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Food Prepared by Iskcon is First Offered to Lord Jagannath as 'Bhog'

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Even the muslims who destroyed so many Krishna Temples?


I don't know of any living Muslim who has destroyed temples of Lord Krishna in India. They all died hundreds of years ago. It is ignorance to hold present people responsible for actions performed hundreds of years ago by their forefathers. That would make most of white America responsible for slavery and plenty of other crimes. If the Germans can be forgiven for their crimes committed just 60 years ago, why can't you forgive Muslims for crimes committed hundreds or even a thousand years ago. I think subconsciously it has something to do with religious intolerance. Since the germans followed Christianity we can forgive them easily, but with Islam we have a stronger internal dislike.



Didn't Prabhupada say 'Let there be one God Krishna, one scripture Bhagavad Gita. And one religion, Sanatam Dharma or Krishna Consciousness.


Yes, let everyone voluntarily take to Krishna consciousness. It has nothing to do with violating people's freedom to choose their own religion.

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Good points. On the other hand, fundamentalist Hindus destroyed a mosque in Ayodhya just a few years ago, didn't they?



I don't know of any living Muslim who has destroyed temples of Lord Krishna in India. They all died hundreds of years ago. It is ignorance to hold present people responsible for actions performed hundreds of years ago by their forefathers. That would make most of white America responsible for slavery and plenty of other crimes. If the Germans can be forgiven for their crimes committed just 60 years ago, why can't you forgive Muslims for crimes committed hundreds or even a thousand years ago. I think subconsciously it has something to do with religious intolerance. Since the germans followed Christianity we can forgive them easily, but with Islam we have a stronger internal dislike.




Yes, let everyone voluntarily take to Krishna consciousness. It has nothing to do with violating people's freedom to choose their own religion.

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This seems to be the real issue - are Muslims in India so much overstrained of not being able to manage the feeding of their own children in a highly fertile agricultural nation with 5 harvests per year? The answer is, yes, Muslims urgently are in great need of being supported by the aksaya-patra feeding the poor program:

You seem to think ISKCON is giving them something that is not their right. You are completely mistaken on what this program is. It is a government funded program to provide food in all schools throughout India. Akshaya Patra is not giving the food, the government of India is providing the food. Akshaya Patra is a hired cook, hired by the government of India to prepare the meals and deliver them to the schools. The ingedients are given by the government of India. This program exists throughout India and Akshaya Patra is just one organization involved in it. Anyone can apply to the government for the cooking contract. The government will judge each application based on the cooking facilities you have, the cleanliness you maintain, your past track record, etc., and award the contracts based on that.


In summary the food being given in the schools is a promise from the government of India to every single child in India. These children, as citizens of India have a natural born right to receive this free meal in their school as long as the government of India continues to maintain this program. ISKCON's role in it is only as a hired cook to prepare the food and deliver it. If ISKCON backs out, there will be a thousand other organizations lining up to get the same contract from the government of India of cooking and preparing the meals.


As such, the Muslims don't want Hindu cooks coming, cooking the food and offering it to their Hindu gods before delivering it in their Islamic schools.


Your perception that it is "Muslims in India who are unable to feed their own children" is just a reflection of your hatred of Muslims. Poverty in India is universal. It does not discriminate based on which religion you are born into. There are more Hindus starving in India than Muslims, around 10 for every 1 Muslim.


Religious hatred, as displayed in your own thinking, is exactly what these Muslims don't want. They do not want ignorant and intolerant Hindus trying to secretly convert them by feeding them food offered to Hindu gods, while telling everyone how ignorant and poor the Muslims are. You can keep such "compassion" for your own people, no one wants it.

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Violation of spiritual sentiments - or, how to properly answer such kind of argument?


MP madrassas boycott Iskcon's mid-day meals

17 Aug 2007, 0011 hrs ISTspacer.gif,spacer.gifSuchandana Guptaspacer.gif,spacer.gifTNN

BHOPAL: Madrassas in Ujjain have boycotted the Madhya Pradesh government's mid-day meal scheme for students on the ground that the food is being prepared by Iskcon, the Hindu religious organisation spreading Krishna consciousness throughout the world.

The madrassas in Ujjain, 200 km from Bhopal, have demanded that raw materials for food, and funds be given directly to them so that they can prepare mid-day meals for students. Muslim clerics argued that food prepared by Iskcon is first offered to Lord Jagannath as 'bhog' (offering) before being distributed among the students.

"We can't accept this as it hurts our religious sentiments," Ujjain Qazi Khaleeq-ur-Rahman told TOI .

"Minister of state for education Paras Jain came here and lectured us that we needed to change our mentality. We want to specify that the matter is far above mentality. It is our faith. How can our students eat a meal which has been served to a Hindu god?"

Iskcon, however, denied that the food prepared for madrassa students is offered to Lord Jagannath. Iskcon's spokesman in Ujjain Raghav Das said, "According to our understanding with the Ujjain Municipal Corporation, we supply prepared food to 22,000 students in town. We make 66,000 'chapatis', 140 kg of vegetables (curry) and 45 kg of lentils (dal) per day. We then take just one 'thali' from the kitchen to the temple of Lord Jagannath. The rest of the food is not taken to the temple. It is transported from our kitchens to the schools."

Iskcon has been preparing midday meals for schools in urban areas since July. "We constructed a kitchen large enough to prepare the mid-day meals for more than 20,000 students. Keeping hygienic conditions in mind, we even got automatic roti makers which prepare 10,000 rotis per hour. We are not in this for profit.”



this sound like a pharisee argument

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Good points. On the other hand, fundamentalist Hindus destroyed a mosque in Ayodhya just a few years ago, didn't they?

And as a result of the Ayodhya mosque being destroyed, tens of thousands of people were murdered in a few days throughout India. For example in Bhadrak, where our ashram is, at least a thousand people were murdered in two or three days after the mosque was destroyed.


Bhadrak is a very small village, located thousands of miles from Ayodhya (where the mosque was destroyed). But because some intollerant Hindus destroyed a mosque (which was abandoned and unused anyway), we had a thousand innocent people murdered here. Violent gangs on both sides targeted the weak and innocent and killed who ever they could get their hands on, until the military arrived with several thousand soldiers. But by then everything was already finished. The victims were mostly Hindus who lived in Muslim neighbhorhoods and Muslims who lived in Hindu neighborhoods. No one was brave enough to attack the other people's neighborhoods, instead they acted like cowards targeting helpless individuals.


The main bazaar (Purna Bazaar), which was owned mostly by Hindu Marwadis took the brunt of it, because the market was located in the Muslim neighborhood. The gangs purposely targeted all these shops, burnt them to the ground and killed the owners inside, so that they could loot the valuables. Even today, 15 years later, there are several complexes, 3 or 4 stories tall, completely burnt out that no one dares to step in or try to repair. Anytime you drive by that market you are reminded of the rioting. All the walls are black with soot from the fires that were set.


Every single year on Ram Navami (15 years so far) the Indian military sends 3,000 soldiers to this tiny village of Bhadrak, and they spend two days marching through the streets in a show of force to make sure no one gets any ideas.


So that is the result of religious hatred which is present even in some Vaishnava's. It takes only the smallest spark to cause a huge fire, maybe even thousands of miles away. As devotees of Lord Krishna we need to respect everyone's freedom of conscience and right to worship, and not interfere in their chosen religion.

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In case anyone has not been to Ayodhya or had not seen the Babri Masjid, this is what it looked like:




As you can see, it was an abandoned mosque in the middle of nowhere, overgrown with trees. If you go today to Ayodhya the mosque is gone, but you can see the location it was in. It is just huge empty fields, for perhaps 100 acres.


This will be remembered as one of the stupidest and selfish actions to have been done by Indian politicians.


Here is an interesting statement from 1918 about a well at the Babri Masjid that both Hindus and Muslims considered to have miraculous healing powers:



The earliest mention of the Babri water well was in a two line reference to the Mosque in the Gazette of Faizabad District 1918 which says “There are no significant historical buildings here, except for various Buddhist shrines, the Babri Mosque is an ancient structure with a well which both the Hindus and Mussalmans claim has Miraculous properties.”


So at some point everyone got along and forgot about the past invasions and fighting. But politicians chose to revive the hatred in order to win the elections, and that is how the BJP finally came to power.

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This is quite sobering. Here in the States, it all seemed so surreal. Your description really brings the impact of the event home for me.



And as a result of the Ayodhya mosque being destroyed, tens of thousands of people were murdered in a few days throughout India. For example in Bhadrak, where our ashram is, at least a thousand people were murdered in two or three days after the mosque was destroyed.


Bhadrak is a very small village, located thousands of miles from Ayodhya (where the mosque was destroyed). But because some intollerant Hindus destroyed a mosque (which was abandoned and unused anyway), we had a thousand innocent people murdered here. Violent gangs on both sides targeted the weak and innocent and killed who ever they could get their hands on, until the military arrived with several thousand soldiers. But by then everything was already finished. The victims were mostly Hindus who lived in Muslim neighbhorhoods and Muslims who lived in Hindu neighborhoods. No one was brave enough to attack the other people's neighborhoods, instead they acted like cowards targeting helpless individuals.


The main bazaar (Purna Bazaar), which was owned mostly by Hindu Marwadis took the brunt of it, because the market was located in the Muslim neighborhood. The gangs purposely targeted all these shops, burnt them to the ground and killed the owners inside, so that they could loot the valuables. Even today, 15 years later, there are several complexes, 3 or 4 stories tall, completely burnt out that no one dares to step in or try to repair. Anytime you drive by that market you are reminded of the rioting. All the walls are black with soot from the fires that were set.


Every single year on Ram Navami (15 years so far) the Indian military sends 3,000 soldiers to this tiny village of Bhadrak, and they spend two days marching through the streets in a show of force to make sure no one gets any ideas.


So that is the result of religious hatred which is present even in some Vaishnava's. It takes only the smallest spark to cause a huge fire, maybe even thousands of miles away. As devotees of Lord Krishna we need to respect everyone's freedom of conscience and right to worship, and not interfere in their chosen religion.

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You seem to think ISKCON is giving them something that is not their right.


Not, really, but if they're so frustrated by the ISKCON kitchen, why the government didnt give them their right in the first place? Is this government party such a cabinet of idiots that they cant even figure what will happen when ISKCON cooks for the Muslim schools?
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Well, this is an article of the Times of India, please re-read.


I am talking about the muslim camp, their reaction (in this case)


anyway I am not up to date with the muslim and hindu problems, I get stuck in CC times.


All I Know that Sri Caitanya said that the Coran is personalist. I tried to read the Koran but I get bored.


Also there is a very interesting documental about islamic fundamentalism


"the power of nightmares"

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I don't know of any living Muslim who has destroyed temples of Lord Krishna in India. They all died hundreds of years ago. It is ignorance to hold present people responsible for actions performed hundreds of years ago by their forefathers. That would make most of white America responsible for slavery and plenty of other crimes. If the Germans can be forgiven for their crimes committed just 60 years ago, why can't you forgive Muslims for crimes committed hundreds or even a thousand years ago. I think subconsciously it has something to do with religious intolerance. Since the germans followed Christianity we can forgive them easily, but with Islam we have a stronger internal dislike.



That may not be entirely correct, there has been attacks by the terrorist, aided and abated by Muslims on Hindu temples, akshar dham for one and also an Iskcon temple on Janmastmi day if I remember rightly. But that is not the point


The Muslims of present can and should acknowledge the atrocity and the destruction of the temples by their forefathers, and even today the domes of mosques constructed over the temples stands as constant reminders, do you think such a situation be allowed to continue and how long? No where except the tolerance of Hindu, such a situation would have been allowed to continue after the aggressor have been ousted.


So they do have some responsibility to keep the peace, would it be too much to ask for our place of worship to be given back?


Does anyone here think, say hypothetical if the Kaba or Vatican were to be desecrated by some aggressor, and after due course of time, the Muslims and Christians having regained their kingdom, would they then, plead and beg with descendent of the original conquerors to restore their place of worship? I shudder to think what they actually might do.



Have Germans actually been forgiven? there is still a lot of resentment around ask any Jews, or even locals there still remains a deep rooted resentment.

As for the slavery no wonder we want to forget, it is such a blot on the so called civilised democratic society.


No Hindu seek to persecute a Muslim for crimes committed in the past, Hindus are peace loving people, if only every one was like that, instead they come to convert us, (heathens or infidels ) dislike is a strong word, we simply need to be awake of the reality.



Jai Shree Krishna

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That may not be entirely correct, there has been attacks by the terrorist, aided and abated by Muslims on Hindu temples, akshar dham for one and also an Iskcon temple on Janmastmi day if I remember rightly. But that is not the point


The Muslims of present can and should acknowledge the atrocity and the destruction of the temples by their forefathers, and even today the domes of mosques constructed over the temples stands as constant reminders, do you think such a situation be allowed to continue and how long? No where except the tolerance of Hindu, such a situation would have been allowed to continue after the aggressor have been ousted.


So they do have some responsibility to keep the peace, would it be too much to ask for our place of worship to be given back?


Does anyone here think, say hypothetical if the Kaba or Vatican were to be desecrated by some aggressor, and after due course of time, the Muslims and Christians having regained their kingdom, would they then, plead and beg with descendent of the original conquerors to restore their place of worship? I shudder to think what they actually might do.



Have Germans actually been forgiven? there is still a lot of resentment around ask any Jews, or even locals there still remains a deep rooted resentment.

As for the slavery no wonder we want to forget, it is such a blot on the so called civilised democratic society.


No Hindu seek to persecute a Muslim for crimes committed in the past, Hindus are peace loving people, if only every one was like that, instead they come to convert us, (heathens or infidels ) dislike is a strong word, we simply need to be awake of the reality.



Jai Shree Krishna

Well spoken Ganeshprasad, although it seems there're presently few people who might fully grasp the meaning. When India's government decided to give the responsibilty for feeding school children to ISKCON they of course knew that the Muslims won't be happy with that decision. But still the government decided to put up with that and considered this decision to assign ISKCON for this school children program as ok. Still, there're voices among Vaishnavas who consider this well-considered decision by the government as foolish. Somehow not comprehensible.

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Does anyone here think, say hypothetical if the Kaba or Vatican were to be desecrated by some aggressor, and after due course of time, the Muslims and Christians having regained their kingdom, would they then, plead and beg with descendent of the original conquerors to restore their place of worship? I shudder to think what they actually might do.


I'm not sure about the Muslims, but a true Christian would "turn the other cheek", right?

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Most Christians aren't really concerned with the birth place of Christ. They let the Jews and Muslims fight over it, because their religion isn't about a physical place.


Vaishnavism also is not about a physical place. It is about making our bodies and hearts temples of the Lord, not about fighting over a tract of land that may or may not have been the birth place of the Lord millions of years ago.

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I agree with JN prabhu on the food scheme. However let us not forget that this masjid was built in place of the ancient Rama temple.


I suppose destroying the masjid didn't bring back the temple - but perhaps it's just karma. For me; I cannot even imagine how much paapa could be accumulated through the destruction of a Krsna temple.


Prabhu, don't some paapic actions bind even the progeny of that man/woman to it?





In case anyone has not been to Ayodhya or had not seen the Babri Masjid, this is what it looked like:




As you can see, it was an abandoned mosque in the middle of nowhere, overgrown with trees. If you go today to Ayodhya the mosque is gone, but you can see the location it was in. It is just huge empty fields, for perhaps 100 acres.


This will be remembered as one of the stupidest and selfish actions to have been done by Indian politicians.


Here is an interesting statement from 1918 about a well at the Babri Masjid that both Hindus and Muslims considered to have miraculous healing powers:




So at some point everyone got along and forgot about the past invasions and fighting. But politicians chose to revive the hatred in order to win the elections, and that is how the BJP finally came to power.

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I remember being at an Iskcon Sunday feast lecture during the time this Mosque was being destroyed and the argurment was red hot news. A guest asked the speaker what he thought the solution was, a Hindu temple or a Mosque at that spot. The devotee without even taking a second thought answered that there was no reason a mosque and temple could not stand side by side.


Such a perfect answer. Such a Krsna conscious response exemplifying the broadminded nature of the devotional mind. An anwser so solidly in line with the thinking of Srila Prabhupada.


If tolerance for another's religious sentiments is not to be found in the transcendental devotees then where could it ever be found?

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If tolerance for another's religious sentiments is not to be found in the transcendental devotees then where could it ever be found?


But, will universalism of the Vaishnava change the hatred and bigotry aimed at at them?


Should the Vaishnava becomes the whipping boy of other religions and at the same time give them all respect and regard?


Giving each other space and respect for beliefs is a two way street.

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But, will universalism of the Vaishnava change the hatred and bigotry aimed at at them?


Should the Vaishnava becomes the whipping boy of other religions and at the same time give them all respect and regard?


Giving each other space and respect for beliefs is a two way street.

That non-vegetarian Islam is incompatible with the vegetarian Hindu culture is surely proven - when the Indian government gave ISKCON the mandate to organize the feeding of school children in India's Moslem schools it should have been clear what will happen.

Violent attacks like http://www.bvml.org/CE/manipur.html come in remembrance.

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<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote --> Quote:

<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-left: 3ex; padding-right: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> Originally Posted by Guruvani

But, will universalism of the Vaishnava change the hatred and bigotry aimed at at them?

Should the Vaishnava becomes the whipping boy of other religions and at the same time give them all respect and regard?

Giving each other space and respect for beliefs is a two way street.

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->


ABSOLUTELY! Since you revile Jesus Christ and the example he left you only need look at Haridas Thakur and the example he left. Are you really saying a Vaisnava should only respect those that respect him?!? "What about offering all respects to others and not expecting respect in return?"

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I'm not sure about the Muslims, but a true Christian would "turn the other cheek", right?


you tell me.

what did Mr Bush do and is still doing, 3000 thousand or so killed 9/11.(horrible) what is so sad is completely wrong country, how ever bad it might have been got punished, and what amount of punishment!


an eye for an eye.


yet it was Ghandhi who said an eye for an eye will make the whole world go blind.


What Did Krishna say; stand up and fight


what does Hindu do for so long and are still doing? begged and pleaded


Jai Shree Krishna

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It is so easy to make judgement from distance not affected by it all. Sure Christians may or may not have any reverence for Christ birth place. History of the place is very different, not helped by the Brits either. If the minority Christians had any say they certainly would do some thing. That is why I mention Vatican and I can assure those who have doubt, that the situation that prevails in Bharat would never be replicated any where in the world. All those religions are seeking conversion in nature, they have very little tolerance for others, the first thing either would do is reclaim what they consider is their own and I am sure that they would not spare a soul who would come in their way.

This new age Vaisnavas taking high moral ground, I don’t buy that, of course we should make our bodies and heart temple of the lord, but then what need is there to build temples. Why spend millions of pounds making temples when that could easily be used for the poor of the world. Who is spending millions of rupees in India making the most opulent temples? Iskcon is fine example.

How much money and energy was exhausted in trying to save Bhakti Vedanta temple in London, even though it original never was meant to be a temple and that is why it faced closure, yet no stone was left unturned.

Let me try another example, even though I find most Hindus position indifferent to Ayodhya issue and there are many reasons for it and one of them is about bodies and heart as temple of the lord most Hindu have this notion, so no need to say it is the (new age) Vaishnav thinking (I say new age because this is not Hindu V Vaishnav, Vaisnavas are Hindus)

I find Iskcon standing on the side line very peculiar.

Lets say for argument sake the Krishna Balaram temple in vardavan is occupied by an x organisation, they put their flag on the place, they desecrate the murtis and the Samadhi, after some time you get back your place, what would you do? Would you let that flag still flying in the name of tolerance? would you not want to rebuild the Samadhi and reinstall the murtis?

Some one said there is no reason why the two can not stand side by side, great sentiment again but would you allow that in your back yard?

Tolerance is a great virtue but if one is afflicted by a thorn in the foot only relief comes from removing it.

Jai Shree Krishna

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Lets say for argument sake the Krishna Balaram temple in vardavan is occupied by an x organisation, they put their flag on the place, they desecrate the murtis and the Samadhi, after some time you get back your place, what would you do?


The Ram Janmabhumi site in Ayodhya has had a mosque on it for more than 500 years. If in the future the site of ISKCON temple in Vrindavan had a mosque on it for 500 years, and if building a temple there would lead to hundreds of thousands of innocent people being murdered, I would give up the land and build a temple on another location. The physical location is not important.

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an eye for an eye.


yet it was Ghandhi who said an eye for an eye will make the whole world go blind.

An eye for an eye is not the teaching of Christ, it is from the old testiment. Christ taught to forgive those who have wronged you.


Since you are quoting Gandhi, you should also consider what would be Gandhi's view on the Ayodhya dispute. Gandhiji regularly sung, "ishwara allah tere nama..." Allah is a name of Lord Rama. If you had the spiritual vision of Gandhiji you wouldn't feel hatred for other people's religious monuments such as mosques.


Furthermore, you are mixing up two completely unrelated topics. No temple or mosque today should ever be invaded, destroyed, and desecrated. For that the rule of law and the government of India are responsible to provide protection as per the constitution.


But we are speaking about a completely unrelated event. Something that has occured 500 years ago, which cannot be undone, and which occured prior to the existence of civilized law. Further, the existing mosque has existed on the disputed site for 500 years. So it is not at all related to your analogy, a temple today being invaded and taken over by people from another religion (something the law of India would protect against).


I suspect you are unable to see the difference between the two, and thus it would be pointless to discuss finer points of logic.


If the Ramjanmabhoomi site had been an ISKCON temple 500 years ago, I would still be against breaking the mosque and rebuilding the temple. Many of our historical Gaudiya Vaishnava temples in Vrindavan had been destroyed by Muslims, and some remain as ruins even today. Injustices that have been brought upon our forefathers need to be forgiven. Building a temple out of anger and revenge for the sake of your pride is not a spiritual act.

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It is so easy to make judgement from distance not affected by it all.

I would say its much easier for Indians, who have no real interest to visit Ayodhya anyway, to demand a temple be built there out of pride. If you go to Ayodhya today it is an empty village with no one even walking in the streets. 99% of Hindus do not even take the trouble to visit Ayodhya in their lives. The number of pilgrims visiting that city each day is usually less than 100 people, out of an Indian population of one billion people.


The demand for a temple there is something the politicians have created. It is easy for other Indians to sit far away from Ayodhya and demand a temple be built there, but do the residents of Ayodhya want you creating disturbance in their lives? Because of your actions they have to live in fear. They are the one's who will be killed by Muslim rioters, not you sitting comfortably in your home. Ayodhya is in a predominantly Muslim area. All the cities and districts surrounding Ayodhya have majority Muslim populations. Your selfish actions, performed out of false pride, will bring hardship to them and happiness to your ego.

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The Ram Janmabhumi site in Ayodhya has had a mosque on it for more than 500 years. If in the future the site of ISKCON temple in Vrindavan had a mosque on it for 500 years, and if building a temple there would lead to hundreds of thousands of innocent people being murdered, I would give up the land and build a temple on another location. The physical location is not important.


That is very big of you, and why not you have the teachings of Vedas, but not nearly as big as what people of Bharat had to give up, nearly half the land has been carved up. But my question original was, what those so called religious people would do? As a Hindu I would not desecrate any place of worship to begin with, so it is not surprising to hear your stand.

I am in no way advocating violence.

isn’t it the precise reason, for so long the issue has not been resolved, the tolerance nature of Hindu against intransigent nature of Islam, still reminds us of their atrocities, this is the point I am trying to make.


I am not so sure if the devotees of SP would be willing to give up the Samadhi how ever high the ideals one may have.





An eye for an eye is not the teaching of Christ, it is from the old testiment. Christ taught to forgive those who have wronged you.


Since you are quoting Gandhi, you should also consider what would be Gandhi's view on the Ayodhya dispute. Gandhiji regularly sung, "ishwara allah tere nama..." Allah is a name of Lord Rama. If you had the spiritual vision of Gandhiji you wouldn't feel hatred for other people's religious monuments such as mosques.


I certainly do not have hatred for other peoples religious monuments but when it reminds you of their injustices then it becomes ones duty to speak up, what need is there for eyesore like in Mathura, Kashi Vishvanath any many other religious sites, those domes in place of Hindu temples can hardly be classified as place of worship.


I do not, in any stretch of imagination have the spiritual vision of Mahatma Gandhi, nor if we are honest for those who merely consider him as a great politician, now where have I heard that.

Allah is a name Lord Rama, try telling that to a Muslim. And I hear this song, in lots of Hindu temples never in a mosque.


So again i stress, I have no problem, with mosque or church, but those erected on top of others place of worship, can never be classified as place of worship. To continue to hold on to those places, which serves nothing but reminder of one’s of atrocities that were committed in the past, such reminders can never be conducive to peace. Islam the religion of peace could really do them self a favour by giving it up, it would go a long way in bringing lasting peace in sub continent don’t you think?


Jai Shree Krishna

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