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List of ISKCON Gurus

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Hare Krishna. Does any one have a list of gurus (GBC rubber stamped) in ISKCON? Also the complete list from 1977 including the one's who were added later and are no more in ISKCON as gurus. I tried googling, but got tired, unable to find any. Why does the GBC not let the list out? Even the current one's? May be the fall percentage will be out? May be they want to avoid being laughing stocks :) for any layman can ridicule them looking at the uselessness of rubber stamping the conditioned souls?


I would like to know if anyone has any such list?

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  • "When a person realizes himself to be an eternal servitor of Krsna, he loses interest in everything but Krsna's service. Always thinking of Krsna, devising means by which to spread the holy name of Krsna, he understands that his only business is in spreading the Krsna consciousness movement all over the world. Such a person is to be recognized as an uttama-adhikari, and his association should be immediately accepted according to the six processes (dadati pratigrhnati, etc.)

    Indeed, the advanced uttama-adhikari Vaisnava devotee should be accepted as a spiritual master. Everything one possesses should be offered to him, for it is enjoined that one should deliver whatever he has to the spiritual master. The brahmacari in particular is supposed to beg alms from others and offer them to the spiritual master. However, one should not imitate the behavior of an advanced devotee or maha-bhagavata without being self-realized, for by such imitation one will eventually become degraded.
    In this verse Srila Rupa Gosvami advises the devotee to be intelligent enough to distinguish between the kanistha-adhikari, madhyama-adhikari and uttama-adhikari. The devotee should also know his own position and should not try to imitate a devotee situated on a higher platform. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has given some practical hints to the effect that an uttama-adhikari Vaisnava can be recognized by his ability to convert many fallen souls to Vaisnavism. One should not become a spiritual master unless he has attained the platform of uttama-adhikari. A neophyte Vaisnava or a Vaisnava situated on the intermediate platform can also accept disciples, but such disciples must be on the same platform, and it should be understood that they cannot advance very well toward the ultimate goal of life under his insufficient guidance. Therefore a disciple should be careful to accept an uttama-adhikari as a spiritual master."


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1. Kirtanananda Swami

2. Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami

3. Jayapataka Swami

4. Tamala Krsna Gosvami

5. Hrdayananda Gosvami

6. Bhavananda Gosvami

7. Hamsaduta Swami

8. Ramesvara Swami

9. Harikesa Swami

10. Bhagavan dasa Adhikari

11.Jayatirtha dasa Adhikari

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and my hat is off to all of them for keeping ISKCON alive so long.


Bottom line: I am happy that ISKCON is here, that Gaura-Nitai are here, that Radha-Gopinatha are here, and my Lord Jagannatha still strolls down the streets of Toronto every summer. Bottom line: Srila Prabhupada you did it.

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and my hat is off to all of them for keeping ISKCON alive so long..


If you're referring to the previous post, well...ummmm, for 75% of those listed.



Bottom line: I am happy that ISKCON is here, that Gaura-Nitai are here, that Radha-Gopinatha are here, and my Lord Jagannatha still strolls down the streets of Toronto every summer. Bottom line: Srila Prabhupada you did it.


Absolutely!!! Same goes for ISKCON in my home city. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

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It needs to be available? why? If you want to know, why not just figure it out yourself, rather than expecting everything on a silver platter from the GBC.


Do you know how much effort has gone into getting it? When the policy of the GBC is just cover-up, cover-up and only cover-up there is no way one can get it. Instead of giving these useless dialogues for the GBC at least try getting the present list of the 90 odd "gurus". If you can't post it here, then eat your own words.

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It would be interesting to see the list of the 90 odd gurus who are presently allowed to initiate, and good luck to you getting it.


My guess is that you need to donate quite a bit of money first, and/or build a second or third home for them, then that might be like slipping the maitre'd fifty dollars to get the information that you want.

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