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When was Bhagavad Gita written?

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The traditional date is start of Kaliyuga.


When did Kaliyuga start? This is the basis for different dates. The common belief in India is Kaliyuga started 5000 years ago (It is important to note that the 5000 year calculation is not found in scriptures).


Academically, the 1500 BC date is generally accepted.


I never heard of the 500 BC date before. That places the Gita as post-Buddha and there is no evidence for that.


To add to this complexity, the Mahabharata itself says it started out as a small text (Bharata) and then evolved in multiple steps into its final form, the Mahabharata. Many scholars believe the Gita was authored in phases by different people.


So this date issue is not something that will ever be solved to everyone's satisfaction.



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Dating of Bhagavadgita invariably ties up with dating of mahabharat war.There is no clinching evidence for the dating of mahabharat war.


The dating is as difficult as dating the disappearence of Saraswati river which was considered mythical by the western scholars (until it's evidence found from satellite imagery)-






I would take with a pinch of salt any dating of mahabharat war(and hence Gita) since many details are missing in the subsequent history.

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Gita was spoken by Lord Sri krsna,5000 years ago.


All your "research's" and 'findings' are bogus and trivial speculations.

You pple cannot guess correctly how far a building at the horizon is,from where your standing..and here you'll are claiming to know/'guess' the date and the author of Bhagvad Gita?



No. 1 fools.

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Gita was spoken by Lord Sri krsna,5000 years ago.


All your "research's" and 'findings' are bogus and trivial speculations.

You pple cannot guess correctly how far a building at the horizon is,from where your standing..and here you'll are claiming to know/'guess' the date and the author of Bhagvad Gita?



No. 1 fools.


I agree.


Thanks for the clarification. Your posts are always a pleasure to read.



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Gita was spoken by Lord Sri krsna,5000 years ago.


All your "research's" and 'findings' are bogus and trivial speculations.

You pple cannot guess correctly how far a building at the horizon is,from where your standing..and here you'll are claiming to know/'guess' the date and the author of Bhagvad Gita?



No. 1 fools.


A bit harsh don't you think? It is a natural question that arises. Opinions will vary and they do over a wide spectum of time, 4000 years or so. I don't feel the need to have the questioned answered or to take a stand one way or the other. The eternal truths contained in the Gita stand beyond time so I don't care if it fell from the sky to earth only yesterday.


That said I am of course curious to know. Anyway, "Nothing to get hung about".

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I just feel that it is relevent because most Christians out there say that the world was not ready for the love Jesus preached.


And we have here Krishna where in the BG is almost completely synonomous.. (Just a few differences) I just find it sad that Christians only find Jesus as their only sourc e of truth.. I can sit here and write out a long passage of why I believe in Jesus and not the "Biblical" Jesus.. So If Krishna spoke of love like Jesus 3000 Years before Jesus.. Then who is Krishna?? *wink wink* Another incarnation (son) of God.. Just as Jesus.

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After Vyasa compiled all the Vedas and and other works including the Mahabharata--He wrote the Srimad Bhagavatam.


In the Bhagavatam there are Family linages of Maharaja, amongst others, the sons of Arjuna are enumerated up to the 11th century CE.


Do the math.


Now remeber to use a fresh yellow legal pad and a pencil with an eraser.


Now scat, ya kooky bunch of kids.

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I just feel that it is relevent because most Christians out there say that the world was not ready for the love Jesus preached.


And we have here Krishna where in the BG is almost completely synonomous.. (Just a few differences) I just find it sad that Christians only find Jesus as their only sourc e of truth.. I can sit here and write out a long passage of why I believe in Jesus and not the "Biblical" Jesus.. So If Krishna spoke of love like Jesus 3000 Years before Jesus.. Then who is Krishna?? *wink wink* Another incarnation (son) of God.. Just as Jesus.


When Christians refer to the world they mean the world that they perceive. The entire planet was not known by them at the time of Christ. More specifically the Jewish religion was not ready to accept the teachings of Christ afterall even believing inthe truth one Supreme Being they were "worshipping" Him in the mode of ignorance by sacrificing animals to clear themselves of sins which is barbaric. Christ confront them on this and other points and they crucified Him.


I don't find it sad that Christians find the truth through Jesus Christ only as long as they find the truth.


Similarily I don't find it sad that Hindus find truth only from the Vedas as long as they find Him.


The difference between Christ and Krishna is Christ is the Son and Krishna is the Father whom Christ serves.

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  • 3 years later...


I've read from 3 different sources and each gives a diff date.. One said 3000 BC another says 1500 BC and the last says 500 BC..

Anyone know exactly how old it is?

aryans entered in india ,3500years back.(PROVED BY INDIAN HISTORY)).that means ramayana(10000BC) and mahabharata(5000BC) happened outside of india.(IF AT ALL ITS HAPPENED)

jainism and buddhism born 650 BC, talked against vedas(means vedas were already written)but they didnot uttered a word about ramayana mahabharata, purans, smritis, aranyaka or bramhane, Geeta.that means these books were not written that time.there are lots of proof that these books written after murder of Brihratha maurya(last emporer of magadha 187BC)by pusyamitra shunga.this was first time aryans started rulling india and proper indians (anarayans) lost the battle.they finished jainism and buddhism by writting these books.(THAT MEANS 1500-2000YEARS BACK FROM TODAY)

the new word Hindu has born, now known as religion, and these books became holybooks.

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  • 2 months later...


Gita was spoken by Lord Sri krsna,5000 years ago.


All your "research's" and 'findings' are bogus and trivial speculations.

You pple cannot guess correctly how far a building at the horizon is,from where your standing..and here you'll are claiming to know/'guess' the date and the author of Bhagvad Gita?



No. 1 fools.



This was perhaps the first reply i read on this site and i find it petty, ignorant and analogically flawed, especially with regards the building anecdote. A clinometer is a tool, usually used in forestry, to measure, with extreme accuracy the height of a distant building or tree. On top of that, if you find the use of moderately complex tools out of context or out of your capacity, you can, to a decent degree of accuracy, calculate the height of an object by measuring the length of it's shadow compared with the relative angle of the sun (usually with a sextant) or compared to the length of a shadow of an object with known height, i.e. your own. My 10 year old sister and I use this method to measure evergreen trees in the pacific northwest. we've measured trees only to find someone with a clinometer has previously measured the same tree; we were within ~2% accuracy every time. If you could get me within 2% accuracy to the date the Gita was written/composed that would be accurate enough to figure which ideas were entirely novel and which may have been borrowed from previous texts; all books, writings, essays and texts do this to some extent, and which books borrowed specifically from it. This is one of the main focuses of historical literature (especially religious literature) studies.

Thank you for the inspiration to write,


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  • 1 year later...
Guest Manjunath YR

What matters is not who wrote which book at what time ;rather its important  to understand why this books where written.All religion exists for one reason : "Support life and longevity of humans" ,the day you arrive to understand this complex society and existence of life on earth none will ever have time for deluded comparison of religion.


when world war can be believed...why not Mahabharata more over the description in BALA KANDA(Ramayana) <http://www.valmikiramayan.net/bala/sarga27/bala_27_frame.htm> is worth reading.All cause for destruction could be understood once the meaning of praana which is the generator of energy of life is understood. ---- BIRTH LIFE & DEATH --- unfortunately none of religious books explains this in complete as the originals are not available.


Good Luck To All :smile:


- Manjunath YR

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aryans entered in india ,3500years back.(PROVED BY INDIAN HISTORY)).


Lol, where did you get the proof ? Aryan invasion theory had been debunked by scientists thousand times. There are many proofs of archaeological and genetical which totally debunks this stupid cheap theory made by Max muller to divide India. So today's research tells Hindus are those aryans who used to recite Veda. Nowadays too we see many Hindus reciting it. Another thing there's no mention of invasion anywhere in Veda . In fact veda explicitly defines India as Aryavarta ( Land of aryans ). Manusmriti, written by Manu, says the same. In veda, There's no mention of any region outside of india. Veda clearly glorifies India and its sacred region Sapta-Sindhu. So what're you saying is total absurd.



that means ramayana(10000BC) and mahabharata(5000BC) happened outside of india.(IF AT ALL ITS HAPPENED)

There's no aryans invasion. So this is again absurd. Besides, In Puranas and Mahabharata, we get references about Ashram near saraswati river where vedavyasa used to live and there he wrote puranas and itihasas. And you know Saraswati river is present in India. So your stupid logics are irrelevant as far as scriptures references are concerned.



jainism and buddhism born 650 BC, talked against vedas(means vedas were already written)but they didnot uttered a word about ramayana mahabharata, purans, smritis, aranyaka or bramhane, Geeta.that means these books were not written that time.there are lots of proof that these books written after murder of Brihratha maurya(last emporer of magadha 187BC)by pusyamitra shunga.this was first time aryans started rulling india and proper indians (anarayans) lost the battle.they finished jainism and buddhism by writting these books.(THAT MEANS 1500-2000YEARS BACK FROM TODAY)

the new word Hindu has born, now known as religion, and these books became holybooks.

Nice fairy tale :D This is the typical history made by western historians ( many of them are paid agents) to demolish supremacy of Hindu vedic dharma. It's just weird that you call your assumptions as proofs. Your stupid claims are just entertaining us. Your claims are entirely based on myth of aryan invasion. Moreover People like you are creating another myths based on this myth just to alter Hindu's richest history and call that as proof .

You even don't know what is aranyaka and bramhana. They are the final parts of veda. They are the concluding chapters of veda. They are called as vedanta talking about knowledge of bramhan . They are the most important parts. Without them veda is nothing. Besides veda itself mentions Purana and itihasas as fifth veda. Refer Chandongya upanishada. So who the hell are you to say Puranas are creations of so called aryans. LOL. I really feel pity about your intelligence and what you know about purana and veda.

One more thing , as stated in veda, we clearly know that all non-hindus are non-aryans. In Puranas non-aryans are called as mlecchas who lives outside of india and whose religion is not based on Veda. veda mentions land of aryans - sapta-sindhu-(India). Here Hindu is in the form of hindus. So it's obvious that who live in Sapta-Sindhu are sindhus ie they are Hindus ie they're aryans. Manu Smriti 2.22 clearly declares land of aryans or hindus as the tract between south himalayas and vindhya ranges from Indian eastern sea to western sea, which is none other than India.


So nothing is authentic from you. In fact your views clearly shows your Anti-hindu mindset. So spread this garbage anywhere in the non-aryans countries. This is aryavarta ( india) and we hindus are the sons of aryavarta. We can't tolerate anything blemish to our sacred culture. We follow veda, we know what we are and we know what is our history. There's no need to know history of India from mlecchas (non-hindus) who even don't know what's veda and even can't pronounce single word of veda . Lol

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