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Everything posted by Inedible

  1. http://www.lyricsfreak.com/c/cinderella/dont+know+what+you+got_10066094.html
  2. http://news.aol.com/story/_a/lieutenant-allegedly-uses-taser-on-cow/n20080220170909990013
  3. We'll have to see if we can hear from people who can't read the scrambled words. I think it is going to be more than 55% here who can read the words.
  4. Chanting while driving is fine. Just be careful if it makes you drowsy. Anything that leads you into an altered state of consciousness is going to be a safety risk and you should be aware of how it is going to affect you before you make a habit out of driving at the same time.
  5. So how do we do Venus Lock Mudra? I suppose I'm asking for the instruction both for men and for women both so I can pick the right one for me and to see what the differences are.
  6. Have you ever lived in an actual madhouse or is this just a metaphor which seemed like it might fit?
  7. It seems like you are surrounded by mental patients because yes, you are living in a giant funny farm. The only difference between the staff and the patients, as we like to joke, is that the staff have keys to the doors. One of the goals of your spiritual progress is to find a state which has been described in the books I have read as a "basic sanity" which we all have at our core.
  8. Do either of these pictures apply? I really couldn't find much of anything, either.
  9. Somehow a decent human problem turned into more scripture than I can wade through ... yet again. *sigh*
  10. That's why it is so difficult. The harder you work at it, the farther you get from your goal. At the same time, you can't get there by not trying or everyone would do it already.
  11. Is it because remembering Krishna means forgetting yourself, and every attempt to do this requires becoming more aware of yourself as separate from Krishna ... ?
  12. http://news.aol.com/story/_a/strange-creature-immune-to-pain/20080129120109990001 "Strange Creature Immune to Pain"
  13. It says "Posts: n/a" for the person who started this thread. That doesn't seem to be a good sign.
  14. To be fair, the woman was wearing very expensive clothing which would have been ruined by making the trip across the stream. In contrast, the monks' robes were made of material which could take a bit of abuse. It wasn't just that she was a woman and therefore was emotional and needed to be helped by a man. In her defense.
  15. I heard that ethanol is also why so much high fructose corn syrup is going into our food. I heard it can't be disposed of because it had been in contact with alcohol.
  16. It isn't so much that most Budhdists are atheists as that so much of Buddhism is practiced without reference to God either way. The important thing is that God believes in Buddhists, right? All we have to do is be open to the possibility.
  17. The only problem I have with talking about God is that it seems like no two people actually agree about who and what God is.
  18. What I mean is that if you are a Christian you can stay Christian and still have a valid goal. Christ and Krishna are not enemies. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says that if you worship with sincere devotion you belong to Him even if you think your devotion is to someone else - such as Christ. Maybe like Buddha and Krishna, Christ could also be an incarnation of Vishnu?
  19. There is nothing wrong with seeking Christ Consciousness.
  20. Narcissus was known for his good looks and for the fact that he didn't pay any attention to the local nymphs. He was cursed so that he would fall in love with the next person he saw, and then he had the misfortune to see his own reflection and to fall deeply in love. He then spent as much time as he could gazing at his reflection in the pond until he fell into the water and drowned. In grief, the pond turned from fresh water to salt water like tears. When Narcissus had been looking at his reflection in the pond, the pond was looking at her reflection in Narcissus's eyes. Deepak Chopra talked about this story in one of his books on CD that I borrowed from the local library. I don't think he actually had a reason for talking about the story.
  21. Some day I might stop drinking coffee because I don't want it anymore. If I saw some reason why coffee might be liquid ignorance, that day would come sooner. It isn't like Krishna is going to come to me in person to say that coffee is bad, and I just plain don't feel like taking His followers at their word that they know what Krishna did say and to whom.
  22. As I sit here reading this thread, I am drinking a pot of strong coffee. I can't see where you thought I meant you should cut anything or anyone out of your life. Isn't there anything in your past that you used to really enjoy which you no longer even think about? And how did that happen?
  23. Gautama Buddha was an incarnation of Vishnu. I've also heard nothing but good things about vipassana. The trouble is, though, that it takes a certain amount of concentration in order to keep the things you gain through vipassana. I'd suggest that the ability to maintain your focus on the object of your meditation for ten minutes would be sufficient as a prerequisite.
  24. How would you have responded had you been there?
  25. Our galaxy is on a collision course with Andromeda. The two galaxies will meet a few billion years after our planet has been eaten up in the process of our sun's becoming a red giant. The galaxies will mostly pass through each other with relatively few actual collisions, but the gravity of both galaxies will them pull each other back together for a second collision and they will become a single galaxy. More collisions between stars will happen at this point.
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