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Posts posted by amanpeter



    Delhi, neighbouring areas rocked

    Friday, August 10, 2001

    NEW DELHI: A minor earthquake measuring 3.1 on the Richter scale

    was felt in Delhi and neighbouring areas of Uttar Pradesh today, the

    Meteorological Department said here.


    With its epicentre at 28.9 degrees North latitude and 77.4 degrees East

    longitude, the tremor shook the national capital at 1750 hrs, the

    department said.


    Meanwhile, a report from Sonepat said the city and its adjoining areas

    were rocked by a mild earthquake around 1750 hours today, adding no

    loss of life or property has been reported from any part of the district.

    (Source :Narad Online)



    Delhi, neighbouring areas rocked

    Friday, August 10, 2001

    NEW DELHI: A minor earthquake measuring 3.1 on the Richter scale

    was felt in Delhi and neighbouring areas of Uttar Pradesh today, the

    Meteorological Department said here.


    With its epicentre at 28.9 degrees North latitude and 77.4 degrees East

    longitude, the tremor shook the national capital at 1750 hrs, the

    department said.


    Meanwhile, a report from Sonepat said the city and its adjoining areas

    were rocked by a mild earthquake around 1750 hours today, adding no

    loss of life or property has been reported from any part of the district.

    (Source :Narad Online)

  3. As I$KCON attempts to establish itself more and more as a legitimate religion, it continues to slide into a somewhat vedic version of the United Church--all things to all people--the bigger the `congregation`, the more `donations` flowing in! Could this be part of the karmic reaction from deceiving the innocent public while `collecting` funds? "Ask not what we can do for God, but what God can do for us!" The religiosity Prabhupada warned us of in the `so-called Christians`?




    [This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 08-09-2001).]

  4. Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

    Very nice topic Jndas, congratulations! You had proved that Bhaktivinoda has 'borrowed' some points from Vallabha's philosophy. Did all the Gaudiyas have accept it?

    So if any two should agree on some aspect of the Absolute Truth, one must have `borrowed` from the other? Does God not have the right or the ability to reveal anything to anyone at anytime? "For the sincere seeker, Truth is simple and readily apparent everywhere; for the duplicitous, confusion runs rampant and complications become endless." There but for the GRACE of God...RADHE! RADHE! RADHE!

  5. Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

    Okay amanpeter. You sure talk the talk, but do you walk the walk? What have you done besides sit a a keyboard and critisize others? Methinks you are an armchair quaterback.


    While I have not done much for my guru maharaja, I have at least done a minute amount of service: including smuggle Srila Prabhupada's transcendental books into the former Soviet Union, opening a Govinda's restaurant and distributing prasadam, serving with and donating thousands of dollars to Food For Life, publishing one of the first temple web pages when the net was i its infancy.


    What are your accomplishments?

    Your obviously worthwhile service still does not give you the right to belittle or demean others, no matter how pathetic their little lives might appear to you. I'm sure many could find your personal experiences inspiring and I for one would greatly appreciate your sharing them here. I'm equally certain that, as a devotee, you give all glories to God and guru, not guns and politics.


    My own wretched history and present fallen useless position has already been sufficiently exposed to ridicule on both VNN and Dharma-mela forums, so I see no need to debase myself any further here. Then again, I am not a devotee nor am I a disciple of any particular guru and do not expect to become one in this lifetime. I do feel strongly, however, that how those who are treat each other is extremely significant, both for themselves and Lord Caitanya's movement as a whole. Building one's self-esteem at the expense of others' is definitely not the way to go, in my humble opinion. If there were a little more empathy and understanding between the devotees of all camps, they might reveal their own stories and accomplishments to the benefit of all. Sorry for taking this thread off topic, prabhus. JAI SRI RADHE!

  6. We may continue to quote great souls ad infinitum, yet we remain bereft of their vision and few, if any of us, are even made of the same fiber. Though followers may think themselves leaders, they obviously are not. "Many are called, but few are chosen..."


    Preaching others' words certainly requires far less from us than actually helping, encouraging, and supporting one another in meaningful and practical ways. Love philosophy ad nauseum vs. Love reality in absentium!

  7. Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

    Thank you and you are most welcome.





    10. They won the west.

    9. They helped win freedom for slaves

    8. They won the Gulf War in record time.

    7. They won WW1

    6. They won WW2

    5. They win wars period!

    4. Police use them for protection.

    3. They are used for self-defence to protect homes.

    2. They won your rights for freedom of speech to post stupid liberal commericals

    1. We got them, and you don't! When your utopia goes to hell, your the ones that'll be killed, not us!


    There, but for the Grace of `Guns`, go I...or, maybe, God is `guns`...???



  8. The Nature Of Affection

    Devotee: We have heard the guru can only be defeated by his son or disciple. Can you explain


    Srila Sridhara Maharaj: One sloka has told It is desirable that one will attain victory at every

    place, but only defeat from his own son or disciple. That is, the disciple will be of greater

    merit and prospect because that will enhance his guru’s position. It is also said that a

    person’s merit of his past lives is judged by what type of son he has got. That will show the

    merit of his previous birth. So the guru sincerely wills that his disciple may surpass him even

    in his own service to the Lord. He will expect more from his disciple than himself, that he

    may have a greater position in the circle of the eternal servitors. Such affection the guru has

    towards his disciple, he is such a well-wisher of his disciple.

    Mahaprabhu gave everything that He knew to Rupa Goswsami and when in Puri, He stated,

    “He is a proper person to propagate devotion, so I have given My everything to him. And I

    request that you also give whatever you have got to him.” So guru loves his disciple, making

    himself empty and feels pleasure by giving everything to the disciple. Such is the nature of

    the affection that a true guru reveals to his real disciple. This is the principle. And how will

    the disciple respond in turn? He should give more respect to his guru than to Lord Krishna.

    He is abiding by the order of guru, so radha-dasyam comes from there. He will be servant to

    his immediate master. He does not know what the absolute purpose of the Lord is, but he

    will be more faithful to his master, one’s great well-wisher. Whatever he requires him to do,

    that is his life.

    What is the symptom of pure devotion? Where the highest authority is submissive to the

    servant - there is devotion. The highest has been forcibly taken down to serve the devotee,

    His servant. That is the peculiar power of devotion. The last acquisition of devotion is this,

    that it can control the Supreme Lord and forcibly take Him to the devotee as a friendly

    servant. The master submits, surrenders to the servant, a most peculiar thing. That is there, so

    what more could we expect. The infinite at the disposal of the finite. Can you conceive of

    this? And it is done very stealthily in various diplomatic ways. So the finite has got its

    supreme most glorious unthinkable position, and that can be obtained only through love. So

    how precious is that all-powerful love.To get a drop of that divine love, no sacrifice is

    sufficient. SSM

    What supreme munificence has been invested in each of us, we can hardly begin to imagine. All blessed hearts pregnant with unlimited expressions of Divinity never before revealed. What precious untold gifts we must carry, prabhus...

  9. "If you ask me what are the ways of God,I would tell you that the first is humility,the second is

    humility, and the third is still humility.Not that there are no other precepts to give,but if humility

    does not precede all that we do,our efforts are fruitless."(St Augustine)


    Yours Very Sincerely


    Thank you, leyh prabhu, for so kindly sharing your gentle and sincere soul here with us. Peter/valaya

  10. Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

    And one hand on the MK5, set to full-auto! Like to see the witch outfly that, baba!

    Just watch out for RICOCHETS!


    [This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 07-04-2001).]

  11. Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

    Well, Jagat, at least I am not a control freak trying to teach the Melaites netiquette.


    Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image


    BTW, hows it working? chuckle chuckle

    Perhaps you would if you could, but first you've got to have it yourself, eh prabhu? You can still provide techniquette, though. nyuck nyuck



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