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Anger while chanting maha-mantra

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Dear All,


wherever I chant the Hare Krishna mantra, I start getting angry and remembering some unresolved issues. More I chant, the more my anger rises. Finally I stop chanting. Why is this happening? What kind of experiences other people had when starting to chant this mantra? Thanks.

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"remembering some unresolved issues."

"remembering some unresolved issues."

"remembering some unresolved issues."


They are all yours.

Mantra meditation is all about focusing the mind.

The challenge of becoming expert in Mantra meditation is that the mind will always "Interrupt" the Mantra meditation.


This "Interruption" of the Mantra meditation is usually mundane wandering thoughts, more wandering thoughts, and even more wandering thoughts.


All that seems to be occu4rring with you is that YOUR wandering thoughts are specifically caught-up with overcoming certain issues; or, simply, during the time of Mantra meditation ---you have found some available time to think about the "unresolved issues" ---such issues are bound to surface among the many other more mundane wandering thoughts.


The idea of releasing 'physical stress' [accrued during obliged (mental & physical) duties of one's waking hours] that have left residual effects of various parts of one's mental & physical being would require a relatively restfull moment to 'release'.


Taking a nap during a drive on the motorway is not stressfull until you re-awake . . . and when one revisits the memory of doing such risky behavior.

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It's strange that you become angry while you chant Hare Krsna mahamantra. The mantra is so pleasant and powerful at the same that it calms and soothes the mind. The very word of Krsna means pleasure and while chanting or saying the name of Lord Krsna one gets pleasure, atleast I do. Even if you think of problems while chanting mahamantra, your mind will be drawn to the Lord sooner or later depending on how agitated your mind is. I suggest you stop focusing on problems and put a picture of Lord Krsna infront of you or atleast imagine in your mind while chanting. This will surely help.

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Dear All,


wherever I chant the Hare Krishna mantra, I start getting angry and remembering some unresolved issues. More I chant, the more my anger rises. Finally I stop chanting. Why is this happening? What kind of experiences other people had when starting to chant this mantra? Thanks.


Well it is the most powerful healing mantra and likely to be bringing somethings up to consciousness for cleansing and purification. Just try not to associate the bad feeling of anger with the Mahamantra. Mahamantra is only the medicine making indigestible pains in the mind and heart come to the surface. You won't be able to progress or heal unless some things come to surface where they can be dealt with and digested as learning experience. Everyone has to come to peace within themselves and with the God first if they would experience bliss. What is bound must find release. What is grieved must find it's joy. Anger is often a reaction to something wounded, either pride or the very heart and soul of a being. In any event, our true nature is joyous praise and not these limited reactions and temporary experiences or identity. Don't stop chanting, but keep chanting. Chanting isn't the cause. Chanting is the cure.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Anger is because you are forcing your mind into an activity. That results in your sense of ego getting insulted and there by suppressed anger arises.


The probelm with cults is that many cults require absolute submission. Submission to some ideas and rules might appeal to your intellect, but your Ego will not buy it.


Later when you are threatened with failure to reach the ultimate, aparadha, etc etc, the mind has too much to loose and decides to act in line with the dictums. but the egos are actually intact. So you have lot of anger, hate, jelousy, hidden and bottled up. when the opportunity presents itself, it explodes.


That is why you find many people, who claim to be dasas, actually venting their frustration on this forum, resulting in fights. A truly spiritual person will not have any dicotomy. He/She will be at peace with him/herself and accept the universe as it is.


To reach this staate, my suggestion would be to flow with life and witness everything. Witness your anger, witness your chanting. One day the truth will dawn.



Hare Krishna.

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Dear All,


wherever I chant the Hare Krishna mantra, I start getting angry and remembering some unresolved issues. More I chant, the more my anger rises. Finally I stop chanting. Why is this happening? What kind of experiences other people had when starting to chant this mantra? Thanks.


I had the same problem, Sandy, and finally stopped chanting!

The standard reply to this question would be that this anger is a sign of an impure mind and that the only way to get rid of that is to keep on chanting. I have been chanting for seven years, sixteen rounds daily, but instead of getting less the feelings of lust and anger just increased! And not only anger - also feelings of sadness, depression even, and total despair and inner emptiness resulted while chanting! OMG I must be an offender!:mad:

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HAre Krishna MAntra is a great powerful mantra, when you start chanting over and over again, you are starting to stire up your energy pool. In simple words the human body is a pool of energy, holding matter ( human flesh ). This mantra energises your divine qualities within you. So when you chant, your latent divine qualities rises up, so the grosser bottled up emotions also rise. This is a sign that u are in the correct path, keep chanting and resist adding conciousness to the anger, the anger will rise and weaken and go away. Like wise many negative bottled up emotions will rise and fall. Just watch them when they rise don't focus on them, focusing gives them more power. In the end u will be only left with the self(the true being), some say it takes long time, but for some its quicker. Just keep chanting my friend. Hare Krishna !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hello Sandy.


Perhaps it is actually a good sign of Lord Krishna's inscrutable mercy.


Sinere chanting of this Hare Krishna maha-mantra- the great mantra of liberation - acts to cleanse the dust (the dirty things) covering our souls.


Perhaps for you right now, chanting is cleansing you of anger - and just as we sometimes stir up a bit of dust when sweepng the floor (sometimes making us sneeze!) - the anger arising is simple "stirred-up|ust."


I encourage you to again take up. The chanting, and to also pray to Lord Krishna to glance favorably on you and help you be relieved of the anger that arises, so that you may better chant His Holy Name from your heart filled with love.


Your friend and servant,

Damodara dasa

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  • 4 weeks later...

this is just a cleansing action, it means it is working on all levels, the seat of the emotion of anger in the body is the small intestin and the liver - if you dont want the out breaks while chanting, try a soothing liver tonic, at least 24hr in advance, you sfould notice a reduced outbreak of this feeling.



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pls first ask the person who taught you this mantra..


my 2 cents follow ( take them with plenty grains of salt - maybe pennies go down good with salt :-) :

next time u r at ur job, or watching ur favorite TV show, just try to close ur eyes & forcefully go to sleep. how would u feel? restless & angry? the more/longer u force urself, the more ur anger rises?

then u either - stop trying to sleep OR fall asleep after a while.

(mantra = blissful sleep, unresolved issues = job/TVshow)

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  • 2 months later...


Dear All,


wherever I chant the Hare Krishna mantra, I start getting angry and remembering some unresolved issues. More I chant, the more my anger rises. Finally I stop chanting. Why is this happening? What kind of experiences other people had when starting to chant this mantra? Thanks.




I have almost the same problem. I`ve been chanting Mahamantra 1 round during last month and everything was good, i enjoyed it. But one day ago i decided to increase my chanting for 2 rounds and after i started the second round I felt emptyness and even fear and also strong desire to stop chanting. Then all day long I did not want to chant or hear Mahamantra. This morning as usually I sat on mat and prepared to meditation but I could just chant narasimha pranama mantra and Sri Krishna Caytanya...


May be somebody knows if this pocess is natural during spiritual growth or it is something else?


Hare Krishna!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Very nice question. I don't know if my answer will be what you are looking for, but since no one else has responded, allow me to give it a go:


As per the Sri Sikshastaka, chanting cleanses the dust which has accumulated within the heart over the course of innumerable lifetimes. Lust, anger, greed, pride, envy, and illusion are the 6 great enemies within which comprise most of this dust. These enemies are deeply rooted and often go unnoticed until we stir the pot, so to speak. Just like when making ghee, we boil the butter and the impurities rise to the top. Similarly, when we begin the chanting process, our enemies within, oftentimes having gone seemingly undetected for so long, thus rise to the surface, in all their ugly, abominable so-called glory. While disturbing to experience, the good news is that we are able to identify and isolate these enemies, and recognize them for what they are: unwanted things. It is easier to uproot the weeds when we can readily see them... much harder to do so when they are buried underground in root form. Continued chanting will dissolve the anger as well as uproot it. It is a gradual process, so patience and determination are required.


Also, if we feel overwhelmed by anger and other undesirable things, we can take solace in the fact that if we cry out to Krsna with feelings of helplessness, just like a baby crying for its mother, Krsna is karuna-sindhu, an ocean of mercy, and will lovingly reciprocate with us more than we can ever imagine.

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