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Is 2012 the end of Kali?

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Another blind man. :rolleyes:


Was Hindus (and Indians in general) starved in their own home land over 5,000 years ago?

Have their rights to practise what they believe taken away from them 5,000 years ago?

Have India become 2nd in number of those infected by AIDS or other diseases such as that which was transmitted sexually?


If the answers for this are NO, then what the hell are you talking about?


As for your statement that Homo Sapiens have NOT changed for the past 200,000 years, THAT IS A LOAD OF BS and you can ask ANY BIOLOGISTS and they WILL say the same thing.

Perhaps he remembers his days as Vanara(ape like humanoid) during Rama's time.Surely, there must be some good for nothing monkeys in those days.

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Oh really? Go and "buy" Life back to a dead man.

Pay the Sun to rise up in the middle of the night.

Or the rain to come down in a drought season.


You're being ignorant to simple facts. It is NATURE which produces food, water, air and warmth FOR FREE. But it is always people who are greedy who charge money for things they consider is theirs to own and sell.


And it is people like YOU who agree with this foolish and greedy people, ready to beg on your hands and knees so they could throw scraps for you to feed on. And when all is done, you blame it on God because it is always so easy to blame things on God rather than blame yourself.


People like you - IGNORANT - who are the true cause of Kali Yuga.


You are very much ignorant with your life. You cant live in this world with what sun gives and rain gives. You need money to enjoy what sun gives, rain gives and nature gives. If you don't know this simple fact you should be really called ignorant.


If God really created the humans then it is his responsibility to provide food and water to them. I have a pet with me and i cant see it starve a single day. If God is really good why did he create the humans to suffer everyday to live and punish them later for being ignorant of not calling his name. I'm not talking about millions of people who starve 3 time a week, im talking about the millions of working bees in India, China, Thailand and even in western countries who work round the clock to get a unhygienic, unhealthy food. why did God punish these workers for? For not calling his name? or karma of these millions? or for not fighting for food?

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Perhaps he remembers his days as Vanara(ape like humanoid) during Rama's time.Surely, there must be some good for nothing monkeys in those days.


To live and Die for someone like Rama could be a greater honor than to live as animals in disguise of human. :)

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To live and Die for someone like Rama could be a greater honor than to live as animals in disguise of human. :)


Homo sapiens came into existence only by 200000 years ago , and Ramayana was sought to have happened millions of years ago. If you could say clearly that Rama did belong to the species Homo sapiens?

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Homo sapiens came into existence only by 200000 years ago , and Ramayana was sought to have happened millions of years ago. If you could say clearly that Rama did belong to the species Homo sapiens?


And how were you able to derive about the time of appearance of Human Being.

Which source buddy?

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[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human"]This might bring light into the world of ignorance.


If you read the quoted article in full you would know the uncertainity in dating ramayana.




"For example, Vedic astrologer Nartaka Gopala devi dasi points out that "Regarding the calculation of Lord Rama’s birth as 10th of January 5114 BCE - Birth Day of Rama, Observation at 12.30 PM, there are 2 reasons why this cannot be correct. .....

This also corroborates why we who follow the Vedic calendar celebrate Lord Rama's appearance in April-May each year. So the traditional date appears accurate."


Ignorance is the result of an animalistic mind :cool:

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Homo sapiens came into existence only by 200000 years ago , and Ramayana was sought to have happened millions of years ago. If you could say clearly that Rama did belong to the species Homo sapiens?


This is what I call IGNORANT at its best example. You behave educated and civilized but IF you made some research on your own, you could have known that YOU ARE SORELY MISTAKEN.


The FIRST MIGRATION of Humans OUT OF AFRICA happened 250,000 years, second one 200,000 years ago. And the last one - 3100 BC after a massive flood destroyed most of the farming community in Mesopotamia region, forcing some Middle-East tribes to venture into India, bringing with them writing writing skills. This is HISTORY.


The fact that the humans have migrated out of Africa shows that they were a well-organised community and able to defend themselves in a new region. IF they just begun as you boldly claim, they could not go out into the new World (outside Africa) till they are strong and able to take care of themselves.

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And how were you able to derive about the time of appearance of Human Being.

Which source buddy?


He derive that from his own imaginations.


Out of Africa theory is a well-known and currently accepted theory on how humans have left Africa in two batches - one in 250,000 years ago, and another 200,000 years ago. The Scientists and Historians have genetic and physical evidences to support this claims.


Don't believe, just go to a search Engine and type Out of Africa and you will find out for yourself.


PS : Stephen Knapp or Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source of information.

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He derive that from his own imaginations.


Out of Africa theory is a well-known and currently accepted theory on how humans have left Africa in two batches - one in 250,000 years ago, and another 200,000 years ago. The Scientists and Historians have genetic and physical evidences to support this claims.


Don't believe, just go to a search Engine and type Out of Africa and you will find out for yourself.


PS : Stephen Knapp or Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source of information.


One attains great knowledge not by just nodding to what one says but by doing research on what he is saying. It just fits well to you. In Ramayana, there is a mention of the Kingdom of Vanara, i would be happy if someone throws light into it.:eek4:


:eek4: If someone could tell more about the Kingdom? How large was it? and did it dominated the so called Homo sapiens who were supposed to have lived there! or there was a species parallel to Homo sapiens at the time of Ramayana. ;)


The depiction of Ravana in Ramayana as several headed person and qualities to fly does not match with the modern day humans. :mad2:


These are a beginner's Questioning abilities to know truth. You don't have a single evidence to support your view and you have this ability to argue with no truth. This makes you look like an IGNORANT person even below animals:eek3:

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This will put me into ignorance.


Scientists always derive till they get closer to the solution

And for sure their solution are asymptotic by nature.


It seems they are getting closer to that Absolute Truth... but it never reaches that point.


With that we can conclude that, Never is a point in time where their Analysis can be taken as fully valid.


Just read the Gita once.... there is no room for doubt.

The proof of the pudding is on the eating.

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This will put me into ignorance.


Scientists always derive till they get closer to the solution

And for sure their solution are asymptotic by nature.


It seems they are getting closer to that Absolute Truth... but it never reaches that point.


With that we can conclude that, Never is a point in time where their Analysis can be taken as fully valid.


Just read the Gita once.... there is no room for doubt.

The proof of the pudding is on the eating.



Is there an evidence to what you are saying and believing? Come on! Bring them on!


Its hard to make Ignorant people know the truth. To know the truth you need to break your superficial beliefs from your mind to get towards it.

Come forward!:idea:


Its easy to know the truth but it is harder to make absurd believers to get towards the truth.:rolleyes:


Let the power of light bless upon these dark minds.:)

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Is there an evidence to what you are saying and believing? Come on! Bring them on!


As far as I'm concerned, I've not yet asserted anything.

Belief is the word I hate.


Ok... If you want some Evidence for Truth.. then counter this.


You claimed the existence of Human over a specific number of years... that can be counter logified.


Now the Gita said, "Never was a time, you and I never existed".

That type garment that you are wearing existed from time immemorial.


Gita speaks about the SELF, the Eternal and the physical sphere where your body comes from.. the temporary.. but the perpetual eternal.


Your claims are very funny.




Its hard to make Ignorant people know the truth. To know the truth you need to break your superficial beliefs from your mind to get towards it.

Come forward!:idea:


What Truth.

Truth is something like one without a second. Truth never changes with time.

But see how inconsistent you are.


First, The world is flat... then round [1st contradiction]

Secondly, the big bang theory and now the string theory[2nd contradiction]


third, this and that... yuck too many.


and now human came 20000 years ago.... and then later Human came from Pluto.


Which Truth you want me to know;)



Its easy to know the truth but it is harder to make absurd believers to get towards the truth.:rolleyes:


Let the power of light bless upon these dark minds.:)

As I said ealier.. the curve of your so-called truth is Asymptotic by nature.

It seems that you are converging to the Truth.. but that is the Illusion.


y=ex ------- Cheers.

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Money is the creator, protector and destroyer in the kali. Would Kali be terminated by 2012 and a new cycle begin where love be the creator, protector and destroyer of this earth? What are the symptoms of Kali and how to know it has peaked?



Predicted in Brahma-vaivarta Purana 4.129.*. The fourth part of the Brahma-vaivarta is called Krsna-janma-khanda. Chapter 129 is called Golokarohanam, because it describes how Krsna returns to His abode. The general dialogue is between Lord Narayana and Narada Muni. This specific dialogue is between Lord Krsna and Mother Ganga. Verse 49 is a question by Ganga, verses 50-60 are Krsna's answer.

Text 49:

bhaagiirathy uvaaca

he naatha ramaNaSreStha

yaasi golokamuttamam

asmaakaM kaa gatiScaatra

bhaviSyati kalau yuge

"Ganges said: O protector, Supreme enjoyer, on your departure for the perfect abode, Goloka, thereafter what will be my situation in the age of Kali?"

Text 50

Srii-bhagavaan uvaaca

kaleH paMcasahasraaNi

varSaaNi tiSTha bhu-tale

paapaani paapino yaani

tubhyaM daasyaMti snaanataH

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: On the earth 5,000 years of Kali will be sinful and sinners will deposit their sins in you by bathing."

Text 51


bhasmibhutaani tatkSaNaat

bhaviSyaMti darSanaacca

snaanaadeva hi jaahnavi

"Thereafter by the sight and touch of those who worship Me by My mantra, all those sins will be burnt."

Text 52

harernaamaani yatraiva

puraaNaani bhavaMti hi

tatra gatvaa saavadhaanam

aabhiH saarddhaM ca SroSyasi

"There will be chanting of the name of Hari and reading of the [bhagavata] Purana. Reaching such a place, attentively hear.

[note: In Puranic language, when "Purana" is used alone it refers to Bhagavata Purana. Otherwise it will specify Skanda Purana, Visnu Purana, etc.]

Text 53:

puraaNa SravaNaaccaiva


bhasmibhutaani paapaani

brahma-hatyaadikaani ca

"Sinful reactions including the killing of a brahmana can be nullified be hearing the Purana and chanting of the names of Hari in the manner of devotees."

Text 54:

bhasmibhutaani taanyeva

vaiSNavaaliMganena ca

tRNaani SuSkakaaSthaani

dahaMti paavako yathaa

"Just as dry grass is burnt by fire, by the embrace of Vaisnavas all sins are burnt."

Text 55:

tathaapi vaiSNavaa loke

paapaani paapinaamapi

pRthivyaaM yaani tiirthaani

puNyaanyapi ca jaahnavi

"O Ganges, the whole planet will become a pilgrimage sight by the presence of Vaisnavas, even though it had been sinful"

Text 56:

madbhaktaanaaM SariireSu

santi puteSu saMtatam


sadyaH putaa vasundharaa

"In the body of My devotees remains eternally [the purifier]. Mother Earth becomes pure by the dust of the feet of My devotees."

Text 57:

sadyaH putaani tiirthaani

sadyaH putaM jagattathaa

manmaMtropaasakaa vipraa

ye maducchiSRbhojinaH

"It will be the same in the case of pilgrimage sites and the whole world. Those intelligent worshipers of My mantra who partake My remnants will purify everything."

Text 58

maameva nityaM dhyaayaMte

te mat praaNaadhikaaH priyaaH


puto vaayuSca paavakaH

"They are more dear to Me than My life, who everyday meditate only on Me. The air and fire become pure simply even by their indirect touch."

[Note: Sastra says that of all material elements, fire and air are always pure. Even though the air carries some impurities it always remains itself pure. This verse indicates that the Vaisnavas will purify even the pure elements of fire and air, therefore the purifying potency of the Vaisnavas referred to in this verse is not material but completely spiritual. I.e. the air and fire are _already_ materially pure, therefore the Vaisnavas purity is spiritual and not material.]

Text 59:

kaler daSa-sahasraaNi

madbhaktaaH saMti bhu-tale

ekavarNaa bhaviSyaMti

madbhakteSu gateSu ca

"For 10,000 years of Kali such devotees of Mine will fill the whole planet. After the departure of My devotees there will be only one varna [outcaste]."

Text 60:

madbhaktaSunyaa pRthivi

kaligrastaa bhaviSyati

etasminnaMtare tatra

kRSNadehaadvinirgataH "Devoid of My devotees, the earth will be shackled by Kali. Saying this, Krsna departed."

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The existence of Vanara kingdom in Ramayana clearly states that Ramayana should have happened during the period when Lemuria existed. Humans like us do not have the physical strength to take control of these creatures(Vanaras) which were described to be very much stronger and larger. So the lord (rama) should be incarnated into the body of a species which should be larger in size and stronger than the human beings. These species should have possesed mystic force or great armoury or plutonium or machine guns to have control over these creatures.


"God has no forms" He is a Human, a ape and also the non living.


Lemuria's existence was proved in south indian literature which is 2000 years old, about a massive land mass covering the bulk of Indian Ocean.





one cannot argue with literature as there was no need for the writer to lie.


Lemuria was supposed to have submerged 25,000 years ago and the civilisaton that thrived were well civilized than the modern day humans. The same should be the case with the modern day humans were the kali yuga seem to have peaked. There is an significant rise in the volume of earth quakes that are happening in the globe, Global warming pose a great threat to the progression of Human beings,flu pandemic has been declared, Global economy shattered. If one thinks what's happening around is an illusion then he would enter the black hole for his ignorance.


Mayans had the psychic gift to see the future. No one else in this world could see the future like the Mayans did, they were great astrologers and loved by God, so their existence was ceased.


No one can tell the world could come to an end by 2012 or move to 2013. This not a threat but the reasons for the end to be close over weigh the renewal of this world. Great civilizations has ended so fast, that's what history, gita teaches you. The human civilization is no greater civilization than the civilization of the past and its end is very close.

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sylvester ,


dont you think that it is ridiculous and idiotic to start such an non-spritual thread with non spiritual posts in a forum designated for spiritual discussions ?


you being the most intelligent amongst others here in this forum(as your mannerism and behaviour seem to proclaim) , was it not natural for you to stop creating such a meaningless thread ?


or am i to suppose that you are not capable of basic human intelligence , being the feline sylvester who hunts for mysteries with a tweeting canary ?:D

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