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Fall theory is worse than Mayavada says Narasingha Maharaja
CCC replied to Guruvani's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Yes if you smash your head with a hammer it will cause pain and you know that because you have experimented that before. Is like when a child put the hands into the fire for the first time, the child doesn't know that that cause pain. after the experience he will think "ouch, that hurts me I will not do again" . So when the soul comes to this world is the same, He doesn't know, He heard from Krsna is better to remain here, but if the soul wants to come he has free will. so Krsna say him go then. No, desiring to leave Krsna doesnt requieres maya, free will is native to the soul. Maya can't touch vaikhunta -
Fall theory is worse than Mayavada says Narasingha Maharaja
CCC replied to Guruvani's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Srila Prabhupada is very clear. Is not posible to fall down from Vaikhunta because maya can't enter there, but if you want to leave by your free will why not? are you a slave of Krsna? NO He is not a tyrant, you have free will and if you want to leave for a while, Krsna can't do nothing, He can say you don't go is not a very good place and advise you, but He is not responsible for this, moreover, He come with us as paramatma and see all what are we doing and when we are exhausted here He made the arrangement to go back to home, also the soul may know what is hapening in the material world but the soul has not the experience, so for the soul is like and adventure to come here the soul is not aware of what means to come to the material world and Krsna let him to come because that soul will get the experience. In all this journey He knows all past present and future of the spirit soul and He knows that He will attain again liberation in the future, If Lord Krsna don't give permission to the soul to come to this spiritual world, that means that He is imperfect and not complete and limited. As Srila Bhaktisidanta says in brahma samhita, "tatastha means Jiva". we are not matter and we are not God, we are part and parcel of God and qualitatively up to 78% we are equal to Krsna, but in power and quantity there is a huge difference. "His acit potency. Hence the jiva potency. though very small in magnitude, is still superior to acit potency or Maya. This potency has another name, viz., tatastha or marginal potency. being located on the line demarcating the spheres of the spiritual and mundane potencies. He is susceptible to the influence of the material energy owing to his small magnitude. But so long as he remains submissive to Krsna, the Lord of Maya, he is not liable to the influence of Maya." -
Lord Jehovah wanted the animal sacrifice that is ok, because the Lord is the Supreme enjoyer of all sacrifices, then He stopped this with the Lamb of God Lord Jesus, Time Place and Circumstances, so after that the Lord is not pleased with animal sacrifices . The same in Vedic Culture, Lord Buda descend and stopped animal sacrifices, but Rejected the vedas. Lord Jesus rejected animal sacrifices, some rituals and the bogus spiritual people but didn't reject the scriptures and the commandments.
They are insulting Krsna and worshipping satan, in bolivia people made something similar. And Buda stopped whit this traditions
Meaning of Nitya Badha by Srila Prabhupada <hr style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> "We cannot say therefore that we are not with Krsna. As soon as we try to become Lord, immediately we are covered by Maya. FORMERLY WE WERE WITH KRSNA IN HIS LILA OR SPORT. But this covering of Maya may be of very, very, very, very long duration, therefore many creations are coming and going. Due to this long period of time it is sometimes said that we are ever-conditioned. But his long duration of time becomes very insignificant when one actually comes to Krsna consciousness. Just like in a dream we are thinking very long time, but as soon as we awaken we look at our watch and see it has been a moment only. Just like with Krsna's friends, they were kept asleep for one year by Brahma, but when they woke up and Krsna returned before them, they considered that only a moment had passed." From Maha Vishnu Sprung the causal ocean, then He rest in him, He creates the mahat tattva and with his glance He inject the jivas , from His pores unlimited universes are manifested as seeds then they grow until reach gigantic porportions, every universe has the form of a ball and he has 7 layers of earth, water, fire, air, sky, total energy and Ego. In the Hollow portion of the ball-universe there is water and space, there the Lord rest, as his second incarnation, in the ocean and from Him born Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma lives 100 years (for us is billions of years) after that, the Whole cosmic manifestation is destroyed (diluted) and enter again in the body of Mahavishnu and the jivas that didn't return to the espiritual world are placed in the body of mahavishnu again in a deep sleep state (susupti) . For Mahavishnu thi is less than a second (nimesa). So, for the resident of vaikhunta and Goloka this is just a tiny fraction of time, voila! also the same for the conditioned soul that get liberated!, has passed just seconds So nitya badha means that is not possible trace when the jiva become conditioned or started his karma at least with material calculations, but this not mean that the jiva was ever conditioned from the beginning of his creation , or manifestation or whatever you would like to call it. Nitya-badha vadi: Thanks god for putting me in this miserable condition, you are guilty! why me! is just bad chance or azar?. Mahavishnu: haha, Owned!. (in a sarcastic mood)
Letter to: Jagadisa : 70-04-25 Los Angeles AS IT IS Hare Krsna, the letter is divided in two parts with two question: First Question: "Letter to: Jagadisa : 70-04-25 Los Angeles Regarding your questions about how and from where did the conditioned souls fall, your first question if someone has a relationship with Lord Krsna on Krsnaloka, does he ever fall down? The souls are endowed with minute independence as part of their nature and this minute independence may be utilized rightly or wrongly at any time, so there is always the chance of falling down by misuse of one's independence. But those who are firmly fixed up in devotional service to Krsna are making proper use of their independence and so they do not fall down." No comment (see second question below) and has no interpretation is very clear Srila Prabhupada. You accept the words of the self effulgent acharya or not, easy. Second Question: "Letter to: Jagadisa : 70-04-25 Los Angeles Regarding your second question, have the conditioned souls ever seen Krsna? Were they with the Lord before being conditioned by the desire to lord it over material nature? Yes, the conditioned souls are parts and parcels of the Lord and thus they were with Krsna before being conditioned. Just as the child must have seen his father because the father places the child in the womb of the mother, similarly each soul has seen Krsna or the Supreme Father. But at that time the conditioned souls are resting in the condition called susupti which is exactly deep sleep without dream, or anesthetized state, therefore they do not remember being with Krsna when they wake up in the material world and become engaged in material affairs. I hope this will satisfy your questions." Pay very attention to the question Jagadisa is asking if the conditioned soul has ever seen Krsna, the conditioned soul!! not the liberated soul!!! (is obvious that the liberated soul has seen and see Krsna). So Srila Prabhupada replied Him yes. Just before the conditioned soul get conditioned we have seen Krsna in his Mahavishnu form and He injected us in the mahat tattva as a father inject the soul in the womb of the mother also this mean that the conditioned soul has the chance to see Mahavishnu when He enter Him after the aniquilation of the universe and enter in the susupti state. so when we are in our original liberated state we can see Lord Krsna face to face and we are in his lilas (First question above), and when we are conditioned we can see Lord Krsna as Mahavishnu (NOT in Krsnaloka or vaikhunta) before entering and after leaving the destroyed universes in his maha vishnu form otherwise we can't see lord Krsna (In Goloka or Vaikhunta) in the conditioned state only if He descends but this is not the line of the question. "The total material substance, called Brahman, is the source of birth, and it is that Brahman that I impregnate, making possible the births of all living beings, O son of Bharata. I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support, and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable om. I am also the Rg, the Sama, and the Yajur [Vedas]. You are the father of this complete cosmic manifestation, the worshipable chief, the spiritual master. No one is equal to You, nor can anyone be one with You. Within the three worlds, You are immeasurable."
pleasese delete this post, I made an update
Sorry Prabhu, but where are you going with that? I can't undrstand what is your position. I am saying that is mayavadi if someone says that our origin is the brahmajyoti or to think that we are a particle of the brahmajyoti, Srila Prabhupada is saying that the brahmajyoti is full of spiritual sparks. Is like the sky is full of particles of dust, but these are different. One is the impersonal feature of the Lord and the other is the soul in Brahma-sayujya mukti, resting in the brahmajyoti without a spiritual body, just floating as a dust in the sky. In the lecture below from Srila Prabhupada, He is explaining this very nicely. "This Brahma-sayujya mukti is non-permanent. Every living entity wants pleasure, but brahma-sayujya is minus pleasure. There is eternal existence only. So when they do not find transcendental bliss they fall down to make a compromise with material bliss. Unless one develops full devotional service to Krsna, he goes up only to brahma-sayujya but falls down. But after millions and millions of years of keeping oneself away from the lila of the Lord, when one comes to Krsna consciousness, this period becomes insignificant, just like dreaming. Because he falls down from brahma sayujya, he thinks that may be his origin, but he does not remember that before that even, he was with Krsna." (Lecture in Australia). 1-First we were with Krsna in hi lilas 2-We fall down to the material world, free will. 3-Somehow we reach brahma-sayujya mukti, because as impersonalist we thought that the impersonal feature is the cause of all, and get a "spiritual spark body" maybe like this emoticon:sleep:. (Just kidding but very graphic). 4- As Srila Prabhupada is saying in this mukti is only eternal existence without trascendental bliss and at the same time we don't remember that beyond this, there is spiritual life full of bliss so we think that the brahmajyoti may be is our origin and come again to this material world to do something, because the soul is ever active and wants pleasure.
"As we have learned from previous mantras, the brahmajyoti emanating from the transcendental body of the Lord is full of spiritual sparks that are individual entities with the full sense of existence. Sometimes these living entities want to enjoy their senses, and therefore they are placed in the material world to become false lords under the dictation of the senses." Srila Prabhupada Sri Isopanisad. I have read this purpot a dozen of times and I realized that the brahmajyoti is full of sparks but doesn't mean that we are that brahmajoti or we are a part of that brahmajoti or the brahmajoti is made with living entities as spiritual sparks.... Is not the same: we are part of the impersonal brahman as spiritual sparks than the impersonal brahman is full of living entities as spiritual sparks. Prabhupada is saying "the brahmajyoti emanating from the transcendental body of the Lord is full of spiritual sparks" He is not saying "the brahmajyoti emanating from the transcendental body of the Lord is made of spiritual sparks" This last sentence is mayavadi. This brahmajyoti is inconceivable is the impersonal form of the Lord and the spiritual souls as sparks are resting there. "But those who fully worship the unmanifested, that which lies beyond the perception of the senses, the all-pervading, inconceivable, fixed and immovable--the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth--by controlling the various senses and being equally disposed to everyone, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all, at last achieve Me." "By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them." "And I am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness, and which is immortal, imperishable and eternal." "I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, whose effulgence is the source of the nondifferentiated Brahman mentioned in the Upanishads, being differentiated from the infinity of glories of the mundane universe, appears as the indivisible, infinite and limitless truth."
With this purpot I understand that we come from Krsnaloka, I mean -at least- from the trascendental body of the Lord as spiritual sparks, and there we were with Krsna with our original body then we wanted to enjoy our senses and were placed in the mahat ttatva by the glance of Lord Maha Vishnu. Have the spiritual spark a form like the Lord or is just like a tiny ball of spiritual light? Is this spiritual tiny ball the effulgence of the soul's body?
HAre Krsna! A year ago a friend of mine gave me some tulasi seeds, but I had to travel outside my country. Now I am back and I would like to sow them but I don't know how to proceed. I am living in a warm and dry place (desert-coast), with no rain, fresh air. Even temp all year (17ºC) max 21 in summer and 15 in winter. How Should I Start? Is there a webpage about this? Hare Krsna!!
"Among the many types of worship described in the Vedas we find that the puja of these five devatas is prominent. Many people think they should do puja to all of them, because actually if you worship all of them, you cannot lose. It is like playing roulette-if you put a chip on so many squares, you are bound to win something eventually. Once I went to the house of a Hindu gentleman with some devotees. I saw that on his altar everyone was there-all the demigods, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Sai Baba, even Margaret Thatcher. At that time she was the prime minister of England. I looked at the altar and I said, "Oh, so many personalities!" He answered, "Yes, I am taking no chances." What is this? This is only called confusion. Oh yes, Confucius was there also." :rofl: that was so funny, many thanks for all I am reading is very interesting
HAre Krsna Laulyam where did it come this philosophy from? Because a devote said me that it comes from Sancaracarya, for that reason I am asking if this is true... thanks
HAre Krsna! I don't want to discuss this topic but reading your coment I think, if is true, are the teachings of sancaracarya I Would like to know who teach those things... Sancaracarya? I dont want to discuss if is true or not just who taught such things Because Sri Caitanya never approve such things as pure bhakti. Hari Bol
Hare Krsna all glories to Srila Prabhupada!! Please devotees accept my humble obeisances. I have a question and I need help please... Today I was talking with a devotee about the incarnation of Krsna and He said me that sancaracarya has taught the worship of the five most importants gods and demigods (LOrd Vishnu, Ganesa Durga, Shiva and Brahma?)and this sistem is followed by the indian today. also he said me that Sancaracarya also taught that whatever god you worship, the result is the same... Is this true? In what book can I get information about this? I am very interesting... Hare Krsna!
I never said that we are now in krsnaloka dreaming, I never have reach that conclusion reading Srila Prabhupada's books. My realization is that is possible to falldown from Krsnaloka but in good manners, for example, "I want to leave goloka because I would like to know what is going on outside or just for curiosity" is like a trip, maya can't touch devotes there in Krsnaloka or Vaikhunta but there is free will, there is a pastime of a devotee who traveled from all planetary systems until reach goloka, but my idea is that this is the inverse. So it is possible for the soul to get near the material world, or just heard about it from another souls, and have the desire to see what is going on there, for example in this material world there are suffering, death, birth or you can be as Krsna for a while. so for the soul this is interesting because he has never experimented this things, is very logic. then that soul comes here and realize that is not a really a good place then He returns to the service of the Lord (maybe after millions of years, because he forget his original position, who are just seconds in the spiritual world where Krsna sent him scriptures, servitors,He himself descending, etc. to awake that soul to his original position as his servant); Prabhupada said that coming to this material world is like when a child put his hands on fire, after this he will never put his hands in fire or the soul never will come to the material world looking for the material enjoyment because he has the bad experience, so for that soul is almost impossible to come to the material worlds, Only they will come to preach or to serve the Lord with his protection. Hare Krsna!! Srila Prabhupada: This Brahma-sayujya mukti is non-permanent. Every living entity wants pleasure, but brahma-sayujya is minus pleasure. There is eternal existence only. So when they do not find transcendental bliss they fall down to make a compromise with material bliss. Unless one develops full devotional service to Krsna, he goes up only to brahma-sayujya but falls down. But after millions and millions of years of keeping oneself away from the lila of the Lord, when one comes to Krsna consciousness, this period becomes insignificant, just like dreaming. Because he falls down from brahma sayujya, he thinks that may be his origin, but he does not remember that before that even, he was with Krsna." (Lecture in Australia)
Hare Krsna! I am aware that Srila Prabhupada said to his diciples not to stuck in the soul's fall down, but reading Srila Prabhupada's Books I have learnt that all of us come from the spiritual world and there we were Face to Face with God in the spiritual planets in a eternal blissful and conscious trascendental body. In this moment I am wondering how it is possible to be sat cit ananda without a spiritual body with spiritual senses, I mean mayavadis thinks that the ultimate truth is impersonal and they want to merge with the spiritual efulgence of the Lord, obviously in most cases they ignore this, so they attain the spiritual space as a spark of the impersonal brahman (Krsna can please anyone!, there is a place for all) . Because in that brahman there is no activity and the souls is ever active they can't be there for a long time, also as they didn't realized, in their previous lives, that they are eternal servitors of the Lord and wanted to be a part of the impersonal brahman, they can't return to the spiritual planets, if the impersonal origin of the soul says that we are a spark of light of the brahmajoti and never have a personal relationship with the Lord, Why the Lord doesn´t give to those mayadavis who returns to the brahmajoti from the material world, the chance to serve Him in the Vaikhunta Planets if they have attained again his "original" position (as particle of light in the brahmajyoti) and can choose again to serve Krsna or maya? (Also be aware that they are fed up with material acitivities, so they could try something better like to serve Krsna) As Srila Prabhupada has taught the mayavadis are affraid in performing devotional activities because they think that they are material activities, and when they get to the spiritual sky they have to return to this material plane to perform some activity, for the soul is never inactive or serve Krsna or Maya. We are marginal potency, that means we are not Internal potency, God or Vishnu Tattva or in others words Krsna or his Personal expansions. So it is possible for the infinitesimal soul to fall down from the spiritual world because the independence is there. Personally I think that when people says that Is not possible to falldown from Vaikhunta or KrsnaLoka, maybe they are thinking that they are at the same level of the almighty Radha-Krsna and their personal expansions. Lord Caitanya has said that Krsnaloka is really HUGE if you sum all spiritual planets and all material planets you will have Krsnaloka so the proportions of Krsnaloka are acintya so all of us comes from there and falldown to Vaikhunta and then to/or the material planets, if 0.00001% of souls in Krsnaloke wants to come to the material world f I am sure that they will be unlimited numbers of souls. It is said that when you come to the material world you get a body as demigod and there you can remain there, go up again or fall down as a dog or whatever creature. Pastimes of this are the life of Narada Muni, the arjuna trees, Adam and Eve, Lucifer, etc. Sorry for my English. Hare Krsna!
Every time that I hear someone showing his experience I get very happy, but I don't know if it is a good choice to tell them... Anyway I will tell one experience I had before I was asleep and dreaming. I saw in front of me a stone altar and from it I saw a golden light going out and suddenly was Lord Krsna with four hands glowing a golden light to all directions, When I saw him I felt ecstasy immediately, I felt that He was embracing me with his eyes he is very beautiful I was crying full of bliss and thinking I am too fallen to have this mercy... also I felt that all my body was awakening, I mean I felt that my body was expanding to all directions and my mind and heart "dissapeared" He was sitting with a crossed leg, yellow dress, his body was like the colour of the sky and his face like this picture almost identical: Jay Hare Krsna!!!
yes from basic beings to more complex first fire water then earth. earth has fire in the center and earth is like the ashes of that fire... maybe for this reason the universe is called vibhuti, vibhuti also means ashes...(ashes of the spiritual fire? brahmajyoti?) plants don't need to eat others so they are first, and so on until human beings
Because Krsna has got them
all classes, lectures, conversations, etc. http://www.archive.org/details/Bhaktivedanta-Swami-Prabhupada Here are videos also http://www.archive.org/details/Bhaktivedanta-Swami-Prabhupada026
I am talking about the muslim camp, their reaction (in this case) anyway I am not up to date with the muslim and hindu problems, I get stuck in CC times. All I Know that Sri Caitanya said that the Coran is personalist. I tried to read the Koran but I get bored. Also there is a very interesting documental about islamic fundamentalism "the power of nightmares"