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My name is . My DOB is 13th September 1974 and time is 9:40 AM, Place(Mahaboobnagar, india, Andhra Pradesh). My Husband's DOB is 6th July 1966, TIme 3:10 PM, place is Tirupati, India.


We have lot of problems in married life. I was never told that I had Kuja Dosha before marriage but now people say that I have it. I had a kid recectly and she died, my marriage is also in the worst position (going to be divorced). Can you please tell me if there is a divorce in my marriage and how many kids will I have, do I have a son in my life? I was told that I have shukra mahadasha and also 71/2 yrs of shaani. When did the shani started and when it will end? When will I have a peaceful marriage life. Since Mars is in the 12 th house will that be there for ever? I think each planet will move from one house to the other after staying in that house for some time right? Then when will the Kuja dosha go away (When will the mars move from 12th house to the next house).


Please give me a detailed asnwer for this, as I am confused with so many things going on in my life. I want my husband to come back, will he? or will it go for divorce?




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my namaskar to you,


Could you pls tell me when will i get a desired high profile job // when will i have kids(have nadi dosha in our chart,which we were not aware of and I had two miscarraiges)any remedy??, I also started MBA , which unfortunately is not giving great results so far..final results due end of this month...and why people are going against me and have started hating me...and my husband...is not getting any fruitful results either...we are based in a foreign country...


my details


Moon Rashi : Aries

DOB : 21/11/1980

time : 4:55pm

place of birth : New Delhi


husbands details: (very complicated to me )


Moon Rashi as per JANAMPATRI : Dhanu( Sagitarius)

Moon Rashi as per called/documents name : Aries (Mesha)

DOB : 14/11/1978 or 14/11/1977(on documents) - not even my inlaws are sure abt this , he was born at home.

Time : 7:05 pm

Place : New Delhi


Your help is much appreciated...and great humanbeing like you are well deserved in this earth.



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Hello Ashish,


My details:

DOB: 03/march/1975

time: 5.05 am




DOB: 08/sept/1980

time: 1.10 am



Marriage: 11 / feb/2005

time : 9.15 am


dob: 18/ nov/ 2005

Time: 7.56 pm


Issues: 1. constant seperation from wife / kid ( 6 times of 6 or more months each ) in 6 yrs of marriage

2. constant changing of houses (5 houses in 6 years )due to demand of wife and her relatives

3. left stable job in 2006 due to family issues/ started business - ended in loss / now living on savings / looking for job

4. wot is the solution to my problems?


thanks in advance!

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Dear Ashish,


I do not have much stability in life and money though I am living in one of the richest country in the world. Please help me by analysing my horoscope sololely for career and finance purpose:


DOB: 10/10/1968

POB: Gaya, Bihar, India

TOB: 5:20 AM.



for your help.


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hello astrologers,


Name:Vinayak Sharma

D.O.B: 14 march 1989

time of birth: 04:10 A.M.

Place of Birth:New Delhi,India


i'm experiencing problems since my rahu dasha started from 1996, there has been a lot of mental fear and agony and sufferings.before 2008 there was a lot of mental agony.From the end of 2008 i started having evil obsessive thoughts and after some time it turned into visual and auditory hallucinations.The doctor diagnosed me with psychosis.I started taking medicines but with little results..Althought i believe those hallucinations to be very real.I think these voices are of evil spirits who want to harm me.these voices appear to be very real and they keep saying bad words to me. since 2007 im not getting success in any thing.i have joined many courses but failed to complete them.There is a lot of mental disturbance,fear and agony.i myself believe in astrology and so i think its because of this evil rahu's dasha.It will end in 2014. please help me to overcome from the evil effects of this dasha.PLZ analyze my birth chart and help me if u can.i want to know why is my rahu bad.Is it becoz that it a strong maraka placed in his own house in the 2nd house... PLZZ PLZZ HELP TO OVERCOME THIS PROBLEM....all the astrologers plzz help

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HI thank you for the wonderful free service. my DOB: 15-5-1987; time:3.20pm; place: chennai. I want to know when will i get permanent job as I am in temporary one. Will i get government job and also about my future like financial status and mental peace etc., how will i be in future. Once again thanks Ashish for the kind service.


awaiting for your reply


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Dear Sir,

I'm from Malaysia. My name is Dina, born on 25th July 1972 at 10.35pm in Ipoh Malaysia. My husband's name is Apu, born on 1st September 1970 at 10.30pm in Kulim, Malaysia. We were married on 3rd September 2003. We lost our first pregnancy on 8/2/2005 (7 months pregnant. Since then we never got pregnant. We adopted a baby girl 2006. Her name is Sai nishaa, born on 2nd july 2006 at 8.17pm in Ipoh Malaysia. She is our only happiness in life. I graduated with BA Hons but never practised what i studied. I stated a private tuition centre in 2005 and it was doing very well but now it has gone very bad. we have planned to close the centre end of the month. We are also running a bookstore. My husband is working as a IT engineer. He is helping me in the business. Suddenly we feel that we just don't know what to do. What is our future. We are having so much of financial problem. We feel that we are working in darkness as debts are mounting. we are

living in destress. Will we ever have a good time again. Will we have a son of our own. What business is the best for us. Please help us to predict our charts sir. Please sir. Hope to hear from you soon.




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hi i am laxmi,


gender: female

dob: 20th may 1980

tob: 2.30 am (dont know exact time)


with lots of troubles got married first time in the year 2009 and got divorce in the year 2010,

will i get married again, then how will be my life, i lost everything because of my first marriage,

how will be my health and career.

any chanches for higher studies.

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Date of birth : 27/01/58 time 15,30 to 16.30 (not known precisly)

Place : ropar punjab india

I have started a new business venture on 29/07/10 but its not showing the potential expected of it.


any suggestions and please narrate past, present and future





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Hi Ashish,


I am in love with a guy & would like to get married to him. Please help me with the horoscope matching. Our nadi is same & i have mangal. Can you please tell if it is advisable to go ahead with the marriage without any threat to his/my life. One of the astrologers told us that we would not have kids due to nadi dosha. Would appreciate your thoughts/detailed study on this please. We wish to get married & would also want to know remedies if any. Birth details are as follows:



DOB: 5-Feb-1982

Place: Kanpur (UP) India,

Time: 15.45 Hrs.



DOB: 23-May-1985

Place: Bangalore(Karnataka), India

Time: 10.05 Hrs


Thanks in advance.

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Dear Ashish Ji,

I am a male and still unmarried.Currently going through Rahu-Ketu dasha with Shani Sade sati.My Birth details are as follows -

1) D.O.B - 20-06-1980

2) P.O.B - Agartala,Tripura,India.

3) T.O.B - 12:30 pm

My lagna is Tula.Seventh house lord Mars is in 11th house alongwith Saturn and Jupiter in Leo.Probably Jupiter is having drishti on my seventh house.Although my Lagna Lord(Venus) is in own house in rasi chart but in 8th house(Dushsthana).Also Venus in Navamsha is debilitated in Navamsha in 7th house alongwith ketu in 7th house.

What does all these signify(both the mars and venus stuffs!)? When am I going to get married(although 1 astrologer told me there are bright chances of marriage in Rahu-Venus period - is venus really good for me - from navamsha it seems its not good being debilitated alongwith ketu - even from rasi its seems the same,being in 8th house). How will be my married life and my wife?

Lots of queries.So anyone please help me out.

Thans in advance.

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