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Preliminary Help for Meat eaters

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Here is evidence of Srila Prabhupada's Plan to give Preliminary Help to bring Initiates who eat meat to a purified consciousness where they may GRADUALLY AND EVENTUALLY develop love of Krsna and a mood of being a servant of Krsna in Krsna Consciousness.

4 regulative principles compulsory, BUT...



Conversation 3/14/74 Vrndaban


Prabhupada: They have already become confused. So in the confusion state it will be very difficult to make them Krishna conscious. Therefore preliminary help should be given.


Vishnujana: Preliminary.


Prabhupada: Yes. That they should not be in chaos and confusion.

Otherwise, how the brain will work?


Vishnujana: Yes. No one can give rapt attention without peace of mind.


Prabhupada: Yes, yes. Our main aim is how to give them Krishna consciousness. But if they are already disturbed in every respect, then how they’ll take it?


Therefore we are taking these subjects, to help him to come to the Krishna consciousness. And this is the method—varnasrama.


Hridayananda: So just to clarify, Prabhupada, I want to make sure I have it very clear, that if someone comes to our varnasrama college, even though this may be preliminary help, in general—you’ve made some exceptions—but in general, when they come to our college, they have to follow the four regulative principles, also learn something about Bhagavad-gita and then, side by side, they learn a...


Prabhupada: Four regulative principles compulsory.


Hridayananda: Yes.


Prabhupada: But ...if some of the kshatriya or the sudras, they want, so that is our prescription: “Go to the forest and kill some animal and eat that.” That’s all. You can kill one boar. Some disturbing elements, you can kill. You can kill some tiger. Like that. Learn to kill. No nonviolence. Learn to kill. Here also, as soon as you’ll find, the kshatriya, a thief, a rogue, unwanted element in the society, kill him. That’s all. Finish. Kill him. Bas. Finished. So other will see, “Oh, the ruler is very strong.” And others will... One killing will be lesson for many hundreds and thousands. No mercy. “Kill him.” That’s all. That was the system. In Kashmir about hundred years ago. If somebody has stolen, cut his hand. Bas. He cannot steal any more. So one cutting hand means finish. In that part of the world, no more stealing


Yaduvara: How would the kshatriyas kill the animals?


Prabhupada: Eh?


Yaduvara: How would they kill? With guns or bow and arrow?


Prabhupada: That, as it is suitable. It is not that because the kshatriyas were killing by bows and arrows formerly, you have to continue that. That is another foolishness. If you have got... If you can kill easily by guns, take that gun. Just like formerly, parivraja, Caitanya Mahaprabhu walked on the street. There was no aeroplane or... Or he did not use it. Does it mean that I shall have to follow that? I must take the jet engine. If it is available. If somebody criticizes, “Oh, Caitanya Mahaprabhu walked on leg and you are travelling in the jet plane?” Shall I have to take that ideal? These are rascaldom. When you have to work, you have to work with the greatest facility. That’s all. Now I have got the facility of the talking in microphone, and... So why should I not take it? It will be recorded. It will be heard by so many others. I am speaking to four, five men. It can be heard by a big crowd of four hundred men. Yaduvara: How would the kshatriyas kill the animals?


And we already know that Sudras, who follow the rules and regs, get 2nd initiation.



A devotee, because he is working as a sudra, he is not a sudra; neither he is a brahmana. He is already in the spiritual platform. But for management we have to do that. One can do the sudra’s work nicely—let him be engaged in that way. Why he should imitate?


Mahamsa: Does he get second initiation?


Prabhupada: Everything he will get.


Mahamsa: He gets.


Prabhupada: Yes. Second initiation means recognized:

“Now he has become fully competent Vaishnava.” Just like master is teaching the servant, “Now you give massage in this way, this way.” But that does not mean he has become servant.



Prabhupada: Not that a sudra man is by force become a brahmana. You cannot improve. That is not possible. But even if he remains a sudra and does accordingly, he will get the same position as devotee. Sva-karmana tam abhyarcya sam... He’ll get the perfection.


At the present moment the idea is: if one remains a sudra, then he cannot get perfection.

No. Even a sudra can get perfection provided he does the work of a sudra perfectly.


Hari-sauri: For Krishna.


Prabhupada: Therefore why a sudra artificially should be a brahmana?


Let them, let him remain a sudra, and if he follows strictly the rules and regulation of sudra, he’ll also be as good as a brahmana.


further in this conversation...



Prabhupada: Yes. Vaishnava everyone, even if he’s not brahmana. Jivera svarupa haya nitya-krishna-dasa [Cc. Madhya 20.108-109].

But you have to gradually bring him to that pure consciousness that “I am servant of Krishna.” Here the bodily conception is going on, “I am American,” “I am Indian,” “I am this,” “I am that.”


Satsvarupa: If in our society we say, “Srila Prabhupada wants some to be sudra...”


Prabhupada: No, no, no.I don’t want. I want everyone to become Vaishnava.

But because he’s a sudra, it is not possible to bring him immediately to the platform of brahmana, or Vaishnava. Therefore falling down.

Therefore system must be. But even if he remains a sudra, he’s a Vaishnava.


Hari-sauri: So we’d have to completely revise the whole system that we have now.


Prabhupada: No. Whatever we have, that is all right. But we see by experience that they’re falling down. There must be systematic. Why falling down? Because he was not fit for the position, therefore he has fallen.

Better remain in his position and become perfect. Why artificially bring them? There is no need. Krishna says. Bring that Bhagavad-gita. Sve sve karmany abhiratah?

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It was during the later years of "Prabhupada's ISKCON" that these DVD conversations took place. Clearly Prabhupada expected ISKCON to expand. The Zonal Acarya fiasco and other events led to a sharp decline in ISKCON in the West. The task now is to re-establish a cadre of non-corrupt brahmana vaisnavas to preach and at least bring Western ISKCON back to early 1980's levels. (Yes, I am implying that most of the leadership of Western ISKCON is corrupt) DVD implementation? We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. If some one feels that they are a ksatriya and wants to hunt deer, we'll I guess you've proved your point, no problem.

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I don't think that eating meat one day a month is a big selling point for most people who rely on it regularly in their diet.


I think that meat eating people who have a heart tug toward bhakti yoga and association with devotees may appreciate it and take a long term view deciding that it is worth the concession just for spiritual purification, and at least they get a big celebration (eating and drinking party) once a month.

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Pick and choose,

mismatch and confuse.


A little from here,

and more from there.

Stuck together,

Without a care.


Receipe be damned.

Just throw it in the pot.

Mish mash hodge podge.

Porridge or stew?

Decide for yourself,

It's up to you.


Lost context...?

Find it or remain perplexed.




ps Forgive me for attempting a rhyme before my morning brahmi and green tea.

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I don't think that eating meat one day a month is a big selling point for most people who rely on it regularly in their diet.


I think that meat eating people who have a heart tug toward bhakti yoga and association with devotees may appreciate it and take a long term view deciding that it is worth the concession just for spiritual purification, and at least they get a big celebration (eating and drinking party) once a month.


This is already there. This sort of regulated sense gratification with an eye to stopping as one advances is already there and has been taught from day one in the sixties. No need for a DVD stamp.n


BUT to be an initiated disciple(initiated as vaisnava) requires a vow and that vow has always been 4 regs & 16 rounds for Srila Prabhupada's disciples.


How about the 16 rounds? Do we take the chanting of Hare Krsna to be braminical activity that the other varnas are excused from? Sudras two rounds when they have the inclination? Vaisyas 3 rounds when they have a little time between making $? Ksatriyas what ever they can squeeze in between saving damsels and slaying dragons?


Don't confuse vaisnavism with varnashram,

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It is never the words, theist, its the message, and yours here is very profound.


Face it. If you are addicted to meat, you have no austerity, you live at the expense of many others, you have no ahimsa. In the words of rodney king rioters, "no justice, no peace!"


If one is sincerely engaged in sadhana bhakti, ones bad habits naturally decline. If such habits do not fall off (Im not talking overnight here, I mean gradually), then it may be your name you are chanting, ME ME ME.


Concessions? I say nonsense. For a so called vaisnava to clamor for a right to eat dead carcasses, to eat bhoga, to eat garbage that is not offered to the supreme lord, what nonsense.


You heard it first right here. If you eat meat, you are not a devotee, because a devotee only offers foodstuffs to the supreme lord. If you are really bogus and extremely offensive to all vaisnavas, then you propagate the offering of meat to the Supreme Lord, and then you place the horrible smelling bloody carcass on an empty altar.


Get brewers yeast, fer christs sake. Of all the regs, meat was the easiest. If you cannot live without it, this means that you are not even a human, because there is nothing in the physiology of the human form to suggest carnivorism. For the tongues sake, the meat eater kills thousands of others. If you are truely speaking VAD nonsense here, and expect to eat meat if you think you are ksatriya, then know that your ultimate goal, as is the ultimate goal of all VADists and fellow mormons, is satyaloka if you are perfect VAD for many births. And satyaloka is not freedom from samsara cycle, it just seems that way.




I like your poetry, theist, it landed like a butterfly and stung like a bee.

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... The task now is to re-establish a cadre of non-corrupt brahmana vaisnavas to preach...

There are so many Western Brahman Vaishnavas, but so many of them are in Narayana M. sanga, SCSmath, Western followers of B.M. Puri M and so on. Why not unite for preaching? Unfortunately the feud between Narayana M. and Govinda M. makes that impossible. So for now to avoid the feuds of Gaudiya Math, Prabupada's followers must remain separate and expand the real preaching it this way.

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Vegetarianism Not a Political Issue


Last week I was trying to enjoy my tofu spaghetti on the Plaza of the Americas when I smelled something rather foul. It was the stench of barbecued animals that I often go to Krishna Lunch to avoid.


As a vegetarian, Krishna Lunch is the most appetizing option on campus for me. The members of UF College Republicans were extremely tactless to host their "People Eating Tasty Animals" barbecue right next to it.


Vegetarianism is a personal choice that people make for various reasons. I'm a religious Hindu, and I was raised vegetarian. The sight and smell of meat disgusts me. I don't attempt to convince people to be vegetarian, partly out of frustration from the senseless arguments I'm forced to get into.


But for the group to purposely host its barbecue where there was undoubtedly a large concentration of vegetarians made it seem callous. It also did nothing to help the obvious polarization between liberal and conservative groups on campus.


By holding their barbecue on the plaza, the group obviously hoped to attract attention. Not all of it was good. One of my friends, a member of the College Republicans, was offended. I wasn't aware that Republicans can't be vegetarians, but that's exactly what the barbecue implied.


And I didn't realize that vegetarianism was a political issue until I saw this insensitive display. Since when are vegetarians and meat eaters classified as conservative or liberal? That's a stereotype that the College Republicans are too dense to look past. They only made themselves look closed-minded.


The College Republicans realized - as most people do - that the plaza is generally a liberal-friendly area because of Krishna Lunch, which attracts the so-called "hippies." Turlington Plaza is the conservative area I generally tend to avoid. I don't particularly enjoy being told I'm going to hell every day on my way to class, and I'm sure most students agree.


The polarization between these two areas is an example of enduring divisions that neither side wishes to end. Both sides attach stereotypes to each other and continue to make whatever political culture that exists on this campus even more foul.


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals may not be so ethical, but most people would be hard-pressed to think of an argument against vegetarianism. Animals raised for food in this country live in horrendous conditions that make their lives completely miserable.


In the past, cows, herbivores by nature, were forced to eat meat. And chickens are often raised in cages that don't allow them to move an inch. They are fed hormones to make them grow in unnatural ways that subsequently affect our health - the childhood obesity epidemic has been linked to animal growth hormones. The College Republicans might be ignorant of these facts.


If the College Republicans really want to protest PETA and its animal treatment record, their time would be much better spent educating students about the meat and dairy industry's dreadful treatment of livestock.


If the group insists on holding such events, it will undoubtedly continue to lose respect on campus and perpetuate the cycle of undignified political dialogue. But then again, I don't recall the UF College Democrats ever going out of their way to offend large groups of people.



Anuradha Pandey is a history junior. Her column appears on Tuesdays.


Copyright 2005, HareKrsna.com. All rights reserved.


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There are so many Western Brahman Vaishnavas, but so many of them are in Narayana M. sanga, SCSmath, Western followers of B.M. Puri M and so on. Why not unite for preaching? Unfortunately the feud between Narayana M. and Govinda M. makes that impossible. So for now to avoid the feuds of Gaudiya Math, Prabupada's followers must remain separate and expand the real preaching it this way.


What does this idea of "unite for preaching" really boil down to? Does it mean that if there are five different groups of Gaudiya Baishnabas in one city then they should all join together and work together? So instead of Gaura Purnima being celebrated in five centres in that city there would be ONE big gathering. The fact is, it is Krishna's plan that all the different groups of devotees have arisen in the world. There is no need for everyone to live in the same house, eat the same preparations and repeat the same cliches (such as calling young ladies "mataji" or calling non-devotees "karmis").


The theory of (spiritual) evolution states that species (of devotees) evolve in different forms. Some devotee groups are evolving into societies of perfect vaidhi-bhaktas, some are worshipping Narasingha at the end of every aroti, some are worshipping Giriraj Govardhana, some are following Gurus who tell them to become kshatriyas and fight against the quote unquote "sand-niggers" in Iraq, etc. etc.


Life goes on. Unity in diversity is the philosophy of the Srivaishnavas, and the Gaudiya Vaishnavas are supposed to follow the ideal of "inconceivable unity and difference". No doubt there is a very conceivable difference between Govinda Maharaj and Narayana Maharaja and Ravindra Svarupa and Srila Puri Maharaj.


The jiva has free will to go along any path he chooses.

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Concessions? I say nonsense. For a so called vaisnava to clamor for a right to eat dead carcasses, to eat bhoga, to eat garbage that is not offered to the supreme lord, what nonsense.



Well here is Srila Prabhupada's nonsense regarding concessions.



March 14 1974 Morning walk, Vrndaban.


Prabhupada: Four principles essential. Essential. But only the sudras or the kshatriyas... Just like kshatriyas, they have to learn how to kill. So practically, they should go to the forest and kill some animal. And if he likes, he can eat also. If he likes, he can eat also.

Hridayananda: What he kills.

Prabhupada: Yes. But not from the slaughterhouse. Those who are kshatriyas, they can, they’re allowed sometimes to eat meat. It is understood Bhima, Bhima also eating sometimes meat. Bhima. Amongst the Pandavas, only Bhima. Not others. So if the kshatriyas, they want to eat meat, they can be allowed on particular occasions. But they must go to the forest and kill the animal. Not that for meat-eating regular slaughterhouses should be maintained. This is all nonsense, degradation. If you want to eat meat, you go to the forest. And the sudras, they also sometimes eat meat. Or the candalas.

Hridayananda: But never the cow.

Prabhupada: No. Cow... The sudras, they can take a goat and sacrifice before the deity, goddess Kali, and then eat.


Nobody should be given unrestricted freedom to eat meat. Or wine. If one is adamant to drink wine, then there is Candi-puja, Durga-puja. That means restriction. That means restriction. Under certain condition. Similarly, sex life—marriage. That is also sex life, but under condition.



And here is the nonsense about how to go about pleasing the GODDESS KALI.



July 11 1976 Evening Darshan


That sacrifice also recommended in this sense, that you cannot stop animal killing, there will be a class of men who will eat meat—to give them some concession. So this is recommended, “All right, if you want to eat meat, you sacrifice.” Amongst the Hindus, just like Kali-puja, Durga-puja, the animal eaters, they are given this concession, that “If you want to eat meat, you just worship Goddess Kali,” and this goddess Kali-worshiping is recommended on the amavasya, the dark moon night, one day in a month, at the dead of night. So if one goes on eating meat in this way, one day in a month and dead of night, then he’ll automatically give it up.


“So much botheration, better give it up.” Actually deny. “Yes, you can eat once in a month at the dead of night, when everyone will sleep, nobody can hear the screaming of the animal...” These are the recommendations. That is indirectly denying. If one is intelligent, he’ll accept it, “Why so much botheration for eating meat? Better give it up.”



Compassion for all.

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I don't see how the King of Bhakti could have so little devotion as to not be able to give up an ignorant activity such as eating meat. Surely even if this is tolerated by Srila Prabhupada for someone starting out it isn't the ideal and not the behavior of a devotee. What necessity exists for this 'service?'

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Lets go to Moundsville West Virginia and see old K. Swami and the boys

This Gaudiya Math life were livin's got us fightin like the Hatfields and Mcoys!

We'll sing bhajan in English songs and some Bengali songs and rebel against the GBC...


Lets go to Moundsville West Virginia and see old K. Swami and the boys this Gaudiya Math life were livin's got us fightin like the Hatfields and Mcoys...

We'll all see Radhanatha Swami a' roamin in the hills, he's not like Hamsadutta cause he takes no pills...

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So instead of Gaura Purnima being celebrated in five centres in that city there would be ONE big gathering. The fact is, it is Krishna's plan that all the different groups of devotees have arisen in the world.

In some major urban areas there are five different centres, but in many cities across the world there are none. If preaching could go on in a combined way perhaps this could change. This is the vision of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami who brought Gaudiya Vaisnavism to the world outside of India.

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I don't see how the King of Bhakti could have so little devotion as to not be able to give up an ignorant activity such as eating meat. Surely even if this is tolerated by Srila Prabhupada for someone starting out it isn't the ideal and not the behavior of a devotee. What necessity exists for this 'service?'


The King is repeating Srila Prabhupada's words, you should be a little more respectful to those words. If there is disagreement, still Guru should not be disrespected. To much National Enquirer mood on this thread from people that claim such a high place by retoric, as to speak non stop whether or not they offernd or otherwise condem the instructions of Srila Prabhupada.


No one said this was going to easy, understanding the different direction for ISKCON, but you should open you hearts and stop with the insult to Prabhupada's vani. I wonder what are the priorities of this form. I have not said anything that is not said first by Prabhupada, in the context it was spoken. And the form members make fun, poke, chide, insult and otherwise demean the posts that are just taken word for word form the source of Guru of ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada. What is wrong with you people?


You cann't defeat DVD for ISKCON, so you like monkey throw rocks? And stand on high and claim Vaisnava standards? No, you have not acted like Vaisnava, very much less than that.


Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-raja

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Lecture by Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj at Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada's Samadhi Mandir: So they [babaji line] have maintained all this time, his methods are unorthodox. He does not know properly. The Gaudiya Math Guru is a mushroom, he has no real disciplic line — but today we are all sitting here; East, West, North and South. People have come from all over the world as a result of his method. Even Srila Guru Maharaj himself said these things were a little perplexing to him.



Once Srila Saraswati Thakur said in Bombay, "I am thinking, if the Western people have some objection to coming to the Math for Hari-katha, and it is based on the restriction of the diet, we can arrange from a hotel nearby some non-vegetarian food for them."



Srila Guru Maharaj [srila Sridhar Maharaja], who is a high class Brahman Bhattacharyya was really shocked to hear this, and said, "I think the end result will be contamination in our Ashram, from this policy. We will be contaminated by implementing this."



And he said Saraswati Thakur's words struck his heart like a thunder bolt when he turned around and said: "Oh you don't know? I decided this ten thousand years ago. We have to employ Vaikuntha-vritti, if we are going to entice the Western world." And Vaikuntha-vritti means no limitation on extending; there won't be any disqualification or any limitation that will obstruct this flow, this current.


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Just because you make great offense by using Srila Prabhupadas words to justify your Kali Cela, this is still your justification. Still nonsense.


By the way, did you evger read NOD, the part of continuing materialistic activity after taking up bhakti? Or how about doing sinful activity on the strength of chanting. But there is no instruction for those determined to destroy the integreity of this movement, and all the scripture in the world will not change your bogus interpretaqtion.


This is why I always say goodbye to the VAD squad. I mean, if we was yakkin guns, thats one thing, but your bloodthirst, sorry, later. Ksatriya smatriya. How bout mlecca with a walther?


Hide your cats, folks.



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Lecture by Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj at Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada's Samadhi Mandir: So they [babaji line] have maintained all this time, his methods are unorthodox. He does not know properly. The Gaudiya Math Guru is a mushroom, he has no real disciplic line — but today we are all sitting here; East, West, North and South. People have come from all over the world as a result of his method. Even Srila Guru Maharaj himself said these things were a little perplexing to him.



Once Srila Saraswati Thakur said in Bombay, "I am thinking, if the Western people have some objection to coming to the Math for Hari-katha, and it is based on the restriction of the diet, we can arrange from a hotel nearby some non-vegetarian food for them."



Srila Guru Maharaj [srila Sridhar Maharaja], who is a high class Brahman Bhattacharyya was really shocked to hear this, and said, "I think the end result will be contamination in our Ashram, from this policy. We will be contaminated by implementing this."



And he said Saraswati Thakur's words struck his heart like a thunder bolt when he turned around and said: "Oh you don't know? I decided this ten thousand years ago. We have to employ Vaikuntha-vritti, if we are going to entice the Western world." And Vaikuntha-vritti means no limitation on extending; there won't be any disqualification or any limitation that will obstruct this flow, this current.




Definitely, but my contention is initiation. Do whatever you need to to attract people to hear about Krishna per Vaikuntha-vritti, but then when someone wants to be a disciple that means discipline. Once initiated, you follow the rules and regulations. I don't believe it is clear what Srila Swami Maharaj's intentions were. If I were feeling like a ksatriya but was initiated, I would say to myself "I am temporarily feeling connection to this varna, but I know my eternal identity is not associated with this. I am not sure what the intentions of Guru are here, I should take the safe route and follow the four regulations". But that is just me. I do think it is dangerous to give instructions that it is OK when it was never specifically laid out that initiated disciples don't need to follow the regs when taking the roles in different varnas. But to each his own I guess.

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I do think it is dangerous to give instructions that it is OK when it was never specifically laid out that initiated disciples don't need to follow the regs when taking the roles in different varnas.


Never specifically laid out?


You obviously have not been reading what has been posted.


Sudras get 2nd initiation and may eat meat.


It has been posted a dozen times in these conversations in no uncertain terms right from Srila Prabhupada's own mouth.


Might be time to deal with the fact.

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Not necessarily. sudra and devotee acting as sudra may be different. there are taken from different conversations so maybe people here are misunderstanding.

better to be careful i agree.

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Just because you make great offense by using Srila Prabhupadas words to justify your Kali Cela, this is still your justification. Still nonsense.


By the way, did you evger read NOD, the part of continuing materialistic activity after taking up bhakti? Or how about doing sinful activity on the strength of chanting. But there is no instruction for those determined to destroy the integreity of this movement, and all the scripture in the world will not change your bogus interpretaqtion.


This is why I always say goodbye to the VAD squad. I mean, if we was yakkin guns, thats one thing, but your bloodthirst, sorry, later. Ksatriya smatriya. How bout mlecca with a walther?


Hide your cats, folks.




And after all these years, you still consider those activites sanctioned by the Acharya's own words to be "continuing materialistic activity after taking up Bhakti." When Bhakti includes Prakrta Bhaktas, and their gradual weaning of material activities.


Even in the face of this quote from Srila Prabhupada's Srila Prabhupada.



Once Srila Saraswati Thakur said in Bombay,


****** "I am thinking, if the Western people have some objection to coming to the Math for Hari-katha, and it is based on the restriction of the diet, we can arrange from a hotel nearby some non-vegetarian food for them." ******



Srila Guru Maharaj [srila Sridhar Maharaja], who is a high class Brahman Bhattacharyya was really shocked to hear this, and said, "I think the end result will be contamination in our Ashram, from this policy. We will be contaminated by implementing this."

And he said Saraswati Thakur's words struck his heart like a thunder bolt when he turned around and said: "Oh you don't know? I decided this ten thousand years ago. We have to employ Vaikuntha-vritti, if we are going to entice the Western world." And Vaikuntha-vritti means no limitation on extending; there won't be any disqualification or any limitation that will obstruct this flow, this current.


A travesty and a crying shame.


Hide your creeper folks. Someone is contradicting the entire line of Gaudiya Acharya's from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta down.

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This definitely isn't referring to those taking initiation but attending a meeting. To think otherwise really is misunderstanding the point.

this is not evidence to support disciples eating meat.

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