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Everything posted by jijaji

  1. jnds: Great saints such as Shankaracharya have made statements such as: ekam shastram devaki-putra-gitam eko devo devaki-putra eva eko mantras tasya namani yani karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva "Let there be one scripture, the Gita of Lord Krishna. Let there be one God, the son of Devaki. Let there be one mantra, Lord Krishna's name. Let there be one activity, the service of Lord Krishna." jijaji: O k..well that is still fundamentalism! What about all the other religions of the world? To be honest with you I don't trust what you posted as being from Shankaracharya. Shankaracharya certainly didn't teach Krishna bhakti as the only way..that is for sure. ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-20-2001).]
  2. From holy ashes to plastic snowflakes, suspicious letters causing anthrax scares worldwide The Associated Press (excerpt from article) Parliament security officers in Australia's New South Wales state sealed off the office of a lawmaker after a worker found a package full of ashes postmarked from the "Wandering Swamy of Arunchala Hills." The package, the lawmaker later explained, was holy ash from a swami he met during a recent trip to India. ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-19-2001).]
  3. SEX organs are seen as FILTHY...as they are engaged in FORNICATION (a dastardly act) according to many celibate frustrates! celibate frustrates: How could a holy being pass through a VAGINA to make it's way into the world..? jijaji: IT'S A HOLY YONI....I say! ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-19-2001).]
  4. Or Bin Laden POP TARTS! POP POP POP POP POP! ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-19-2001).]
  5. don't worry melvin....I will share the soma-rasa. It's highly recommended during war time! I have a highly stoney strain..yummm! ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-19-2001).]
  6. quote: The ambition of taking over the planet will be fulfilled. jijaji: To have this ambition is indicative of wanting EGO fullfillment, recognition etc. It is also the result of a meglomania type religious mindset! For ANY religion to think that they are here to save all and that one day in the future their scriptute will become THE only LAW-BOOK for humamity is nothing short of a JIHAD mentality! of course we are just fault-finders.. ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-18-2001).]
  7. It was pretty funny to imagine amineshji.. Bush in a dhoti and sikha..! ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-18-2001).]
  8. shvu: But I guess, this is unavoidable, with Indian religious organizations wanting to go global, and trying to gather as many people as possible. We will only see more and more of this in future. jijaji: perhaps..but the variation melvin gives differs in that one of these groups will emerge as the topmost of the toppermost and their scripture will become the LAW-BOOK for humanity from then on. I envision a gigantic bon fire where all the religious scriptures of the world will be burnt so the One Religion and One Scripture can prevail unchallenged. ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-18-2001).]
  9. It's just a fantasy that boosts the EGO's of follower's. To think that the world will be under ONE religion and under one LAW-BOOK i.e.....Srimad Bhagavatam is nothing short of insane FUNDAMENTALISM..! It is MEGLOMANIA to think that YOUR Religion will be the only for all people. I mean take a look at India, Bengal or even Navadvipa...Chaitanya Vaisnavism has never been able to convert all those people? How in the world do you expect it to gain GLOBAL ACCEPTANCE as the ONLY RELIGION with the ONLY LAW-BOOK. How utterly imbecile! ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-18-2001).]
  10. ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*
  11. Only ONE law-book left and ONE religion...? Sounds like a scarry thing, especially if you belong to one of the groups that is condemmed in that book you claim will be the last on the planet earth after this WAR! Advaitavadins will be on the run as they are already condemmed as demons in Iskcon's Bhagavat Puran. The Buddhist will be in even a worse position as they are non-vedic. Also the other Vaishnava sects in India will be challenged to give up their commentaries on SB as there will be ONLY one version accepted after the WAR! What lunacy! ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*
  12. How utterly out-of-touch with reality you are, only one religion after the war and that of course is the one YOU follow? The EGO of Fanatics is HEATED with EGO-FEVER and DELUSION which places them FALSELY ABOVE all else..! Funny..... they can ONLY recognize this behaviour in other Fanatical Groups outside themselves, while all along they themselves are poisoned with this EXCLUSIVENESS that spurs HATRED! ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-17-2001).]
  13. gee whiz.... ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*
  14. 5. How the Indian tradition Mayavada [excuse me for using the M word] is poison and how the founder was an insane person who was actually an incarnation who came down to mislead people. A classic example of an insane incarnation. >>> LOL ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*
  15. melvin: Thus, for the illumination of such a bewil- dered soul, like US President George W. Bush, the Supreme Lord Bathala Sri Govinda Krishna has presented the Ve- danta sutras, the Puranas and the Sri Bhagavatam. These are all intended to guide all the leaders of this world, especially US Pres.G.W.Bush and Bri- tish Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, in going home, back to Godhead. jijaji: melvin again we see your missionary imagination festering. you say.."These are all intended to guide all the leaders of this world, especially US Pres.G.W.Bush and Bri- tish Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, in going home, back to Godhead." sure....why do you have to see everything tinted with your (Gaudiya reality tunnel)? To think that the only way the world is gonna be saved is through YOUR religion is nothing short of fanatical, and based in fantasy! No one religion has even ever been able to convert all of INDIA or BENGAL or even NAVADVIPA, what to speak of the ENTIRE PLANET AND ALL THE LEADERS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES! I see GLOBAL RELIGIOUS MISSIONARY ACTIVITIES AS VIOLENT IN THEMSELVES..as they want to CONTROL peoples freedom of discovering TRUTH for THEMSELVES..! ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-17-2001).]
  16. melvin: Politicians like US Pres. Bush and UK Prime Minister Blair will never surrender to Krishna. And that goes, too, for Osama Bin Laden. So as long as these leaders won`t surrender to our Lord Hari, these bombings and terroristic attacks will conti- nue. That is if you believe that Lord Vasudeva is the cause of all causes, the reason why these haribol events happen. O.K? jijaji: melvin...I see now you are nuts! Why in the world would anyone in the world expect Bin Laden or Bush to surrender to as you say.."Our Lord Hari"..I understand you would like to convert the entire world to your faith, but it just ain't gonna happen mr. missionary! Don't get me wrong I like Lord Vasudeva...But I jijaji... unlike many ... do not think the entire world should be converted to ANY one Religion..! Now..both these leaders have there own faiths one Christian the other extreme fundamental Islam. My advice to Bush is to look deeply within his own Christian faith at this trying time. My advice to bin laden is for him to commit suicide as he is following a perverted desert religion founded by a criminal pedofile bloodthirsty villian..... (I guess he is just emulating his own saint) anyway suicide is the only option for bin laden...after he publicly renounces the Fanatic Mohammed on Al-Jazeera television! ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*
  17. HELLO.... Satya, what the f*** you high on dude..? ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-15-2001).]
  18. he he ha ha valayaji.... Again I believe this treatment of (advaita) by referring to it as 'MAYAVAD' is in itself a 'POISON PILL'... Hatred of anothers religious path is indicitive of FUNDAMENTALISM....the kind of hate which is fueling the current Islamic Jihad. And I declare this constant defamation of other paths within Sanatan Dharma by supporters of Iskcon/Gaudiya Math is a dangerous mindset which leads to extreme fanatical ways of behaving with others outside their faith. It does NOT matter WHAT RELIGION ADOPTS a FUNDAMENTALISTIC / fanatical outlook...when ANY ONE OF THEM DOES............. THEY BECOME POISONED! ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-15-2001).]
  19. quote: -- Originally posted by Krsnacandra dasa: .......the guy is mayavadi ........scan everything carefully. -- ** It is just a strange way to present this mans work. Obviously you think this worthy of posting, but at the same time you are leary of his religious feelings..so you WARN people i.e. "scan everything" like in-bet-ween the lines you could get anthrax poisoning. These are the very same TYPES of feelings that have caused such hatred between religions of different faiths. 'Don't allow youself to hear their words (or carefully scan them if you do), don't touch them, do not sit in the same place they have, do not allow your eyes to see them and if you do ..jump in a river etc. This is FUNDAMENTALISM and very scarry no matter WHO it comes from. The people who harbor such fanatical feelings ALL think.."WE have the absolute truth and the other religions are less than ours" ALL FUNDAMENTALIST'S THINK THEIR WAY IS THE HIGHEST..! ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*
  20. 1st of all I must say I do not agree with Osho's opinion or outlook on many things nor am I a follower. I do believe he said some interesting things. This article being one of them... http://www.otoons.de/L2/terror/terrorism.htm ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-12-2001).]
  21. What a totally dumb invitation (DEBATE THIS) in the 1st place..! Who would want to come..? Nice trapping method for putting the unbelievers in place.. And when some do come and dissagree they are verbally stoned as DEMONS. MIDDLE AGES MYOPIC MINDSET! BEWARE... ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-12-2001).]
  22. The Associated Press Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2001; 8:27 p.m. EDT Third Florida Anthrax Case Found BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) – Federal authorities said today that a third person has been exposed to anthrax and the case has become the subject of a criminal investigation. "There is another individual that has tested positive for presence of the virus," U.S. Attorney Guy Lewis. The 35-year-old woman, whose name wasn't released, has been hospitalized and is being treated with antibiotics. Her condition was immediately known. Lewis said authorities are now conducting a criminal probe into the source of the anthrax, which killed a man last week and was found in the nasal passages of a co-worker.
  23. jijaji


    ------------------ ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*
  24. yes sir... [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-10-2001).]
  25. HazMat teams investigate suspicious powdery substances at 2 Naples locations Tuesday, October 9, 2001 By GINA EDWARDS, gvedwards@naplesnews.com LIZ FREEMAN, epfreeman@naplesnews.com MIREIDY FERNANDEZ, mmfernandez@naplesnews.com Officials from local hazardous materials teams in Collier County responded to two separate anthrax scares Tuesday morning after employees found mail delivered by a private courier service covered with a white powdery substance. Hazardous materials crew decontaminates a person a the Fifth Third Bank office on Tuesday. A powdery substance found in the building sparked the emergency. Romain Blanquart/Staff At least 20 employees at the Fifth Third Bank at 4099 Ninth Street North (U.S. 41) and about 50 employees at the Cummings & Lockwood law firm at 3001 Ninth Street North were affected. Employees at both locations discovered white substances in mail delivery packs there, authorities said. The substances haven't been confirmed as the deadly anthrax bacterium. "You have to assume it's anthrax or something suspicious but it's probably nothing," Collier County Emergency Management Director Ken Pineau said. FBI investigators on scene hoped to have the substance tested by late afternoon or evening. Mail at Fifth Third Bank was flown to the FBI lab in Tampa. Fifth Third Bank workers called emergency dispatch at 9:28 a.m. after employees there discovered a white powdery substance covering envelopes of mail they were sorting. Similarly, a white powdery substance was discovered in a mail delivery package at the Cummings & Lockwood law firm. Emergency workers and law enforcement authorities detained a total of about 75 exposed people at both locations. About two dozen people at Fifth Third were quarantined as part of procedures set in motion to deal with a potential anthrax scare. Hazardous material teams, in full protective blue suits, entered the building to decontaminate the roughly 25 employees who came in contact with the mail. Inside their building, the bank workers had to strip down and get hosed off as part of the precautionary procedures. Dressed in blue wraps, they were taken to a staging area outside where emergency workers held up tarps to protect their privacy. People waiting outside the Fifth Third Bank. Romain Blanquart/Staff By noon, all of the Fifth Third employees had refused transport to area hospitals. At the Cummings & Lockwood law firm, about 50 people potentially exposed to the substance were detained inside the building. Emergency workers from the North Naples fire department's Hazmat team put on biohazard suits and entered the building before noon. Emergency officials received the call from Cummings & Lockwood at 10:21 a.m. Employees were stripped and decontaminated inside the building. The employees emerged from the building in blue hospital gowns and were taken to a tent set up outside. No employees opted to go to the hospital, and many went home. The local office of the FBI is located in the same building complex as Cummings & Lockwood, but officials at the scene said they have no reason to suspect that the FBI office was a target. At the four-story Fifth Third building, Naples Realty closed for the day and employees evacuated. Meanwhile, employees at the First National Bank at 8975 Harbour Drive were evacuated Tuesday afternoon because of its proximity to the affected site. Pineau said nerves are frayed in the wake of the anthrax death in Boca Raton. "I could drop a container of Sweet & Low and the whole building would be evacuated," Pineau said. However, he added, authorities must take precautions for each incident. Contact epfreeman@naplesnews.com , gvedwards@naplesnews.com and mmfernandez@naplesnews.com ------------------ STAND AND FIGHT
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