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Everything posted by Bishadi

  1. In the purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 3.25.36, Srila Prabhupada states that even third-class neophyte devotees are liberated souls. How is it possible that such neophyte devotees, who don't possess the qualities of a liberated soul, are in fact liberated?
  2. All initiated devotees of the Hare Krishna movement vow to follow four rules: <CENTER>No gambling</CENTER> In Krishna consciousness, you're trying to purify your mind--to make it clear and steady for spiritual realization. But gambling makes the mind cloudy. It agitates the mind. You start thinking: What are my chances? How much could I walk off with? What could I do with my winnings? Even if you just play for the sake of playing, gambling pulls the mind away from thinking about the real purpose of life. <CENTER>No intoxicants</CENTER> No drugs, no liquor, not even coffee, tea, or cigarettes. The world is already high enough--high on illusion, high on greed, high on false power and false ego. The devotee of Krishna wants to be thoughtful, sober. Material substances like drugs are useless for spiritual realization. They can bend the mind, but they can't free it. They may take you up, but sooner or later they let you down. The self within is by nature joyful. So we don't need any material stuff to *make* us happy. We just need to purify ourselves and uncover the happiness that's already there. <CENTER>No meat-eating</CENTER> No meat, no fish, no eggs. Devotees of Krishna avoid needless violence. They see other creatures as spiritual living beings. Though these creatures may be less intelligent than we, they are also God's children, our brothers and sisters. So why should we kill them? If a child were to kill a less intelligent brother, do you think the father would be pleased? By the subtle laws of karma, the suffering we cause others will come back looking for us. By nature's arrangement we have plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, milk products, and other innocent food. We should content ourselves with this and be happy. <CENTER>No illicit sex</CENTER> Everything has its place, and that includes sex. When sex takes place within marriage, and for the sake of having children, it's fine. You're accepting the pleasure, and you're accepting the responsibility. Otherwise, sex brings about entanglement, exploitation, disappointment, and illusion. For spiritual advancement, you want to simplify your life and bring your mind and senses under your control. Being temperate about sex helps you
  3. There are many frames to observe a 'why' but the one that makes the most sense, is the knowledge had not evolved. Faith brings the hope of a completion; which is not adverse. This is a pretty uniform representation in the prophetic side but in the teachings often the requisite is the submission to 'not' being aware or incapable. Such that to remain in humility to not being capable to understanding, simply enable a humility to a compassionate interrelation of equally unfit to know. Almost like a teacher keeping the children down to remain sovereign to the knowledge; to maintain the job of moderating. Or simply if each person was aware of what to do and what life is purely; then who needs a guru?
  4. There is this Al guy that I wish to quote; "About God, I cannot accept any concept based on the authority of the Church. As long as I can remember, I have resented mass indocrination. I do not believe in the fear of life, in the fear of death, in blind faith. I cannot prove to you that there is no personal God, but if I were to speak of him, I would be a liar. I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil. My God created laws that take care of that. His universe is not ruled by wishful thinking, but by immutable laws." So the business of religion as all mankind (womenkind too) is to identify the rules that are equal to humanity rather than convince a faith as absolute just because it makes one 'feel good' for the self. If our fathers did nothing to benefit their tomorrow, we would not even have the terms or words to convey in the first place. i.e..... the words Hare Krshna would not even be in use (especially in the west), if a man did not make a decision to 'do' rather than talk and defend.
  5. AMEN or HARE HARE RAMA RAMA or simply 'way to hammer it out liselina.'
  6. Well thanks to you now I have a 'idea' what the term is when you use it. As in many diversities of knowledge; many may experience the same thing yet have a word or description that is a little different. That is one of the issues within joining groups of discussion; some are quite defensive of their own interpretation rather than allowing equality to develop. Your compassion to observe and be honest about your source is refreshing in this valley.
  7. Is AL the MAD mascot? Is being alive formal initiation into existence? Congradulation!
  8. Then in story summary Knowledge! It is part of what we as a species (Brahman) is all about.
  9. Apa Deepo Bhavah - be a self enlightened lamp does this mean 'continually learn'?
  10. If the Vishnu/Brahman is of all mankind, then the teachers can be of many cultures and understanding. The duty of each is not to isolate a set of literature but to find the theme Vishnu represents in each. such as 'In the beginning there was 'light' ..... so to honor existence and know that light is the life upon mass, in time. Then the trinity of combining mass, energy, time; reveals itself as the 'total' of existence. We are 'light' in the midst of things (mass) observing in time (our period of life). As we experience, we can understand life and put to mass (write) the words; we (sentience) do create. The total is what we exist within (God/Vishnu/Brahman) so in a sense all words are of God, but experienced within the period we observe them; knowledge. The over all objective in as time progresses knowledge evolves. Eventually God's children will be able to comprehend existence in total; Equally. Such is the promise of all faiths. As to know "GOD" and how each choice we make is alive in existence, and then that each choice is our ever lasting life, as energy we impose that continues, beyond our period of choice; then responsibility to existence can be a made of 'continuing life'...... Good! So the idea is to share a premise of light being the life upon mass. In which brings an 'understanding' of life within the existence of experiencing, personally. Is this the mind of truth? <!-- google_ad_section_end -->
  11. Thanks for the wisdom on many fronts. ..... compassion, forgiveness and application of an experience to a theological representation combined with good philosophical approach to experiencing the event. are you a 'mad' man incognito?
  12. Perhaps the choice is complacency in a last word. Or that you (and the gang) choose to remain under a specific teachers thoughts and definitions rather then continue the path for tomorrow. It makes you happy but does nothing for existence. And then to find the direction is imperfect, establishes that selfishness defined your existence.
  13. Perhaps you have observed the self since no words left this I to that affect. But any can see your anger. can you point out where this came from? And who is the most esteemed guru on this site? maybe chat in english about 'good' rather than resort to defining humility in ritual. what riddle is greater than life? and if each experience then who is better at the authority other than the integrity each possess equally?
  14. and do you experience life? do you define your experience in word? Is not the answer to a question of such that is questioning your devotion of what you represent as it is defined "As for the word "Hare" (pronounced huh-ray), it's a call to Krishna's divine energy. Just as the sun shines forth to us through its energies like heat and light, the Supreme reveals Himself through His multitude of energies. If the Supreme is the source of everything, then whatever we see--and even what we don't see-- belongs to the energy of the Supreme" so least a meaning of desire is present of the self; how do you judge?
  15. Einstein made his comment during his life long commitment to contributing knowledge for the benefit of mankind. He knew he should never have publised the math and why this 'I' will not, now! Yet to identify the damage in the overall scope to the works Einstein published then we must retain equality; Think in the lines of a teacher; if the knowledge is incorrect; they are like a bomb to the integrity of the truth. How is it to dishonor humble contributions simply because you don't like a specific opinion of another? Einstein gave humanity hope is comprehending existence; you share to remain ignorant to beliefs that contradict nature. still between you and I; What have you done for humanity today? Maybe allow anger and ignorance to make posts on a forum causing further delay?
  16. so it seems a simple 'yawn' is tough to comprehend?
  17. "In their struggle for the ethical good, teachers of religion must have the stature to give up the doctrine of a personal God, that is, give up that source of fear and hope which in the past placed such vast power in the hands of priests. In their labors they will have to avail themselves of those forces which are capable of cultivating the Good, the True, and the Beautiful in humanity itself. This is, to be sure, a more difficult but an incomparably more worthy task…" 'A. Einstein'
  18. Perhaps when the term 'O-tay' was used without permission?
  19. Does the cute little fury guy carry more integrity? "virtue was the most valuable of all possessions; the ideal life was spent in search of the Good. Truth lies beneath the shadows of existence, and that it is the job of the philosopher to show the rest how little they really know." Socrates
  20. Are they for every person or for what the accepted few prescribe? Then are spiritual discussion about defending an idea or about the combining of mind (Love)?
  21. is that what this means? 1) Bishadi, I would like to cover you head to toe with litre and litre of Cow & Bull Dung. 2) Bishadi, I would then rinse you down with a power water hose --after the dung had hardened Once a comment was made that 'when someone is willing to bend over to share their stinky side; at least they bent over by choice!'
  22. What compassion! Is that after you eat the cow?
  23. Then why are you posting? Why are you on a sight of people seeking knowledge if you have no intent of self examination?
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