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Is Swami Raghavendra fake?

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Guest Tenali Ram

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What religion? I am still shopping for one.


If you are sincere about "shopping" for a religion, why not take

a closer look at some of the living masters (masters of themselves)?

There are such people in Hinduism. Two masters that I recommend you

get the darshan of are Baba Hari Dass www.mountmadonna.org/yoga/babaji.html

and Mata Amritanandamayi aka 'Ammachi' www.amritapuri.org

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who is this guy tenali ram?


Before we judge tenali ram for his non-humilty and disbelief of Swami Raghavendra, we should put our feet in his shoes. Because the issue reminds me of two debaters assigned to debate on a certain issue before an audience. It`s the Pros and Cons on the matter being debated that makes it interesting. Although the two debaters say, are Believers in God, one is made to take the position of an atheist ( in real life he`s not). While the other makes a defense against an offense why he believes in God.


Note: Please don`t misinterpret this that I`m just being soft on tenali ram. I could Die Hard on anybody on this forum if they try me.

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Before we judge tenali ram for his non-humilty and disbelief of Swami Raghavendra, we should put our feet in his shoes. Because the issue reminds me of two debaters assigned to debate on a certain issue before an audience. It`s the Pros and Cons on the matter being debated that makes it interesting. Although the two debaters say, are Believers in God, one is made to take the position of an atheist ( in real life he`s not). While the other makes a defense against an offense why he believes in God.


Note: Please don`t misinterpret this that I`m just being soft on tenali ram. I could Die Hard on anybody on this forum if they try me.


I wish melvin is right. But even assuming that this is merely a debate, won't you be careful with your language and usage of words?

I am sure there are far refined ways to extract answers thro' this forum, or there are many avenues available outside this forum to make use of his cheap language.

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I wish melvin is right. But even assuming that this is merely a debate, won't you be careful with your language and usage of words?

I am sure there are far refined ways to extract answers thro' this forum, or there are many avenues available outside this forum to make use of his cheap language.


What language are you saying, Empy? The note I wrote having to Die Hard if anybody here on the forum would try me? Do you love being tested from someone here on the forum? You just don`t realize how many times it was done to me right after I signed my name on June 6, 2000. This is my prayer, Empy: Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be Your name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread as we forgive those who trespass against us but deliver us from evil. Amen.

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Dear Melvin,

Oh. I am sorry for the typo. Post no 31 should have started with "Dear Tenali Ram." Then, This is how it would look like. I am sorry. I didn't mean you. In fact I supported ur feelings. Now please read my post as under:


"Dear Tenali Ram,

I wish melvin is right. But even assuming that this is merely a debate, won't you be careful with your language and usage of words?

I am sure there are far refined ways to extract answers thro' this forum, or there are many avenues available outside this forum to make use of his cheap language."


I also wonder how Tenali Ram is conveniently absent after starting this thread. Is he enjoying the fun?

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  • 1 year later...

Tenali Ram

Firstly, why is your name tenali RAM instead of tenali SHIVA if you being an TAMIL Iyer?

Secondly, Is the question against srivaishnavites? If so, do shaivites are so negligent to not even know ADVAITAM principles?

Thirdly, Instead of asking SriRaghavendra is true or fake, first ask yourself are you REAL or FAKE?

Finally, to explain the living mechanism, you see a video of yours, do you consider living or dead? Eyes are not to be beleived my dear brother. It is just one indriyam of panchendriyams.


Tell me, how do you differentiate between a living and a non-living person? then ask all other question which we will try to answer. Medical people say brain dead is actually dead person, previously they beleived stopping of heart or stopping of breathing is equal to death. What is your opinion about this?

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to tenali,

firstly i would like 2 tell u one thing ,sri raghavendra thirtha gurugalu r not an ordinary saint ,in fact he is( because he is still alive in brindavanam) incarnation of one of d karmaja devathe ,his avtharas r prahallada, bahlika, and vyasa theeratha , he came as raghavendra guru 2 help people who r strugeling 2 get jnana , so mainly he gives us jnana and harabhakthi(because its d only way 2 get moksha) if we asks , but these days people r much interested in lowkika suka boghas ,so what he does, first he gives us what ever we asks, 2 live comfortable life ( but he wont full fill any bad apeksha) then slowly he gives usjnana hari n bhakthi in hari vaayu 2 attain moksha, just like a mother who can able 2 give medicine 2 her child by mixing it with sweet r something,since if she would showed that at first the child would not have taken it . its pure karunya of our guru galu , other non madhva gurus r famous offering basma and all, that will not help u to get moksha , now u do not ask me that i don not know the word moksha( if not know the real meaning at least u might have heard the word) , as u r already told that u r a hindu too........ bye.

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Dear Tenali,


If you are a hindu then your question doesn't make any sense because you should then agree that what we are is not a mere body but individual souls, our material body is like clothes that we change from one life to another. Individual souls are eternal and immortal: "there was never a time when you, me and all those kings did not exist...And it is also faulse to think that in the future we we will not be" said Krishna.

in the Gita chpt 2.


Thus when it is said that Shri Raghavendra is still present in the Vrindavan, most probably what is meant is that his soul is still there, although of course his physical body has been consumed as any other material element.


Second for what regards Raghavendra's swami's life, it is very wrong to treat him as "fake" because even if you don't believe in the miracles he has accomplished, still he was a great Acharya and a Saint and model for all of us as a devotee, so for this reason only he deserves immense respect.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Exactly Flora, people like stupid tenali would not have studied bhagavadgita or any vedas , they are just an insult to hinduism. If any of the people want to know the real power of Sri Guru Raghavendra , go to mantralayam and take sankalpa to serve(seve) gurugalu for a mandalam(48 days), he would definitely appear in ur dream or in any other form.Even the superstar Rajnikanth goes to Mantralayam before and after every movies.

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firstly i would like to tell u one thing, do not take any thing like that , that too it is a question of adyathma ,as our supreme guru sri mad ananda theertha bgavad paadacharya (sri madhwacharya) that we should follow one right path that will lead us to god quoting the shruthi " naanya pantha ayanaya vidyathe" so be clear what you are following and accepted as guru... hare srinivasa...jai raghavendra theertha swamy ji ki..

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Tenali, Thanks for trying to learn about hinduism. Hindus never ever tell bad about any other religion, as hinduism is not a religion, it is a way of life, highly evolved, over very great period of time. Vedas, as sanatanis believe is not in the written format, but if taught from one generation to the next. If you try to learn all these, without changing your religion ( assuming u r not hindu ), / start devoting some time to read ancient hindu scriptures, through a highly knowledgeable SAT GURU, u will know a lot. To answer certain question of Mandan Mishra, shri shankara Bhagavtpada has got in to another shareera. This is called PARAKAYA PRAVESHA. Science may question this. BUT I HAVE SEEN MY GURU PERFORMING PARAKAYA PRAVESHA. THESE ARE NOT DONE IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, TO GAIN MILEAGE OR FOLLOWERS. The Gurus are not bothered about money or fame. They do not do magics or miracles for my sake or your sake. They do not want cheap publicity. Please read books from YOGADA SOCIETY. Even today GOVIND BHAGAVTPADA is alive. GOWADAPADA is ALIVE. LAHIRI MAHASHAY is alive. To get to know that we should try to reach to that level of understanding. Let us not belittle any religion / sect / untill we have firm knowledge about it. If you go to MANTRALAYA and pray the great saint, with full MUMUKSHATWA, you will get the answer. A mother feeds the child only when it is hungry. Guru gives you what u want only when u deserve it. So no mischief please. Pray with fullest of love and purity of heart, and you will get answer from none other than the saint you are doubting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know where you heard all this rubbish, and always don't rely on Google Search for everything. Swami Raghavendra entered samadhi in a " Lumbini Yoga", so learn more about that and if possible understand it throughly from a learned man( not from the people who show cast themselves as a yoga teacher on YouTube).

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  • 3 years later...
Guest Guest

I would like to share my miraculous incident which has happened recently when I had visited mantralayam for raghavendra's darshan. After performing 108 namaskaras to sri guru raghavendra in mantralayam, I experienced guru raghavendra's physical presence inside brundavan as i was able to see it for not more than 10 secs. After this incident i pretty much come to believe about his physical presence. OM SRI RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAHA

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