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Is idol worship allowed in Hinduism?

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This forums main agenda is to popularise Hinduism. There are forums existing to popularise Islam. I think Mazhar would be more comfortable and popular in those forums. Unnecessarily let us not get into a Hindu-Muslim debate out here.

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In Hinduism behind every idol has a story, a mythology, a belief , some custom etc. That is what makes Hinduism so very unique. When we see a Krishna idol, immediately our thought goes to Vishnu Avatar, Mahabharata, Leelas,Mathura, Vrindavan etc. Every idol has a story. Similarly Lord Rama's idol has a different story. When we worship this idol we are acknowledging the story behind it and thereby the greatness implied.

Good point, either you love idols or you don't like idols.

I like idols of Lord Krishna and His associates.



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originally Posted by Mazar

The meaning of sambhuti in verse 9 and 11 are different, if you ead honestly the verse 9, it says that to whome the sambhuti is intent (means they worship sambhuti) they are in deeper darkness.


If you say that sambhuti in both the verses is same then tell me the meanings of sambhuti.


I have read the verse 5 and i think it is not related to verse 9, it generally says that God is everywhere. Further in 9th verse, it prohibits you to worship asambhuti and sambhuti.




Orihinally posted by sunds

This forums main agenda is to popularise Hinduism. There are forums existing to popularise Islam. I think Mazhar would be more comfortable and popular in those forums. Unnecessarily let us not get into a Hindu-Muslim debate out here.


Brother sunds i fel brother mazar seems to have read more about the vedas then i have ... so he seems to be a better hindu than many of us and this is happening all thanks to this discussion so i would say let the discussion go on if it is going to mean that brother mazar is going to read more about hinduism... if this isnt popularising hinduism ...what is....


remember the story of kansa and krishna... kansa went to heaven after his death... cause he had been thinking and focussing on lord krishna ... out of fear... the reason wasnt relevent... the actions were... and the actions meant kansa's ticket to krishna's heaven :)

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What history tells us is that islam is a young religion. Prophet Mohammed was born sometime between 570-571 A.D.

so unless u are talking of "some other islam" it is a young religion in comparison to hinduism... which has existed forever...



Hazrat Adam pbuh was the first human being and was first messenger of Allah and he teached Islam.



I feel no reason for becoming a member of a religion which has just one stone and one direction to pray to...


imagine if ever "satan" wishes to destroy islam all he will have to do is use a single nuclear device on the stone "KAABA" and the religion will have nothing to back up the faith...


Whereas anyone wishing to destroy hinduism could destroy the world "and believe me many invaders have tried and not succeded" and still hinduism will prevail.


No one can destroy kaaba nor can destroy quran nor islam.

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We look at idols as various forms of that one 'GOD'. And each form has a story to speak of God's greatness. Also there is a form available which a devotee is comfortable with. So there are many channels available for people to reach 'GOD'. Also there is more democracy. People can choose the form they like to reach 'GOD'. Some are Ganesh bhaktas,some worship Shiva, Some Krishna etc. to reach the ultimate 'GOD'.

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I am not sure if you knew this, but Judaism the religion which gave birth to Islam and Christianity actually borrowed the concept of heaven and hell and judgement day from the Zoroastrians. Jews initially believed in reincarnation too. Isn't that surprising Mazhar?




Also check out this link about Judaism and reincarnation:



This has nothing to do with your "idol worship" question, but just wanted to say that everything is not as it seems on the outside. Just because it does not make sense to you does not mean it doesn't make sense to someone else. With that you can just agree to disagree and go your seperate ways, especially if you don't want to understand.

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I am not sure if you knew this, but Judaism the religion which gave birth to Islam and Christianity actually borrowed the concept of heaven and hell from the Zoroastrians. Jews initially believed in reincarnation too. Isn't that surprising Mazhar?




Also check out Judism and reincarnation:



This has nothing to do with your "idol worship" question, but just wanted to say that everything is not as it seems on the outside. Just because it does not make sense to you does not mean it doesn't make sense to someone else. With that you can just agree to disagree and go your seperate ways, especially if you don't want to understand.


I do not know anything about judaism. But what you said is completely wrong. Islam is the first and the true religion that came on earth. Prophet Muhammad is the last and final messenger and Quran is the last book. Allah says in Quran that we have sent messengers for every nation. And those messenger only taught Islam.

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I am not sure if you knew this, but Judaism the religion which gave birth to Islam and Christianity actually borrowed the concept of heaven and hell from the Zoroastrians. Jews initially believed in reincarnation too. Isn't that surprising Mazhar?




Also check out Judism and reincarnation:



This has nothing to do with your "idol worship" question, but just wanted to say that everything is not as it seems on the outside. Just because it does not make sense to you does not mean it doesn't make sense to someone else. With that you can just agree to disagree and go your seperate ways, especially if you don't want to understand.


I do not know anything about judaism. But what you said is completely wrong. Islam is the first and the true religion that came on earth. Prophet Muhammad is the last and final messenger and Quran is the last book. Allah says in Quran that we have sent messengers for every nation. And every messenger from Adam to Muhammad (peace be upon them all)taught the same message that God is one and we should worship only one God and do not worship idols. So the basic message is the same.

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I do not know anything about judaism. But what you said is completely wrong. Islam is the first and the true religion that came on earth. Prophet Muhammad is the last and final messenger and Quran is the last book. Allah says in Quran that we have sent messengers for every nation. And those messenger only taught Islam.

You don't know about Judaism? Jesus, your messenger, also preached reincarnation. Check out the link to see the reason why it was banned from the Bible:




But if you think I am wrong, or that Jesus is wrong, I can't really do anything about it.

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