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Problems in my career and progeny prospects

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I have tremendous problems in my career and no job satisfaction and recognition for my efforts. Please interpret my chart for any career prospects whether I will continue in my job or not. If any progeny prospects are coming ahead, I would like to discontinue my job. Also, I would like to inform you that I was on medical treatment for a very long time and discontinued now.


Please interpret my chart and share your thoughts for my decisions in life.


DOB : 16th September, 1973, Time : 06.30 AM, Place : Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.



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Dear sarad,

As per your details this is the chart which I got.


Lagna: Virgo, Rashi: Aries.


You have Mercury, in Ascendent, which is great. It shows you are intelligent, and have ability to use your brain to the best.

Next your Venus is in 2nd house Libra, which again is very good. It makes you will have a lot of money.


But at the same time there are other planets showing problems. Like strong retro jupiter which is malefic sitting in 5th house. It creates problems for your goodwill. Like you may be doing your job right, but in the end credits might be taken by someone else. Or in general you may have bad name.


Your Moon and Mars are sitting in 8th house. Both of them are malefic, which shows problems like dejection. Its Moon which is a source of problem for you. It also makes you go volatile and confused.


Right now you are running Moon's MD with Venus AD. Venus is sitting in 2nd and gets bad aspects from Moon and Mars in 8th, which minimizes your income.


From April 2010, your Mars MD will start. It doesn't mean your great time will come, but it would be better than what it is now. Keep on doing your job right.


You can wear emerald and get into jobs which involve trade, numbers, science, overall utilization of brain. Saturn's presence in 10th also shows profession related to steel or labor or black people, so you will have to work hard for that satisfaction which you want. You can also pray lord Shani and ask for his forgiveness. It should help.




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Thank you for your suggestions. But my specific question is will there by any break in my career and also on progeny prospects. My DOB : 16th September, 1973, Time : 06.30 AM, Place : Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. My Husband particulars DOB : 02.01.1968, Time : 11.30 AM, Place : Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

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Dear mylilangel,


Jupiter is a malefic for Virgo Ascendents. This is a minor factor but does comes into play.

Next, it is debiliated in Capricorn which makes it inauspecious.

Adding on the planet being retrograde becomes more strong, and hence its strength is shown in overall bad way.


That's what I can derive. Although, I can always be wrong and open for corrections.




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Respected ayush ji,


from what I have learnt (and I can be as wrong as anyone else):


1) Here jupiter should not be considered inauspicious cause the kendradhipati dosha would get cancelled by placement in a trikona.


2) Debilitated Jupiter here should be getting neech bhanga from

a) saturn placed in kendra to ascendant

b) mars placed in kendra to moon

c) jupiter itself placed in kendra to moon


Hope the stalwarts here will help us.


Kind regards

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Dear Sarad,


Well looking at your charts - here's a few I would to add.

Since you have Moon in the 8th house in Rasi - I am switching to using Utpanna Vimshottari (seed starting from the 5th star).


You are currently under the influence of Sat/Sat.


So from Mar 1992 - Mar 2008 you were under the influence of Jupiter, who is debilitated in the 5th and also retrograde - receives a strong cancellation of debility from Sat in a quadrant. Indicates a strong Jup who would like to fight back and come out ahead and winning.


Now this cancellation is from Saturn, so in this period if you were disciplined, persistent and hardworking - basically the Saturnine strengths - the benefits are increased.


Sat is well placed with Ketu in the 10th - indicates lots of hardwork and persistence and Ketu - detachment in your work. So if you followed these qualities - Saturn and Ketu would reward you - otherwise you would be looking at missed opportunities, loss of jobs, breaks in career, etc.,


Now this same Jup is placed in 2nd from AL in dasamsa - would indicate a person who has good status, image at work. Person who is manages (cares for) his status well. Add to this you have 3 malefics in the 11H from AL - Sat, Mars and Ketu - This is very good.

But these 3 malefics are in 2nd from the Lagna itself. Bad for the energy/sustenance - So basically its a see-saw effect. You have to do the balancing act.


Coming to your progeny query - Jup debilitated in the 5th from the lagna and also in the 9th from the Upapada lagna is not very beneficial for progeny. Subperiods of Jup have not produced any progeny.


Sat owns the 9th and 10th from UL and is in 2nd from UL and 5th and 6th from Lagna. Additinally Sat owns the 5th in Saptamsa(reverse from Taurus) and owns the A5. All indicate that Sat will be responsible for giving progeny.


My guess is that Sat/Sat should be strong enough to give this result. Most probably Sat/Sat/Venus (ends Oct 2009) which seems too soon - can provide good news.


Since Sat is highly involved - propitation of Vishnu thru Vishnu Sahasranamam reciting/listening can strength this.


With Best Wishes


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Respected Learned Members,


I would like to thank all for your valued time in reviewing my charts.

I would like to have some more opinions / suggestions / reviews on my charts with regards to my career and progeny prospects. Please explain in clear terms when will I have good period as I do not have knowledge on astrological terms and understandings. Also I have stopped medication now with respect to pregnancy (unexplained infertility in medical terms)... should we go in medication again or not.

Your urgent replies shall be highly appreciated as still I face problems with regards to my career and progeny.



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Dear Ayush Ji,


My Birth Details are Below:

Name : Joginder Gujral

DOB: 18th April 1963

TOB: 03:39 am

POB: Mumbai

Presently Living: New Delhi


I tend to make enemies with my business associates without any reason. People working me are always trying to dominate me. This problem has made my work suffer badly & could not grow much in my work. Please advise & suggest some remedies & future of my business.



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dear sarad,


here i use vimsottari dasa (starting from moon) - currently your are running moon - venus dasa


the fifth house lord in rasi is saturn and it is trine to venus in saptamsa - in dasamsa 10th and 3rd lord venus is in 6th house


* continue your medications,


* the enemity problem in career will be over after the venus antar dasa (2008/jan - 2009/sep)


pray to lord Vishnu on fridays, you will feel relief

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Dear Gurujis,


I have mentioned my time of birth wrongly (06.30 AM) in my previous messages. The correct time of birth is as given below :


DOB : 16th September, 1973, Time : 06.40 AM, Place : Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.


Please interpret my chart and share your thoughts for my decisions in life which includes basically about my progeny and career prospects.


Sorry for the wrong information provided previously and please help me out with my future basis the correct timings provided now.








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aum gurubhyo namah




dear smt.sarad


moon makes a lady a mother. moon is not placed well both in rasi

and navamsa.


jupiter, the naisargika putrakaraka has become a bhadka to you.

more over it is neecha associating with mandhi and gulika.


a9, a3, as3 and as9, the arudha padas to be seen for 'creation'

are placed in dustanas from sun.


sun , in your case is atmakaraka. sun is placed in 8th from fifth, the

house of children. sun's association with malefics in saptamsa varga

is one that shows atma's suffering on account of difficulty in child birth.


saturn, the chara putra karaka is neither placed well.


it is better to continue medication.


may mother bless all



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Dear Gurujis,


Thank you for your response. However, I would like to have some more suggestions / opinions who have replied my previous messages like Classic 72, Ayushji, mylilangel, please as I have mentioned my time of birth wrong in my previous messages.




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Dear Gurujis,


Please respond to my progeny and career aspects taking into consideration the changed time of birth : 06.40 AM, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh date : 16.09.1973 (first time it was wrongly given as 06.30 AM). Please inform about my progeny aspects as I am unable to convince my husband for taking any more medical attention as we have been doing it for a long time now and stopped from almost 6 months. Kindly interpret from the horoscope whether we will be successful or not with or without medication.


Your urgent response shall be highly appreciated.




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