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A Thought - way To Liberation

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Yesterday, During Contemplation, A Few Stray Thoughts Just Arose To Me in Parts....,

I Have Put Them Together For Sharing With You All.

So, This Following Article Is Very Much Original & Is Not Copied or Taken From Anywhere.

It Has A Source.... Which Is Mentioned At The Bottom Of This Article.





" If Reading Holy Scriptures Was The Way To Liberation,

Then, How Would The Blind Get Liberated."

" If Hearing Religious Discourses Was The Way To Liberation,

Then, How Would The Deaf Get Liberated."

" If Singing Gods Glory & Chanting His Name Was The Way To Liberation,

Then, How Would The Dumb Get Liberated."

"If Doing Parikramas Of Temples / Shrines Was The Way To Liberation,

Then, How Would The Lame Get Liberated."

" If Writing Holy Books Or Doing Mala Japa`s Was The Way To Liberation,

Then, How Would The People Without Hands Get Liberated."

" If Doing Seva / Austerities Was The Way To Liberation,

Then, How Would The Bed-Ridden / Aged Get Liberated."

" If Fasting Was The Way To Liberation,

Then, Would`nt The Poor & Under-nourished Be Liberated."

" If Donation Was The Way To Liberation,

Then, Would`nt All The Rich & Wealthy Be Liberated."

" If Giving Up On Worldly "Maya" & Becoming A Renunciant Was The Way To Liberation,

Then, Would`nt "ALL" The Rishimuni Be Liberated."

" If Becoming An Hermit And Staying in Forests / Mountains Was The Way To Liberation,

Then, Would`nt All The Animals Be Liberated."




To Unite With God,

The Physical Self Might Have Limitations,

But The Subtle Self Knows No Boundaries..!


"If With Sai, 24X7 Your Hearts Subtle Vibrations Are Connected,

Then Surely You Are Liberated & Wont Be Resurrected."




Sauce Oops Source - My Ideal Idle Idol Mind.

Indian Eye-Dull (Idol) - RohiT BehaL





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your first seven thoughts are good questions.


even the verses from Bhagavatam-"Taking Hari's name even once liberates the person."

gives the bhaktas a tough time.


fact of the matter is- the mind has to jump in along with any of the activities.Unless the mind surrenders...starts to feel humble and tears come from the eyes,Bhagavan will never be attained.


Srila Bhakti Vinode strictly condemned mechanical japa.He said it uproots the faith of the neophytes when there is no effect of such chanting..

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To Unite With God,

The Physical Self Might Have Limitations,

But The Subtle Self Knows No Boundaries..!


"If With Sai, 24X7 Your Hearts Subtle Vibrations Are Connected,

Then Surely You Are Liberated & Wont Be Resurrected."




Sauce Oops Source - My Ideal Idle Idol Mind.

Indian Eye-Dull (Idol) - RohiT BehaL





So what about those who can't be with Sai Baba 24x7? How do they get liberation?

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Dear raghu,


Saibaba means not the physical body of saibaba..but the subtle body which is universal consciousness itself..so u have to be connected to any subtle power ...be it anyone you believe in...not necessary saibaba only.




Interesting from two points of view:


1) Sai Baba (meaning something other than the person Sai Baba of Shridi or Sai Baba of Puttaparthi) would obviously be a non-standard meaning. Like the Hare Krishnas, you propose controversial statements, and then when questioned about the validity of said statements, you redefine specific words to make the entire statement mean something else. Example: "You must accept Sai Baba as God" is an aggressive, sectarian statement. However, claiming that "Sai Baba" means "universal consciousness" is just an excuse to say "You must accept Sai Baba as God" without admitting to the sectarianism. However, at the end of the day, most people who hear the statement hear the sectarian, aggressive undertones because that is the most obvious, direct meaning of the sentence. The idea that "Sai Baba" means "universal consciousness" has no linguistic justification and is just an excuse to get away with making the objectionable statement in the first place.


2) You write, "so u have to be connected to any subtle power ...be it anyone you believe in...not necessary saibaba only." So if a person believes in a prophet who teaches him to aggressively uproot all other religions, destroy their temples, rape and enslave their women, and he does this 24x7, then according to the statement you have given, this is a valid way to liberation. After all, he believes in the prophet, which was your criterion of validity, and if he follows the prophet's teachings 24x7, then he is on is way to a glorious afterlife, right?

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A guaranteed way to liberation is to follow the infallible teachings of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!


Guaranteed? By whom?


Do you know of some other sect or cult, where they do not offer guarantees? If not, then what makes your guarantee any different from the dozens of other guarantees?



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ummmmm,maybe because every generation from 500 years ago witnessed top class mahatmas spring from the same line ?????

wow . that means dasanami sampradayas of sankarachraya are the most infalliable for they have produced mahatmas for the last 1000 years .


double gaurantee !!


so why should anyone go for single gaurantee ?!!:D

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wow . that means dasanami sampradayas of sankarachraya are the most infalliable for they have produced mahatmas for the last 1000 years .


double gaurantee !!


so why should anyone go for single gaurantee ?!!:D



oh but look what adi shankaracharya says,"Shuddhayati na antar aatma krsna padambhoj bhaktimriteh."


and the upanishads say,"mind is the reason for conditioned and liberated states."

So those people who have ACTUALLY attached their minds to sri Krsna fully can be said to be mahatmas.

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oh but look what adi shankaracharya says,"Shuddhayati na antar aatma krsna padambhoj bhaktimriteh."


So those people who have ACTUALLY attached their minds to sri Krsna fully can be said to be mahatmas.


Which would include all the Acharyas of the Shankara sampradaya since 1300 years. You really have no way of declaring they were any lesser. And please spare me the GV version of Advaita. I really need a break from those posts for a while.



and the upanishads say,"mind is the reason for conditioned and liberated states."


Has nothing to do with the topic.



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oh but look what adi shankaracharya says,"Shuddhayati na antar aatma krsna padambhoj bhaktimriteh."


and the upanishads say,"mind is the reason for conditioned and liberated states."

So those people who have ACTUALLY attached their minds to sri Krsna fully can be said to be mahatmas.

so ???


the sankarachrya successors never gave a declaration or had a press conference stating that they have not or they never will attach their minds to krishna ! instead they have upheld sankaracharyas teachimgs which includes the quote that you provided

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Please allow the thread starter to explain the concept of Saibaba .


There are plenty of other threads to discuss gaudiyas or iskcon.



He already did. It means "universal consciousness" according to him. You have to be with Sai Baba 24x7 to have liberation. But by this he doesn't mean the godman from Puttaparthi, oh no. :-)

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Which would include all the Acharyas of the Shankara sampradaya since 1300 years. You really have no way of declaring they were any lesser. And please spare me the GV version of Advaita. I really need a break from those posts for a while.


like you could ever establish how mayavadis attain the grace of the nirgun/niraakar Brahm without surrendering to Sri Krsna.




Has nothing to do with the topic.




oh but it does.No clean mind=> no bestowing of grace => no Brahmgyana(talking about gyanis here.)


Now,I'm not saying that the shankarites are false mahatmas or whatever...but the general message is,why not look upto the line which actually clearly defines it's bread and butter as the mercy of Godhead opposed to the one which says,"study vedanta !" and "do pranayama!" and "meditate !" and "Do padmasana !" and "awake your kundalini !" and "do char dham yatra! " and "read geeta !"(mechanically with no appreciation of "Brahmano hi pratishtha ham(mam ? lol.i forget.)"??

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In other words, the guarantee does not exist anymore. Direct disciples of Prabhupada fell down, as everyone knows, and thus it can be concluded that there are no guarantees, except in our own minds.




Nimbarkis believe that Nimbarkacharya was some thousand years before Shankaracharya.


Upto this day,you(okay,not you,your too cynical.Maybe sambya or some devout shankara follower) go to the peethdheeswar of Nimbarka sampradaya(sri Sreeji maharaj) and tell me he is not a mahatma.


You won't even find words to describe his state of being.


so there...triple gurantee.

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