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Devotees don't need to be removed from the broader community. By setting up a polling station they bring people INTO the temple. There is some minute exposure to Krishna. Some might be further inclined to ask questions. It makes sense to be part of the community. The more we withdraw the fewer outreaches we have. I'm convinced a great deal of the historical growth of Iskcon in the early days was due to the so called "fringies". This was a derogatory term. But honestly, they had just enough connection inside and just enough connection outside, that they could draw outsiders in. It was like filaments extending outwards, drawing energy in. I thought this was a creative and interesting thing they did in Berkeley.

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Okay suppose it's not for money. Still isn't it quaint? A few elderly "Hindu" monks in a temple that's generally very empty and now the public comes there to vote. Anyway ISKCON Berkeley became a madhouse when Caru allowed Jiva and his womens "collecting" party to run wild in late 1976. For them it certainly was a party. And then the GBC sent "His Divine Grace" Hamasadutta Swami to "reform" the situation in 1978. Oh yeah, he reformed it alright, right out of the frying pan into the fire. And then the aftermath - the struggle of ISKCON Berkeley just to survive. Now they have a very small program but ironically there are several dozen devotees who are now in different Gaudiya Math groups living within 20 or 30 miles. Nothing like an inclusive mood to encourage participation! I guess it just proves that you get back what you dish out.




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Devotees don't need to be removed from the broader community. By setting up a polling station they bring people INTO the temple.


There is some minute exposure to Krishna.


Some might be further inclined to ask questions. It makes sense to be part of the community. The more we withdraw the fewer outreaches we have.


I'm convinced a great deal of the historical growth of Iskcon in the early days was due to the so called "fringies". This was a derogatory term.


But honestly, they had just enough connection inside and just enough connection outside, that they could draw outsiders in.


It was like filaments extending outwards, drawing energy in. I thought this was a creative and interesting thing they did in Berkeley.




Even though this is different, it is a great idea because the general public can meet the devotees

Brings back memories when Subhapati dasa ran for parliament in 1974 in Victoria Australia, we received so much press. I had to go around to all the polling booths giving out flyers of how we ban alcohol, meat eating and cigarettes. (Sabo got around 900 votes)

It is interesting to note that Sabo ( Subhapati )meet a young weight lifter on the campaign trail at the Spiritual Sky incense factory by the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger. I was there as Sabo got stuck into him for meat eating and wasting his life worshiping his body

The Terminator then made a proposal to Sabo, come and go weight lifting with him for a few hours and he would put on Hare Krishna clothing and chant Hare Krishna on the streets of Melbourne (I thought it was a great idea)

As Ugrashrava, Vrsa and myself looked on, Sabo went all fanatical calling Arni an insane idiot saying –

“If you thinks that I would ever do weight lifting with you you are MAD!!”

Said in his typical nasty turned up lip arrogent way.


Poor young Arni couldn’t belief this guy Subhapati and neither could Ugra, Vrsa and myself. To this very day, Sabo must regret being so fundamentally fanatical and way over the top!

Can you imagine having photos of the Governor of California USA chanting Hare Krishna in a dhoti with all the devotees on the streets of Melbourne?


Having a polling booth is a GREAT idea!

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Now that made laugh so loud it woke everyone up, yeah, I get your point. I just pray its not in the Temple room




No it's not the temple room lol. It is the front door lobby that leads directly to the temple room.


The Berkeley temple is in a pecular situation with the city of Berkeley and has been for over 30 years. If the city got nasty and enforced the rules that would mean no one could live there and they could only have a security guard at night. So keeping good relations with the city concil is extra important for them. I thought maybe that might have something to do with it. Or maybe they get some funding I don't know


I don't really think it is a horrible idea but they need another space with a separtate entrance.


And yeah that guy should have pumped some iron with Arnold. What an oppurtunity. of course he was probably as intimated by the prospect of it as I would be. Arnold would have kept his word and done the kirtan. Oh what a picture is right.

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And yeah that guy should have pumped some iron with Arnold. What an oppurtunity. of course he was probably as intimated by the prospect of it as I would be. Arnold would have kept his word and done the kirtan. Oh what a picture is right.

Supposing he was not Arnold, but just some unknown weight lifter? Do you go spend a few hours with him anyway? Most likely most of us would not go spend several hours with an unknown person. But we could all be polite and explain why we can't do that.

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Supposing he was not Arnold, but just some unknown weight lifter? Do you go spend a few hours with him anyway? Most likely most of us would not go spend several hours with an unknown person. But we could all be polite and explain why we can't do that.


It does not matter wether it was "The Gover-nator" or just another Joe But the opportunity lost was HUGE. The opportunity for someone to partake in harinam just think about it that is one of the most compassionate thing that a devotee could have done for that soul....What an opportunity Lost:crying2:


Lord Nityananda would beg people to chant the holy name and here was a persone ready to do it !!


Oh well no use crying over spilt opportunity.


Hare Krsna/Krishna


Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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