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  1. There is no Kalki coming now. He's coming in around 427,000 years from now. That's a fact. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
  2. Check out Vedabase.Net I spoke with the Webmaster; this site is destined to grow! More material to be added, along with forums, email and everything.
  3. Check out Vedabase.Net I spoke with the Webmaster; this site is destined to grow! More material to be added, along with forums, email and everything.
  4. This post is not necessarily in reply to Stonehearted, but I would just like to address some of the points he made. Do we really have Jahnava Mata and Gangamata Gosvamini in our line, directly? I don't think so. How is that possible. Also it is true that Sridhara Maharaja predicted that thee would be female gurus in ISKCON. But to tell the truth, Srila Prabhupada himself said that it was a possibility. Visakha dd should know, she's been writing articles in BTG about it for years. I just read that whole VNN article for the first time today, and I am now joining this discussion thread. Personally I am happy that ISKCON is finally moving on in regards to women, as well as opening minds and hearts. After all, a couple of posts ago showed how women have been gurus in Gaudiya Vaishnavism in the past, they are there in the present, so why not in ISKCON. Personally I would like to see this happen in the Gaudiya Matha as well. Has anyone wondered what Narayana Maharaja thinks about this issue? Or any of the other GM gurus? Joining this discussion has its own advantages. Caught up in my happiness about ISKCON's "moving on," I failed to acknowledge another important point; the business of voting. Now that's just a strict no-no.
  5. This post is not necessarily in reply to Stonehearted, but I would just like to address some of the points he made. Do we really have Jahnava Mata and Gangamata Gosvamini in our line, directly? I don't think so. How is that possible. Also it is true that Sridhara Maharaja predicted that thee would be female gurus in ISKCON. But to tell the truth, Srila Prabhupada himself said that it was a possibility. Visakha dd should know, she's been writing articles in BTG about it for years. I just read that whole VNN article for the first time today, and I am now joining this discussion thread. Personally I am happy that ISKCON is finally moving on in regards to women, as well as opening minds and hearts. After all, a couple of posts ago showed how women have been gurus in Gaudiya Vaishnavism in the past, they are there in the present, so why not in ISKCON. Personally I would like to see this happen in the Gaudiya Matha as well. Has anyone wondered what Narayana Maharaja thinks about this issue? Or any of the other GM gurus? Joining this discussion has its own advantages. Caught up in my happiness about ISKCON's "moving on," I failed to acknowledge another important point; the business of voting. Now that's just a strict no-no.
  6. Fully agreed. That incident was shameful. The real question is whether Urmila did is qualified to be a guru, never mind if she is a woman or a man. As for voting, that is also agreed. This voting business is nonsensical when it comes to guruship.
  7. Fully agreed. That incident was shameful. The real question is whether Urmila did is qualified to be a guru, never mind if she is a woman or a man. As for voting, that is also agreed. This voting business is nonsensical when it comes to guruship.
  8. Plenty of people ARE following Srila Prabhupada, INCLUDING "Hindus." I suggest that you get your own facts straight, please. It may also help to brush up on scriptures. These sorts of questions can only be answered by a good knowledge of the scriptures.
  9. Plenty of people ARE following Srila Prabhupada, INCLUDING "Hindus." I suggest that you get your own facts straight, please. It may also help to brush up on scriptures. These sorts of questions can only be answered by a good knowledge of the scriptures.
  10. You chant 16 rounds of "Govindam adi-purusam" and 16 rounds of Gurvastakam?
  11. Thank you for explaining. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  12. What is a clicker? And is it bona-fide? I know of a disciple who rejected his ISKCON guru because that guru chanted his rounds on clickers when he should have been setting a better example.
  13. You might be interested in clicking on the link in my signature, as well as visiting this website: http://www.mantraraja.blogspot.com/
  14. Thank you for letting us know of the advent day of this most worshippable spiritual master. I seek to immerse myself in his teachings always. Here is a nice selection of some of his quotes: "This is guru-tattva. The guru is a premi-bhakta, who has attained krsna-prema, and who is a very dear intimate associate of Krsna. He is a radha-priya-sakhi, a dear girl companion of Srimati Radharani, who is very expert in this business of uniting Radha and Krsna in the kunjas of Vraja." - The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.39-40. "Narottama dasa Thakura sings, 'The conjugal loving lilas between Radha and Krsna are very deep and confidential. How can I understand such deep and confidential tattva unless I get the mercy of Rupa and Raghunatha?' "They know it because they are premi-bhaktas. And without the mercy of such dearmost, intimate devotees of Krsna, nobody can understand this. Thus Krsna keeps all this tattva with His dear devotees, that is guru. And unless one meets such a guru, approaches such a guru, he cannot receive that tattva-jnana, and thus he will not be able to understand the confidential lila-tattva of Radha and Krsna." - The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.46-47 "By the mercy of dear devotees of Lord Hari like Brahma, Narada, Vyasa and Suka this krsna-katha, bhagavata-katha has come to us. Then there are the dear devotees of Gauranga Mahaprabhu such as Rupa Goswami, Sanatana Goswami, Svarupa Damodara Goswami, they have all brought us this krsna-katha, bhagavata-katha, the topics related to the loving kingdom of Krsna, prema-rajera-katha, they have brought it. "They are very merciful, otherwise without the mercy of such dear devotees, maha-bhagavatas, premi-bhaktas, how would all this transcendental krsna-katha, bhagavata-katha be available in this material world?" The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.48 "Krsna is completely under Radha, He does not belong to anyone else but Radharani. So without Radharani's mercy, how can you get the opportunity to serve Krsna?" - The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.52 "That Gurudeva is radha-priya-sakhi, a very dear girl companion of Radharani. And so guru-seva is srimatir-seva. To serve guru means to serve Radharani, because he is very dear to Radharani, radha-priya-sakhi. Service to Radharani means service to guru and service to guru means service to Radharani, this is the tattva. To become the servitor of guru means to become the servitor of Radharani and thus to become the servitor of Krsna. This is the tattva." - The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.55 "If one can become free from duplicity and develops simplicity in one's heart and soul and one's body also, and takes shelter at the lotus feet of guru and serves him without duplicity, then one will get the mercy of that guru and one will find a place at the lotus feet of Krsna, otherwise one cannot. Serve gurupada-padma without duplicity, niskapata-seva, with your heart and soul, then you will get the mercy of the guru as a result of which you will have a place at the lotus feet of Krsna. He will take you to the lotus feet of Krsna." - The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.59-60 Posted: May Mon 26, 2003 3:47 am Post subject: Nectar and Poison -- "In radha-prema there is visa-amrtar-milana. When there is milana, union, it is very sweet, milanananda madhu. But when there is separation it is very acute; very painful burning like poison. Two opposites are there. Poison is there and nectar is there. Outside there is the burning of poison, such acute pangs of separation, burning like poison. That is outside, but inside there is immense pleasure. Outside burning, inside immense pleasure. Two opposites. This is adbhuta, the wonderful characteristic of krsna-prema. "To relish this krsna-prema is like chewing very hot sugarcane. The mouth is burning but there is such sweetness that you cannot leave it. Two opposites; the mouth is burning, chewing hot hot sugarcane but you do not want to leave it, although it is burning. It is such and one who has relished such prema, he knows how it is." - The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.77-78 "What to speak of others, this prema is not with any other gopi. It is only with Radharani, because Radharani is madanakhya mahabhava-mayi. No one is madanakhya mahabhava-mayi because this mahabhava is only Her asset. Not the asset of any gopi. Krsna has no right to it. This asset, mahabhava, is only Radharani's. Krsna is the visaya, so how can He have that right to Radharnai's asset, mahabhava? Krsna is visaya so Krsna has no right to it. "Therefore Krsna developed greed how to get it. So Krsna assumed radhabhava and came as Gauranga to have it. And Krsna is the Supreme Thief. He is very expert in theft, stealing, so He stole it. He stole it from Radharani and became Gaura. This is prema." - The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.80-81 "And Gaurasundara is radha-bhava-dyuti-suvalitam. Radha-bhava is predominating in Gaurasundara. gaura anga nahe mora - radhanga sparsana vrajendra suta vina tenho na sparse anya-jana - CC Madhya 8.287 "What does He say, this is His own statement. 'This is not the body of Gaura, this is the body of Radha,' Gaura says this thing. 'Only Vrajendra-suta, the son of Nanda Maharaja can touch this body. Nobody else can touch this body.' "So radhabhava is predominating in Gaura. In our guru-parampara, when Gaura comes then Radha comes. That guru-parampara in which Gaura comes is Radha's parampara. This is guru-tattva, because in Gaurasundara radhabhava is predominating. So those who are gauranugas, followers of Gaura, they are radhanugas, because radhabhava is predominating in Gaura, this is gaudiya-guru-dhara." - The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.57 "Krsna is the Absolute Truth, advaya-jnana-tattva, the Supreme Truth, parama-tattva. And so is Caitanya, also advaya-tattva but one addition is there, that is bhakti-naipunya, 'the last limit of bhakti,' prema-bhakti. If prema-bhakti is added to Krsna, that is Caitanya. Therefore Sacinandana Gauranga is the Supreme Absolute Truth, parama-tattva, Bhagavan but with bhakti-naipunya added to it. That is Gauranga, and in the Gauranga form you find two things combined together. What are those? Sambhoga and vipralambha. These two things combined together, that is Gauranga. And that is bhakti-naipunya, 'the last limit of bhakti.'" - The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.87 "Such wonderful lilas, very mysterious and inconceivable. This Gaura-tattva is a very deep and confidential tattva. It is the highest and very, very confidential. Therefore it is said to be the postgraduate study and only students of the postgraduate class can understand, otherwise nobody can understand it. So this course is there, and two lectures are there every week. Anyone can come and hear, just hear but if he is not a student of the postgraduate class he cannot understand it. Anyway, sit and let it touch your ear, then that is beneficial. The time will come that you can understand it, and in your heart you should cry for that, kabe ha'be bolo se-dina amar. "'When will that auspicious day come in my life that I can understand this thing, so that I can relish it? I can become ecstatic, dance and roll and shed tears and be overwhelmed with that bhava, drowned and intoxicated.' "You should feel like that, cry cry! Therefore we speak such things, just to put you in such a condition of crying." - The Last Limit of Bhakti, p.93 "Unless we get the mercy of the Vaisnavas we cannot understand Mahaprabhu's lila, krsna-tattva. So first we do guru-vandana and then vaishnava-gana. Vande gurun isa-bhaktan: 'I offer my respectful obeisances unto the spiritual masters and the devotees of the Lord.' This is the process. "First I pay my obeisances at the lotus feet of the Vaisnavas, the dear devotees of Mahaprabhu residing in Vrndavana. I worship their lotus feet. Falling flat on the ground, I worship the feet of the associates of Mahaprabhu, the Vaisnavas residing in Nilacala, Jagannatha Puri Dhama. I worship the feet of one and all the devotees of Mahaprabhu in Navadvipa. "This is humility, invoking the mercy of all Vaisnavas. I worship the lotus feet of one and all of Mahaprabhu's devotees residing in Gauda-desa, Gaura-mandala Bhumi, the Gaura-bhaktas. They may be residing in any corner of the world, Western country or Eastern country, wherever they are, raising my hands I pay dandavats at their lotus feet. The devotees in the present, past and future - those who will become devotees of Gauranga Mahaprabhu in the future - I worship the feet of one and all of them, catching a straw between my teeth." - Sadhu-sanga, The Birthplace of Bhakti, p.10 "Prior to the darsana of Sri Guru we are ill-fated. We had only bad fortune. The day we met Sri Guru, sad-guru, good fortune arose. If someone gets an opportunity to meet such a guru his material bondage starts to be destroyed. When his material bondage is destroyed then he gets the opportunity to have the darsana of Sri Guru, mahatma, maha-bhagavata. "Such a jiva is bhagyavan, fortunate. Having already wandered through lakhs and lakhs of brahmandas, the ill-fated jiva experiences only misfortune. Now he has become fortunate, he has gotten the darsana of a maha-bhagavata, krsna-prestha, a dear devotee of Krsna." - Sadhu-sanga, The Birthplace of Bhakti, p.18 "Gurudeva speaks krsna-katha, so you see the guru through your ears, not through your eyes. Through the ear, through vani he makes Krsna enter into you." - Sadhu-sanga, The Birthplace of Bhakti, p.20 "One should understand what is the meaning of sri-guru-carana-padma. These words 'sri-guru' are very significant. What is the meaning of sri? Sri means sobha, sampada, srestha. Sri means beauty, it means transcendental wealth and it also means the topmost. These are the meanings of sri. "Then what is the meaning of sri-guru? Sri-guru refers to that guru who is endowed with sri; that is prema-bhakti. And this word 'sri' is only applicable to a guru who is always manifest. It is not that guru is ever unmanifest. There is no question of his disappearance. He is eternally manifest and thus he is called Sri Guru. Therefore this word 'sri' is used; otherwise this word cannot be used." Sadhu-sanga, The Birthplace of Bhakti, p.29
  15. http://vnn.org/usa/US0308/US25-8297.html KKK the symbol of the Ku Klux Klan appeared on the walls of the Bhakti Vedanta Cultural Center, a Hare Krishna Temple in Chandler, Ariz. on Aug 1 reports New York weekly India Abroad . "We feel it is an act of hate" Bhaktaraj Swami, one of the 13 monks at the Center told India Abroad. He said ignorance could be at the root of this vandalism. "Many people do not know the difference between Muslims and Sikhs. They do not know much about other religions." This is the first such incident at the Hare Krishna center except for a stolen car and a incident in 1996 when someone threw a rock. Chandler police spokesman George Arias, however, expressed doubt that white supremacists are involved. "It's just a bunch of graffiti on a church. There's nothing that indicates it's a hate crime." He pointed out some of the graffiti referred to marijuana and said KKK could be the initials of the perpetrators rather than the Klan. But the monks fear they were specifically targeted since neighboring buildings were not vandalized. Eight miles from Chandler is Mesa, where Sikh gas station owner Balbir Singh Sodhi was shot dead after 9/11. Also not far is Phoenix, where truck driver Avtar Singh Chiera was shot recently. Some 10,000 Hindus live in the area. On Aug. 20, Krishna Janmashtami, the biggest festival for the Hare Krishna order is expected to draw 2,500 devotees. Jalal Ghazi and Elizabeth Price contributed to this report.
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