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Should Christians be friends with Hindus/Hare Krishnas/etc.?

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What communion is there between Christ and Belial; between light and darkness; faith and unbelief; the temple of God and idols? Christians are the temple of the living God who dwells and walks among them. He is a God to them; they are a people to Him. Therefore must they come out from all fellowship with the worldly, and be separate from them. As Christians, they must stand apart, for they are the temple of God. God dwells among them and walks there, and He is their God. They are therefore to come out from the world and be separate, and God will own them, and will be to them in relationship of a Father with sons and daughters who are dear to Him.

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The question remains. Based upon what the Bible teaches, should Christians be friends with Hindus/Hare Krishnas/etc.? The Bible teaches Christians are not to be closely linked with unbelievers, unless it is to preach the gospel of Christ to them.

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Which Bible are you reading? The Ethiopian Bible, the Syrian Bible or the Bible put together in a book by the servants of the Roman Emporer Constantine? All these bibles contain different books - the Ethiopian bible has books that talk about reincarnation and the science of astrology.

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The Lord who lives in the heart of all souls has granted us free will. He is the one who brings all our desires into existence. Identifying ourselves as the body we think we are the doers and creators of all that be. When in fact it is the Lord in the heart who is the one bringing our desires to existence.


If you are sincere in your desires to be separate from the world and the wordly, then surely the Lord out of his kindness will offer you this fruit.


At some point in your development you may need to separate. To become free from influence of the contamination of the material sphere. But at some further point in your development you may desire to see your God in all things.


If you sincerely desire to see God in all things, then out of His loving kindness you will see God in all things. Then you will be walking in the Kingdom of God. Where there is no place for judgement. Where everything is perfect and complete. In harmony. Where the environment is friendly and nurturing. Then you will be given spiritual eyes to see God in all things. You will no longer identify with material vision. Designating in material terms. Hindu, Christian, Muslim...


Do you desire this...deep in your heart?

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The New Testament


2 Corinthians 6:14-15

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?

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The Lord who lives in the heart of all souls has granted us free will.


Born-Again Christians believe the Holy Spirit only lives in those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour... unbelievers are called the children of Satan, not the Temple of God, by Jesus. Jesus told those people that rejected him as Lord they were of their father, Satan.

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The New Testament


2 Corinthians 6:14-15

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?


Define believer and unbeliever. I would say this would be a theist and an atheist. It would be your duty to preach to the atheist. Vaishnavas also are encouraged not to associate with atheists. But limiting your vision of the Lord limits the Lord, who I'm sure you 'll agree is without limits. You should be chaste to Christ as your Guru if you choose, but look for Christ with your full heart, don't trust your church fathers because they are misguiding you if they tell you Christ was the body that was crucified, and that the Lord's mercy was limited to Jesus in that time and place only. I love Jesus, I owe him so much, my Guru also says the same, that we western disciples are in so much debt to Him. I would hope all Christians could be our friends, we have much more in common than you think.

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Unfortunately it is the 'Christians' who are being described as 'unbelievers', the children of Satan. A real Christian is very rare, as is a real Hindu or Muslim. Most people never get beyond the words of their books, just too busy having fun, threading camels through the eyes of needles.

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It is good you have come back here Justasking. By your coming back I am wondering the intentions of your heart?


Rather than telling everyone here they are currently followers of satan, and that you know the way out of bondage for them. Deep in your heart...do you want to ask questions of our faith in God? I am sure many will be happy to share.


Or by me saying this, do you perceive me as an agent of satan...tempting you with forbidden fruit?


Deep down are you still searching for truth? Is there something inside of you wanting to know more of the mystery of God. If so you are not wasting peoples time here.


But if you have only come here to prey (like a hungry beast) on those of weaker faith...then your intentions are not righteous.

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Define believer and unbeliever.


Jesus defines such.


For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes on Him, would not perish to hell, but have eternal life... but he that believes not on the Son, the wrath of God abides on him. (John 3:16, 36)



I love Jesus,


Do you love the Jesus of the Bible? or the "other" "false Jesus", that the New Testament speaks of.


Let me ask you plainly. Do you follow the gospel of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and do you believe that he died for your sins, as he said at the Last Supper, and that thru faith in his shed blood, you are washed from their sins, and able to enter the holy of holies? If so, congratulations, you are a believer in the Jesus of the Bible. If you cannot answer yes to these questions, you are not a follower of the Jesus of the Bible. It's that simple.


Would you accept someone as a Hare Krishna, who did not believe in the Krishna that your scriptures speak of? but a Krishna of their own fantasy? what if a person says I love Krishna, but that Bhagavad Gita, is a bunch of bollocks. You'd say that person is not a follower of Krishna would you not? The same is true of the bible.


Face it Hare Krishnism and Christianity are 2 different religions. And both cannot be right. You are either a follower of Krishna and his teachings, or Jesus and his teachings.


Many say they love Jesus, but they do not follow the Jesus of the New Testament, they follow a Jesus of their own making.


Vaishnavism is about belief in Vishnu, Christianity is about following Jesus Christ, as God made flesh, and as the redeemer of the world You can't follow Buddha, Krishna, Mahavira, Guru Nanak, or any other religious leader and follow Christ at the same time. Jesus said I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life, and No Man comes to the Father but thru me. He said, I am the Door, it is thru me which you must enter.


Still people say they love Jesus, or other flowery rhetoric, and reject his very words, that he is the only way to God. Jesus says only those who enter fellowship with God thru me, THE DOOR, shall enter into the Kingdom of God.. But he also warns, there are will be thieves and robbers who will try to enter in another way (other religions/spiritual paths), or twist his words to their own advantage.


So I ask everyone here is Jesus your Lord and Saviour? if not, you do not follow Jesus, you follow another religion besides Christ-ianity (the way of Jesus). So please spare us, the rhetoric that you love Jesus, when you do not follow his teachings.


The Muslims also say they love Jesus, but they deny him as God, incarnate, the Word made flesh, and they deny that his blood sacrifice was a payment for our sins. They try to come to before a Holy God with their own righteousness, which is as filthy rags, and not with the imputed righteosness of Christ. Therefore, like the Hare Krishnas, they do not love the Jesus of the Bible, they follow what born-again Christians call a "false" Jesus.



we have much more in common than you think.


Born again Christians teach that those who practice Hinduism, Buddhism, Hare Krishnaism, Islam, and any other religion, besides Faith in Christ alone, and him crucified for the remission of sins, are destined to be damned to an eternal hell. :(

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Ok...Justasking. You are a born again soul with good founding in the knowledge of New Testament.


What does this verse by Christ mean...


Luke 12:10 And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.


What is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit..what is this unforgivable sin?

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Born again Christians teach that those who practice Hinduism, Buddhism, Hare Krishnaism, Islam, and any other religion, besides Faith in Christ alone, and him crucified for the remission of sins, are destined to be damned to an eternal hell. :(

Do you even know what a tortured mess the Bible you read is? It is not bona fide, political insertions and obmissions were made to get it as the religion of Rome. Many things are mis-translated. Read your history, this is the truth. Instead of looking outside Christianity look to purge the contamination within. The Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount is what I believe, the Good Shepherd and the Good Samaritan. I don't pretend to know the 'real' Jesus but you are a fool if you think it is the same as what your leaders are telling you. I beg you that if you do believe in Jesus then seek Him out with a pure heart, let go of the focus on the sins of others and focus on finding the purity in your own heart.


Good luck with your search.

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Ok...Justasking. You are a born again soul with good founding in the knowledge of New Testament.


What does this verse by Christ mean...


Luke 12:10 And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.


What is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit..what is this unforgivable sin?

Yes, it is certainly blasphemy to pretend to speak with the power of the Holy Spirit when Justasking is still just asking, speculating. She has a bag of words, but no idea who the Holy Spirit is. Giving such poseurs audience is simply a waste of time. They write about things they know nothing about - absolutely no sincerity or integrity - the Holy Spirit will shun such a pretender. There is no desire to please God; it is all simply ego aggrandizement (typical Christianity twice-born Messiah Complex).

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Ok...Justasking. You are a born again soul with good founding in the knowledge of New Testament.


What does this verse by Christ mean...


Luke 12:10 And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.


What is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit..what is this unforgivable sin? quote by bija


The evidence of the Holy Spirit working in a souls life is the fruit. By their fruit ye shall know them.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is described in Galatians 5:22; ‘…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…’

By correct vision and perception we can see this fruit working in the hearts of all true followers of God. The Spirit is Universal and cannot be boxed in by material/sectarian designation. The Hindu who has drawn close to God feels overwhelming bliss (joy) and peace. Is kind and gentle. Is patient, full of self-control and generous in dealing.

The same fruit can be seen working in the sincere Muslim and Christian also. The same encounter with God’s Spirit occurs in all these faiths. The same awakening, what is called by the Christian, a born again experience, is encountered in all these faiths, by one who has surrendered his will to God. One who has encountered this awakening experience within, knows it well. And for some, it cannot be expressed in words. But the knowing of being awakened is deeply felt.

Christ’s admonishment to not blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to not blaspheme what I have just described. For it is the very working of God, amongst all his children. To not see this in the workings of the faith of others is not the sin. But the sin is to see the workings of the Spirit in others, and call it of Satan.


Words of Christ: Luke 12:10; 'And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.'

Luke 12:10 commentary from the Oxford Annotated Bible…’Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is attributing the genuine work of the Holy Spirit to the forces of evil rather than to God.’

By their fruit ye shall know them…false teachers teach sectarianism and hatred. Intolerance of other faith, and class their fellow human beings as followers of Satan. False teachers lead the innocent into their own devices. And the innocent repeat the same mistakes as their teachers. Preaching all that is not of the Spirit.

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Christ’s admonishment to not blaspheme the Holy Spirit is not to blaspheme what I have just described. For it is the very working of God, amongst all his children. To not see this in the workings of the faith of others is not the sin. But the sin is to see the workings of the Spirit in others, and call it of Satan.

Luke 12:10 commentary from the Oxford Annotated Bible…’Balsphemy against the Holy Spirit is attributing the genuine work of the Holy Spirit to the forces of evil rather than to God.’

By their fruit ye shall know them…false teachers teach sectarianism and hatred. Intolerance of other faith, and class their fellow human beings as followers of Satan. False teachers lead the innocent into their own devices. And the innocent repeat the same mistakes as their teachers. Preaching all that is not of the Spirit.


I really hope JustAsking reads that (as well as the rest of us).

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Born-Again Christians believe the Holy Spirit only lives in those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour... unbelievers are called the children of Satan, not the Temple of God, by Jesus. Jesus told those people that rejected him as Lord they were of their father, Satan.


You're speaking doctrine developed by Christian theologians such as John Calvin. The problem is that they had no frame of reference save the Bible and Christian tradition.


If you read and study Bhagavad-gita, you will understand that this Calvinism is a speculative philosophy that evolved out of spiritual ignorance, and therefore is false.



The Lord who lives in the heart of all souls has granted us free will. He is the one who brings all our desires into existence. Identifying ourselves as the body we think we are the doers and creators of all that be. When in fact it is the Lord in the heart who is the one bringing our desires to existence.


If you are sincere in your desires to be separate from the world and the wordly, then surely the Lord out of his kindness will offer you this fruit.


At some point in your development you may need to separate. To become free from influence of the contamination of the material sphere. But at some further point in your development you may desire to see your God in all things.


If you sincerely desire to see God in all things, then out of His loving kindness you will see God in all things. Then you will be walking in the Kingdom of God. Where there is no place for judgement. Where everything is perfect and complete. In harmony. Where the environment is friendly and nurturing. Then you will be given spiritual eyes to see God in all things. You will no longer identify with material vision. Designating in material terms. Hindu, Christian, Muslim...


Do you desire this...deep in your heart?


Great post...Justasking, read and think deeply about it.

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"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9)


"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34-35


Jesus calls His disciples to discover the depths of His love.

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"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9)


"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34-35


Jesus calls His disciples to discover the depths of His love.


This is how we should honor Jesus. I just tasted the Bread of Heaven from the communion in your post.


In my church as a child I never once heard anything taught against other religions. The Mercy of the Lord was stressed.

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You're speaking doctrine developed by Christian theologians such as John Calvin. The problem is that they had no frame of reference save the Bible and Christian tradition.


Almost. Calvin rejected a vast body of GSS (Guru Saddhu Sastra) tradition in Jesus' line. Regardless if pre-reformation Catholic/Orthodox churches had their share of politically problems, their remains in these traditions the GSS.


Calvin rejects much of this with his own speculations.


reading these sincerely:




Justaking, also needs a sincere reading of the Bhagavad Gita would also help, as well as serious investigation of GSS in Christian tradition.


Then maybe we can be a generation of peacemakers.

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This is how we should honor Jesus. I just tasted the Bread of Heaven from the communion in your post. In my church as a child I never once heard anything taught against other religions. The Mercy of the Lord was stressed.


and I tasted the nectar of devotion in the Seva Asram and the San Jose temple. I was also fortunate to have His Holiness' darshan at Soquel sometime in 1997 or 98. He was very welcoming of me.


Even as a Jesus bhakta I was ALWAYS welcome in both places with great love ..


I am your brother and servant.

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