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Posts posted by talasiga

  1. Originally posted by jndas:

    Those who want to live in celebate homosexual relationships risk fall down into sinful activity, as there is no religious manner for them to dovetail their weakness. Why take unnecessary risks?

    1. A NON-SEXUAL loving Friendship between two same gender persons need not have a homosexual base.


    2. That even such a refined relationship may be "tainted" by Eros at some level, by virtue of its material situation, need not impede its potential for dovetailing with spiritual devotion. This, particularly where such a friendship


    a) is sanctioned by guidance of a spiritual mentor;

    b) arises from the context of a spiritual pursuit;

    c) promotes the furtherance of the spiritual pursuit.


    3. Anyone can fall from anywhere anytime.

    It is better to fall in the line of one's native destiny than to be a king on a foreign throne. So, have courage nine9, and remember:


    One can never fall

    lower than His Feet.

    Where does perfection begin?






  2. Originally posted by amanpeter:

    Those with little knowledge of what intimacy actually is, or even the desire to experience it personally, intentionally isolating themselves and avoiding emotional involvement with others, should not be expected to be taken seriously when they comment on relationships that they cannot help seeing in other than a sexual context. They are more to be pitied than condemned.

    condemned to pity



    [This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 09-02-2001).]

  3. Originally posted by shvu:


    Now if someone can identify it's indian name, the job is as good as done.



    Oh Shvuuuu......

    Why find an "indian name"?

    When you take vow sanyaas

    you can call your vada

    "saffron goop" !

    Posted Image



    goopi talasiga@hotmail.com



  4. Originally posted by Jagat:

    Prabhupada thought highly of his American disciples and they also thought highly of themselves



    *"fly like an eagle

    into the wind"


    The HIGH THINKING was probably already there

    before Prabhupada arrived in America.....

    Don't you think ?



    * America


  5. Originally posted by Gauracandra:

    That was not appropriate. Lets avoid personal insults. Just one man's opinion.



    That was just a bit of random crap

    probably prompted by a reaction

    against anal sex

    - understandable

    but, yes,


    because this thread is substantially

    about "homosexuality" as regards, not

    sexual practice but, loving intimacy in same gender relationships - a level of intimacy

    traditionally relegated to heterosexual relationships.


    Surely anyone who has been involved with any stream of devotional or spiritual life must be able to appreciate, or, at least, conceive as reasonable, loving intimacy between people existing beyond the strictures of sexual practice (body), the biology of gender (body), the traditional norms of society (aggregate bodies) ?

  6. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. This is particularly relevant when considering a field of possibility or probability.


    For instance, it is possible for lightning to kill a human or other animal and probable that in a big storm lightning has, in fact, killed some creature somewhere. Absence of evidence does not disprove this probability.

    There is every chance that some unfound lightning struck body is lying somewhere.


    However, in the case of the sun emitting black light: this would, on the basis of PROBABILITY, be accepted as impossible. In this situation the absence of evidence for black sunlight could be seen to disprove black sunlight as the absence of evidence, ipso facto, supports the probable impossibility.


    Homosexuality or transgender (transcended gender) relationships probably existed in any society. So, notwithstanding that a culture may not have a specific word for the phenomenon and uses other words metaphorically or euphemistically, there is a field of probability that allows the absence of evidence to not amount to evidence of absence.







    PS see also:








    [This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 09-01-2001).]

  7. Originally posted by Maitreya:

    And I am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is immortal, imperishable and eternal and is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness.Bg 14.27


    The jiva can merge or not merge.And as we see from the above verse Krishna is beyond 'That', being the basis of it.


    1. brahmano hi pratishtthaa 'ham

    goes the first line of Bhagavad Geeta 14:27.


    where is the word "impersonal" qualifying the Brahman here ? "Exactly please".


    Before you answer, please see preceding verse 26, "He who serves Me with unfailing loving devotion......is fit for becoming Brahman." Now, if this Brahman must be read as innately impersonal, as your reading of verse 27 suggests, is the Lord propounding Bhakti as a means to the "impersonal" Brahman?


    2. The soul is "aham brahmasmi" - of Brahman. The soul is eternal as is Brahman.


    a) So, again the question, "What is it that merges, or does not merge, with the Brahman"?


    b) What is it that is Eternal and yet is purported to perish by merging with the Eternal ?



  8. Originally posted by Maitreya:

    1. Who is that 'guru' atma.


    2. I don't swing in that direction.You'll have to find someone else to "bless".



    Darling! I am not offering to bless anything.

    It is YOU who are inquiring after "that 'guru'"

    - remember?


    I have read that zinc supplements are good

    for the memory and

    the prostate.


    Get well soon !

    Ta taa aa .....





  9. Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

    And please explain the meaning of the statement: “One can appreciate the glorious nature of the Brahman effulgence without merging into it.”


    Yes, this needs some explanation.

    Finger pointing will not do.


    What is it that can merge, or not merge,in That beyond which nothing exists?


    And a question for a medical practitioner and philosopher:


    Is the POOR DIFFERENTIATION (merging) in CELLULAR IDENTITY which is a feature of cancer


    to the POOR DIFFERENTIATION (merging) in SPIRITUAL IDENTITY which is a purported feature of sayujya mukti ?







  10. Originally posted by Maitreya:

    We must just see what is being pointed out.Simple as that.


    Cease to analyse,

    What a surprise!

    Before our eyes

    A full Moon Rise.




    Now apply what you have said to Melvin's

    postings about the Hare Krishna virus

    and to

    Satyaraja's "double speak".


    Posted Image




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