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Urgent help needed!!its a matter of life and death!!

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Dear Sir,


My details:

DoB: 26 Sep 1980

Location: Riasi (Latitude: 33° 4' 60 N, Longitude: 74° 49' 60 E)

Ashwani Nakshtra


Sir, I am facing severe problems.I never did bad to anyone, but things are always turbulant or me. Recently, I had issues with my beloved.


I love her from the bottom of my heart. I just done want to let her Go.


I request club-handed, please suggest me something to save my life.Why this all to me plzzzz


Request you to kindly suggest.


Best Regards,

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Hi Appolonius:


I am very touched reading your emails. I was wondering how are you doing these days? Do you see any improvement. Please visit Mehindipur Balaji in Rajasthan... its is very powerful temple. I have been there. If you find the trip to be expensive then I promise I will pay for your expenses to visit the temple.

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Hi Ashi,


Thanks for your kind words. It is really soothing to hear such words at this point of time. But what I have lernt from all this is that it is very difficult to cure black magic with normal poojas or havans as mentioned in the site. I think the most powerful and effective thing to do will be to find the reason for the start of black magic. I mean the magic spell has been cast by some one. We need to recollect the events which led to the initiation of black magic and then find out who that person is and then request him to remove the spell. For this we need to think hard. This is what I am trying to do now. Generally such magic spells are cast by people who are having enemity towards you. Also I thank you for offfering me money. I dont think I need it now.But may bne I will need help from good minded people like you in the future (becoz if i dont escape from this then I may not be able to work) :( ...

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I was really waiting to hear from you. It's really hard to find the person who has done the black magic on you. For example: Lets say if somebody did black magic on a broom and left it in middle of the road and accidently you crossed over it.. how can you go look for that person. Sometimes it might not be intentionally done on you. Have you contacted an expert who can actually remove black magic. I am sure you can find people in your own town. It's good that you're doing the prayers and its helping you..but for complete cure you have to find a baba who can help you. May be I don't completely understand your problem...but I have been to Mehindipur Balaji and seen several cases treated in the temple. Do you have family members at home? Any other temple ..you can talk to the pandit ji and see if he can refer you to someone. You have been suffering for long now. You have to take a step ahead.. How long can you continue living like that. You have to find an expert to remove the black magic.

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Hello Ashi,


I personally suspect two friends of mine.Both these friends are coming from very traditioal background and I suspect they know black magic. But it is very difficult to say conclusively. I have been moving around with these guys (unfortunately). Any ways I requested to one of them and he told me that he has no idea abt black magic. any ways I am trying to keep in touch with them continuously.may be they will change there mind after some time and decide to release me.





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Hi all,


I appreciate the helping mind and kindness and love that u people are showing towards me. But I have been trying several poojas conducted by some amous manas in kerala to solve my problem. Also I have visted some famous temples whihc offer solution to this problem. But what I have found is that the problem I have is so peculiar and severe that it cannot be solved by any of the methods suggetsed so far. So I am forced to conclude that this problem can be solved by only the people who have subjected me to black magic. I knwo the person/persons who have put me under blak magic . I am prepared to come up with their names publically. But I need the support of the forum viewers to actually persuade these people to remove me from black magic spell. Becoz if I request then they will play hide and seek and will pretend as if they dont know any thing about black magic. Also I cant move legally against them as black magic is not unishable under law. So I need your support for this. it is almost 5 years now that I am suffering from black magic. (I am on the verge of madness becoz of the suffering) .Expecting yur co operation




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Dear Appolonius,

People who do black magic on others, often take all the precautions for their safety so it does not allow the victim to get out it in any way. The mantras/sadhana as suggested by others which can be useful in initial stages of black magic but once it overpowers the victim, his efforts becomes futile. I know many cases where the victims does not get a chance for help. Normally, those who resort to black magic are extremely cruel and blind with the maya. Even if you get the support from the public against them, there is no proof for such evil acts to book them under the law of land. On the contrary, these cruel people can add something more because they do track the activities of victims. Sometimes, the blood boils when we see those evil minded people prospering even after doing all kind of evil things but it is only for a short period due to their past good karmas. Ultimately, they have to face the consequences of their evil acts.

I suggest you to wait for an opportunity that comes your way for stopping this evil act. This type of black magic can be stopped only by a person fully experienced and knowledgeable in this area. But in the meantime, do join some yoga/satsang group nearby your home for meditation which will help you to follow a spiritual path and realize God. It is like after knowing the sun, we lose interest in power of a candle. Yes, it is difficult under the given circumstances, but still if you can do it, it will be a great achievement. Thinking positively, when a person suffers more, he gets more intense in his prayer/meditation which matters in the domain of god.

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Dear Appolonious,


Believe in ONE thing, there's nothing which is bigger than the almighty. In my opinion , there's no point waisting time in finding who did what and expecting them to be the healer as well. This situation can only be addressed by keeping full faith in the GOD you believe in and look for a Saint / Bhakt who has God's blessings (who possess some Shakti) to fight the evil and help you build a protective aura around you so that you are safe ever after. If you know someone ping him or let me know and I can talk to my Guruji.


Jai Mata Di

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Very truely said dear Sunilji.


Dear Appolonious,


Believe in ONE thing, there's nothing which is bigger than the almighty. In my opinion , there's no point waisting time in finding who did what and expecting them to be the healer as well. This situation can only be addressed by keeping full faith in the GOD you believe in and look for a Saint / Bhakt who has God's blessings (who possess some Shakti) to fight the evil and help you build a protective aura around you so that you are safe ever after. If you know someone ping him or let me know and I can talk to my Guruji.


Jai Mata Di

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I agree god is almighty. But the problem is during certain times the some evil forces like asuras become temporarily more poweful than gods. they may procure boon from gods and become powerful.For example when Hiranya kashipu got boon from Brahma he became all powerful in all three lokas temporarily i.e until Lord vishnu desroyed him with his Narasimha avatar. Now the problem is the deity used for Black Magic is like Hiranya kashipu. And it might be powerful for many 100 years until it is finally detstroyed. But for us human beings life is very short and we cant wait until te deity is destroyed and since the deity is powerful now we cant remove it using other positive gods. So I am not saying god is not all owerful. But it is difficult to remove Black Magic and we are forced to suffer.I suppose we need to discover manthras which can persuade the gods to use their full power to destroy the evil forces.That s the challenge before us. I myself tried many satwik poojas without any improvement in my condition. I know other people in this forum who are suffering Black magic for many years now!!! and I tell u ..suffering Black magic is not an easy thing...it is really painful and u feel miserable and every day u r on the verge of death. !!







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Hello jaimatadi123:


Can you please post your horoscope details? I think you're going through a very tuff phase in life. I doubt about the black magic stuff done on your ex-bf. Just think about it, why would a mother perform black magic on her son. May be the mother does not want to accept you as her daughter-in-law and might have asked her son to forget you or the guy has lost interest in you.


By calling this guy 100 times on the phone you're just giving him unnecessary importance which he does not deserve. I think you are too innocent for him and life is full of people like the babaji's and you ex-bf. These kind of people usually use weak and innocent people. And why should you end your life. Just for the sake of this guy, no way. Your family should be more important to you than people who change there statements.


I would just advice you to get little sober and smart. Stop calling this guy and concentrate on your own life. Completely ignore him and look for another guy who can love you not use you.


Even if you get married to this guy, you will never feel secure ever in your life.


Take this advise in life from your elders and be strong.

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Yes ashi I too agree with you.

What she has developed is nothing but a pure foolishness I may sound hard but its a fact,what was need to become a physical when you are not married and that too remaining alone in a room for whole night!Absolute foolish steps she has taken,hard reality is to forget this chap and start life from a to z again.Personally I never have any sympathies for those who suffer due to wrong steps taken by themselves and suffer afterwards.

Madam(poster of the original post on page no.7)if you say that your family is important for you why dont you erase your bad memories for this guy and start living in reality?Sorry but I cannot agree on any of the points you wrote in your post.

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I dont understand why other threads and isues are posted in my thread. Ashi's issue is a totally different one whereas this thread is dedicated to black magic and its solution. Please note that we are desperated sufferers of Black magic and focus should not be shifted to other less severe issues like love failure and marriage. Please try and create a different thread for other issues. PLEASE !!







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Hi Prathap

The title of your post is --Urgent help needed!!Its a matter of life & death Dated 28 June 2008.



I personally feel that you will never be cured & will die like a coward because you are not bold enough to make a decision to step out of your house. Someone told you to Sarangpur & you did not go, someone told you to go to Balaji & you did not go, Someone told you to go to siddhashram & you did not go. you kept sitting at home deriving your own conclusions from others experiences. Why on earth are you seeking advice if you don't want to follow someone.You are wasting your bloody time & ruining your precious career which is the purpose of this black magic.


My brother was possessed by some spirit very short time back. We showed to all major hospitals in Delhi. All reports turned out ok. We did all major Tests from leg to head. Even the ct scan. All were ok. It occured to me the case of possession though it has never happened in my family. My family did not believed it, even i did not but i consulted some people who said it happens in case of possession & they have had same experiences with family members or near relatives. When all tests were coming out ok their suspicion could not be overruled. Even i do not trust people who demand money.I was looking for some siddhas who have less craving for maya....which are hard to find in Delhi. So i took a bold decision & decided to travel. Not knowing where to go i decided to make a night journey in a passenger train to Moradabad standing on one leg(the train was over packed). & by the grace of God in the morning i bumped into this person who was a siddha & cured my brother.


I would personally advice you not to go to Balaji.Of course its a siddha place & you can be cured but only if you know the proper procedure.which pandits over there will not tell you because they are greedy.But if you still decide to go there don't go alone...because you will "play" there. When i say procedure even i'm not sure perhaps someone senior here will tell you.you need to give "hajri" in different "darbars". i think you need to go to bhoothnath darbar in the end if you do not do it, the ritual is not complete & thus you will not be cured.


About your mantra practices. they can relieve you but will not cure you. Don't make a slave of a demon. I do not want to insult some one here who suggested krodhbhairav mantra...but truth is these demons & bhoot prets are nothing but atmans who have not got next birth. so if you make slave of them they will obey you throughout lifetime but in the end when you will die they will take your spirit to their "loks" or "worlds" & thus you will not get " moksha".You will have to give them next birth before dying or you will not get moksha.Also to keep this workforce working you have to keep nourishing them with whatever they desire.sometimes even "balis"..you need to keep feeding them.


But still there are other options. India has a long lived tradition of tantra & will continue to live forever. I can lead you to yogis who are 3000 years old & are still living. There is no problem in this world which does not has a solution. "siddhashram" is a place to consult to. Northern india is a place full of siddhas. Even yogis & tantrics from south india travel to North India to get higher degree in their sadhnas. You should look for a "aghori ", who are worshippers of lord Shiva. Shiva is the master of all demons . But you have to make a bold decision first.gather some guts & step outta your house. Trash your family who is not concerned about your beliefs & think completely about yourself for a while. Become selfish for a while & think about yourself.Pack your things & step outta your house.The world is very big & very vast .your destiny is waiting for you.someone is waiting somewhere to cure you but you need to make the journey.No1 will come to your house.Don't repent upon 5 miserable years that have passed by.If you keep thinking about them u will spend 5 more thinking & purpose of this black magic will be accomplished .which is to destroy your life.Make a decision today. today is the day.Everything that happens in life happens for good.God knows which way this might lead you.what might be lurking there for you in the dark.


If my words bring light into your life & help you find direction then pupose of wasting my valueable time to write this post is achieved. Thank you.

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Hi Maharishi,


I tried the manthras a little. Butis it a sin to kill the spirits? If the possession is very strong then should we consider it as a kasht kaal and commit suicide instead of killing the spirits? I mean is it against mother nature?






Nobody dies..they just pass from one life to another...spirits are nothing but atmans who have not got next birth...you are doing no harm in chanting mantras...again think about yourself..become selfish for a while...There is no dharma bigger than your life ...preserve your life..all dharmas exist if you are alive...If you die all dharmas die with you...all religions die with you...i'll tell you this story..there was a hindu monk who did not eat meat, did not drank liquor. once he decided to travel to nepal...As it is Nepal is cold, when he reached there winter had arrived & he did not had anything to cover himself except a dhoti. He saw sadhus of nepal in order to keep themselves warm drank liquor & ate meat. So he did too. If he hadn't he would have died...so no dharma is bigger than your body

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I will tell you one more story Prathap . Once Someone went to Gautam Buddha & started yelling at him " you say that everyone can get moksha, everyone can be liberated, then why dosen't everyone get liberated...you lie"


Buddha asked him to go to the nearest town & write & bring back the names of all the people who want moksha. That man went to the town, kept wandering whole day, hungry & thirsty...returned back in the evening. Buddha smiled asked " did you bring ther names"...

He said nobody wants moksha, eeryone wants money, fame, sons, wifes...nobody wants moksha.


Buddha said "that's it..when you don't want anything then how will you get it. When your desire isn't strong enough to get something you will not get it.


There are 2 teams to every game but victory goes to the team which wants it more badly..


You decide what you want...want to live a normal healthy life or abnormal life...decision is yours.

The purpose of black magic mostly is to make your mind weak. Make your mind unhealthy. You will commit suicide because you will not derive happiness out of your living. I'm happy, my mind is happy & i want to live..yours is not. You are very bold & coureageous that you have been dealing with it for 5 years but your decision power is weak...make a decision.

You also say that nobody knows about this pooja "Mahadhaara". I don't believe its true.Even if nobody knows...it can be made known through "siddhis"...There are siddhis which will tell you which pooja to do for what purpose & also the procedures...So take the first bold step. You will have to travel. Nobody will come to your house. Send me your details at " artcorner at gmail dot com " , with a photo. I will try to find out what can be done..but you will have to travel...

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hello ,

Last month on my visit to himachal i met a great spiritual guru, so all he gave me in form of mantras and shlokas , i wanna tell everybody,i dont know if i can upload mp3 here, can anyone tell me abt that .Heres a list of ome of stotras and stutis i hav,


2.Dwadash Jyotirlingani

3.Shiv Mahimna Stotram

4.Shree Shiv Manas pooja

5.Karpoor Gauram


7.Panchakshara Stotram

8.Shiv Taandav Stotram

9.Shri Natraj Stuti


11.Vedsar Shivstava

12.Nirvana Ashtakam


14.Shiv Namavali

15.Durga Kavach

16.Amogh Shiv kavacham

and many more, i hav collected them all after buying so many mp3s. So any of this u want just mail me gopal-joshi@in.com

It will be my pleasure if i could help with stotras and mantras.


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hello ,

Last month on my visit to himachal i met a great spiritual guru, so all he gave me in form of mantras and shlokas , i wanna tell everybody,i dont know if i can upload mp3 here, can anyone tell me abt that .Heres a list of ome of stotras and stutis i hav,


2.Dwadash Jyotirlingani

3.Shiv Mahimna Stotram

4.Shree Shiv Manas pooja

5.Karpoor Gauram


7.Panchakshara Stotram

8.Shiv Taandav Stotram

9.Shri Natraj Stuti


11.Vedsar Shivstava

12.Nirvana Ashtakam


14.Shiv Namavali

15.Durga Kavach

16.Amogh Shiv kavacham

and many more, i hav collected them all after buying so many mp3s. So any of this u want just mail me gopal-joshi@in.com

It will be my pleasure if i could help with stotras and mantras.





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