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Everything posted by lkhanamoto

  1. Hello. Sometimes when the things go wrong I use to dream with vampires. Curiously, the dreams are very similar and recurrent when I'm involved in situation of the conflicts. Not only my own conflicts, but conflicts of other people around me. It's happening now again after 4 years without this type of dream. Probably it is a symbolic dream but I read in somewhere that the outer world is a projection of our inner world and I'm starting to believe that there is influence of vetalas or vampires over the problems and the mind show the truth about things. Is it possible? Is there someone to help me to control or banishing vetalas ? Thanks Luciana
  2. Hello. What is masaan kriya? Thanks
  3. Dear Mr. Ravindran. Thank you for your post. Recently I ordered some books of Arthur Avalon: Serpent Power and Shakti and Shakta through Amazon. I'm waiting to receive the books. But unfortunately Tantraraja Tantra isn't in the catalog of the Amazon. I'll try to find it in other ways. Other books I've ordered too is Yantrachintamani of Jean Riviere and Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines of Evan-Wentz. I live in Brazil and I think it will not be easy to found people initiate in Sri Vidya, but I believe that there is somebody here who is initiate in this subject. I'm working slowly and most of time alone. I spent 8 years practicing Hatha Yoga until develop more serious interest in tantra and hinduism. I've done 20000 kali gayatri and recently I completed 100000 Maha Cundi Dharani. I'm attending a class of mantras and yantras and I'm participating in a group of Karma Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism. As you see I'm mixing Buddhism and Hinduism because I'm doing whatever I found about tantrism and what seems easy for me to practice. But I'm not sure what I'm doing or where I'm going. I'm just enjoying the "travel". Regards Luciana
  4. Dear Mr Ravindran. Thank you for your post. How can I get some of 64 kundalini tantra? If possible all them? I'm specially interested in psychic and healing abilities but the my major interest is about tantra. I'm new on tantra and hinduism. I'm attending a class of mantras and yantras and my teacher advised me to practice chakra meditation to draw yantras because only the "personalised" or "kundalinized" prana can empower yantra. I'm fallen in love on tantra and hinduism because these are very profound and rich science and I'm very entusiastic to go deep in these subjects. Regards Luciana
  5. Dear Mr. Ravindran and other members. Could you please give me some hints about kundalini yoga and siddhis attainable through this path? I'd like to develop some siddhi but I don't have idea of what siddhi i want to start, because the attainement of siddhi is only to develop my own potential. Have you any suggestion? I started to do meditation on chakras described in Yogavishaya of Minanatha. I'm trying to have lucid dream too as part of my yoga path, but I haven't got it yet. Is there some sadhana to get it? Why can we attain same siddhis through kundalini yoga OR worshiping deities (that seems outside from us)? What is the conection between them? Regards Luciana
  6. Hello, Mr. Ravindran. I'd like to express my gratitude for you and other members for sharing the personal experiences, knowledge and thoughts about tantra. Even some controversial positions that can be threatening for our "common sense" all posts come from the very truth of the heart. That is the most important point for me. The sharing of the spiritual experience with sincerity. I believe that all even mistakes made under sincere and conscious seek of the truth always bring benefits. Please don't stop to share your knowledge. Regards luciana
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