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Posts posted by Tirisilex

  1. I play miniature and roleplaying games.. I read about dovetailing.. I say a prayer before I play.. "May Krishna enjoy this game as much as we do."

    Since I started doing this I found I had fun whether or not I was winning or losing. I try to picture Krishna being there enjoying himself along with us.


    Is this bad?

  2. My Uncle has terminal Cancer.. He's been given a few more months to live.

    Is there a prayer.. A special prayer I can do for him?


    IS there a Hindu teaching out there that is like the Tibetan Book of the Dead?

    I was thinking of getting this for him I dont know how else I can help him.


    any suggestions?

  3. I had a dream last night where I was in (How do I describe it?) a kind of heaven.. My Mind would make things up and it would then manifest. There were many people there and some poeple didnt realize they were even there.

    I found myself thrown around because I couldnt keep my mind stable.. Lots of Paranoid thoughts would pop up and manifest.. I dont know how I can express this acurately.. it was quite amazing.. It was like it was home.. anyone have a similar experience??

  4. I thought some of you may like to know.. I converted to Krishna Consciousness about 2 years ago.. I live far away from the closest ISKCON Group.. After a little of searching I got hooked up with a Devotee who is close enough for me to Visit.. We might even start a group here in my area.. I pray that this new friendship will fruitify into something good for Krishna..

  5. I have been seeking Krishna for a little over a year now.. When he first revealed himself to me I had this overwhelming sense of Love.. and as the days go by I only feel his love for me more and more.. It was his love for me that had me renounce Budhism and other religions.. I cant turn away from him at all because I know his love for me... and my Love for him.

  6. I had a dream last night of a Large Black Cobra on a lotus cusion with its head reared up and neck wide.. It had a dim lighted aura around it.. It frightened me in the dream but when I woke up I was ok with it.. Does anyone know what it could mean??

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