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Posts posted by amanpeter

  1. In other words Satyaraja, it is a clearing process and not a creating process.

    [This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 06-19-2001).] ___________


    Actually, Bhakti Devi is a person, not a process. Her basis is Srimati Radharani and I can only pray that She reveals Herself to you personally as She has to me; not because of any qualification on my part, but solely due to Her own causeless mercy and unlimited compassion on this most helpless, hopeless fallen soul.



    No offense meant to anyone...


    [This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 06-19-2001).]

  2. In America, too, an agricultural emergency has been

    declared in Utah, where the Mormon crickets have so far

    caused $25 million of damage to crops.


    Great galloping gopher butts! Mormon CRICKETS?!! What, do they show up at your front door in twos? This really COULD become a problem!



    No offense meant to anyone...

  3. MUKTI=MUCK and I'm sorry to say many are determinedly stuck in it, if not actually full of it. I'd rather they didn't get any on me, though, nasty sticky stuff that it is. Yucky mucky gooey guck!!!



    No offense meant to anyone...

  4. As attachment to Krishna service becomes one of having a taste for it,and it becomes spontaneous

    in nature, it is known as raganuga.


    Attachment to devotional service, which is not at all material, means a desire for the close association of Srimati Radharani, who is the personification of devotion. Only Radha serves Krsna since She ALONE is qualified and wholly acceptable to Him. He wants ONLY Her. That spontaneous attraction is known as Raganuga. As Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur points out, it is a type of FAITH, not an `attainment`. For one who insists on trying to maintain the illusion of their own personal control, such faith is extemely difficult to understand or accept. Vaidhi can continue for so very many lifetimes until one receives the lotus foot dust of a pure devotee and TRULY appreciates that which has been freely given as His Divine Grace, who remains one with Sri Radhika always. Raganuga bhaktas are also considered `essence seekers`... JAI JAI SRI RADHE!



    No offense meant to anyone...

  5. But in case someone has recently reseved all rights to offering views on Krishna, I would be very

    interested to know about it.

    Shvu, did you hear about how I$KCON in Australia attempted to prevent other vaishnavas from using the term `Hare Krsna`, because they had proprietary rights? It was on VNN.



    No offense meant to anyone...

  6. People who are high should not drive, babysit, mow the lawn or enter into marital contracts, he said.

    ...and grocery shopping isn't advised either! As for 4-6 joints being considered heavy smoking--Ha! How about continuous puffing from morning to night? My lungs definitely incurred damage similar to emphysema. Some flexibility of the tissues is lost and chronic bhronchial infections are much more likely. Holding in huge tokes until smoke started coming out my ears might have had something to do with it...



    No offense meant to anyone...


    [This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 06-12-2001).]

  7. Even supposedly `bad` fruit still may contain good seeds. Who knows what future lifetimes will bring? We're not in control, thank God! Remember, this is only the very begining of Lord Caitanya's sankirtan movement. What Prabhupada did has NEVER been done before! Give it all time, prabhu. I find tears very helpful. Please write me personally, if you like. Sincerely, Peter

  8. Originally posted by premananda:

    I am sorry for changing my postings. It´s just that I realized how stupid they were and felt ashamed.


    P D

    BAD boy! BAD BAD boy! Hey, prabhu, I'm sure we all feel the same way much of the time. Questioning yourself and regreting past actions are good qualities. Pease don't sweat the small stuff! We're still evolving here, after all...(insert smiley face or happy jumping frog here, if I only knew how)



    No offense meant to anyone...

  9. Originally posted by animesh:

    Where have all dissapeared in kali yuga? According to puranas there were present for a very long time. Example: many sages, Parashuram, Jambvaan and many others. Where are they all now?

    We're HIDING, prabhu! SSHHHH! Don't tell anyone...



    No offense meant to anyone...

  10. Originally posted by animesh:

    Where have all dissapeared in kali yuga? According to puranas there were present for a very long time. Example: many sages, Parashuram, Jambvaan and many others. Where are they all now?

    We're HIDING, prabhu! SSHHHH! Don't tell anyone...



    No offense meant to anyone...

  11. A poem of Saint Suradas:


    In this 'pada' of Saint Suradas, Radhaji's Gopi friend softens Her anger by portraying Sri

    Krishna,not Radha,as the weaker party: "Radha,a look at Your loveliness has Him: He's

    weakened and shaken, He's sent me to say, as if war were waged,Kama's army engaged. Your

    foot steps-a great elephant gait- the links of anklets,the slope beneath Your navel, And the sound

    at Your waist of girdle bells have visited MADHAVA with utter imbalance.


    The ornamented bodice You've cinched around Your breast seems a breastplate worn by a

    victor in war, And when the upper edge of Your garment flows free, it's a pennant of the battle

    to His faltering mind.


    When Your eyebrows raise their perilious bow, and aim their arrowhead,the mark on Your

    brow, Then Your unerring eyes pierce Him- the Leader of the Yadavas--shattering His pride.

    Your hair is as thick as a royal yak-tail fan and Your crowning veil shades like a regal parasol.


    Now give me the word.Let me take You to His side. Stretch forth Your Merciful arm."


    The Courier Girl,lovely and ever so clever, framed these elegant words of Love, Revealing Sur's

    LORD'S AMOROUS DESIRE- then broke into a sweet and telling smile.


    In the next 'pada',The Poet- Gopi challenges Sri Krishna to see if He can remain a simple

    Connoisseur of art ,instead of becoming Connoisseur of Love (Rasik)even when the subject of the

    beauty of Sri Radhika is brought on the scene.


    " Listen,let me tell about Vrsabhanu's daughter,


    About Her beauty,beautiful Syam, which even the night cannot equal.


    First of all,Her lovely black braid shimmers and shines,I would say, Like a snake with its face

    turned toward the moon's, hoping to drink the nectar it holds.


    How to picture the vermilion powder that separates Her hair?The thought brings defeat. It

    resmbles a deep red ray from the sun, parting the darkness with light.


    Shaded by Her hair is a 'Kumkum'mark Her friends have affixed to Her forehead, As if to

    festoon the aura of the moon with liquid beauty distillate.


    Her eyebrows are fearsome,and near to Her eyes they glisten on that Finest Woman as if

    world-conquering Kama had finished his work and passed on to Her his lowered bow.


    Her eyes are sprightly,Her nose glistens bright, and Her lips are rounded and red, As if between

    two wagtails a parrot should perch, tempted by red-berried 'bimbas'below.


    Elegent earrings;Her nose-ring near Her lips; a charming,alluring chin; A collarbone decked

    with two necklaces- no,three-four would evade every metaphor.


    A scarlet garland circles Her breast; For it matches the practice of Siva,the Yogi- His whiteness

    surrounded by smokeless red flames.


    Beguiller of minds,if You find You can accept what I've described,I will bring Her here to You

    And praise You,says Sur,as a Master Connoisseur if You still can lift the Flute to Your lips."


    (Translation by John S.Hawley,from the book - "Surdas-Poet,Singer,Saint")






    No offense meant to anyone...

  12. Don't get me started on those `Frenchies`! I grew up in Montreal, Quebec where my English language and British background are no longer welcome, to say the least. There are official government language police roving about checking on store signs, believe it or not! Gangs of Francophone thugs vandalize English businesses, homes, and cemetaries! Meanwhile, politically the tail wags the dog as Quebec controls federal policy, including the armed forces, which destroyed a perfectly good career for me and many others. Our French Liberal prime minister just voted himself a 40% raise in pay as he is about to retire, bringing his pension to $175,000. a year. All other federal politicians got another 20% added to their salaries. It was all pushed through with record haste immediately before their summer vacation. In this country a majority government can do whatever it wants! There's much more I could share here, but why bother, eh?



    No offense meant to anyone...

  13. I consider the editing feature very useful and I'm thinking that those whose mother tongue is other than English must appreciate it even more. Please don't remove it, prabhu. Even if misusers are simply publically exposed occasionally, that should suffice. Perhaps there are other alternatives, as well.



    No offense meant to anyone...

  14. Originally posted by atma:

    What about when Srila Prabhupada was talking to a monkey? Yamuna Devi told that story somewhere.

    Lucky monkey , he got Prabhupada's sandals and lived in Vrindavan. Who knows, maybe he is now in Goloka. That is that thing that baffles me the most. Tha inhabitants of the dhama (animals and humans). So difficult to understand them and still somehow they are there getting all the mercy.

    Oink oink to that!

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