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Jupiter and Obesity

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Charts of individuals who suffer from Obesity and who always have to take active measures to keep their weight under control, often show a marked effect of the planet Jupiter in their lives.


Jupiter in the first house, or aspecting the lord of the first house, often causes a tendency towards obesity.


Similarly, Jupiter placed in the second house (this house rules, besides other things, the food that we eat) gives a diet rich in fats and perhaps also causes a greater amount of fats to be absorbed from food.


A Jupitarean sign in the first house of a Vedic horoscope shows an inclination towards Obesity.


Jupiter can especially cause obesity during the periods of its dasha and bhuktis (major and minor planetary periods described in Vedic Astrology of India), during a person's life, if the chart shows strong Jupitarean influences, as mentioned above!


For these individuals, besides following a sensible diet pattern and getting enough physical exercise (the two most important and necessary ways to tackle Obesity), remedies and measures described in Vedic Astrology to counter excess Jupiterean effects may also help them keep their weight under control!

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Dear Medical Astrology,


This is a very unique work u have chosen- medical astrology.

Mystic board has become very bored these days. No activity. i too surf that forum.

Anyways, welcome to Audarya..


U have not mentioned the astrological remedies for obesity . Can u specify them??


Also i request You one thing specially as u are into medical astrology.

What are the astrological reasons for alcoholism and astrological remedies???


Rohiniranjan ji mentioned something about astro signature but i am not sure about it..

Can you do some research about this and enlighten everyone..

Its a very interesting topic which most people in india are shy to talk about but it will help many.....



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Dear 'Unhealthy' (I hate to call you that!)

Yes, MB does not have enough activity, of late, to enthuse. As someone there has said, people visit only once, ask their question and after you have spent hours analysing their chart, they just buzz off from there, never to come again!


I chose to focus on medical astrology because many years ago, I found the connection between healing herbs and planets.

I studied hard and laboriously, for years, before putting this on the internet.

Some of my knowledge, I give away for free (as I have done on my weblog mentioned in my profile), the rest I keep to myself, for professional reasons! (I have to earn a living too, you know!)


You will find (some) herbs mentioned for Jupiter, on my weblog. Using even these during specific planetary periods definitely helps, in obesity.


About alcoholism.... I have found people who are addicted do not take the remedies properly and I have never been able to help them.

I prefer to focus on those conditions I can really make a difference in.... chronic diseases, for example.

And emotional and psychological problems..... there I can make a tremendous difference by helping people stay away from anti-depressants and other prescription drugs!

Prevention of addiction is no mean achievement, I can tell you!

Also, in chronic disorders, people swallow pain-killers and other such drugs needlessly, when simpler measures can help... the oils and herbs I've mentioned for Saturn and Mercury have certainly helped (along with some of my own formulations!) by keeping many people away from toxic effects of prescription medicines!


To give you only one example... Mahanarayan oil contains Shatavari as a main ingredient. Local application as well as shatavari churna help a lot in painful conditions caused by Saturn....


fascinating, isn't it?


I get immense satisfaction doing this work.

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dear medical astrology,


its really fascinating. i have gone through ur blog and its really great work that u are doing.


hope this forum will benefit a lot from ur experience...

and hope to see more of ur informative posts


and i will change my profile name very soon....


all the best to you



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Thank you, Ayush.

I am interested in posting about 'medical astrology' mainly and that's what I will be doing on this forum, off-and-on.


I would like all astrologers - both professional and amateur - to think about remedies in this manner.

I am sure many samhitas would have such information, and it is time to dig it out!

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Thank you sri medical astrologer,

it is amazing, astrology help to cure,

I am learner of astrologer, i do not know the relation between medicine and astrology. please give good web addresss to know more about medical astrology.

How it works. how it helps.

thank you

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Thank you sri medical astrologer,

it is amazing, astrology help to cure,

I am learner of astrologer, i do not know the relation between medicine and astrology. please give good web addresss to know more about medical astrology.

How it works. how it helps.

thank you


Actually I am a qualified allopathic doctor (MD) and astrology has been my hobby.

So it was relatively easy for me to learn the inter-relation between these two.


I don't think there are any websites which combine both these disciplines, as the subject would be far too specialised and there will be very few medical persons who would have studied astrology (in depth) and thought about it!


My own site which is listed in my Signature below, gives the basics of the subject.

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Dear Medical Astrology,


Can you explain more about how this Medical Astrology would work for me. I have been obese my whole life. My mother is too and so was her mother. I just found a photo of my great grandmother. I have the exact body as she does. I have tried everything to get this weight off but here I sit with the belly of Lord Ganesh.


Are you saying that there is some herb that everyone with obesity will take or are you saying that I would need to have my horoscope read and then you would be able to tell me which particular foods and herbs I would need? Would my sister who has the same problem use the same herbs as me even though she was born on a different day?


I don't want to bother you with too many questions but I have to ask just one more.

My friend was suffering from depression for many years and then she started drinking wine every night and it scared her because she can get addicted to anything that passes her by. She got her horoscope read by a "medical astrologer" or something like this and she had to take a bath on Thursdays with something that she called "dirt" but I don't think it really was dirt. She also had to take some herbs everyday.

Anyways, her depression is so much better. This is a big surprise because I have known her for about 20 years and she has always been on and off drugs for this but now she seems okay.

My question is do you treat other things besides obesity or would you treat things like depression?

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Dear Medical Astrology,


Can you explain more about how this Medical Astrology would work for me. I have been obese my whole life. My mother is too and so was her mother. I just found a photo of my great grandmother. I have the exact body as she does. I have tried everything to get this weight off but here I sit with the belly of Lord Ganesh.


Are you saying that there is some herb that everyone with obesity will take or are you saying that I would need to have my horoscope read and then you would be able to tell me which particular foods and herbs I would need? Would my sister who has the same problem use the same herbs as me even though she was born on a different day?


I don't want to bother you with too many questions but I have to ask just one more.

My friend was suffering from depression for many years and then she started drinking wine every night and it scared her because she can get addicted to anything that passes her by. She got her horoscope read by a "medical astrologer" or something like this and she had to take a bath on Thursdays with something that she called "dirt" but I don't think it really was dirt. She also had to take some herbs everyday.

Anyways, her depression is so much better. This is a big surprise because I have known her for about 20 years and she has always been on and off drugs for this but now she seems okay.

My question is do you treat other things besides obesity or would you treat things like depression?


"Prisha", you have brought up some important and relevant issues. I will try and answer them, one by one.


1. It is quite possible that you share your Ascendant (first house) or Rashi sign (Moon sign) with your mother, grandmother and perhaps even great-grandmother.

It is known that children often share these signs with their parents, but I do not know and cannot say whether such signs can be shared exclusively among female members through several generations!


I think there should be some prospective studies carried out about this, henceforth, as it would certainly be interesting to know how often Ascendants and Rashi signs are inherited.


2. Well, herbs for a particular planet would not change, even if the planet is in a different house and a different sign, in horoscopes of different persons. There are certain herbs (as mentioned on my website) that effect different planets.


As you perhaps know, planets are thought to influence us through the seven chakras in our body. Each planet is supposed to control light of one colour in the specturm, and uses it as a tool that acts on certain invisible energies that are found in the Chakras.


In that sense, planets are not living, breathing entities, but tools of the Universe, through which the Energies of our Universe reach and act on us!


(When we pray to a planet, we are really praying to the Energy {or God} that rules and controls the planet!)


The herbs mentioned in my blog are thought to alter the effects of the planetary rays that come into our bodies through our skins and thus modify the effects of planets in a horoscope.


Of course, there are herbs other than the ones I've written, but that is rather privliged information which I would not wish to divulge at this point of time!


In answer to your question, I would like to add that it is not only which herb should be used but when, and that information is also obtained from the horoscope.


For instance, if Jupiter in the first house is being transited by Jupiter, that is when the seeds of obesity may be sown or, if obesity is already established, it may become more evident... in other words, the person is most likely to put on weight during that year!


3. I am happy to read that your friend, who used herbal baths, felt better with them. I am not surprised she calls the herb powder 'dirt' because dried and powdered herbs look a bit like that, anyway.


There are many conditions that would (theoretically) respond to such treatment but I wouldn't be able to list all of them. I have treated a few common conditions and am willing to stick my neck out and say that it works.

What is needed however, is patience because it never works instantly.


My experience tells me that the remedies begin to work in a few months for the slow-moving planets and in a few weeks for the fast-moving ones, which is quite logical, if we stop and think.


Different medical conditions are the outcome of the effects of different planets.... and the relation between many are not even known.

It is upto the astrological and medical fraternities to get together and do some work in this area!

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One person asked me a very interesting question today.


He wanted to know, would wearing yellow sapphire, which strengthens the action of Jupiter, cause a person to gain more weight in Jupiter dasha?


This made made wonder and I'm still thinking!


I told him I would think about it and try and find out the answer.


Any suggesttions?

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One person asked me a very interesting question today.


He wanted to know, would wearing yellow sapphire, which strengthens the action of Jupiter, cause a person to gain more weight in Jupiter dasha?


This made made wonder and I'm still thinking!


I told him I would think about it and try and find out the answer.


Any suggesttions?


dear medical astrology,


i think this is easy to ascertain keeping in view ur first post in this thread. it is not likely that everyone who undergoes jupiter MD/AD and who at that time wears yellow sapphire will gain weight.

but the conditions whihc u have mentioned, i.e. jupiter in first house/aspecting first house etc , if these conditions are met and if the person is wearing kanaka pusyaraag in jupiter MD/AD at that time, then it seems this could lead to weight gain....

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dear medical astrologer,


dont thank me, we are supposed to participate.


true gemstones are supposed to do good to the native.

exclusively stones are suggested to the natives whose planets are benefic and weak and ill placed generally.

Weight gain and obesity are too different things as u know. The former need not be the latter neccessarily. Even it is in some cases, it comes as a package.

Just think of this analogy. If a person is being endowed with lot of good things in life at some point of time.. he/she will naturally be happy and it will give some extra pounds. we often find this happening.


so if jupiter/yellow sapphire is giving some success and happiness in life during its period/ wearing and also giving weight, then what would the native prefer ? i do not think he/she has much of a choice.....has to accept both..

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm also wondering about the effects of wearing a Jupiter stone during Jupiter dasa. I have a friend with Scorpio lagna and Jupiter in Pisces in the 5th. She has been wearing a very large yellow sapphire for the duration of her Jupiter dasa. She said she gained 5 lbs. total during the last 14 years of running this dasa. That doesn't seem like too much so perhaps the sapphire helped her have a positive Jupiter experience with weight gain - i.e. not too much.


I have a Sagittarius lagna with Jupiter aspecting it from the 7th house. I also have Rahu on the lagna with Saturn aspecting from 11th house. Maybe because Saturn is my strongest planet being stationary and exalted, I have been very thin most of my life. I have recently had some problems with thyroid and have gained weight for the first time. I'll be going into my Jupiter dasa next year and have wondered about weight gain then. My past experience with Jupiter transits is that I often lose weight when it transits my lagna, maybe because I feel better overall.


Is it possible that one could lose weight in a positive Jupiter dasa? Might be interesting to research.

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I'm also wondering about the effects of wearing a Jupiter stone during Jupiter dasa. I have a friend with Scorpio lagna and Jupiter in Pisces in the 5th. She has been wearing a very large yellow sapphire for the duration of her Jupiter dasa. She said she gained 5 lbs. total during the last 14 years of running this dasa. That doesn't seem like too much so perhaps the sapphire helped her have a positive Jupiter experience with weight gain - i.e. not too much.


I have a Sagittarius lagna with Jupiter aspecting it from the 7th house. I also have Rahu on the lagna with Saturn aspecting from 11th house. Maybe because Saturn is my strongest planet being stationary and exalted, I have been very thin most of my life. I have recently had some problems with thyroid and have gained weight for the first time. I'll be going into my Jupiter dasa next year and have wondered about weight gain then. My past experience with Jupiter transits is that I often lose weight when it transits my lagna, maybe because I feel better overall.


Is it possible that one could lose weight in a positive Jupiter dasa? Might be interesting to research.

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Dear All,


Yes i 100% agree in regards to Jupiter and yellowsapphire gemstone.


my face and cheeks swell, when i wear Yellowsapphire, i have noticed myself many times by wearing and removing.

I use to think its because of non veg food which i eat, but its not due to food, its due to wearing 10 karrats Yellowsapphire.


I have even tried eating without wearing yellowsapphire, but my face was normal.


Medical Astrology Sir, you are right about this.




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