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Christians Spreading their faith??

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Jesus came to this planet about 2000 years ago.. Correct? According to Christs followers of today.. You must accept Christ in your heart right here and now because you live only once and if you cant fit him into your life now you will die and goto Hell.. 2000 years and thousands and thousands of miles of people born here and there.. some in Christianized places and some not in Christianized areas.. So millions upon millions are going to Hell because of their space time placement on this planet?? This just does not make sense.. The only way I can make sense of this is thru belief of reincarnation..


I was researching the Bible and Reincarnation today and read a very ignorant Christian website on the subject.. It claimed that Reincarnation would negate Gods love for us all.. WHAT?? This reinforces his love.. Getting a new life is alot better than Hell! It just got me to thinking.. That I just cant believe everything the Bible teaches..

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With Christianity I pretty much only focus on the life of Jesus. His life as it is portrayed in the story is divine in my opinion. I have read some other interesting stories in the Bible as well but the endless philosophical debates and fine points isn't where I put my focus. I like to focus on the lives of these divine characters wether it is Jada Bharata or Jesus Christ. That is where the lessons are for me personally not in the endless bickering between religions or bickering over philosophical differences in interpretations of scriptures of various religions or within different sects of the same religion.

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I separate myself from Christianity, being religious doesn't mean following all religions. Hinduism and Christianity are separate religions, there is no point in arguing with each other. In this day of new age aspects of religions are being thrown together like potpourri. It's of major importance to know what you stand for, otherwise you'll fall for everything that comes across.

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Jesus came to this planet about 2000 years ago.. Correct?

You might also remember that Jesus taught, "Thou shall not kill" (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17), and today this is forgotten. Therefore Prabhupada says the Christians have to be reminded what Lord Jesus was actually teaching. On the otherhand, if Jesus wasn't an advanced devotee who taught to glorify God, the great acarayas would have mentioned this. The opposite is right, the acaryas make comments like,



Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he was crucified, but he never protested because he had no bodily consciousness at all. So when one is spiritually advanced, there is no bodily consciousness. But we should not imitate. That requires advancement, as we have mentioned. Nothing has to be done in hasty. But if you follow the rules and regulation, then someday it will be experienced that how we have spiritually advanced.


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.6.3

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Montreal, June 16, 1968



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Faith is inbuilt. The rest in indoctrination. Faith in the words of Jesus Christ takes any individual beyond this material world. Faith cannot be induced. It is just the defeat of ones logical understanding about his religion which makes the individual think other sides. Prevalent orthodox practices (which have diminished to a large extent) in Hindu religion, the toughened stance on woman in the Muslims, the extent of pretence in Christianity may have induced some rational thinking people to look otherways.


All religions focus on the weakness of other religions when going on a Missionary of defeating the logics.


No conversions can ever be possible if a Christian stays to follow Jesus Christ, a Hindu follow his Scriptures rather than the Sampradayas, a Muslim/Buddhist/Jain/Sikh follow the teachings of their master rather on focussing, comparing their beliefs with other religions which may result in pretence, hatred, confusion and conversion.

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Faith is inbuilt. The rest in indoctrination. Faith in the words of Jesus Christ takes any individual beyond this material world. Faith cannot be induced. It is just the defeat of ones logical understanding about his religion which makes the individual think other sides. Prevalent orthodox practices (which have diminished to a large extent) in Hindu religion, the toughened stance on woman in the Muslims, the extent of pretence in Christianity may have induced some rational thinking people to look otherways.


All religions focus on the weakness of other religions when going on a Missionary of defeating the logics.


No conversions can ever be possible if a Christian stays to follow Jesus Christ, a Hindu follow his Scriptures rather than the Sampradayas, a Muslim/Buddhist/Jain/Sikh follow the teachings of their master rather on focussing, comparing their beliefs with other religions which may result in pretence, hatred, confusion and conversion.


This is called seeing with the right angle of vision.:)

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good so far, no spammers yet.


The issue is "spreading" the faith. Christians are soo very intent on the fanatical approach, needing to convince others to strengthen their own faith. Thus the evil of prosetylizing (sp). This is very against the proper way of the vaisnava concept of harinama samkirtana, which is not prosetylizing, rather in line with the word "acarya", meaning teaching by example.


By example of a person who hears and chants Krsna, thus becomes full (gradually) with vaisnava character, this is KRSNA, meaning "attractive". Folks flock to attractive personalities, theu there is no need to burden others with wishes of god consciousness, pressures to make others love God because we cannot do it without their acceptance or approval. Chrisatians are quite unique in this program, and such is defines as thiord class vaisnava, kanistha adhikari, meaning the faith is very low and there is no ability to distinguish between a godly person and an out and out demon. This is why demons are quite able to have great flocks of christians "believing" under their guidance.


Jews do not prosetylize, thus this faith is much more pure in its rudimentary form. Muslims dont bother convincing others, either "accept" the mullahs or die. In my opinion, this is where ISKCON may have troubles, because they seemed to adopt the Christian model of trying to convince others while haviong no convictions themselves, even though Prabhupada has forbidden all of of from speaking above our true level of advanmcement. So we have coke heads preaching the evil of intoxication, pedophiles warning against the uncleanliness of illicit sex, yada yada yada.


My point here is that a true christian lives the life his guru Lord Jesus Christ has recommended, thus others are naturally attracted to him, wanting the nectar he exudes naturally.


Those who want to commit genocide under the banner of manifest destiny are not attractive, so they revert to fanatic force to make christians, They use 19th century false doctrine such as the rapture and armageddon fear mongering to make fools fear the fires of the illusory hell. Rich white people who scorn the impoverished, the infirm, the unfortunate, those who never consider Jesus COMMAND that they way they treat the least among them is how they treat HIM, these are the ones who seem intent on making sure their false bloody doctrine is accepted, or else.


I see the similar threads, and the top one is titled, "spreading hatred", and this, indeed, is a SIMILAR topic. Spreading God consciousness is our duty, but this duty entails FIRST they we become conscioius of God, then spread, We cannot tell others how good a pineapple tastes unless we have eaten a pineapple. To do so has no value. Similarly, to spread christianity means only a true follower of Lord Jesus can do this. The good Coptic Pope, Shenouda II, clearly tells us that theism is only found in the lovers of God and those whom they have convinced to Love God, no one else. So you folks witnessing the activities of so-called christian ministers have the same duty as we who are exposed to so-called gurus, we must put them to the test, using authority of past proven saints and scripture, and be CERTAIN they are god conscious, not demons. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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