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On U.S. election. Srila Prabhupada - 'Why shall I give this nonsense person my vote?

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Srila Prabhupada - "Because of the importance of the Krishna consciousness movement, people should be Krishna conscious and should not vote for anyone who is not Krishna conscious. Then there will be actual peace and prosperity in the state. When a Vaishnava sees mismanagement in the government, he feels great compassion in his heart and tries his best to purify the situation by spreading the Hare Krishna movement. (Purport to Bhag. 6.2.3)

Srila Prabhupada - "We don’t very much like this so-called democracy. What is the value of this democracy? All fools and rascals. They vote for another fool and rascal and he becomes prime minister, or this or that. That is not good for the people. We are not for this so-called democracy because they are not trained. (Lecture in London, 24 July 1973)

Srila Prabhupada - "The first teaching of Bhagavad-Gita should be taken by the persons who are going to be elected in the government service. The public should be aware of this. If somebody comes to canvass for votes, you should first inquire, “Have you have read Bhagavad-Gita? Mahatma Gandhi read Bhagavad-Gita. Why shouldn’t you? Do you know what is Bhagavad-Gita? If so, then I will give you my vote. Otherwise, get out.”… It is a great necessity that government men must study Bhagavad-Gita. Otherwise, don’t give them vote. (Lecture in Bombay, 22 March 1974)

Devotee: Some of our devotees should run for office.

Prabhupada: No. If you can make the people Krishna conscious, then everything will come automatically. If they vote for a Krishna conscious person to be president and prime minister, then everything will be saved. So that means you have to create Krishna conscious voters. Then everything will be right. That should be one of the aims of the Krishna consciousness movement. The government is still under the control of the public. If the public becomes Krishna conscious then naturally the government will be Krishna conscious. But that is up to the public. (Lecture in Bombay, 6 November 1970)

Srila Prabhupada - "Educate the people. “Don’t vote for the rascals. Just try to understand who is the real man, who is the real leader. (Morning walk conversation in Los Angeles, 11 December 1973)

Interviewer: Do you think most of the Hare Krishna members will participate in the election in November? Do you think they will register and vote?

Prabhupada: Personally I never give votes.

Interviewer: Will they follow your example and not vote?

Prabhupada: I do not know, but our principle is that I vote for this man or that man if there is some spiritual benefit. That is our point. (Interview with the religion editor of the Associated Press in New York, 16 July 1976)

Srila Prabhupada - "I have never given vote. Since we have got this sva-raj, Indian independence, as soon as the vote question comes up, I go away. I think, “Why shall I give this nonsense person my vote? None of them are liked by me.” So I avoid it. I don’t believe in it. (Room Conversation in Bombay, 8 January 1977)


Is Srila Prabhupada right?

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Srila is right in terms of voting and not voting.


But there is no point in sitting back and complaining... I appreciate Gandhiji and Shastriji a lot... they came in power for the benefit of all.


we need brahmanas like Srila and also we cannot say we should not have politicians.. we need them too.. people like Gandhiji and Shastriji.

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Through hard and bitter lessons, history has taught us that it is vital to have a secular administration. Mixing religion with administration has resulted in more trouble than can be written on a discussion forum. Take Iskcon's case. Just a dozen "Krishna conscious" Gurus personally appointed by Prabhupada created such a mess. Imagine a "Krishna conscious" guy personally elected by Prabhupada becoming a President or a Prime Minister. It would be a historical disaster!


It is natural to not vote when you do not like any the candidates. But this should be based on their ability to govern; not their religious affiliation. To vote based on religion will be to take the world back into the dark ages.



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Through hard and bitter lessons, history has taught us that it is vital to have a secular administration. Mixing religion with administration has resulted in more trouble than can be written on a discussion forum. Take Iskcon's case. Just a dozen "Krishna conscious" Gurus personally appointed by Prabhupada created such a mess. Imagine a "Krishna conscious" guy personally elected by Prabhupada becoming a President or a Prime Minister. It would be a historical disaster!


It is natural to not vote when you do not like any the candidates. But this should be based on their ability to govern; not their religious affiliation. To vote based on religion will be to take the world back into the dark ages.




I don't know about these so-called Krishna Conscious people.

But for a real Vaishnava, He is always at the center of all undertakings.


Remember Gita was the key of India's Independence.


Chatrapati Shivaji, Hukka and Bukka, Chandragupta Maurya, Maharaja Parikshit were all guided by Vaishnavas only.


But please spare me the details concerning Hare Krishna's way of viewing the Gita.

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Is Srila Prabhupada right?


IMO yes he is right. Trying to pick sides amongst the present crop of canidates can make one go insane. I would even get worked up on the World Review forum agitating for one side or the other. But the truth be told I have only voted once. I would never vote for any candidate that supports abortion. So that leaves out all the Demon-crats. The Republicans are pro-life and say they support issues like vouchers for freedom of choice in schools. But the first thing the Republicans in Congress did when Bush was elected was agree with Demoncrats not to bring it up just to make other things go more smoothly in Congress.


The R's also killed a D proposal to start a workfare program that would have done alot move towards full employment. The stinking capitalist corporations like a 5% unemployment so they are never short of workers and can keep wages down.


Wet stool and dry stool.


I have enjoyed so much piece of mind ignoring the present dog and pony show.


They are all exploiters and mass animal killers who are surely going to lead the mass public into deeper materialistic thought and karmic entranglement.


When they teach their followers to chant Krishna's Name instead of their own they will get my vote... but not until.

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Not really a political type but the comments were interesting.


It is natural to not vote when you do not like any the candidates.
have to say thank you, very much….

Be honest, that will set the tone quite nicely.

To say Krishna Conscious is proper is not bad when observing the intent of the movement; equality, compassion and the ever seeking of the ‘absolute truth.’ (many have other opinions of that too)

So being in ‘blank’ Conscious no matter what the name, has merit.

Yet when issues of such like abortion come to the front, then to share that a person is literally killing themselves, their family lineage and a portion of God himself, then the issue becomes moot. As if each understood what ‘life’ is exactly, then the issues of such magnitude would not even become a question.

Then to follow the path of light, being able to comprehend life, then the rules of good and bad become known and can be observed with responsibility. Such that to understand that the very choices and life that each choice enables, is the karma or ever lasting life upon leaving the physical; then each now becomes of the “blank” Conscious. Then who needs a leader to tell them how to think? :idea:

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each now becomes of the “blank” Conscious. Then who needs a leader to tell them how to think?

Please allow me to stand on a rock, for a moment.

That knowledge offers each from the first days of learning as a child what life is and how their choices become their life.

Each task of responsibility is the duty each pursues. The doctor plays doctor, the farmer, farms, the engineer for community infrastructure represents people and that responsibility has much responsibility to the people. (representing us… ‘we the people’) No bending from Good and Bad can exists as each choice imposes the same to more than just the ‘I’ of the their self.

Those responsibilities as well the judgmental foundation are what the laws of nature perfect and since nature is known equally to all mankind, then the rules that exist within the ‘ever present’ nature, validates the mind with understanding. In which to share the truth of how life exists in nature pure to nature enables each to comprehend the equality of all mankind. (all barriers fall)

i.e… many of world’s opinions are fair yet the truth only operates ONE way and it starts with understanding; the light of life. (not theologically but literally in and of nature (of existence itself)

The perfect “blank” Conscious, is for each to be equally aware of life.

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Is Srila Prabhupada right?

Srila Prabhupada was surely right when he said above some 30 years ago. However, Prabhupada also expected that people would walk the talk and actually to elaborate what is being said.


For example a professor presents the facts about the uselessness of combustion engines in numbers. His students don't only repeat what they heard from their teacher but also work on an implementation.


In due course they develop an alternative for combustion engines and their idea is so perfect that the whole world adopts it.

Then this question is not asked anymore, was the professor right?

His teachings were transformed into a practical solution what people use in their daily life.


Somehow this did not happen yet with Prabhupada's teachings. Hardly any of his concepts were implemented in large scale.


Therefore people still have to ask this question, is Prabhupada right?

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Srila Prabhupada was surely right when he said above some 30 years ago. However, Prabhupada also expected that people would walk the talk and actually to elaborate what is being said.


For example a professor presents the facts about the uselessness of combustion engines in numbers. His students don't only repeat what they heard from their teacher but also work on an implementation.


In due course they develop an alternative for combustion engines and their idea is so perfect that the whole world adopts it.

Then this question is not asked anymore, was the professor right?

His teachings were transformed into a practical solution what people use in their daily life.


Somehow this did not happen yet with Prabhupada's teachings. Hardly any of his concepts were implemented in large scale.


Therefore people still have to ask this question, is Prabhupada right?


yet look what the internal combustion engine has done to the environment as well the evolving knowledge shares that exchanging energy for motion is cleaner such as fuel cells and hydrogen usage


soon to make the old obsolete


perhaps a new form of thinking is progressing and the old best catch up or go out of business (perhaps that is why GM is failing)

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I don't know about these so-called Krishna Conscious people.

But for a real Vaishnava, He is always at the center of all undertakings.


A Vaishnava is a worshipper of Vishnu. With this definition, I do not see a difference between a "real" Vaishnava and other types of Vaishnavas. I don't see how the Vaishnava is at the center of all undertakings either. Ashoka is commonly held as the greatest king to have ruled India ever and he was not a Vaishnava. That is one undertaking I can think of.



Remember Gita was the key of India's Independence.


No, it was not. No more than the Bible was the key of America's independence. There are any number of reasons attributed to British leaving India, including after effects of WW II, a long term plan, etc., but the Gita is not one of them. But if you have a case supporting this connection, please post it.



Chatrapati Shivaji, Hukka and Bukka, Chandragupta Maurya, Maharaja Parikshit were all guided by Vaishnavas only.


What is the significance of the Vaishnava part here? What if these Gurus were not Vaishnavas? Would these kings have been unsuccessful? I fail to see the relevance. And also,


Shivaji - Who was his Vaishnava Guru? Never heard of him.

Hakkba Bukka- Their Guru was Vidyaranya, a very well known Advaitin/Mayavadin ( and yet they were successful...Krishna did not strike them down with lightning or anything...how???).

Chandragupta Maurya - His Guru was Chanakya/Kautilya. There is no record of him being a Vaishnava.

Parikshit - not a historical character.


The Gita has nothing to offer towards running a state or freeing up British colonies. That is not its concern. Prabhupada is basically telling people that the only qualification necessary for being a good president is that he be a Hare Krishna. If this is not nonsense, then what is?



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This Vaishnavism politics is getting close to Islamic politics. Being a vishnu devotee the only qualifier for being a politician? You guys are turning into religious fanatics. Srila Prabhupada was a sannyasi and according to sannyasi rules, he shouldn't even speak on politics. He renounced the world, so I can understand he wouldn't vote.

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Us internet bhaktas should hold two tags to make ourselves obvious:eek:.


One tag saying, 'this is my stuff', and the other tag saying 'this is spiritual stuff'.


Then again it should be obvious to an intelligent listener, that a post about US politics or meltdowns or (that famous word)whatever is simply 'stuff' that has popped up in the mind from God knows where.


Anyhow...this world is full of stuff. Lets continue.

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This Vaishnavism politics is getting close to Islamic politics. Being a vishnu devotee the only qualifier for being a politician? You guys are turning into religious fanatics. Srila Prabhupada was a sannyasi and according to sannyasi rules, he shouldn't even speak on politics.


He (Prabhupada) is just following fame monger Buddha, convert the leaders the 'Praja' will follow their leader. He converted Ashoka & Ashoka with his might converted the rest.



Srila Prabhupada - "We don’t very much like this so-called democracy. What is the value of this democracy? All fools and rascals. They vote for another fool and rascal and he becomes prime minister, or this or that. That is not good for the people. We are not for this so-called democracy because they are not trained. (Lecture in London, 24 July 1973)


Yes what we need is a Hare Krishna dictator & under his decree anyone who doesn't believe in Krishna conciousness would face the firing squad.


I didn't know ISKCON had laws similar to ISLAMIC 'Shariat'.


ISKCON - ISLAM bhai bhai :)

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Us internet bhaktas should hold two tags to make ourselves obvious:eek:.


One tag saying, 'this is my stuff', and the other tag saying 'this is spiritual stuff'.


Then again it should be obvious to an intelligent listener, that a post about US politics or meltdowns or (that famous word)whatever is simply 'stuff' that has popped up in the mind from God knows where.


Anyhow...this world is full of stuff. Lets continue.


That's right, and even Srila Prabhupada had a lot of stuff going on.

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A teacher (representative of God) has feet in both worlds...to bring us through. Gotta be practical. You must remember in these conversation transcripts he is intsructing young men well rooted in material life. If he gave only the highest siddhanta, these men would start thinking they were siddha and all was well.

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A Vaishnava is a worshipper of Vishnu. With this definition, I do not see a difference between a "real" Vaishnava and other types of Vaishnavas. I don't see how the Vaishnava is at the center of all undertakings either. Ashoka is commonly held as the greatest king to have ruled India ever and he was not a Vaishnava. That is one undertaking I can think of.


You don't even know the meaning of Vaishnavism, how can you differentiate?

Secondly, being one of Hari is not something cheap that you'll get one in every hook and corner. when Hari says, that rare soul is damn rare then it's damn rare.

Have you ever heard of Bhakta Narsigh Mehta... It's his song that MK Gandhi used to hear... Vaishnav jan to tene....



you want to know who is a real Vaishnava, then read


1. vaishnav jan to tene kahiye, je peer paraaee jaNe re ...

[He is the true Vaishnava who knows and feels another's woes as his own]

par dukkhe upkar kare toye, man abhiman na aaNe re ...


[Ever ready to serve others who are unhappy, he never lets vanity get to his head]

2. sakaL lok maan sahune vande, nindaa ne kare keni re ...

[bowing to everyone humbly and criticising none]

vaach-kaacch-man nischaL raakhe, dhan-dhan janani teni re ..

[He keeps his speech, deeds and thoughts pure; blessed is the mother who begets such a one]

3. sam-drushti ne trishNaa tyaagi, parastree jene maat re ...

[He looks upon all with an equal eye. Having rid himself of lust, he treats and reveres every woman as his mother]

jihvaa thake, asatya na bole, par-dhan nava jhaale haath re ...


[His tongue would fail him if he attempted to utter an untruth. He does not covet another's wealth]

4. moh-maayaa vyaape nahin jene, draDh vairagya jena manmaa re ...

[The bonds of earthly attachment hold him not. His mind is deeply rooted in renunciation]

raam-naam shu taaLire laagi, sakaL teerath tena tanmaa re ...

[Every moment he is intent on reciting the name of the Lord Rama. All the holy places are ever present in his body]

5. vaNa lobhi ne kapat rahit chhe, kaam krodh nivaarya re ...

[He has conquered greed, deceit, passion (lust) and anger]

bhaNe Narsaiyyon teno darshan kartaun, kuL ekoter tarya re ...

[The sight of such a Vaishnava, says Narsinh, saves a family through seventy-one generations]


You take too much consideration in what Hare Krishnas do. It's indeed not a good reference.

But you are so blinded and blinkered that you don't want to go beyond that and search the what really Bhakti means.


I know it's really bad when people comment on the doctrine of Oneness you follow... but you are not less than them. Ok... in degree you are much much less... I know you tend to protect your doctrine.



No, it was not. No more than the Bible was the key of America's independence. There are any number of reasons attributed to British leaving India, including after effects of WW II, a long term plan, etc., but the Gita is not one of them. But if you have a case supporting this connection, please post it.


I don't know about America... I'll stay on the premise of my point... that is India...

The one who gave India Independence was Bapu... Let's see what Bapu had to say about that..


"The Story Of My Experiment with Truth"....

1. I was initiated the Chant of Ram Naam by my lady Cook in my childhood.. though it my chanting was not a perpetual mean but it is the only exact science for self realisation.

2. To see the Supreme Universal Truth FACE TO FACE one has to love even the meanest crap as oneself.

"His Commentary on the Gita".....

He saw the Mukti of India in the First Chapter of Gita... When Arjuna stared at the opposing Army... He saw on the side of Darkness, personnage like Bhisma, Kripacharya, Drona et al.

Gandhiji realised that evil alone is so weak that it cannot stand alone.. Evil has to be supported by some Goodness.

He realised that even the British should have some bright side... which explored and attacked that part and through his purity won the Independence.

Guess who wrote Gita Rahasya...

Guess what PanditJi was reading....

Guess what Shastriji commented on Srimad Bhagvatam.



What is the significance of the Vaishnava part here? What if these Gurus were not Vaishnavas? Would these kings have been unsuccessful? I fail to see the relevance. And also,


Vaishnavism is an exact science... there is a lot of ifs in your statement.

But you have the right to ask.. but try to get the answer also.



Shivaji - Who was his Vaishnava Guru? Never heard of him.


and you reserve the right to comment.

It was Ramdas.



Hakkba Bukka- Their Guru was Vidyaranya, a very well known Advaitin/Mayavadin ( and yet they were successful...Krishna did not strike them down with lightning or anything...how???).


Go and do some more research work.



Chandragupta Maurya - His Guru was Chanakya/Kautilya. There is no record of him being a Vaishnava.


Oh.. he did not do like Hare Krishnas do.. He did not carry a Bhakta Label on his T-Shirt and blabber without understanding the real purport of the Gita.


But for sure... go and read Chanakya Neeti... The first verse proclaims the Superiority of Vishnu...



Parikshit - not a historical character.


Of course... my great grand son will even doubt my existence.. I've been out of the picture for so long...



The Gita has nothing to offer towards running a state or freeing up British colonies. That is not its concern. Prabhupada is basically telling people that the only qualification necessary for being a good president is that he be a Hare Krishna. If this is not nonsense, then what is?


It's a bit rude from my part to tell you that... when I read the Gita... I saw all the different types of politics and its good and its bad effects.

Be it democracy, laisser faire, planned, extremist, et al... all mentionned.

Learn each character on the battle field and pay more attention to what Krishna says and you'll all the methods of running a state.


If you are lucky enough you'll discover the highest method for running a state... which is a secret for so many which modern world don't know and for sure it exists... I'll not pay you Rs 10 to believe me.


What Srila said concerning the president matter is really a non-sense when we see the way those Hare Krishnas are behaving... but in one angle he is right... but I think he wanted to say a person who knows in reality and depth the Gita.



Concerning Ashoka.. he was the biggest stupid I've ever heard about concerning ruling.


I guess Price Charles will be a better king than that punk. India lost its cultural treasure partly due to Him. He did not believe in the Vedic Culture.


See this is the best example of a mleccha... even being born in India. Not neccesary to go to the west to see one.

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Let there be one God – KRISHNA

Let there be one religion KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS


What a wonderful world it would be :D


Right...This is the typical intolerant attitude found in Christians and Muslims that has resulted in countless incidents of mass murder for 2000 years and still counting.


Hinduism with all its flaws shines out here by allowing multiple beliefs to coexist successfully for several centuries.


Thank the Lord for not putting a Hare Krishna into power. One of the first things he would do is kill or imprison all Shaivas and Mayavadis. Muslims and Christians wil be left alone as apparently they are all Vaishnavas, though they do not know it. Never mind that they see Krishna as a false God & would strongly disgaree if they were labeled as Vaishnavas. It does not walk like a duck, does not talk like a duck, but is a duck nonetheless....simply because Prabhupada said so.



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I said a Vaishnava is a worshipper of Vishnu. And in response, this gentleman says,



You don't even know the meaning of Vaishnavism, how can you differentiate?




Time for you to learn some basics which you evidently slept through in school. Learn the difference between 'definition' and 'eulogy'. Once you understand the difference, read this to get some proper perspective.


Shaiva - worshipper of Shiva

Vaishnava - worshipper of Vishnu

Muslim - one who follows the Kuran

Hare Krishna - folower fo Prabhupada

Buddhist - follower of Buddha.


From Merriam Webster,



Sanskrit vaiṣṇava of Vishnu, from Viṣṇu Vishnu.

A member of a major Hindu sect devoted to the cult of Vishnu


<DT class=date><DT class=date><DT class=date><DT class=hwrd>Bud·dhism

a religion of eastern and central Asia growing out of the teaching of Gautama Buddha that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by mental and moral self-purification

— Bud·dhist noun or adjective


These are definitions which are widely accepted and recorded. Anything more added to this, turns the definition into an eulogy. Any changes/upgrades to these definition by any Tom, Dck and Harry is dismissed outright as nonsense, no matter how big a Guru he may be in his own group.


In is not for you or your Guru to selectively pick out "real" Vaishnavas and "false" Vaishnavas. Prabhupada tried this once when he appointed his successors and you know how that went.




<DT class=hwrd>Cheers





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IMO yes he is right. Trying to pick sides amongst the present crop of canidates can make one go insane. I would even get worked up on the World Review forum agitating for one side or the other. But the truth be told I have only voted once. I would never vote for any candidate that supports abortion. So that leaves out all the Demon-crats. The Republicans are pro-life and say they support issues like vouchers for freedom of choice in schools. But the first thing the Republicans in Congress did when Bush was elected was agree with Demoncrats not to bring it up just to make other things go more smoothly in Congress.


The R's also killed a D proposal to start a workfare program that would have done alot move towards full employment. The stinking capitalist corporations like a 5% unemployment so they are never short of workers and can keep wages down.


Wet stool and dry stool.


I have enjoyed so much piece of mind ignoring the present dog and pony show.


They are all exploiters and mass animal killers who are surely going to lead the mass public into deeper materialistic thought and karmic entranglement.


When they teach their followers to chant Krishna's Name instead of their own they will get my vote... but not until.


Srila Prabhupada - “In this present day, people are very much eager to have one scripture, one God, one religion, and one occupation. Therefore,


A - Ekam sastram devaki-putra-gitam: let there be one scripture only, one common scripture for the whole world-Bhagavad-gita.


B - Eko devo devaki-putra eva: let there be one God for the whole world - Sri Krsna.


C - Eko mantras tasya namani: and one hymn, one mantra, one prayer — the chanting of His name: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.


D - Karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva: and let there be one work only — the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” (Bhagavad-gita as it is Introduction)

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<dt class="hwrd">

In is not for you or your Guru to selectively pick out "real" Vaishnavas and "false" Vaishnavas.

</dt><dt class="hwrd">Cheers




who said the opposite.. NoT Me



Prabhupada tried this once when he appointed his successors and you know how that went.


I know.. Srila knew perfectly that he was appointing donkeys... but he had no option cause he knew the Gita verse very very well... "for such a birth is really really rare." He took out the best from a bad bargain.

This can be described as the same situation as Arjuna when he threw all his weapon in the river knowing that you can do all you like... but the nature of this world will never change.

Dog's tail can never be made straight if once crooked.

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I said a Vaishnava is a worshipper of Vishnu. And in response, this gentleman says,




Time for you to learn some basics which you evidently slept through in school. Learn the difference between 'definition' and 'eulogy'. Once you understand the difference, read this to get some proper perspective.


Shaiva - worshipper of Shiva

Vaishnava - worshipper of Vishnu

Muslim - one who follows the Kuran

Hare Krishna - folower fo Prabhupada

Buddhist - follower of Buddha.


From Merriam Webster,



Sanskrit vaiṣṇava of Vishnu, from Viṣṇu Vishnu.

A member of a major Hindu sect devoted to the cult of Vishnu


<dt class="date"></dt><dt class="date"></dt><dt class="date"></dt><dt class="hwrd">Bud·dhism

a religion of eastern and central Asia growing out of the teaching of Gautama Buddha that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by mental and moral self-purification

— Bud·dhist noun or adjective


These are definitions which are widely accepted and recorded. Anything more added to this, turns the definition into an eulogy. Any changes/upgrades to these definition by any Tom, Dck and Harry is dismissed outright as nonsense, no matter how big a Guru he may be in his own group.


</dt><dt class="hwrd">Cheers



Do you think Merriam Webster can give a valid definition of a Vaishnava?

Do you think you can narrow the dimension of the a Vaishnava by giving a definition?


It is just like when Hare Krishnas comment on your doctrine of Mayavada.. and you feel really pricky about it saying "what do you know about it".


It's the same here buddy, with your definition of Vaishnava.


The near-best definition was given by Narsi Mehta, I prefer listening to Him than to Merriam Webster.

Now if you find someone mapped in that definition, then for sure, you have seen one Vaishnava. BTW, best of luck and take a red candle and wait... what can I tell you?


NB: Narsi Mehta was not from any school of thought.


And you are right, I was some sort of sleeping in my class hours.. but not sleeping.. my mind was always somewhere else and not only during that lesson but in all lessons. However..my results never depicted that reality.:rolleyes:


I come from the school of experience not narrow-minded definitions.

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