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Buddhism Is An Education - Not A Religion

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HeeHee is right to say the statements of the Vedas are not facts.


The statements of sages in the Vedas are things you can grasp only through faith and devotion. You will never understand the Veda if you cling to the empirical, analytical method as your preferred method of gaining knowledge.


But HeeHee, you should realize that the Vedas are different from knowledge you can get in this world, such as scientific knowledge about uranium atoms. Only through association of saints, and through devotedly following the saint's teachings, can a follower realize knowledge of the Veda. In the Kathopanishad the god Yama tells a student that only when Knowledge of Visnu is communicated to you by your Guru, the Divinely-Realized Saint, only then when it comes to you as a Gift of Grace will you be able to realize the proper understanding of Visnu "As He Is".


Before real realization of Visnu comes, you only have a vague concept of Visnu; a concept clouded by the haze of your erroneous thinking. Your misconceptions and your prejudices block you from seeing reality. In Sanskrit, this haze is called chit-abhasa, and the way this haze functions is that it is like an hallucination that you choose to focus on, instead of blinking and waking up to see things as they really are.


We can get a hazy idea of Visnu from books and meditation, but only when Lord Visnu reveals Himself in your heart will you realize him "As He Is". People who have no inner realization will argue about the meaning of statements made by by-gone sages, and argue about the meaning of words in the scriptures, but it is all wild-goose-chasing. Look inside and find the real Truth, before you start talking or pretending to be a great KNOWER of Truth. The bizarre reality of modern day Vaisnavism is that there are clueless people everywhere (especially on the internet) who have no DIRECT KNOWLEDGE of Krishna, who are trying to convince other people (and especially ignorant people) to agree with their mistaken, clueless conclusions about Krishna.


Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura wrote that the words in the scriptures are all words spoken by people. But these people who spoke the words of the Vedas are not ordinary people who squabble about religion. The Veda-Rishis who spoke the Veda are inspired people who are awake to the Everlasting Reality of Param-Brahman.


Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura says the words of the Vedas express the thoughts of sages who had received a spritual revelation of Truth (darshan) from the Abolute Being. Sages such as Visvamitra heard the Vedas during their meditation, and thus it was that Visvamitra was the first person in this world to pronounce the gayatri mantra "om bhu bhuvah svah tat savituh varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi" etc....


From Visvamitra and other Rishis the knowlege of the Veda has come down to us through various Guru Parampara successions. There are Parampara's following the teachings of Tulsidas, Valmiki and Sri Ramayana, Parampara's coming from Sri Adi Sankarachaya Bhagavatapada, and many different Parampara branches coming from Sri Caitanya. Among all of these groups following ancient traditions, where are the people who actually KNOW Lord Narayana? That is the real thing to find out! Those people who KNOW can give you darshan of Lakshmi Narayana - if you can find them! But I will give you a word of caution: Don't expect to find those people here at Audarya Forums because if you do you will be making a big mistake.


At the same time, you don't need to have faith or bhakti to realize brahma-nirvana since every one of us is Brahman anyhow; it is a relatively simple thing to realize your own self but realizing the transcendental Supreme Self, the Param-Brahman Sri Krishna, can only be achieved through faith and devotion and service to an enlightened Guru sent to you by Krishna.


The Buddhist sages who communicated Buddha's teachings to the people of India also transmitted a kind of faith. And in the Gita, Sri Krishna says that according to a person's faith and understanding they accept different belief systems as "Truth" and then follow the precepts of that belief system.


Believe what you want to believe, and go where you want to go.

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hmmmm....... Advaita in the garb of Buddhism :rolleyes:


definitely Buddha must be rolling in his samadhi :P


Dear ARJ, Advaita and Buddhism has 99% common features. The one percent is the Shunyavada. Anything cannot be born or anything born cannot die from Shunya. It just changes from one from to another. So, there must be a knower. Even if taken for granted everything is Shunya, still the Knower of that exist. So it was easy to prove that from one, many can form. Not from Shunya. That was Advaita. Moreover, the various Upanishads talk about Advaita and which is not Buddhism. If Buddha rolls or does a somersault doesnt matter anything to Advaita.

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Can we extend the same logic to humans?


Humans have natural sexual desires. By your logic, it is blind then, to go against nature and repress oneself of sex because of a religious mandate.

The actual situation is that people are not interested to get the facts about what vedic culture is - are having some vage understanding but not because there's no possibility to get the details, they want to remain in ignorance.

There's no question to repress oneself, even Lord Krsna says, repression is the wrong path, leads to the opposite result.



As illustrated in the above-mentioned verse of Śrī Yamunacarya, a sincere devotee of the Lord shuns all material sense enjoyment due to his higher taste for spiritual enjoyment in the association of the Lord. That is the secret of success. One who is not, therefore, in Krsna consciousness, however powerful he may be in controlling the senses by artificial repression, is sure ultimately to fail, for the slightest thought of sense pleasure will agitate him to gratify his desires.


Bg 2.63


"Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature, for everyone follows the nature he has acquired from the three modes. What can repression accomplish?"


Bhagavad-gita 3.33





Unless one is situated on the transcendental platform of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, he cannot get free from the influence of the modes of material nature, as it is confirmed by the Lord in the Seventh Chapter (7.14). Therefore, even for the most highly educated person on the mundane plane, it is impossible to get out of the entanglement of māyā simply by theoretical knowledge, or by separating the soul from the body. There are many so-called spiritualists who outwardly pose as advanced in the science but inwardly or privately are completely under particular modes of nature which they are unable to surpass. Academically, one may be very learned, but because of his long association with material nature, he is in bondage. Kṛṣṇa consciousness helps one to get out of the material entanglement, even though one may be engaged in his prescribed duties in terms of material existence. Therefore, without being fully in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, one should not give up his occupational duties. No one should suddenly give up his prescribed duties and become a so-called yogī or transcendentalist artificially. It is better to be situated in one's position and to try to attain Kṛṣṇa consciousness under superior training. Thus one may be freed from the clutches of Kṛṣṇa's māyā.

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In the old testament it says that if your children are disobedient then you can take them to the gates of your town and stone them to death. Kill them.


It is hard to believe that anyone would quote the Old Testament as a text advocating ahimsa.

That's right, the Old Testament was quoted to highlight that modern people cannot do anything with it when it says, thou shall not kill. Can't even grasp that animals resist in the same way like human beings when facing death.

At the same time thou shall not kill refers to any killing, it doesn't say, thou shall not murder, refering only to human beings.

For example cows have to be machanically fixed with heavy steal, otherwise you won't be able to kill them because they want to live like we humans do.

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It is sad that people kill animals but it is even sadder to think that so-called religious people are following scriptures that say children should be killed if they are naughty.


In Krsna Book, Srila Prabhupada wrote:


"The Krsna consciousness movement is a call to all kinds of religionists asking them with great authority to join this movement by which one can learn how to love God and thus surpass all formulas and formalities of scriptural injunction. A person who cannot overcome the jurisdiction of stereotyped religious principles is compared to an animal chained up by his master. The purpose of all religion is to understand God and develop one's dormant love of Godhead. If one simply sticks to the religious formulas and formalities and does not become elevated to the position of love of God, he is considered to be a chained animal."

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So let's look at a teacher



In Krsna Book, Srila Prabhupada wrote:


"The Krsna consciousness movement is a call to all kinds of religionists asking them with great authority to join this movement by which one can learn how to love God and thus surpass all formulas and formalities of scriptural injunction. A person who cannot overcome the jurisdiction of stereotyped religious principles is compared to an animal chained up by his master. The purpose of all religion is to understand God and develop one's dormant love of Godhead. If one simply sticks to the religious formulas and formalities and does not become elevated to the position of love of God, he is considered to be a chained animal."




and then the opposing set of ideas








HeeHee is right to say the statements of the Vedas are not facts.


The statements of sages in the Vedas are things you can grasp only through faith and devotion. You will never understand the Veda if you cling to the empirical, analytical method as your preferred method of gaining knowledge.


But HeeHee, you should realize that the Vedas are different from knowledge you can get in this world, such as scientific knowledge about uranium atoms. Only through association of saints, and through devotedly following the saint's teachings, can a follower realize knowledge of the Veda. In the Kathopanishad the god Yama tells a student that only when Knowledge of Visnu is communicated to you by your Guru, the Divinely-Realized Saint, only then when it comes to you as a Gift of Grace will you be able to realize the proper understanding of Visnu "As He Is".


Before real realization of Visnu comes, you only have a vague concept of Visnu; a concept clouded by the haze of your erroneous thinking. Your misconceptions and your prejudices block you from seeing reality. In Sanskrit, this haze is called chit-abhasa, and the way this haze functions is that it is like an hallucination that you choose to focus on, instead of blinking and waking up to see things as they really are.


We can get a hazy idea of Visnu from books and meditation, but only when Lord Visnu reveals Himself in your heart will you realize him "As He Is". People who have no inner realization will argue about the meaning of statements made by by-gone sages, and argue about the meaning of words in the scriptures, but it is all wild-goose-chasing. Look inside and find the real Truth, before you start talking or pretending to be a great KNOWER of Truth. The bizarre reality of modern day Vaisnavism is that there are clueless people everywhere (especially on the internet) who have no DIRECT KNOWLEDGE of Krishna, who are trying to convince other people (and especially ignorant people) to agree with their mistaken, clueless conclusions about Krishna.


Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura wrote that the words in the scriptures are all words spoken by people. But these people who spoke the words of the Vedas are not ordinary people who squabble about religion. The Veda-Rishis who spoke the Veda are inspired people who are awake to the Everlasting Reality of Param-Brahman.


Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura says the words of the Vedas express the thoughts of sages who had received a spritual revelation of Truth (darshan) from the Abolute Being. Sages such as Visvamitra heard the Vedas during their meditation, and thus it was that Visvamitra was the first person in this world to pronounce the gayatri mantra "om bhu bhuvah svah tat savituh varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi" etc....


From Visvamitra and other Rishis the knowlege of the Veda has come down to us through various Guru Parampara successions. There are Parampara's following the teachings of Tulsidas, Valmiki and Sri Ramayana, Parampara's coming from Sri Adi Sankarachaya Bhagavatapada, and many different Parampara branches coming from Sri Caitanya. Among all of these groups following ancient traditions, where are the people who actually KNOW Lord Narayana? That is the real thing to find out! Those people who KNOW can give you darshan of Lakshmi Narayana - if you can find them! But I will give you a word of caution: Don't expect to find those people here at Audarya Forums because if you do you will be making a big mistake.


At the same time, you don't need to have faith or bhakti to realize brahma-nirvana since every one of us is Brahman anyhow; it is a relatively simple thing to realize your own self but realizing the transcendental Supreme Self, the Param-Brahman Sri Krishna, can only be achieved through faith and devotion and service to an enlightened Guru sent to you by Krishna.


The Buddhist sages who communicated Buddha's teachings to the people of India also transmitted a kind of faith. And in the Gita, Sri Krishna says that according to a person's faith and understanding they accept different belief systems as "Truth" and then follow the precepts of that belief system.


Believe what you want to believe, and go where you want to go.



seems to me, that the priority begins with integrity over and above complacency.


Meaning to remain honest and of pure compassion, then the truth supercedes beliefs.


And them that suggest otherwise are the selfish!


Keep your eyes open, you can see the difference, quite clearly!

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Bhaktajan prabhuji,


You say what is written in Vedas are facts or

what is told by Srila Prabhupada are facts.

How do you know?

Thanks for asking, it gives me great pleasure to answer you --read below:



With what veracity can you say Buddhism or other philosophies are not facts?

This is wrong. They are all factual as long as they are bonefide scripture. Buddha's letter of the book vs Buddha's spirit of the letter are both truth and profitable for the soul's salvation--they will cultivate and imbue higher tastes and sensibilities in the spiritual aspirant.



Please pardon my questions.

I am quite surprised when people claim their opinions to be not faith!

Srila Prabhupada revealed that: Yoga is thee science of the Soul.


And that this science is to be preformed by the Machine of the Body--lead by the determined mind/intelligence in pursuit of sublimation and transcending the base traits of all species of life (eat, sleep, mate, defend).


Science refers to the "Scientific Method" --which surely how spagetti, the wheel, cake & breads and all esle was invented --by way of the dictum: "Neccessity is the Mother of Invention" [~otherwise it was passed down through disciplic succession since time immemorial, generation-to-generation].


It is so easy even for so-called grand civilizations to lost to knowledge. It is so easy even for so-called grand civilizations to acquire sudden knowledge, and then usually in the past 2,000 years, annihilate best they can, their neighbors or critter-folk.


How do you prove the Harekrishna ideology to be a fact?

Because I said so! You're welcomed! Really it is my honor and pleasure to tell you it is true!


The Harekrishna ideology is orthdox ancient Hindu Sanskrit Scripture --that documents pre-western history.


This history/Vedic Literatures have been available to the public for only 40 years [i know it's been around since 3,000 BC] --but we 300 warriors (and afficinados of the "base traits" of "eating, sleeping, mating and defending") have been fighting on a different front down through history.


It is fact and you can verify the facts yourself--by invitation only or by millions of births trying all the varieties and vantage points of the "base traits".


It is fact because I have traveled very far and for very long TO GET THESE facts --all the evidence leads up to it.

Where do you think it had been all these eons? It's still there and will continue to be after the caravan comes back next season.


Likewise, How Do you know who your real father is? [ans: Ask your mother].

Is that perfectly clear? No mom to ask? [No mom to ask? --that would be bad karma, yes?]


In antiquity we had wise old men og intergrity who were trusted by even more righteous men of high parentage with Spiritual insights --that have all been long lost.


[i know, some people opine that our ancestors were abhoriginal heathen cavemen with out the wheel nor toilet ettequette nor langauge nor culture nor knowledge of who their (even more inbred miscreant) father or grandfather nor who built that stone aquaduct passing by his village straw hut]




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Dear IamNotHeeHee,


I guess that ‘proof’ is a ‘material’ concept. As such, the truth of the scriptures can probably not be proven. Bhaktajan’s consciousness may allow him to see reality (more or less) different from reality the way you and I perceive it. As a result he simply ‘knows’ (or somehow ‘concluded’) that the ancient scriptures are correct. One must respect that possibility..


Kind regards, Bart

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Prabhuji, good points. But then every philosophy can claim their understanding is the supreme truth by citing the very same reasons you did, isn't it? You can never accept or deny their understanding, can you? How do you prove the infallibility of the scriptures?

No scripture in essence is wrong, that thing Bhaktajan has also confirmed in the beginning when he spoke about Buddhism.


Now concerning your issue of Supremacy of philosophy, then I would say let everyone be happy in their lala land. But the authenticity of a philosophy can be measured by the act of the follower.


Have you ever seen anyone surpassing the actions of Vaishnavas in terms of welfare and sacrifice?

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I guess that ‘proof’ is a ‘material’ concept.


It is a rational concept.



As such, the truth of the scriptures can probably not be proven.


Modern science with time is reaching the same conclusion as the Vedas.

What was said 5000 years back has not been displaced by even 1 mm by moden scientists. It is a fact. No one has proved Vedas wrong.



Bhaktajan’s consciousness may allow him to see reality (more or less) different from reality the way you and I perceive it. As a result he simply ‘knows’ (or somehow ‘concluded’) that the ancient scriptures are correct. One must respect that possibility..


Reality is one without a second. True Perception depends on our degree of renunciation. If you are attached, you are bias. The more you are attached the more bias you are. Vairagya is the means for proper discrimination.


I suppose the Bhagvata Doctrine is the first and only complete contributor concerning Meta-physics. Why Bhagvata is always the First for all kind of contributions? People come and add some quakery to that perfect philosophy and take the credit by distorting the Truth.


Buddha started by critising the Vedas, without the vedas there would not been his philosophy for the first instance.


Same for Christianity, concerning Idol worship; the existence of other philosophies depends on the existence of the Original; THE VEDIC LITERATURE.

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Even the modern science of Mundane matter depends on Vedas.


Go and make a study of the life of those great scientists, they were higly inspired by the Vedas.


Starting from Einstein.

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An excerpt from John Dobson's book Advaita Vedanta & Modern Science

"We can understand the attraction between the proton and the electron as the undividedness seen in the duality, just as we can understand the gravitational attraction of the protons for each other as the undividedness seen in the plurality. As a member of the duality, the proton sees itself (if we may use such language) as separated from the electron. As a member of the plurality, it sees itself as separated from the rest of the universe. But in either case it sees itself as small, and we can understand the self- repulsion of like charge as simply the infinitude seen in the apparent smallness. The gravitational energy of the primordial hydrogen can be understood as priya, the undivided seen in the apparently divided. The electrical energy of the primordial hydrogen can be understood as bhati, the infinite seen in the apparently finite. Bhati and Priya drive the change in which the changeless is seen as Asti, inertia. In the great-space, this is our primordial hydrogen. It arises through apparition, through the appearance of pairs of opposites, space against time, mass against energy, gravity against electricity, plus against minus and spin-up against spin-down, without any change in the changeless.


We have seen how, through relativity theory, modern science has been driven to the conclusion of the Advaita Vedantins that the first cause must be apparitional. The screen through which we see the reality must be the screen of apparitional causation, what the Vedantins call Maya. We have also seen how, through relativity theory, modern science has been driven to the conclusion that the nature of the reality which underlies the multifarious diversity in the world of our perceptions must be changeless, infinite and undivided. Finally, and this is the important point, we have seen that, through a careful analysis of apparitional causation we are able, at last, to understand why we see a universe of hydrogen and not something else."

the book can be downloaded from here

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No scripture in essence is wrong, that thing Bhaktajan has also confirmed in the beginning when he spoke about Buddhism.


Now concerning your issue of Supremacy of philosophy, then I would say let everyone be happy in their lala land. But the authenticity of a philosophy can be measured by the act of the follower.


Have you ever seen anyone surpassing the actions of Vaishnavas in terms of welfare and sacrifice?

Are you saying Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Advaita, Judaism are not wrong inspite of their million contradictions with each other, barring within themselves? What is the use of following one when every theory in this world is right? On your second para I have a comment. I agree that the authenticity of a philosophy can be measured by the act of the follower. But only to an extent. This measurement of a follower is also subjective. For e.g. Advaiti's call a person a fool, paranoid, arrogant, and other name calling if anyone questions or clarifies the principles of Advaita. You may have seen in this forum how members like Dark Warrior and Justin were attacked just because they said Advaita does not gel with new-age non-science or logic or perception. A person who questions Gaudiya Vaishnavism is said to be ignorant, whereas the person may be someone who is a genuine inquirer. Everyone has a pre-conceived opinion of what a good and bad behavior is. What is good behavior for a Vaishnava may not be good for an Advaiti or a Buddhist and vice versa.
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Are you saying Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Advaita, Judaism are not wrong inspite of their million contradictions with each other, barring within themselves? What is the use of following one when every theory in this world is right? On your second para I have a comment. I agree that the authenticity of a philosophy can be measured by the act of the follower. But only to an extent. This measurement of a follower is also subjective. For e.g. Advaiti's call a person a fool, paranoid, arrogant, and other name calling if anyone questions or clarifies the principles of Advaita. You may have seen in this forum how members like Dark Warrior and Justin were attacked just because they said Advaita does not gel with new-age non-science or logic or perception. A person who questions Gaudiya Vaishnavism is said to be ignorant, whereas the person may be someone who is a genuine inquirer. Everyone has a pre-conceived opinion of what a good and bad behavior is. What is good behavior for a Vaishnava may not be good for an Advaiti or a Buddhist and vice versa.

Looks like the debates can be reduced, simplified to atheism versus theism.

Intelligent design versus Evolution theory. Since somehow the atheists are getting incredible unlimited amount of intelligence to speak against the theists, the acaryas tell us, it is a futile attempt trying to preach to atheists, they will never accept, find always a refutation and are slippery as an eel. Here the internet forum has a distinct disadvantage. There's no prasadam and no kirtan. But just this was Lord Caitanya's success formula for reclaiming the conditioned souls who are fighting with their own uncontrolled minds.

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Reality is one without a second.
here hear, a resounding agreement


But then every philosophy can claim their understanding is the supreme truth by citing the very same reasons you did, isn't it? You can never accept or deny their understanding, can you? How do you prove the infallibility of the scriptures?

fallibility should not be the quest; but to observe the purpose

observe the meaning

the truth lives compassionately; the teachers are people too

never has a single unit of living man had the combining knowledge into one, otherwise the last chapter would have already been written

so can any single set of literature share what life is, and the true meaning of good and bad?

That is what the real debate of mankind is! To understand life and how to choose.

Everything else is wrestling of mind between opinions.


An excerpt from John Dobson's book Advaita Vedanta & Modern Science

"We can understand the attraction between the proton and the electron as the undividedness seen in the duality, just as we can understand the gravitational attraction of the protons for each other as the undividedness seen in the plurality. As a member of the duality, the proton sees itself (if we may use such language) as separated from the electron. As a member of the plurality, it sees itself as separated from the rest of the universe.


this person is defining by combining 2 areas of thought; bravo!

This is what Prabhupada did when bringing the Gita into the West. Each gave to share understanding (Godhead)……..

Please stay tuned as the missing elements to perfect it are identified.


The perspective of isolation is what divides.


But in either case it sees itself as small, and we can understand the self- repulsion of like charge as simply the infinitude seen in the apparent smallness. The gravitational energy of the primordial hydrogen can be understood as priya, the undivided seen in the apparently divided.
Gravity is entangled energy between mass; neither ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comaudarya<st1:City><st1:place>Newton</st1:place></st1:City> nor the world has ever known what it is. But Einstein and Schrödinger did recognize that ‘spooky action at a distance’


The electrical energy of the primordial hydrogen can be understood as bhati, the infinite seen in the apparently finite. Bhati and Priya drive the change in which the changeless is seen as Asti, inertia. In the great-space, this is our primordial hydrogen. It arises through apparition, through the appearance of pairs of opposites, space against time, mass against energy, gravity against electricity, plus against minus and spin-up against spin-down, without any change in the changeless.
The entangled mass of time. That wheel is existence (God) itself.

That missing link is combining the property of light (entanglement) within the sciences. It is not addressed in any math of cosmology; that is what brings in the scientific paradigm shift. Energy itself is light and the error from Planck’s constant will not allow this comprehension to unfold, mathematically.

We have also seen how, through relativity theory, modern science has been driven to the conclusion that the nature of the reality which underlies the multifarious diversity in the world of our perceptions must be changeless, infinite and undivided.

Which all of existence is ONE.

All mass (corporeal), all energy (the spirit), all time (the transcendent): Existence itself, revealed in change.

That is what all (things) exists within; GOD!

And that pinnacle of man’s existence is for mass to comprehend how it exists.

We can Understand!

And the method of unfolding this is to combine the knowledge of the 4 colors of mankind, within a frame (of light), in which the physical can be understood combined with the spirit of life (God). This offers each the ability to know God and have the responsibility within each choice.

Allowing the pure rules of Good and Bad to be understood in the pure literal sense of mass and energy within all that is. (existence/God)

Good: supports life

Bad: loss to the common

That is what the choice made a long time ago is all about; sharing the absolute truth!

Existence only operates ONE way, and it is by combining the knowledge of mankind that the truth reveals itself.

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to prepare the knowledge of truth for the children is the choice of good


imagine if each child could be in understanding with knowledge that allows all to combine and never have to be in doubt of truth ever again


then every pursuit can be in pure harmony with God by choice


Peace unfolds by knowledge


3 from each color of man, makes 12; and a friend to sit that 13th chair

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Looks like the debates can be reduced, simplified to atheism versus theism. Intelligent design versus Evolution theory. ...

In a monist view of reality, ‘evolution theory’ and ‘intelligent design’ can both be true. Intelligent design refers to the underlying 'oneness' of reality, and evolution theory describes the manifest consequences of intelligent design in material reality. Evolution theory in biology is like quantum mechanics in physics. Both models describe material reality quite accurately (at different geometrical scales), and (as yet) both models are 'incomplete'.


Kind regards, Bart

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Are you saying Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Advaita, Judaism are not wrong inspite of their million contradictions with each other, barring within themselves?


In terms of regulative principles they do differ. But when explaining the spirit soul, there is no contradiction. Have you ever notice that?



What is the use of following one when every theory in this world is right?


It depends on the degree of intelligence of the seeker. The Lord is for everyone even for the less intelligent to the most intelligent.



On your second para I have a comment. I agree that the authenticity of a philosophy can be measured by the act of the follower. But only to an extent. This measurement of a follower is also subjective. For e.g. Advaiti's call a person a fool, paranoid, arrogant, and other name calling if anyone questions or clarifies the principles of Advaita. You may have seen in this forum how members like Dark Warrior and Justin were attacked just because they said Advaita does not gel with new-age non-science or logic or perception. A person who questions Gaudiya Vaishnavism is said to be ignorant, whereas the person may be someone who is a genuine inquirer. Everyone has a pre-conceived opinion of what a good and bad behavior is. What is good behavior for a Vaishnava may not be good for an Advaiti or a Buddhist and vice versa.


Forget about philosophical debates. Except for the Brahmanas, none of the greats have tagged themselves with which school of thoughts they came from. There were many Vaishnavas who graced the world without ever revealing their identity.


For Brahmanas they needed to do so, because their purpose was restore the lost lessons.


The Lord says depending on the degree of surrender I reward accordingly.


It is meant for everyone, from the worst to the best.

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I always found Buddhism to be quite depressing in practice but once I read Prabhupada's Srimad Bhagavatam it cleared everything up in regards to the Buddha and his incarnation. I love the concept of the Buddha as a divine trickster so to speak. That is good stuff no doubt about it.

Roqueredonde, France 22 August 2008

When the first lady of France Madama Carla Bruni-Sarkozy opens with the Dalai Lama a Buddhist temple at Roqueredonde, France, it should be clear that this is all nothing but misleading the clueless French people. How present politicians would ever do something good for their citizens? Instead they take great care and attention to make sure in leading their people right into nihilism. Nihilism means nothingness and this is what Buddhism is all about, attempting to become zero, nil, null, a dead loss. This is what modern governments are wishing for their people, to swear off real religion and become zero and atheist.


France's first lady meets Dalai Lama

Posted 22 August 2008 @ 09:05 pm GMT

Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, left, and France's first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy bow at the inauguration of the Buddhist Lerab Ling temple in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008.






Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, left, and France's first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy bow at the inauguration of the Buddhist Lerab Ling temple in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008. (AP Photo)


Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, left, presents a scarf to France's First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, at the inauguration of the Buddhist Lerab Ling temple in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008. (AP Photo)


French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy drinks tea during the inauguration ceremony of the Lerab Ling temple by Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, not seen, in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008. (AP Photo)

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Roqueredonde, France 22 August 2008

When the first lady of France Madama Carla Bruni-Sarkozy opens with the Dalai Lama a Buddhist temple at Roqueredonde, France, it should be clear that this is all nothing but misleading the clueless French people. How present politicians would ever do something good for their citizens? Instead they take great care and attention to make sure in leading their people into nihilism. Nihilism means nothingness and this is what Buddhism is all about, attempting to become zero, nil, null, a dead loss.


France's first lady meets Dalai Lama






Posted 22 August 2008 @ 09:05 pm GMT




Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, left, and France's first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy bow at the inauguration of the Buddhist Lerab Ling temple in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008.






Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, left, and France's first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy bow at the inauguration of the Buddhist Lerab Ling temple in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008. (AP Photo)


Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, left, presents a scarf to France's First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, at the inauguration of the Buddhist Lerab Ling temple in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008. (AP Photo)


French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy drinks tea during the inauguration ceremony of the Lerab Ling temple by Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, not seen, in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008. (AP Photo)



I think people like this are initially attracted to this stuff due to the peaceful ritualism of it or something. Hopefully she finds out how depressing nihilism is and eventually that leads her to Srimad Bhagavatam. If that happened then maybe she could be of some use to the people of France.

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