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In desperate need of help .... (Ravindran Kesavan ji or any other senior member)

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harer nama harer nama harer nama kaivalam

Kalau nasty eva nasty nasty eva gatir anyatha...,

(brhadnaraniya upanishad.)


In the age of kali,only Hari's name,only Hari's name,only Hari's name can save you.

There is no other way.There is no other way.THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER WAY.


So kindly forget khopda baba,nanga baba...They are ALL EVIL.they just want siddhis.They hav zero spiritual realisation.Siddhis are material in nature.They ARE NOT SPIRITUAL.Hari's name is the origin,the source of all spiritual potency.

Exalted sages like Narada,asita,devala,vedvyas,prahlada,sanat kumar,hanuman,every1 has acepted this fact.


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Hello Ravindran,


I tried sending you a private message but, I am not entitled to using it because my total number of posting is below the minimum required posts.


Is there any mantra or tantra or anything that I can do for the next one month (before the end of shraavan period) to make my wish (of marrying the girl I like) come true?


I'm a spiritual person myself; so, kindly show a way to fulfilling my desire.


Thank You.




I am very spirited to experiment I did a lot too in tantra, but only that I dont have a right teacher and the experiments did not succeed.


Do consult the god for guiding me.


I can give you lots and lots of sadana details all original and authentic tantric texts of Lord Siva. He is the one who propounded all the 64 tantras.

I dont have all 64, but I have many of them with me. I can share what ever I have with you.




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Dear Ravikishore,


I dont know which god or goddess you are fond off. For anything, you can ask god - your ista devada. This is the best and fine path. If you please your ista devata, the vdevata will grant you what you ask.


Sravana month is very good for Siva worship. - In case you are a siva bhakta .


Otherwise there is a particular mantra called Gandarva raaja mantra exclusively ment for getting the girl of once choice. yhe mantra goes like this;


Om Gandharva raaja Viswaavase Mamabilaashidhaam Kanyam Prayacha Swaahaa.


(dobble 'aa' are long souinded and singla 'a' short sounded.)


Meaning: "O ghandarva King ( by name) Visvavasu get me the girl I desire".


To be chanted 330 times or more for sitting. Do regularly Once a day minimum or twise a day or thrice a day.


More number of jaba better.


This is all there is. Nothiong more to it by way of rictual etc. Just chant it daily.


For any mantra to work bhakti is a prerequisit. there is no merit in mechanical repitition.




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Dear Ravindran,


Thank you for your advice. Just wanted to know the number that I should aim for (such as 10,000 times or 1,25,000 times in this one month) to attain siddhi of this mantra. Also, is there a way to specify the name of the girl during the chanting of the mantra? I just want to make sure I'm married to 'The Girl' I like, not any girl.


My ishta deva is Balaji/Vishnu although of late, I've been totally immersed in Sri Rudram and Lord Shiva. My ishta devata is Goddess Durga. How do I please them? (the mantras I know for these gods/goddess are: Om Namo Narayana/Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya and Om Dum Durgayai Namaha)


I'd also like to provide some background information regarding my problem:


I'm in a situation where I don't know whether to continue seeking help from a spiritual person (I've known for the past 6 months through newspaper ad) or not.

He has helped me in the past, in making a decision for my sister's marriage. My sister chose to marry a person from a different community. So, I was exploring ways to prevent her from doing so. That is when I saw his ad and approached him. He performed a mini puja (some tantric thing, I guess). He said he can prepare something that I would mix in a drink and give my sister. In 48 hours, it'll show its effect and my sister will feel develop reversion for that person. He guaranteed that much. But, he also said that the person my sister chose is a nice person and advised me to let my sister marry him.

Another spiritual guru that I've had for a long time had actually told me this (that the person my sister chose is good) beforehand. So, I was slightly relieved that he wasn't entirely commercial and did have the ability to give advice without his financial gain in mind. I chose to not go ahead with my endeavor to stop my sister from marrying that person. This was nearly 3 months ago.

Now, I happen to like a nice girl who's profile I saw on a marriage portal, but she (and her family) are not interested. Her father said that the age difference is too high (8.5 years) to consider our alliance. Because, I'd like to marry this girl, I consulted the person whom I approached earlier regarding my sister's marriage. He said he can certainly help me by changing this girl's mind so that she and her family are receptive to our alliance.

He said it'll take a min of 16 days and a maximum of 40 days in order accomplish this task. He also said that he'll start the puja tonight. That caught my attention and arose a suspicion about what kind of method he is using to accomplish this task.

As far as I know, any 'good' puja is performed during the day. So, when he said he'll start the puja in the night, I became suspicious of his means. I had previously asked him if he performs black magic. He said no; and, all he does is white magic, which is a rare skill which, his guru imparted to only 12 people (in all of south india), including this person. (by the way, his fees for this puja is one lakh rupees; I'm mentioning it as an after thought because, the issue here is whether he is adopting good or bad ways to achieve the goal)

Now, in the scenario where he is performing black magic or some other unwelcome means of doing the task, I'm worried and scared if I'll beget bad karma. Is my fear/concern valid? I really like the girl and want to marry her (no dowry or anything such thing). Do you think I should go ahead and continue seeking help from this person? (Of course, assuming that he'll indeed succeed in his effort to bring our alliance to fruition.) In the event that going ahead with this is wrong, and I still chose to do it, is/are there any way(s) to get rid of the ill-effects/bad karma that I would befall me?

The resaon why I've provided a detailed account of events is that I want to make sure I don't suffer from the ill-effects (if any) of my action (if it is wrong, that is).

Please advice and guide me.

Thank You Sir.

Dear Ravikishore,


I dont know which god or goddess you are fond off. For anything, you can ask god - your ista devada. This is the best and fine path. If you please your ista devata, the vdevata will grant you what you ask.


Sravana month is very good for Siva worship. - In case you are a siva bhakta .


Otherwise there is a particular mantra called Gandarva raaja mantra exclusively ment for getting the girl of once choice. yhe mantra goes like this;


Om Gandharva raaja Viswaavase Mamabilaashidhaam Kanyam Prayacha Swaahaa.


(dobble 'aa' are long souinded and singla 'a' short sounded.)


Meaning: "O ghandarva King ( by name) Visvavasu get me the girl I desire".


To be chanted 330 times or more for sitting. Do regularly Once a day minimum or twise a day or thrice a day.


More number of jaba better.


This is all there is. Nothiong more to it by way of rictual etc. Just chant it daily.


For any mantra to work bhakti is a prerequisit. there is no merit in mechanical repitition.




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Dear Sri Ravindran,


I have some additional doubts which, hopefully, you can clear.


1) Have you heard of anyone who got his wish fulfilled by chanting the Gandharva mantra? If so, how many times did that person chant the mantra?


2) In the mantra you gave, do we pronounce 'Prayacha' as 'pra' as we pronounce it in pramod, 'ya' as we pronounce it in yama and 'cha' as we pronounce it in chart? If any one of them is pronounced differently, please let me know.


3) I've heard that doing puja in Adi Parashakthi temple wil also fulfill my desire. Is that true? If yes, could you please recommend the best temple to perform the puja?


4) I googled up some mantras and saw that quite a few people say that chanting 'Om Namah Shivaya' or 'Om Namo Narayana' or 'Om Namo Bhagavate vasudevaya' about 1,25,000 times will fulfill all desires. Is that trueDo you know if it is true?


5) I cannot sit on the floor for long. So, I generally sit in a chair and chant mantras. Does chanting mantra by sitting on a chair give the same result as sitting on the floor, in some asana? or, do you feel I should sit in an asana for as long as I can and then get up and sit in a chair?


Please advice.


Thank You.



Dear Ravindran,


Thank you for your advice. Just wanted to know the number that I should aim for (such as 10,000 times or 1,25,000 times in this one month) to attain siddhi of this mantra. Also, is there a way to specify the name of the girl during the chanting of the mantra? I just want to make sure I'm married to 'The Girl' I like, not any girl.


My ishta deva is Balaji/Vishnu although of late, I've been totally immersed in Sri Rudram and Lord Shiva. My ishta devata is Goddess Durga. How do I please them? (the mantras I know for these gods/goddess are: Om Namo Narayana/Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya and Om Dum Durgayai Namaha)


I'd also like to provide some background information regarding my problem:


I'm in a situation where I don't know whether to continue seeking help from a spiritual person (I've known for the past 6 months through newspaper ad) or not.

He has helped me in the past, in making a decision for my sister's marriage. My sister chose to marry a person from a different community. So, I was exploring ways to prevent her from doing so. That is when I saw his ad and approached him. He performed a mini puja (some tantric thing, I guess). He said he can prepare something that I would mix in a drink and give my sister. In 48 hours, it'll show its effect and my sister will feel develop reversion for that person. He guaranteed that much. But, he also said that the person my sister chose is a nice person and advised me to let my sister marry him.

Another spiritual guru that I've had for a long time had actually told me this (that the person my sister chose is good) beforehand. So, I was slightly relieved that he wasn't entirely commercial and did have the ability to give advice without his financial gain in mind. I chose to not go ahead with my endeavor to stop my sister from marrying that person. This was nearly 3 months ago.

Now, I happen to like a nice girl who's profile I saw on a marriage portal, but she (and her family) are not interested. Her father said that the age difference is too high (8.5 years) to consider our alliance. Because, I'd like to marry this girl, I consulted the person whom I approached earlier regarding my sister's marriage. He said he can certainly help me by changing this girl's mind so that she and her family are receptive to our alliance.

He said it'll take a min of 16 days and a maximum of 40 days in order accomplish this task. He also said that he'll start the puja tonight. That caught my attention and arose a suspicion about what kind of method he is using to accomplish this task.

As far as I know, any 'good' puja is performed during the day. So, when he said he'll start the puja in the night, I became suspicious of his means. I had previously asked him if he performs black magic. He said no; and, all he does is white magic, which is a rare skill which, his guru imparted to only 12 people (in all of south india), including this person. (by the way, his fees for this puja is one lakh rupees; I'm mentioning it as an after thought because, the issue here is whether he is adopting good or bad ways to achieve the goal)

Now, in the scenario where he is performing black magic or some other unwelcome means of doing the task, I'm worried and scared if I'll beget bad karma. Is my fear/concern valid? I really like the girl and want to marry her (no dowry or anything such thing). Do you think I should go ahead and continue seeking help from this person? (Of course, assuming that he'll indeed succeed in his effort to bring our alliance to fruition.) In the event that going ahead with this is wrong, and I still chose to do it, is/are there any way(s) to get rid of the ill-effects/bad karma that I would befall me?

The resaon why I've provided a detailed account of events is that I want to make sure I don't suffer from the ill-effects (if any) of my action (if it is wrong, that is).

Please advice and guide me.

Thank You Sir.

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Hello Ravindran,


I tried sending you a private message but, I am not entitled to using it because my total number of posting is below the minimum required posts.


Is there any mantra or tantra or anything that I can do for the next one month (before the end of shraavan period) to make my wish (of marrying the girl I like) come true?


I'm a spiritual person myself; so, kindly show a way to fulfilling my desire.


Thank You.

Hi ravikishore,


Since i am facing some problems I would like to suggest that don't seek for any spiritual help to get girl of your choice. Just go and talk to the girl or her parents and it is a possibility that you end in happily married life with that girl.

I also have done some research in this field and yes it is possible to attract partner of your choice by doing some rituals. But when you are doing these kind of rituals (like reciting some mantra) then girl whom you are trying to attract her psychic aura will get disturbed by your ritual (black/white magic) you can say that spiritual force will trouble/disturb that girl(it does not matters if it is black magic or white magic both do same harm and believe me in some cases white magic does more loss to people) because against nature some force is forcing her to fall in love with some person,you may end in marrying that girl but you have to face some bad consequences also girl will face various mental problems. I don't know how can one person give troubles to other person whom he claims he loves.

Just go by the rules of nature/god and if she is destined to be with you she will be with you.

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Dear Ravikishore,


Dont be too rictualistic in sadana, and dont get trubled with number where exactly you sit etc. Just do it as much as possible and with comfort. In all these matters it is your own mind that is working and producing the results. Mind has that power. You just has to cultivate it.


The word prayacha is to be prounced as you have shown in your prounciation . You have understood correctly. Pra as in prashant, ya as in yamuna or yama, cha as in chandra, or chandighar.


In the place of Mamabilashida kanya you can substitute the girls name if you like. Otherwise also the mantra is suppose to work as your ming knows who you are aiming at.


The best temple for any god or goddess is Your Own Heart. I am not joking or lightining the issue in any way. I mean it. God resides in your heart. It is the ultimate spiritual truth. Worship your favourate god or goddess there. That is the best temple.


There is a story about it. Once there was Sufi master whose fame grew owing to his wisdom and ablity to advise people. His fame even reached Gods ears and one day god decided to take his advice. God's problem was that he had no privasy all the time people disturbed him for this or that demand and he could find a hiding place. His own devine advisers are of no use as they advised him to go to some unapproachable place top of a mountain , in a remote island or some thick forest. But in due course people reached every where there were no unapproachable place anywhere.


When God visited the sufi master and put his problem to the saint the saint advised him: Hide in a place that people hardly could suspect - their own hearts. God took up that advise and hide in the heart of creature and from then on people are in perpectual search of god in every place in the world unsuccessfully.


You perhaps are not in a mood to listern to stories and advisees. I know that you want to win your women. But I tend to aggre with the good advise given bu Dhuruva on this. Not because of anything else - the truble you cause to her or the karmic outcome etc.- but becauste of a very simple practical expreiencial wisdom of people. The same person ypou desire now desperately will become just an ordinary person tomarrow. And even a hazell. the people who are deeply in love sooner or latter will start getting in to the nerve of each other. Love is bound to disapper. Many love marrages end up in diverse. This is a fact and i am sharring this with you not to discourage you or frighten you but to give you practical wishdom. If you wait suffeciently long the fgeeling will go from your mind.


Pray to god and leave it to god. If it is good for you it will happen . Otherwise forget it. - Or take it easy.


I know that at this point this advise is very difficult to follow. You will desperetely would want to force the issue. But still, keep my words with you. I am an experienced man and once felt the way you feel now. But I saw my stupidity latter and an happy man now with out my foolish youth ful desire fulfilled. .




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Dear Ravindran Sir,


Thank you for your kind words, sir. I shall continue my prayer to god, using heart meditation. I do understand that what appeals today will not, tomorrow. However, as you correctly analyzed, it is difficult to brush it aside right now. Maybe, my prayers to god will lead to that realization, or god might grant my wish.


I would like to touch upon the matter of karmic outcome, though. My biggest concern, which my moralistic advisers have also told me, is will God give me lot of suffering, misery and a cruel death in this birth and also lot of suffering and misery in my next births, simply because I 'influenced' the girl and her family's mind and went against nature? (my intention is pure; I intend to marry the girl and provide her a good life; not use her for personal gratification and discard her later)


Kindly let me know the answer to the above question, sir.


With Kind Regards,




Dear Ravikishore,


Dont be too rictualistic in sadana, and dont get trubled with number where exactly you sit etc. Just do it as much as possible and with comfort. In all these matters it is your own mind that is working and producing the results. Mind has that power. You just has to cultivate it.


The word prayacha is to be prounced as you have shown in your prounciation . You have understood correctly. Pra as in prashant, ya as in yamuna or yama, cha as in chandra, or chandighar.


In the place of Mamabilashida kanya you can substitute the girls name if you like. Otherwise also the mantra is suppose to work as your ming knows who you are aiming at.


The best temple for any god or goddess is Your Own Heart. I am not joking or lightining the issue in any way. I mean it. God resides in your heart. It is the ultimate spiritual truth. Worship your favourate god or goddess there. That is the best temple.


There is a story about it. Once there was Sufi master whose fame grew owing to his wisdom and ablity to advise people. His fame even reached Gods ears and one day god decided to take his advice. God's problem was that he had no privasy all the time people disturbed him for this or that demand and he could find a hiding place. His own devine advisers are of no use as they advised him to go to some unapproachable place top of a mountain , in a remote island or some thick forest. But in due course people reached every where there were no unapproachable place anywhere.


When God visited the sufi master and put his problem to the saint the saint advised him: Hide in a place that people hardly could suspect - their own hearts. God took up that advise and hide in the heart of creature and from then on people are in perpectual search of god in every place in the world unsuccessfully.


You perhaps are not in a mood to listern to stories and advisees. I know that you want to win your women. But I tend to aggre with the good advise given bu Dhuruva on this. Not because of anything else - the truble you cause to her or the karmic outcome etc.- but becauste of a very simple practical expreiencial wisdom of people. The same person ypou desire now desperately will become just an ordinary person tomarrow. And even a hazell. the people who are deeply in love sooner or latter will start getting in to the nerve of each other. Love is bound to disapper. Many love marrages end up in diverse. This is a fact and i am sharring this with you not to discourage you or frighten you but to give you practical wishdom. If you wait suffeciently long the fgeeling will go from your mind.


Pray to god and leave it to god. If it is good for you it will happen . Otherwise forget it. - Or take it easy.


I know that at this point this advise is very difficult to follow. You will desperetely would want to force the issue. But still, keep my words with you. I am an experienced man and once felt the way you feel now. But I saw my stupidity latter and an happy man now with out my foolish youth ful desire fulfilled. .




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Dear Ravikishore,


Dont be harrased by guilt fealing. You have not done anything gravely wrong to be called a sin. You were naturally aspering for a girl you wanted. and your behaviour is a natural outcome of that emotion. Havent you heard all are justified in love and war? I am not justifying any wrong doing by people - I am only saying that certain behaviours in love is very natural and god has made us that way. Kama Deva is equally a god and created by Bhrama. If you notice he has weppens in his hands- though soft wepens - Sugarcane bow and flower arrows. The arrows though made of flowers are not to be taken lightly- they are deadly wepens nonthe less. Each arrow causes a deadly harasemant. One causes severe restlessness one cannot be at peace at all. another causes burning of our body. Another causes fainting , yet another causes Even death. It is all terrible harrasement And GHamafdeva is made that way to give this harasment. The man or women in love is like this . He or she is hit by Kama devas arrow suffers on the one hand and Acts like Kama deva And stages a war on the object of desire onthe other hand It is all the very nature of love.


God wont punish us for what he himself made us do.


However if you feel you have done something really wrong, to the girl and her family You genunely appologise to that girl and her family . Have a open talk. If you are really sincere and open You will feel much at rest after this. If for any reason you cannot do this Address to your god and ask a sinsire forgiveness. If you repent with your heart sinserly, with a resolve that you will never mindlessly repeat them , all your sins will be forgiven and bad karmas will be neatly wiped away. God can do that. Dont be guilty for what you have done out of your innocence of love.


Love is a lession. The experience itself is important. We become wiser by this. You are lucky that you have experienced the pain of love.


Perhaps love came to you to turn your self spiritual. To turn you towards god. ( this is what happened to me). Follow up that clue and that path Every thing will be alright and you will be happy in future that all this happened to you.




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Dear Ravindran Sir,


Thank you very much for the words of encouragement. It definitely uplifts my morale. My concern stems from the fact that if I go to the tantric who said he'll help and assuming that he manages to 'change' the mind of the girl and her family, will God give me lot of suffering, misery and a cruel death in this birth and also lot of suffering and misery in my next births, simply because I went against nature?


The father of the girl did not agree to the marriage so if I use occult to change his mind, then is that not deceiving him? Is it not going against his wishes (or nature) by forceful means? Am I depriving her of a better life-partner by 'influencing' her mind? Will God give me a cruel death and suffering in subsequent births if I do this? These are the questions that are troubling me. I've been under so much anxiety and stress lately that I'm finding it very difficult to concentrate while praying. So, I feel inclined to go that person (who'll do the tantra for me). But I feel guilty that I'm having to resort to this. So, kindly let me know if it would be okay to seek the help of the person who's willing to help me and then pray to god for forgiveness and perform community service and help the needy and poor, the rest of my life.


Please peruse post #29 for the information I posted about the person who'll be helping me.


Thank You.


Kind Regards,


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Dear Ravikishore,


I personally dont think anything wrong to employ tantric science to achieve what we want. It is a science. Just like mankind invented aeroplane to fulfill its desire to fly, And there is no violation natural laws or forcing nature if you fly in an aeroplane. Similarly Tantra is a Science and is a wonderful invention to fulfill human needs. Employing it is no sin - the purpose of employing it may be sinful or holy.


If changing somebody's mind is is called forcing against nature we all the time do that - by our regular conversation where we employ convincing argument, marketing and advertisement where the agency convinces the customers to buy things they dont actually need, and all ththat kind of regular things. Do you consider if you are convincing your point of view to another who has a different view by logical argumentation a sin? -No .But did you forced to change his original mind? -Yes. If you bare behaving very nice to a girl do all the nicest things to her talking sweetly to win her, are you not manipulating her mind? Yes. But it is wrong to do that? No. That is what you should behave if you have any scope to win her. Is int it?


When we do all the time therse things regularly - trying to control other's mind, where is the question of sin comming in to picture if you are employing a science to achieve the same result more effectively?


If you are trying to win a girl with your nicest behaviour you are manipulating her mind. That is fine and you have to do that if you want to win her. You dont wait doing nothing till she autimatically on her own fall in love with you. That wont happen. Tou will have to work for it - Right?

If this is the case what is the problem of employing more effective method of influncing her. Why do you have to confine stupidly to methods which does not work ? If there is some other methods more effective then your present behaviour you will have to learn and employ them isint it? If tantra is that effective method then is int it is wise employ that?


It is a common belief in many people that employing tantra to make some one fall in love with you is forcing that person unnaturally and if you love that person that person should love you naturally out of her free will. If that is the formula then you cannot do anything but passively wait till naturally that person fall for you with out any attempt from your side - you cannot even express your love to her as that is an emotional manipulation. (If you tell her you love her it causes emotional disturbances in her mind at least initially) . So you cannot do that even. See the stupidity in this " no force" argument? Everything is forcing only. Hence employing an effective method of forcing is no sin.


There is no sin or holiness in the method itself. ( Some people think employing tantra itself is sin- this is just an ignorance) What makes it a sin or holy is your intention behind it. If you are in love and planning to take care of her throughout your life then there is no sin. If you are angry with her and planning to take your revenge by making her love you and then do something terrible to her, then it is a sin. It is not the method but your intention that makes it sinful or holy.


However , having said all this, I sense a guilt in you in employing the tantric method. If that is the case dont do it. It will haunt you like a ghost throughout your life. It will never let you be peaseful. Why should take up on yourself such a terrible consequence?


Moreover these tantrics - most of them you find in common place - are no genune tantric atall. They are just con-men surviving on the innocence of people, to make a living. I dont know the perticular person you have in mind but I know for certain, that genune tantrics are extreemly rare , and they dont live with common people and make a business of ther knowledge and accomplishment- they are not in need of mony. The original purpose of tantra is Kundalini awakening and uniting with god. And genune tantrics know this and strive for that in places where people dont distrube them. It is not at all easy to find them at the first place , Even if you find them it is not at all easy to make them aggree to work for your petty purpose - unless they see a great purpose in it. The ones who readily aggrees for you to do all sort of petty things for you are likely to be con-men. This is my experience from my long regorous research in this field


Of course I am not discouraging you from trying. Give it a try provided you can offord the price and no guilt- not even an iota of guilt - associated with it. Do it as an expriment. And if it works let me know as I am interested in meeting such genunely powerful people.




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Dear Ravikishore,


I personally dont think anything wrong to employ tantric science to achieve what we want. It is a science. Just like mankind invented aeroplane to fulfill its desire to fly, And there is no violation natural laws or forcing nature if you fly in an aeroplane. Similarly Tantra is a Science and is a wonderful invention to fulfill human needs. Employing it is no sin - the purpose of employing it may be sinful or holy.


If changing somebody's mind is is called forcing against nature we all the time do that - by our regular conversation where we employ convincing argument, marketing and advertisement where the agency convinces the customers to buy things they dont actually need, and all ththat kind of regular things. Do you consider if you are convincing your point of view to another who has a different view by logical argumentation a sin? -No .But did you forced to change his original mind? -Yes. If you bare behaving very nice to a girl do all the nicest things to her talking sweetly to win her, are you not manipulating her mind? Yes. But it is wrong to do that? No. That is what you should behave if you have any scope to win her. Is int it?


When we do all the time therse things regularly - trying to control other's mind, where is the question of sin comming in to picture if you are employing a science to achieve the same result more effectively?


If you are trying to win a girl with your nicest behaviour you are manipulating her mind. That is fine and you have to do that if you want to win her. You dont wait doing nothing till she autimatically on her own fall in love with you. That wont happen. Tou will have to work for it - Right?

If this is the case what is the problem of employing more effective method of influncing her. Why do you have to confine stupidly to methods which does not work ? If there is some other methods more effective then your present behaviour you will have to learn and employ them isint it? If tantra is that effective method then is int it is wise employ that?


It is a common belief in many people that employing tantra to make some one fall in love with you is forcing that person unnaturally and if you love that person that person should love you naturally out of her free will. If that is the formula then you cannot do anything but passively wait till naturally that person fall for you with out any attempt from your side - you cannot even express your love to her as that is an emotional manipulation. (If you tell her you love her it causes emotional disturbances in her mind at least initially) . So you cannot do that even. See the stupidity in this " no force" argument? Everything is forcing only. Hence employing an effective method of forcing is no sin.


There is no sin or holiness in the method itself. ( Some people think employing tantra itself is sin- this is just an ignorance) What makes it a sin or holy is your intention behind it. If you are in love and planning to take care of her throughout your life then there is no sin. If you are angry with her and planning to take your revenge by making her love you and then do something terrible to her, then it is a sin. It is not the method but your intention that makes it sinful or holy.


However , having said all this, I sense a guilt in you in employing the tantric method. If that is the case dont do it. It will haunt you like a ghost throughout your life. It will never let you be peaseful. Why should take up on yourself such a terrible consequence?


Moreover these tantrics - most of them you find in common place - are no genune tantric atall. They are just con-men surviving on the innocence of people, to make a living. I dont know the perticular person you have in mind but I know for certain, that genune tantrics are extreemly rare , and they dont live with common people and make a business of ther knowledge and accomplishment- they are not in need of mony. The original purpose of tantra is Kundalini awakening and uniting with god. And genune tantrics know this and strive for that in places where people dont distrube them. It is not at all easy to find them at the first place , Even if you find them it is not at all easy to make them aggree to work for your petty purpose - unless they see a great purpose in it. The ones who readily aggrees for you to do all sort of petty things for you are likely to be con-men. This is my experience from my long regorous research in this field


Of course I am not discouraging you from trying. Give it a try provided you can offord the price and no guilt- not even an iota of guilt - associated with it. Do it as an expriment. And if it works let me know as I am interested in meeting such genunely powerful people.





Mr. Kesavan


Are you trying to use him as some sort of "Tiger Bate"???

Tantra should only be used for one's self progress and not to achieve worldly pleasures. Your early posts show that you have gone through some tantrik texts and distributing Mantras to some newbie person so that he can use it as a weapon against some innocent girl. Tantra is very deep and practical science even a small mistake can make a person suffer for many births. So if you have only gone through some books and still searching for a guru...plz do not give these type of advice to some person. Just remember Tantra means both Siva and Sakti and alluring a girl by using Tantra gives very short term pleasure and extreme long term of hell.


As for ravikishore keep away from HALF FILLED PEOPLE HAVING HALF KNOWLEDGE as they are most dangerous in this kaliyug. Every action has equal and opposite reaction this is the nature's law so keep in mind this law while using these unnatural means.

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Dear mnsamitra,


I am asuming you are a women ( I might be wrong).

My appologies to you if I have in some way insulted or created anxity your feminine sensitivity. If you read my advise to ravikishor carefully, I did maintain that original purpose of tantra is for spiritual purpose of raising kundalini and of god realization. If you see my previous advice to him I asked him to turn to god and leave it to god.


One of my purpose of my talk to him is to releave him of his guilt. It is very theraputic and needed for him in this situation. You need to understand my posting in context.


Now comming to tantra proper and your frightened attitude towards it. It is a science and as you have rightly mentiomned there is siva and sakti in it. All tantras are works of siva and I respect Siva. I dont think he has revealed some evil knowledge to the world - as some people prefer to think . Do you think Siva is evil as he revealed tantra to man kind? It is a science. From that perspective If I am giving knowledge to some one there is nothing wrong in it. It is a different matter if people have fear and prejudices towards certain knowlegdhge forms.


I know how hard I strived to get that knowledge due to people's secretiveness. I dont want to be like that. I will give away knowledge freely. So If i am freely discussing this knowledge with people who wants to know, no one should havew any problems with it. For me Knowledge is holy.


As to your own understanding that Tantra is a deep since I aggree. But your fear and idea of sin and suffering associated with it I dont buy. It is the reaction of an frightened mind that does not like any one to have power . I dont belong to that school. I believe that every body should know everything and every body should be powerful.


When I said I am searching for a guru, I said in a context - I meant about a human guru - I still maintain that there are no such powerful tantric gurus in the streets of any human settlement - that is the point I was making. Not that I dont have a guru, and my knowledge is bookish - If I say that I say for being modest.


I do have a guru - a grand guru . My guru is Lord Siva.


I dont know who you are . If you are someown belonging to tantric tradition, If you are advising me on that authority please let me know. I would only be too happy to learn reverently from you. But if you dont know anything about tantra and are just reacting out of your fear and ignorance of the subject matter, I suggest you dont give your prejudiced view to stop people trying on this science.


My advises are safe and there is no danger of anysort in it.


In any case , once again If my posting has provaoked any insecurities and fear in your femanine mind, my appologies persolally to you.

(It doesnot mean I will stop sharring my knowledge with those who seek it - I am not offering that guarantee.)




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Hello, Mr. Ravindran.


I'd like to express my gratitude for you and other members for sharing the personal experiences, knowledge and thoughts about tantra. Even some controversial positions that can be threatening for our "common sense" all posts come from the very truth of the heart. That is the most important point for me. The sharing of the spiritual experience with sincerity. I believe that all even mistakes made under sincere and conscious seek of the truth always bring benefits. Please don't stop to share your knowledge.




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Dear Luciana,


Regards. There is lot of misconception about tantra. People think it is evil. Common folk who know nothing of tantra and witchcraft think that it is evil and fear it. As a result of this ignorance and their own fear they commit attrocious crime againt tantric practicioners. In the west there was one time when the orthodox church commited atrocious crimes - witch burning and torchering and all that stuff - against people who were involved in Wika. Wika simply is a old religion before cristinaty came to existence and is as wholy as cristianity itself. Only that it is a different religion. Even in india in supersticious villages we come across terible crime against some old poor women accused to be witch practice.


Tantra is not evil. It is holy -Very holy. The word meaning of tantra is technique , technology. It is a technology of transmutation of soul to God - of jeeva to Siva. All tantras - there are sixty four of them - are techniques of kundalini awakening. Kundalini is the Shakti - power -that all tantras deals with and nothing else. All the gods and goddesses involved in tantra are the same kundalini - its various manifestations in human body. Each chakra in the body is associated with a tantric deity and each nerve associated with that chakra has a specific goddess. For example in the root centre is the tantric goddes Dakini, In Swadistana is Rahini, and so on. Each Goddess in turrn is the head of a host of other deities associated with eash nerve.


The powers - siddhis - supernatural accomplishments - come from unlashing our own inner potentials. We get various powers when we awake kundalini and activarte various nerve centres whch lie dormant in average human. According to tantric science there are Eight centres in the bogy. ( the more convintional seven chakra plus one more situated in between throat and evebrow - at the place where there is an hole at the pallet inside mouth ) Each of these eight centres has eight nerves radiating from them and there are thus 8X8 = 64 spiritual nerves. Each nerve is associates with a yogic godess called Yogini and associated with a yogic power called yoga siddhi. Thus there are 64 yoginis, sixty four Siddhis, and Sixty four tantras.


There is nothing evil about practicing tantra. It is in fact our duty to accomplish our full potential . Being born as human and not achiving what we are capable of , and living like a beast - just eating, mating sleeping and reproducing - which is called socally normal life is disgusting and sinful.


Tantras are very holy. They give us the methods of unlashing our own potetials. All the Tantric gods and powers are our own aspects. Tantra is a most wonderful science dealing with the inner wisdom.


Rama Krishna Paramahamsa the top class mystic of Bengal practiced tantric path. Kali worship (and for that matter any worship of any deity with form - idol , and mantra) is tantric. If fact he was trained in all sixty four tantras. But the ignorant version of tantra probagated in the streets of Bengal is full of misinformation, ignorance and fear. People are made to fear "Black magic" in order to make a business of "whit magic" . This is a business con. There is no blackmagic and whitemagic. There is only one magic - the principles are same. However the use might differ - just like the same knife could be used to kill in the hands of the murderer and save life in the hand of a surgion. When people develop power using kundalini - and all powers are due to kundalini only, there are no other power - it can be used for good purpose or for bad purpose. The good purpose is to seek liberation the bad purpose is to seek fullfilment of materialistic desires. That is the spiritual definition of good and evil. By this definition by whatever method one is involved in materilistic desire fulfilment - tantra or other wise - is evil. It is not tanta it self that is evil. Tantra is Holy. It is worshiping science, a science of transcendance. A science of transformation of soul to god.


In Kali age, scriptural texts declare that Veda will not be effective. Only agamas - the worshipping methods of deities, with form mantra and rictuals - are declared to be effective. Tantras are part of agamas. They are the holy of the holiest religions.


I thought I would clear some of the misconceptions associated with tantra.




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Dear Ravindran Sir,


In your previous post, I was relieved to hear that I could seek the help of the person who would perform tantra to help me marry the girl I desire.


In fact this is what you mentioned:




Dear Ravikishore,


I personally dont think anything wrong to employ tantric science to achieve what we want. It is a science. Just like mankind invented aeroplane to fulfill its desire to fly, And there is no violation natural laws or forcing nature if you fly in an aeroplane. Similarly Tantra is a Science and is a wonderful invention to fulfill human needs. Employing it is no sin - the purpose of employing it may be sinful or holy.




However, in you next post (below), you say that seeking fulfillment of materialistic desires is evil. I'm confused. Assuming I seek the help of person who will help me marry the girl I desire, will I be creating bad karma? will this ensure subsequent births? Am I not denying her a better life partner by doing tantra? If yes, can I wash off that karma in this birth itself? My aim to attain moksha (liberation). That is my sankalpam during yoga nidra. However, I'm unable to overcome the desire to marry this girl, hence the dilemma and anxiety.


What surprises me is that people have committed heinous acts like murder (e.g. Valmiki) and attained salvation by chanting God's name. And, I'm just talking about performing tantra to marry a girl, not kill or harm anyone. So, I'm sure than even if I perform tantra and marry this girl and, assuming that it is a sin, I'm sure there must be ways of washing away this sin in this birth and attain salvation.


Kindly clarify and advice sir.


Thank You.


Kind Regards,



Dear Luciana,


There is only one magic - the principles are same. However the use might differ - just like the same knife could be used to kill in the hands of the murderer and save life in the hand of a surgion. When people develop power using kundalini - and all powers are due to kundalini only, there are no other power - it can be used for good purpose or for bad purpose. The good purpose is to seek liberation the bad purpose is to seek fullfilment of materialistic desires. That is the spiritual definition of good and evil. By this definition by whatever method one is involved in materilistic desire fulfilment - tantra or other wise - is evil. It is not tanta it self that is evil.



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Dear Ravikishore,


Do not get confused when I am explaining the concept of evil in a context of spiritual perspective. According to spiritual perspective, Being materialistic is evil and that is the only definition of evil. Because it will not allow you to be liberated. It will only be deeply immerse you in the material realm and bring you next birth next to that and next to that and so on in endless sequences of birth. This is evil and action from your part that givers you this result is sin.


By this definition of sin even if you get married to a girl by normal social ,convention - say a typical arrangerd marrage - it is a sin. Because You are leading a metrialistic life. Tour leading an animal existence surrendering to the animal instinct of sex and reproduction. You are not striving for liberation . You are not transcending your beastly nature.


You get it? Living the very materialistic nature immersed in ignorance and not seeking liberation is sin. If You lead that life style certainly it will bring you a next birth. If you are not renouncing the world it is a sin.


It has nothing to do with tantra. Even if you dont employ tantra and acquire a girl in a traditional sober socially sanctioned way it is still a sin.


Given the fact mejority of people do live that way and by all probability you could be one of them makes me not to preach to you to renounce. That is not you are made for and you will not listen to me. Hence my advise that it doesnot matter by what means you decided to lead a sinful life. Go conventional or use tantra it doesnot matter the aim is same. You decided to live a beastly life.


You must understand that I am not intimidating you . I Fully understand your state and once I was like you. Many in the world are like you. Hence my advice: there is no point in living in guilt. The purpose of guilt is reform. If you are giving up your ways and change your self then guilt is meaning bful. But if you donot iintent to give up and perpetuate your old ways then what is the point of suffering withn guilt ? you might as well live your choosen path happly isint it?


So I dint prech to you getting married it self is sin. I know you wont buy that. Your conflict iis not whether to get married or not to get married. Your conflict is whether to employ tantra or not, given your decision that you will get married. In this context I advised you that there is no sin in employing tantra. I still hold that, as tantra in it self is no evil thing . It is holy of the holiest. My last post would have given some idea about the true nature of tantra. It is about development of the self.


Having said all this now let me advise you a very practical thing. Let this advise be the final verson from my side Disregard all the previous advise of mine as it only gives you confusion to You. Here is my advise:


Do not employ tantra. Not because it is evil but because you have a conflict in your mind about it. You are guilty of it. That is why you keep seeking advise on it at the first place and thinking of all the atonement of doing worship or doing service latter in your life. It is all guilt driven there is no point to commit a mistake first and keep on feeling misserable through out your life, right?. You will never be able to live a peaceful and happy life latter, if you do what you contemplate now. Get it? Dont do it.


More over I am now sure about the person you are talking about - the one who you think is a tantric. I am sure now that he is not a tantric. He doesnot have any genune power. You might wonder how I know this. You mentioned elsewhere that he gave a demonstration on telipathy. It is no telipathy.It is a trick - Many good stage magicions are able to do this trick . Even you can do it- with out any telipathy . I cannot explain how that is done in this short forum. It requires long explanation. There are books on it. I have a copy. I know what he is doing. He is cheeting you. You will only wate your money.


I know how desperate you are feeling. You are willing to do anything to win the girl. And most probably you will not pay heed of my words and go ahesd and try everything. There is no harm in trying, provided you can offord the price . You will only learn from your experience that you are being cheeted on your vulnerability. And you will become wise latter from your own direct experience.


I am not pouring cold water on your burning hope. You will agree with me much latter, that I am right.




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Hi Dhruv,

Though I am no spiritually sound person nor into tantra mantra but while reading some Spiritual site for solving my problems, I happened to come across mention of your problem and its cause. I think that "might" be your problem and thus hint on how to solve it.

The problem you/your sister is facing could be due to your ancestorial problem. Your ancestors could be waiting for salvation due to less good karmas and thus they trouble their decendants into to get Spiritual gratification. Get this angle checked that your family is not having Pritru dosha. I believe that your family is possesed by some of your ancestor who is troubling your sister(becoz she is the most spiritual/vunerable) amongst all of you. If she gets more spiritual this will help your ancestor shred of his raja-tama gunas and thus come out of Hell/Nether plane. You can read http://spiritualresearchfoundation.org/spiritualresearch/difficulties/Ghosts_Demons/ghostspictures/Paranormal_sixthsense.php for more info. Hope this helped in some way.


Jai Shri Krishna.



Mahashyay, the quote about ancestoral problem and the Pitru Dosha is absolutely correct. But in Dhruv's case, the problem has blown out after a period of time. The ancestoral problem can only occur only from the time of birth to you or later to your children and not in between. I find some initiation Dosha here. The seed of the initiation has not reached its goal and nothing more serious. Nizamuddin Auliyas Darga or a Shirdi Sai Baba temple can definitely be of help on this problem by removing the bad seed of initiation. Be careful while taking Deeksha in public.

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By this definition of sin even if you get married to a girl by normal social ,convention - say a typical arrangerd marrage - it is a sin. Because You are leading a metrialistic life. Tour leading an animal existence surrendering to the animal instinct of sex and reproduction. You are not striving for liberation . You are not transcending your beastly nature.



So as per you Ramakrishna Paramhamsa was a sinner and was full of beastly nature since he was married to a girl by normal social ,convention - say a typical arranged marriage?And as per the same rules Lord Shiv who married twice was also a sinner he also have a family of his own.

See I do not want to be rude or something but your statements seems to be ambiguous and this guy will be getting confused.

No force in this nature is purely evil or purely good. Tantra, say for example can be applied for both good and bad means... right? so your saying that Tantra is only good is half correct. This guy wants to apply tantra to get a girl of his choice so can you please explain how tantra will do this work what magic will it do. A force does not has its own mind,reciting a mantra creates some energy that will try to infiltrate girls mind, it will react with karmic connections of that girl from previous births ... may be girl is destined for someone else (who can better take care of her) but the tantra force her to marry this guy... tell me whether this event will create some ripples or not... whether this can disturb there karmic connections or not.

When i came to this topic it appeared you are senior member. To a brother you gave this advice that her sister is having some mental problems and to some guy you are justifying to apply tantra in evil way what a contradiction.

And as for your knowledge sharing i will suggest you to tell people about cures and not as how to use weapons. Believe me - the knowledge that you want to share of alluring a girl one can easily find in 50-100 rs. priced book like INDRAJAAL. Yes I'm a female and 5-6 years back i also faced similar problems but thanks to my Guru i was able to come out of this.

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Namaste msnamita,


Thank you for your participation in helping me out. I request you to kindly provide answers to the questions I posted in #42, if you can. You do raise an interesting point by saying the following:



This guy wants to apply tantra to get a girl of his choice so can you please explain how tantra will do this work what magic will it do. A force does not has its own mind,reciting a mantra creates some energy that will try to infiltrate girls mind it will react with karmic connections of that girl from previous births ... may be girl is destined for someone else (who can better take care of care) but the tantra force her to marry this guy... tell me whether this event will create some ripples or not.



Here is one thought I have: if she is destined for someone else, it will happen, regardless of whether I try tantra or not (meaning the tantra won't work or her marriage will get settled with someone else just when I start the tantra). Am I right or wrong?


If she's is destined for me, then, maybe that's why I want to marry her, maybe that's why she has been able to get married for the past 4 years,

maybe tantra is one method I need to make the marriage happen.


Now, let's assume that what I said in the last 2 paragraphs is not correct and I still do tantra on her and let's say we get married. Let us say that I've created bad karma by doing so. What I would like to know is the way(s) to wash off the bad karma in this birth itself?


As I mentioned in my last post, most people (who've advised me not to go ahead with it cuz it will create bad karma for next several births) have given their opinions. To be brutally honest, I need the truth, not opinions.


Also, people have commited crimes, murders and heinous acts before they turned spiritual and attained salvation. And, I'm talking about marrying a girl and spending the rest of my life with her and taking care of her; and, people take up cudgels against me. How do you justify that?


That's where learned people like Sri Ravindran and Bhairo have provided answers, with justification. When taking a neutral stance, people should be able to support what they say, with facts.


Otherwise, this forum will be just another medium to throw opinions and personal beliefs & values at each other, in the guise of truth.


I've posted my issue on these forums, not because I cannot proceed with tantra, but to understand the effects, if any, of karma I may or may not create. Also, as Sri Ravindran has rightly understood, I feel guilty that I'm having to resort to such method. I know, you might say "if you feel guilty, then don't do it."


Again, as I mentioned in earlier posts, the thought of giving up on this person is so deflating. It is my quest to wash off any bad karma that my actions may/may not create, that has made me pose these questions.


So, kindly, if you can, provide the answers in detail; I'll be more than glad to know them.


Thank You.

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Dear Ravindran Sir,


Just to provide you some more info: he said we need to collect the soil from her house. So, we went to her house and luckily it was locked. He told me to drop something on the ground and pick it up. So, I dropped a piece of paper on the soil in front of her gate, rubbed it in soil, picked it up and gave it to him. He said he'll collect some more soil from her house later, if necessary.


Now, could you please let me know if he could know tantra? is there anything in tantra by which you can do take the soil in front of her house and do something? or, is it possible that he knows some technique that we are not aware of? (he did say that his guru (someone by the name of ramachandran or ramachandrachary in tamil nadu) taught a rare white magic to 12 students only and passed away after that)



Dear Ravikishore,

More over I am now sure about the person you are talking about - the one who you think is a tantric. I am sure now that he is not a tantric. He does not have any genune power. You might wonder how I know this. You mentioned elsewhere that he gave a demonstration on telipathy. It is no telipathy.It is a trick - Many good stage magicions are able to do this trick . Even you can do it- with out any telipathy.


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Dear Ravikishore,

This man you are talking about certainly is not a tantric. Forget him. Sometime I will post you the skaned copy of a portion of a magic(trick) book which gives how to do what he has shown you by the name of telipathy.


My advise now to you is not to seek tantrics. Because you have a conflicts associated with it. You are guilty of employing it. That guilt will never leave you in your life if you do what you are planning to do.


There is a difference between Valmiki and you. In Valkimiki's case, he dint know he was a sinner. He was not having any sence of guilt when he was leading a sinful life. He was doing it ignorantly. When he realised he was wrong he changed himself. God forgave his sins of ignorance.


In your case, you seems to suffer by guilt even when you contemplate your action. That means you have full knowledge that you are doing something wrong. Your strategy, that "let me commit the sin first and then appeal to god for forgiveness" wont work. Isint it? think of it. Are you not trying to fool god by this strategy. God will wipe off your sin only if you commit it out of your innocence not if you plane your strategy like this. Right?


Dont do it. Just leave it to god. God is a grand power than any tantric. Approach him and accept his decision. you will be much more happy that way latter.


There are no genune tantrics available for public like what you and many other innocent people are thinking. This is my position-and is is based on my through reaearch, due to my own interest in tantra.




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Ms Msnamita,


I dont take offence as I understand you. You are angry and I can understand that.


I dont intend to start an argument with you. That is not my intention.

But let me briefly respond to your last post to clear the confusion it could cause in the minds of concerned people and neutral reader.


Ramakrishna 'married', sure. But there was no sex - he was a celibate. No beastly project Procreation. Hence it was not a marriage at all. Two people were hanging around there together. There is no sin in that sort of relationship.


As to Lord Siva or any other god for that matter, having wife and children and fighting wars and all that kind of stuff, - do you really believe all this nonsence? Is god like us mortals having needs and problems. They are myths - mytological stories ( I call it cock and bull stories). They are not to be taken literally -they are symbolic. Philosophical principles are contained in them. If you take literal meaning to mythology it leads to absurdities. Thinking of krishna as really having married to somany wifes and all that - what nonsense! Krishna represent Paramatma - the transcentantal soul. All jevas (souls) - many many in number - are the gopikas. All jeevatmas are the parteners - wifes of - paramatma this is the philosophic esoteric meaning behind Krishna's story. What I am saying is explictely stated in the same mythological stories - in the tatva( philosophy) section of every mythology.


There is no contradiction in what I say and do. When I ask Ravikishore to go and try out, I am saying this with absolute conviction that he will not succeed because there are no tantrics out there in the streets. This was my position in the case of the previous friend with his sister's problem . I am consistent. Where is the contradiction?


Well, you may ask why then I am not saying this straight to Ravikishore. If I say this he will not listern. He will think that I dont know. He will any way try what he is contemplating to do. And he will have to learn himself that people are cheating him. No one's advice will work on this.


In my last posting to him I have made it explicit.


If you have any counter evidence to this - If you think that there are genunely powerful tantrics hanging around in the streets of culcutta -or anywhere for that matter - please provide their identities. Many , including me are looking for them. ( when I am saying this , I am not contradicting I am throwing a chalange by this. I am absolutely sure you cannot provide them because there are non over there. )


But I dont think your problem with my posting is anything to do with tantra.

By all probability, it is likly to be something to do with my attitude towards life you happened to pick up from the post. I guess your anger is with that stance. ( I could be wrong on this you could be still a suporerstious average person having all sorts of misconceptions gatered by cock and bull stories and strtreet tantric images, and your problem could be solely with tantra). If you introspect the roots of your anger you will have much more clarity on this.


I dont intedded to give advice or analysis on you. I know unsolicited advise and analysis is not wanted and perhaps provake more anger .

But If I dont say these minimum things - you will do more harm to people out of your own ignorance of the issues involved. If your anger has nothing to do with tantra but cetrtain personal traits and positions of mine which you happen to dislike then it is better that is adderssed straight, rather than confusing ravikishore and others. Self awareness is a good virtue.


Once again my appologies if I have caused any turmoil by any of my postings in your mind.





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