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Actually we are all ghosts in the material world

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Srila Prabhupada - “Actually we are all ghosts, ...spirits" the only difference being that we have a gross body made of mucus, bile and air, and disembodied spirits have only subtle-ethereal a body made of mind, intelligence and false-ego”. Morning walk in Bombay, India, April 12th 1974


Srila Prabhupada. "........And you have not seen so many things. Does it mean that does not exist? You are researching. You have not seen. As a scientist.........."


Indian man. "I have heard lots of ghost stories, but......."


Srila Prabhupada. "No, No it is not stories. We are hearing from Bhagavata, it is authority. We are not hearing the stories of third class man. We are hearing form Vyasadeva. Vyasadeva............"


Indian man. " But you see, up till now, in my long life of eighty years........."


Srila Prabhupada, "No, No you have not so many experiences. That does not mean these things do not exist. Your experience is not all in all. Don't think like that. So these are existing actually. That is the defect, that you do not accept the authorities. That is the defect. Here Vyasadeva is describing, who is called Vyasadeva, full of all knowledge, and the Bhagavata is a mature experience. We are hearing from him. Why do you not believe? I may not have experience. This ghost means the living entity is subtle life without any material body. That is ghost. When one is very sinful, he does not get the material body. He lives in the subtle body: mind, intelligence and ego. That is ghostly life. And they display. Because they have no body, one cannot see, but they display so many mischief's. That is ghostly life. Seeing or not seeing doesn't matter. Therefore it is enjoined in the Vedanta Sutra, shastra caksusa (see through the bona fide scriptures)."


Indian man. "But it should be proved."


Srila Prabhupada. "It is true because it is spoken by Vyasadeva. How you say it is false? You cannot say that. That is blasphemy."

Indian man. "In olden days there used to be the ghosts and all these things, but now that is gradually............"


Srila Prabhupada. "But gradually..........! That does not mean you have improved very much. Because you do not believe in ghost........................!"

Morning walk in Bombay, India, April 12th 1974

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The Police - Spirits in the material world

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Those who don't believe in ghosts , actually don't believe in soul . They just think that they are this body. Just like monkeys of kalyug can't understand this fact.


Yes that's right. "After death no more life." They preach the most pessimistic philosophy of all. Death rules in their worldview.

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Srila Prabhupada - “Actually we are all ghosts, ...spirits" the only difference being that we have a gross body made of mucus, bile and air, and disembodied spirits have only subtle-ethereal a body made of mind, intelligence and false-ego”. Morning walk in Bombay, India, April 12th 1974


What is that photo? Ha Ha next Guruvani will be telling us he doesn't believe in Ghosts and hobgoblins and that they are just fairytales

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What is that photo? Ha Ha next Guruvani will be telling us he doesn't believe in Ghosts and hobgoblins and that they are just fairytales

I believe in ghosts.

But, you are not up to that level yet, so I don't believe in you.


I am a warlock.

Haven't you noticed.

How about them nightmares you are having?

HAHAH...... TEHEHE....


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I believe in ghosts.

But, you are not up to that level yet, so I don't believe in you.


I am a warlock.

Haven't you noticed.

How about them nightmares you are having?

HAHAH...... TEHEHE....



No your not, you are a GREAT nitya-siddha devotee of Krishna and are presently dreaming you’re not His pure wonderful loving selfless Krishna Conscious devotee, well, maybe having a really bad nightmare of terrible proportions that has so grossly covered who you really are (YOUR WONDERFUL SVARUPA BODY), you have only temporarily fooled yourself with your delusions (thanks partly due to those crazy Christian Bible belt idiots of the South and their past indoctrinations on your febble mind) to believe your not perpetually nitya-siddha. Just Hare Krishna mate and she'll be apples :D

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... you have only temporarily fooled yourself with your delusions (thanks partly due to those crazy Christian Bible belt idiots of the South and their past indoctrinations on your febble mind) to believe your not perpetually nitya-siddha. Just Hare Krishna mate and she'll be apples :D

The South will Rise Again!!!! Actually it already has, it's just dreaming that it hasn't!!!:mad2: Oh I wish I was in the land of Vardis, Old times there are not forgotton, look away, look away, look away Vardi Land!





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