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Hi Elisa

Boy are you going to get flack about saying you're vegetarian but you sometimes

eat fish. I think this group would consider you " transitional. " From what I

gather, vegetarians do not eat any of earth's creatures.


And yes, I have a mixed family as well. My dh is total omnivore, though he used

to be worse (had to have meat at every meal!). I want to make at least 1

completely vegetarian meal a week but haven't done too well... (I am still

transititional because I occasionally will eat fish).


This group has given me the courage to approach my children (3.5 & 5.5 years

old) about eating our friends. I was worried if it would upset them (neither eat

much meat, but they do like some). I was surprised on how well they handled it,

and they are not afraid to talk about it. They still will eat some meat, but

there's lots of discussion. I know this is going to freak out some of this

lists' members because some feel that the parents should not allow their kids to

eat meat if the parents are vegetarians. But I feel this slow approach is best

considering my dh's position. Also, I live in a very omnivore-friendly area, and

haven't met too many vegetarians.


Anyway, welcome to the group.

Peacefully, Jeannette


When logic & intuition agree,

you are always right!





Thursday, July 19, 2001 5:35 AM

new member



Hi, my name is Elisa and I just d to the list. I'll be 25 in

September and dd Sarah will turn 2 years old in 2 weeks. We live in Switzerland

(dh is Swiss). I followed a vegetarian regimen in the past, a few years back,

when I lived in the US, under my doctor's suggestion, as I didn't seem to do

well on meat and some other animal products. Later on I started eating

everything again, and recently I have re-discovered the pleasure of a vegetarian

diet. I am not quite vegan, as I occasionally eat a piece of cheese or some

fish, but aside from that I am off all animal products and I love it! My body

feels like the aging process stopped and it's actually reversing, I have more

energy, I sleep better and I am happier because I know I am eating healthy. I

also don't eat white flour products for the most part and follow some

food-combining rules, like fruit only alone and fresh, and no proteins and carbs

together, though with vegetable proteins you can mix pretty much anything. I am

also trying to have at least 50% of my food raw, like fresh raw veggies and

fruits, as I have experimented the wonderful effects of raw food on my body,

though I am not up to following a raw food diet yet.


My daughter Sarah is in-between, dh is a meat eater and mixes everything, he

also eats white bread (outside the house, since I don't buy it), candy, drinks

pop and so on. I would not say he eats unhealthy in general, but he could do

better. He eats dinner with us everyday but Wednesdays and Thursdays, so Sarah

for the most part eats what I eat, that is - vegetarian. But the rest of the

time... she gets a taste of this and a bit of that... any of you have a " mixed

family " , like us?





" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic




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Hello Elisa-


Welcome to the list! This is Carmen - we've already

" met " as my family and I are on our way to Zurich to

live in just under two weeks. We don't have a " mixed "

family, but I am very much looking forward to meeting

you personally (or over the phone:-) to get tips from

you on vegetarian shopping in CH!




--- ~*~*Elisa*~*~ <elisa.bieg wrote:

> Hi, my name is Elisa and I just d to the

> list. I'll be 25 in September and dd Sarah will turn

> 2 years old in 2 weeks. We live in Switzerland (dh

> is Swiss). I followed a vegetarian regimen in the

> past, a few years back, when I lived in the US,

> under my doctor's suggestion, as I didn't seem to do

> well on meat and some other animal products. Later

> on I started eating everything again, and recently I

> have re-discovered the pleasure of a vegetarian

> diet. I am not quite vegan, as I occasionally eat a

> piece of cheese or some fish, but aside from that I

> am off all animal products and I love it! My body

> feels like the aging process stopped and it's

> actually reversing, I have more energy, I sleep

> better and I am happier because I know I am eating

> healthy. I also don't eat white flour products for

> the most part and follow some food-combining rules,

> like fruit only alone and fresh, and no proteins and

> carbs together, though with vegetable proteins you

> can mix pretty much anything. I am also trying to

> have at least 50% of my food raw, like fresh raw

> veggies and fruits, as I have experimented the

> wonderful effects of raw food on my body, though I

> am not up to following a raw food diet yet.


> My daughter Sarah is in-between, dh is a meat eater

> and mixes everything, he also eats white bread

> (outside the house, since I don't buy it), candy,

> drinks pop and so on. I would not say he eats

> unhealthy in general, but he could do better. He

> eats dinner with us everyday but Wednesdays and

> Thursdays, so Sarah for the most part eats what I

> eat, that is - vegetarian. But the rest of the

> time... she gets a taste of this and a bit of

> that... any of you have a " mixed family " , like us?



> Hugs,


> " My darling girl, when are you going to understand

> that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

> It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


> Aunt Frances in Practical Magic




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








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Well, let's hope that no one does give Elisa any flack about sometimes

eating fish or cheese. Hopefully this group is smart enough to realize that

we should be grateful for and supportive of the steps towards veganism she

(or anyone else for that matter) has taken. There's nothing that will turn

a person off to something faster than negative criticism about what they

haven't done. Instead we should be congratulating them for what they have



I work in a place that promotes veganism, but there are vegetarians there

too. Years ago when I first started, someone told a group of us vegans that

we should not look down our noses at the vegetarians. That would only make

them feel bad. Instead, we should think that even though they still might

eat dairy and eggs and honey that they're doing more for the animals and

their health than most people are, and isn't that wonderful?


Hard to learn from or ask questions of a person that you feel is judging






> " J Tibbetts " <s5g3mom



>Re: new member

>Thu, 19 Jul 2001 12:28:33 -0400


>Hi Elisa

>Boy are you going to get flack about saying you're vegetarian but you

>sometimes eat fish. I think this group would consider you " transitional. "

>From what I gather, vegetarians do not eat any of earth's creatures.


>And yes, I have a mixed family as well. My dh is total omnivore, though he

>used to be worse (had to have meat at every meal!). I want to make at least

>1 completely vegetarian meal a week but haven't done too well... (I am

>still transititional because I occasionally will eat fish).


>This group has given me the courage to approach my children (3.5 & 5.5

>years old) about eating our friends. I was worried if it would upset them

>(neither eat much meat, but they do like some). I was surprised on how well

>they handled it, and they are not afraid to talk about it. They still will

>eat some meat, but there's lots of discussion. I know this is going to

>freak out some of this lists' members because some feel that the parents

>should not allow their kids to eat meat if the parents are vegetarians. But

>I feel this slow approach is best considering my dh's position. Also, I

>live in a very omnivore-friendly area, and haven't met too many



>Anyway, welcome to the group.

>Peacefully, Jeannette


>When logic & intuition agree,

>you are always right!




> ~*~*Elisa*~*~


> Thursday, July 19, 2001 5:35 AM

> new member



> Hi, my name is Elisa and I just d to the list. I'll be 25 in

>September and dd Sarah will turn 2 years old in 2 weeks. We live in

>Switzerland (dh is Swiss). I followed a vegetarian regimen in the past, a

>few years back, when I lived in the US, under my doctor's suggestion, as I

>didn't seem to do well on meat and some other animal products. Later on I

>started eating everything again, and recently I have re-discovered the

>pleasure of a vegetarian diet. I am not quite vegan, as I occasionally eat

>a piece of cheese or some fish, but aside from that I am off all animal

>products and I love it! My body feels like the aging process stopped and

>it's actually reversing, I have more energy, I sleep better and I am

>happier because I know I am eating healthy. I also don't eat white flour

>products for the most part and follow some food-combining rules, like fruit

>only alone and fresh, and no proteins and carbs together, though with

>vegetable proteins you can mix pretty much anything. I am also trying to

>have at least 50% of my food raw, like fresh raw veggies and fruits, as I

>have experimented the wonderful effects of raw food on my body, though I am

>not up to following a raw food diet yet.


> My daughter Sarah is in-between, dh is a meat eater and mixes

>everything, he also eats white bread (outside the house, since I don't buy

>it), candy, drinks pop and so on. I would not say he eats unhealthy in

>general, but he could do better. He eats dinner with us everyday but

>Wednesdays and Thursdays, so Sarah for the most part eats what I eat, that

>is - vegetarian. But the rest of the time... she gets a taste of this and a

>bit of that... any of you have a " mixed family " , like us?



> Hugs,


> " My darling girl, when are you going to understand

> that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

> It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


> Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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Hi Carmen, I didn't know you were part of this list! I am looking forward to

meet you!




" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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Hi Jeannette.


Actually, vegans are the ones who don't eat any animal products. As for

vegetarians, there are lacto-vegetarians (who still eat dairy),

lacto-ovo-vegetarians (who still eat dairy and eggs), and so on. On vrg.org, on

the section " Position paper on vegetarianism " , under " Vegetarianism in

perspective " it says:


" The eating patterns of vegetarians vary considerably. The lacto-ovo-vegetarian

eating pattern is based on grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts,

dairy products, and eggs, and excludes meat, fish, and fowl. The vegan, or total

vegetarian, eating pattern is similar to the lacto-ovo-vegetarian pattern except

for the additional exclusion of eggs, dairy, and other animal products. Even

within these patterns, considerable variation may exist in the extent to which

animal products are avoided. "


Anyway, the main reason I d to this list was to have support and

suggestions for a diet which is very different from most people around me. I

don't want to make anybody uncomfortable nor I want to feel uncomfortable

because of the fact that a few weeks ago I ate some shrimp and that I'll

probably eat some fish again in September when I'll spend holidays in the island

where I was born. So by any means, if someone really feels that I don't fit in

here, please let me know.




" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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The way I am doing it is that I will cook meat and fish for him once a week

each, and then the other days he is at home (he doesn't have dinner at home two

days a week) it's one day pasta with a vegetable sauce (thanks God I am Italian

and have plenty of ideas for that one), another time risotto or other grains,

another time a vegetarian meal, like veggie stew and a salad, or veggie soup and

veggie wraps, or a vegetarian Mexican dinner with guacamole and veggie sticks,

Mexican salad and mixed steamed string beans, corn and so on.


When we go to restaurants, he usually orders a steak with potatoes, as he never

gets that at home!




" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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Thanks Timothy. I definitely would like some support as my whole family except

my daughter and I is omnivorous, same with most of our friends and relatives.

Right now I don't know if I could give up fish as well, as I was born and raised

in an island and I really like it, though I do try to eat as little as possible,

maybe every 3-4 weeks; but you know, a few months ago I also didn't think I

could give up meat, especially chicken, but I did. I really think everyone

should go at his/her own pace and that's what I am trying to do.




" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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Hi Renee,


Thanks for the warm welcome. I don't know the book you mentioned, but I am now

actually expecting the delivery of 2 vegan cooking books I ordered from

Amazon.com. I love Italian cooking, but then, I may be partial since I am

Italian, LOL. My hubby is also not particularly into vegetarian cuisine, so I

have to get creative and make very tasty things that won't make him miss the

meat too much. Lately, the veggie dinner he liked most was a plate of pasta with

basil-tomato sauce (freshly made) paired up with barbecue veggie kebobs. I put

the veggies to marinate in the morning and then put them on the skewers and

grilled them at dinner time. They were very tasty and the pasta was a good

accompaniment. An odd pairing for us, but it worked!


My daughter and I have also been eating the new quorn products. Sarah really

likes those! Those of you with toddlers, what do you feed them? Sarah usually

has some raw veggies and guacamole, or a veggie sandwitch, or veggies and

potatoes for lunch. I don't like tofu, really, and I doubt she would... any

suggestions? She does eat with a fork or a spoon, so it doesn't have to be

finger foods.





" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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Hello and Welcome!


I am very glad to meet you. I think it would be hard for anyone to " fit in "

anywhere. Who would want everyone to be exactly the same any way? My

husband is a highly reluctant veggie. hehehe He eats whatever I cook here

without complaint (I think because he feels so much better) but he orders

what he wants to when we go out to eat. On the bright side he is more often

ordering veggie stuff now. It has been almost two years since I went veggie

and drug everyone along with me. (I have four kiddos) It is still hard

sometimes. I have one son who I am afraid is going to turn into a piece of

bread. Oh well let me know if I can help out with ideas or anything. You

mentioned Italian by the way....have you ever used Jack Bishop's complete

vegetarian cookbook? I love it!


Peace, love & understanding!

Many Blessings,



" ~*~*Elisa*~*~ " <elisa.bieg


Friday, July 20, 2001 4:27 AM

Re: new member



> Hi Jeannette.


> Actually, vegans are the ones who don't eat any animal products. As for

vegetarians, there are lacto-vegetarians (who still eat dairy),

lacto-ovo-vegetarians (who still eat dairy and eggs), and so on. On vrg.org,

on the section " Position paper on vegetarianism " , under " Vegetarianism in

perspective " it says:


> " The eating patterns of vegetarians vary considerably. The

lacto-ovo-vegetarian eating pattern is based on grains, vegetables, fruits,

legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy products, and eggs, and excludes meat, fish, and

fowl. The vegan, or total vegetarian, eating pattern is similar to the

lacto-ovo-vegetarian pattern except for the additional exclusion of eggs,

dairy, and other animal products. Even within these patterns, considerable

variation may exist in the extent to which animal products are avoided. "


> Anyway, the main reason I d to this list was to have support and

suggestions for a diet which is very different from most people around me. I

don't want to make anybody uncomfortable nor I want to feel uncomfortable

because of the fact that a few weeks ago I ate some shrimp and that I'll

probably eat some fish again in September when I'll spend holidays in the

island where I was born. So by any means, if someone really feels that I

don't fit in here, please let me know.


> Hugs,

> Elisa

> " My darling girl, when are you going to understand

> that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

> It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


> Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, ~*~*Elisa*~*~ wrote:


> Thanks for the warm welcome. I don't know the book you mentioned, but

> I am now actually expecting the delivery of 2 vegan cooking books I

> ordered from Amazon.com. I love Italian cooking, but then, I may be

> partial since I am Italian, LOL.


Have you looked at Nonna's Italian Kitchen, by Bryanna Clark Grogan? It's

an excellent vegan Italian cookbook, the only vegan Italian cookbook I've

ever heard of. My husband and I have loved every recipe we've made from

there, and some of the sauces have become staples in our house. I highly

recommend it.



Patricia Bullington-McGuire <patricia


The brilliant Cerebron, attacking the problem analytically, discovered

three distinct kinds of dragon: the mythical, the chimerical, and the

purely hypothetical. They were all, one might say, nonexistent, but each

nonexisted in an entirely different way ...

-- Stanislaw Lem, " Cyberiad "

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Yes, that's one of the 2 books I had ordered, and I just got them today! The

other one is something like " Mediterranean Vegan Kitchen " and it also looks very

good. I am a bit picky about recipes because I am used to Italian cooking, and

so far not every cooking book I purchase makes me happy... hopefully these will.

I will made next week's menu based on one of the 2 books, so I guess we'll know





" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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Thank you Gina! I am really enjoying this list now.




" My darling girl, when are you going to understand

that being normal isn't necessarily a virtue.

It rather denotes a lack of courage! "


Aunt Frances in Practical Magic





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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Carly welcome We are a friendly lot here We have our differences

and sometimes argue a lot but we still value each other

One or two people have an unusual sense of humour where they seem to be

insulting others but don't be put off-----.the person being insulted

probably doesn't mind as he/she Knows its supposed to be a joke!!!

I mention this cos US lists seem to be stricter and throw people off more

readily than we here would like

Congrats on your marriage/new home----Good luck

Angie [vegan 30+ years ,separated 4 boys--life-vegans from 14-21--

science teacher--from Nottingham]



" carlyipo2 " <carlyipo2


Thursday, August 02, 2001 2:44 AM

new member



> Hello all!

> I am a new member to this list. Looking for a list of vegans that is

> comfortable. Tried a couple that just didn't feel like home so hoping

> this one does.


> I live in Omaha, Nebraska but grew up all over. I moved here to be with

my new husband who

> moved here for work. He is vegetarian, but I do most of the cooking so

> vegan it is...smile. We just got married about 5 weeks ago and are still

> adjusting to that, a move and many other things.


> Ummm...other pertinent info...vegetarian for about 12 years, began the

> move to vegan about 5 years ago.


> I'm looking forward to being part of the group.

> Thanks!

> Carly



> To send an email to -



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hi new person...and happy marriage thingee......



i'm not the only one on this side of the pond anymore!!! yay!







carlyipo2 <carlyipo2 wrote:


>Hello all!

>I am a new member to this list. Looking for a list of vegans that is

>comfortable. Tried a couple that just didn't feel like home so hoping

>this one does.


>I live in Omaha, Nebraska (Yes, home of Omaha Beef...not easy to be green

>here.) but grew up all over. I moved here to be with my new husband who

>moved here for work. He is vegetarian, but I do most of the cooking so

>vegan it is...smile. We just got married about 5 weeks ago and are still

>adjusting to that, a move and many other things.


>Ummm...other pertinent info...vegetarian for about 12 years, began the

>move to vegan about 5 years ago.


>I'm looking forward to being part of the group.





>To send an email to -



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Hi Carly


> Hello all!

> I am a new member to this list.




> Looking for a list of vegans that is

> comfortable. Tried a couple that just didn't feel like home so hoping

> this one does.


I hope we can be " comfortable " for you :-). We're a fairly new list, and the

general aim is to just chat about anything you like - whether specifically

vegan or not. As you've already seen, we've got a bit of a discussion going

at the moment about what people think is acceptable action when it comes to

animal rights issues.


> I live in Omaha, Nebraska (Yes, home of Omaha Beef...not easy to be green

> here.) but grew up all over.


That sounds a bit messy :-)




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Thanks for all of the kind greetings. Sounds like an interesting

discussion has been in the works. I visited the archives.

Thought about you all this morning on my way to work. I have been

working in Lincoln, Nebraska the past few weeks and this has required an

hour commute each way. When I have jobs like this, I hit the library for

a few books on tape before undertaking the long commute. My most recent

book is called " Toxin " by Robin Cook. Has anyone read this? I read a

lot of Cook stuff years ago, but tired of the formula. Thought I would

give him another chance. Ugghhhh! It is all about the meat production

industry. (Medical Suspense for those of you unfamiliar with Cook's

writing.) He describes in detail the process of moving from Bovine to

Burger. Yikes...if I wasn't veg already, I would be now!


He makes some pretty accusatory statements about the meat business and

the USDA (US dept of Agriculture) working together. Also quotes a slew

of statistics about how many people die every year from contaminated

meat. Stuff I knew before, but it never ceases to shock me when I hear

the numbers.


Any other book worms ever read this one? If so....don't give away the

ending. I have another commute tomorrow.



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In a message dated 8/2/01 11:21:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time, carlyipo2 writes:



When I have jobs like this, I hit the library for a few books on tape before undertaking the long commute. My most recent book is called "Toxin" by Robin Cook. Has anyone read this? I read a lot of Cook stuff years ago, but tired of the formula. Thought I would give him another chance. Ugghhhh! It is all about the meat production industry. (Medical Suspense for those of you unfamiliar with Cook's writing.) He describes in detail the process of moving from Bovine to Burger. Yikes...if I wasn't veg already, I would be now


i just heard it mentioned on the radio yesterday as a matter of fact

is it any good...???


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I don't read much but on hearing that Martha Grimes [of the US]was an AR

person and Veggie decided to read her who dunits She has a strange writing


her latest book Biting the Moon has lots of AR comments and involves a dog

fight I enjoyed it some of the profits from this book go to AR according to

a website on famous veggies Angie


" carlyipo2 " <carlyipo2


Thursday, August 02, 2001 7:16 PM

Re: new member

> a few books on tape before undertaking the long commute. My most recent

> book is called " Toxin " by Robin Cook. Has anyone read this?

.. . Ugghhhh! It is all about the meat production

> industry. (Medical Suspense for those of you unfamiliar with Cook's

> writing.) He describes in detail the process of moving from Bovine to

> Burger. Yikes...if I wasn't veg already, I would be now!


> He makes some pretty accusatory statements about the meat business and

> the USDA (US dept of Agriculture) working together. Also quotes a slew

> of statistics about how many people die every year from contaminated

> meat. Stuff I knew before, but it never ceases to shock me when I hear

> the numbers.



> Carly



> To send an email to -



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Hello Carly - welcome.




> I am a new member to this list. Looking for a list of vegans that is

> comfortable. Tried a couple that just didn't feel like home so hoping

> this one does.


> I live in Omaha, Nebraska (Yes, home of Omaha Beef...not easy to be green

> here.) but grew up all over. I moved here to be with my new husband who

> moved here for work. He is vegetarian, but I do most of the cooking so

> vegan it is...smile. We just got married about 5 weeks ago and are still

> adjusting to that, a move and many other things.


> Ummm...other pertinent info...vegetarian for about 12 years, began the

> move to vegan about 5 years ago.


> I'm looking forward to being part of the group.

> Thanks!

> Carly



> To send an email to -



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Pretty good. Just a little like attending a political rally in parts.

He usually does a good job with integrating the factual info into his

story, but this has whole segments that read like veggie political

pamphlets. The characters just don't seem to have authentic

conversations about this stuff. If that doesn't bother you, it's great!

A very gripping story.




>In a message dated 8/2/01 11:21:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

>carlyipo2 writes:



>> When I have jobs like this, I hit the library for

>> a few books on tape before undertaking the long commute. My most recent

>> book is called " Toxin " by Robin Cook. Has anyone read this? I read a

>> lot of Cook stuff years ago, but tired of the formula. Thought I would

>> give him another chance. Ugghhhh! It is all about the meat production

>> industry. (Medical Suspense for those of you unfamiliar with Cook's

>> writing.) He describes in detail the process of moving from Bovine to

>> Burger. Yikes...if I wasn't veg already, I would be now


>i just heard it mentioned on the radio yesterday as a matter of fact

>is it any good...???



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  • 5 weeks later...

Welcome Susan,

I'm sort of a lurker because I am in search of recipes as well. Today though,

I am trying the Garden Cabbage Soup that I seen from the list.

Put in the pot this morning and it is cooking as I type.

Hope you find many recipes you can use.








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  • 1 month later...

Hiya. How come you both went vegan at around the same time? Just

listening to each other's opinions and agreeing?


Freya wrote:


> Hello,


> I thought I'd introduce myself, or rather ourselves. We're really

> two people, sisters, and we've been vegans for about 5 years.

> Hope to meet new veggie friends here.


> Freya



> To send an email to -



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we've been invaded by norse gods!


salutations and welcome and all that




" Freya " <freya wrote:




>I thought I'd introduce myself, or rather ourselves. We're really

>two people, sisters, and we've been vegans for about 5 years.

>Hope to meet new veggie friends here.






>To send an email to -



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Hi Freya / Fraggle


Welcome Freya & ??? :-)


> we've been invaded by norse gods!


As long as it's not Loki, I don't mind! Particularly if Balder comes along -

he's armless enough (sorry, bad bad joke).







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