradamus is said to have predicted that there will be devastations when time changes(which we interpreted as when millenium changes- hence the 1999 dooms day theory)

6.Once i was listening to Sri Asharam Bapu on Sony TV, when he said that 'Kalki Maha Purana' has mentioned few pointers to the end of Kaliyuga-

a. Women will have menstrual cycle at an early age of 9-11

b. Women will have to go to work outside the home premises

and there few other pointers which i don't remember now.

7. In my quest i read Bible and Quran too. The pointers to the Final Judgement Day too match the present day scenario(In fact, Christians are expecting a resurrection of Jesus and Lord)

8. Brahmakumaris too are expecting an incarnation

8. There is a very clear mention of this in 'THe Celestine Prophecy' by James Redfield which talks about an ancient Red-Indian manuscript which echoes similar views.

8. Personally i met few mystics in Benares who divulged about an incarnation but were unable to locate it exactly.

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Maybe first find the Lord in your heart,Caitya Guru.Then if one of His avatar's does appear He will point Him out to you and you will not risk being cheated.


If no avatar does come in your lifetime you still will have found God.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Look up into the sky, please. Can you find any one? No. No one is called Kalki that is coming.


I intend to go to your country in future when I finish the designing of my font. I need a most convenient reason for my trip, maybe traveling or promoting my font. Mmm?


[This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 07-30-2002).]

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  • 3 months later...

The scriptures must be read literally.


We do not care for "Sri Yukteswar's" definition of Vedic time cycles, although I would be interested to know how hw figures his time cycles out from a Vedic perspective. Otherwise, the scriptures are read literally.


The Kali-yuga lasts for 432,000 years. Of those, nearly 5105 years have passed. We then have approximately 426,895 years before the Kali-yuga ends. Sri Kalki Avatar will appear at this time. There is no other reasonable explanation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> The Kali-yuga lasts for 432,000 years. Of those, nearly 5105 years have passed. We then have approximately 426,895 years before the Kali-yuga ends.


One thing is for sure:


We won’t be able to continue western civilization for that long, unless we get oil from other planets, and dump our toxic gasses outside of the Earth atmosphere. We will not be able to control diseases (TBC, Aids and future viruses) and environmental hazards for that long. We can’t control terrorism. At one point it will all come to an end. A hundred years from now, at the most. Doom and gloom? I think it’s just realism.


I once read that this theory from Yukteswara, and I think he spoke of sub-yugas within maha-yuga’s. So the Puranic calculation may be correct, but it may also be correct that what we’re experiencing now is really the lowest point, a Kali-yuga within a Kali-yuga. According to the theory we may soon have a Satya yuga within the Kali-yuga, which already may be a world of difference. So let’s not give up all hope, “Oh, it’s just Kali-yuga, prabhu.” No! Times can change for the better. Some positive thinking is required. Look around you: religious groups are joining forces, chanting and praising God together. The future is not for the fundamentalist Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Catholics and Protestants. It’s for those who acknowledge that God is one, know by numerous names, glorified by numerous scriptures, praised by numerous prophets and described through numerous philosophies, but reached in only one way: through Love and Devotion.


You know what means Satya, you know what means Kali? Then you can change your life from Kali to Satya. You may not be able to change the whole world, but you sure can change one part of it: your heart. If you allow that Satya to awaken in your heart, then I say the dawn of Satya Yuga has already begun.


Now it’s not that I don’t believe in cosmic influence. My horoscope gets much better (spiritually) after 2012. I do believe 2011 may bring better times spiritually, and perhaps the collaps of everything materially (technology, exploitation and abuse of natural resources, fundamentalism).


The Kalki avatar, why are you searching for the Kalki avatar? God can destroy western civilization without personally appearing on a white horse. He can do so through a metaphorical white horse, with a metaphorical sword. You have already admitted that the Puranas should not or don’t have to be taken literally, so why search for an avatar of human form?


Indeed, you may find several Kalki avataras: go visit Satya Sai Baba, wait for the reappearance of Maitreya, become a member of Al Qaida and join Osama Bin Laden in his effort of destroying civilization.


Ivar Verploegh.


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I have said what you needed. What do you want else?



5:6 And one shall reign whom those who dwell on earth do not expect,



No one knows where this village of Shambala is located.



13:51 I said, "O sovereign Lord, explain this to me: Why did I see the man coming up from the heart of the sea?"

13:52 He said to me, "Just as no one can explore or know what is in the depths of the sea, so no one on earth can see my Son or those who are with him, except in the time of his day.



Pahlavas (the fair-skinned nomadic tribes of the Caucasus mountains),...Cinas (Chinese),


Pahlava (Parathava (root - parthu?)) - Iranian

Cina - Tibetburmanese-speaking yellow race in between China & India?



So it would fit in with the Vedic prophecies that by the time Lord Kalki appears, there may, indeed, be only 144,000 who will be left in the world worthy of being delivered from the godless and chaotic conditions of the earth.


Nonsense. Where were the members of other 3 varnas for constituting a whole system if only 144,000 of "those who are with him", "brahmanas", would be left? And what could they do, only the works for other 3 varnas?

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  • 3 months later...

You see, the fact of when he will come is not so easy to predict. However, i do know his last name, his last name is vishnuvyasa, son of vishnuvyasa in south india, that i know.


I read it on some Hindu Mythology site that basically talked about various types of avatars, it is said that at the end of mahabharat, they say that he will be born in the vishnuvyasa family.


Anyway, I think what we should do is not find kalki, but try to follow the footsteps of vishnu. Vishnu is all powerful, yet even when he is all powerful supreme being, he is very humble, kind and generous. Try to follow his foot steps and then you will realise that the very wisdom, power and love that you gain for others is vishnu himself. The avatars happen to show the devotees that "he is there" and "he will be there". Well, if we just try to find the god in us, just like theist says, we will see that Kalki is already here, not in a material body but in a feeling of love and wisdom among his devotees.


With love to all,




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Somewhere near the coast, towards the east...

known as the city of temples and shivas pitha,

is Kalki.


There will be many people who are important who will feel

like kalki, but they are his commanders, their realisation

will come too...they will surrender at his Lotus feet and loose their powers...


you will find him in places where they chant ...hare kalki hare kalki, kalki kalki hare hare, hare ananta hare ananta, ananta ananta hare hare...


Hope you meet who your sould yearns for...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
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kalki is already born on february 11, 1954, thursday at godhuli time. at sun set time. in mumbai india. his first name starts with alphabets S. In his left hand Swastika and Shree comes on punam and amavashya day. shankha is already in his hand by birth. I have met him personally four year back in train while traveling from saurashtra. he just say few things about me and that has come 100 persent correct. some facts are so confidential that no one knows about that but how he came to know was fantastick.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I fully agree with this marks and identification marks as given in bruhad samhita.i also seen this marks in left hand of that person aged around 50-55 as mentioned in above remarks.

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