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Posts posted by talasiga

  1. PRAYER 10


    Hail Opal of Opposites !

    You have nothing you must do

    Yet you choose action night and day

    There is so much for us to do

    Please take our laziness away !







  2. Originally posted by Avinash:

    How is it not a credible evidence?

    Hey Avinash !

    See I'm back .....

    (for the time being ?)



    Well now

    Your question at hand

    Let me see.

    Hmmm -


    You know, I think,

    <u><font color=blue>CR</font><font color=green>EDIBLE</font></u>

    is something a CRocodile can eat.

    Now if the crocodile eats it all, what will be left as evidence ?


    Such is credible evidence


    Posted Image


    [This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 01-07-2002).]

  3. <font color=red>MESSAGE 7:-</font>


    Please send me

    Messages fresh with your pain !

    If you send me lustre

    If you send me gold

    I must share them out to all told.

    Please send me that message

    I may keep only for me -

    The more I hoard it, the greater your gain.




    [This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 01-06-2002).]

  4. Frozen Heart


    I see a moonlit Radha

    Under a lonely maple tree

    The snow that came to imprison her

    Is captured in her jewellery


    I see a moonlit Radha

    Standing on an icy throne

    Her warm feet make holy water

    For the thirsty and forlorn


    Some say she is only found in India

    Others say she has no home

    Some do only find her

    When they begin to roam


    Some say she is the closest Goddess

    Others say she can never be met

    But those who sing, "Radhe"

    Will come to know her secret


    I see a moonlit Radha

    Under a lonely maple tree

    Her warm feet make holy water

    As she stands on an icy throne.






  5. Originally posted by suryaz:



    I will see you at Rathyatra in a day or two (Byron Bay - Dec 30-31 2001, Jan 1 2002).


    We can talk there.

    Dear Suryaz,


    Nice of you to think of me

    but I won't be there,

    however, if you do see me there

    please let me know.


    I won't be here much either

    as for some inexplicable reason

    I have not been able to access these forums

    for some weeks now.

    I've had to go to an internet cafe to post this.


    As you don't know who I am

    I'm sure you won't miss me.


    Nevertheless, I'm tempted to re-iterate

    my address











    [This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-30-2001).]

  6. Originally posted by JRdd:

    (Does that smilie look embarressed to anyone else? They had a better one before. This one looks like it's in ecstacy. Oh, so it fits either way. Your choice.)


    Posted Image


    looks like someone

    ate too much tofu



    looks like some<u>thing</u>

    ate too much tofu


  7. Originally posted by JRdd on the thread,



    I only wish I had more time to keep up better correspondence with them all, but the personal and public exchanges are incredible, enlightening, encouraging, so many things, that I do not expereince when say associating with blood relatives--a time when I really do feel alone (or wish I was ).





    This Christmas

    I will surely pray

    for naughty little Krishna:

    That He finds His lonely friends

    and embraces the greatest Nurture .


    Talasiga asks, Is not loneliness that very emptiness

    which invites the Divine ?









  8. Originally posted by JRdd:

    I only wish I had more time to keep up better correspondence with them all, but the personal and public exchanges are incredible, enlightening, encouraging, so many things, that I do not expereince when say associating with blood relatives--a time when I really do feel alone (or wish I was Posted Image )


    Dear JRdd

    I have responded on this Prayer thread:




    Kind Regards

  9. Originally posted by JRdd:


    And then Srila Prabhupada would say, upon being asked the question....

    Yes !

    But Talasiga says:


    Krishna is the worst Flautist !

    When He plays the happiest raga

    Everybody cries .....


    And his saddest raga

    even Radha will not hear.


    All glories to the joyous Jamuna !

    All glories to the Silent Sadness at Her shore !




    [This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-13-2001).]

  10. Originally posted by suryaz:

    Loneliness??? What is it????


    I know in theory that Krsna is in our hearts and therefore we should never feel lonely. While I cannot say I have had practical experience of such, I can say I have experienced moments of inspiration in some small way, that were meaningful to me




    Krishna rarely presents Himself fully to His friends

    He likes to leave some room to dance with them.

    That vacant space some call loneliness

    And aloneness is the dizziness

    of the spinning dancer

    seeing no-one.










  11. Originally posted by karthik_v:

    I think it would be a good idea if you could resist the temptation of posting a link, after just a 30 second search on Google. For example, your site just reflects the ignorance of 18th and 19th century Europeans who were full of prejudices and lacked any knowledge of Sanskrit or Tamil..............................


    Readers may note may note that this is Karthik's

    commentary on the following link:




    which I posted earlier as I thought it and related links

    contained independent information that readers may have found useful

    for the purposes of these "discussions".....


    As a matter of record, readers should note that the link is not my site as Karthik contends when he says "your site" .


    Thank You very much


  12. http://indiansaga.com/languages/early_dravidian_lang.html



    readers may find this and related links


    for the purposes of making their own conclusions about these "discussions".....


    Readers will note that there is no reference

    to any <u>explicit</u> religious work from the early Tamil "Sangam" era.

    The only early reference to an explicitly religious one

    is to a work as late as 200AD which is

    a reference to a Buddhist one in Tamil.




    [This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-13-2001).]

  13. Originally posted by Gauracandra:

    This was in reference to Talasiga saying there were no Hindu writings in Tamil, to which Karthik provided a listing.


    Talasiga never said this.

    What Talasiga said was there are no Hindu writings

    in Tamil in the period under contention

    (say, from Siddhartha Gautama to the beginning of the Christian Era).


    He was making this point under the aegis of one of

    his salient arguments on this thread that,

    in examination of the classical or ancient Indian period,

    "[t]he criterion of popular vernacular writings about a faith

    is not a reasonable one to establish the extent of its permeation."


    The listing that Karthik provided was not well sourced,

    nor contextualised, and <u>appeared</u> to be a few names

    associated with the Sangam era of Tamil writings -

    an era about whose dates <u>there is much historical contention</u>.

    Shvu has already touched on the issue of the dating

    of various writings in relation to the Classical or Ancient period.

    Also Karthik's listing did not specify even briefly the content

    of the work of the authors mentioned.

    The historical references Talasiga has to significant works

    from this era (whose dates are a subject of contention)

    are a work on Tamil grammar and an epic poem and, it is not clear,

    from the information, whether the epic poem turns on religious/spiritual/theological/philosophical concepts.


    But however the discussion pans out, in the detail of whether there existed any religious Hindu writings in Tamil during the period <u>under discussion</u>, Talasiga's primary argument that

    "[t]he criterion of popular vernacular writings about

    a faith is not a reasonable one to establish the extent of its permeation"

    subsists because, in principle, some critical problems inhere in Kathik's approach. Here are some:


    1. if you only find or prove that there was religious Hindu writings

    in Tamil at 500 BC, does that mean that there was no Hinduism

    permeating the masses in 700 BC because one cannot find

    Tamil literature from that time?


    2. you would have to find Hindu scriptures in the pertinent vernaculars

    from every part of India for every period of Indian history

    in which you purport that Hinduism permeated the masses

    in those different areas of India.

    Therefore, regarding Maharashtra, you would need to find

    a Hindu text written in Marathi (or the equivalent vernacular

    for that period of history pertaining to Maharashtra area)

    around 500BC if you contended that Hinduism was there then.

    Ditto Bengal

    Ditto Orissa

    Ditto Kerala

    Ditto Vraja

    Ditto Ayodhya

    Ditto Sindh

    Ditto Madhya

    Ditto, Ditto, Ditto...


    3. Different faiths and different societies and cultures offer

    different markers of permeation and it is a perilous exercise

    to measure phenomenon from one culture or religion

    using a marker from another religion.

    For instance, Talasiga has already given the example that

    Buddhist architecture in stone predominated in the last half millenium BC.

    Karthik's type of reasoning would conclude that Buddhism

    must have predominated other faiths because of the preponderance

    of the stone evidence.

    However, it may be that the focus of Hinduism in this period,

    if there was any focus on building temples and monuments,

    may have been centred on wood as the construction material.

    So it is not really appropriate to extrapolate

    the material evidence which predominates in one religion

    as a measure for another religion.





    [This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-13-2001).]

  14. Dear Karthik,


    Please note:-



    Gauracandra: If Buddhism were a mass religion then there should be ample evidence in the artwork and writings of the masses.

    talasiga: If you study art history of the Indian sub-continent you will notice "Buddhist" art predominates in period under discussion. The Ajanta-Ellora cave paintings, the Buddhist sites at Sanchi, NE India, Mathura (yes: MATHURA) and present day Afghanistan - Bamiyan etc.

    There is nothing from the evidence of sculptures, paintings or architecture of Hinduism that approaches the level of Buddhist evidence.

    Using your own reasoning this would prove that Buddhism predominated !

    However, I don't agree with this reasoning and therefore I won't be inclined to say that Buddhism predominated as a mass religion

    on account of this.

    For example with regard to Hinduism, at that time

    1. it may not have been a monument focussed faith.

    2. its architecture and sculpture may still have been predominantly wooden rather than in stone which is the primary material of the Buddhist evidence



    Gauracandra: An argument that the masses were illiterate doesn't cut it, because for all civilizations for the last several thousand years, most people have been illiterate.

    talasiga: This isn't the argument at all. The argument is that in a society where the literate (and therefore, "teaching") class/es are focussed on Sanskrit or Pali, most of the significant writings will be in these languages.

    This was exactly the situation in classical eras of most ancient societies INCLUDING the classical era immediately preceding (and reflected in) early Christanity. Christian writings in Northern and Western European vernaculars only become significant from the Middle Ages

    when there was a growing shift <u>amongstthe literate </u> away from Latin and Greek with a greater appreciation of the beauty, relevance and capacity for vernaculars to serve as vessels for spiritual expression.

    Ditto for India - the shift to vernaculars as a focus for the literati occurs much later than the period under discussion.



    Talasiga Alone




    [This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-12-2001).]

  15. Originally posted by karthik_v:

    May be Buddhism was a mass religion all over India, in the hallucinated mind of 'erudite' Talasiga and in the minds of hate-filled European missionaries whose writings he has absorbed without demanding a shred of evidence!


    Perhaps it is you who are hallucinating


    on this thread I have not yet argued that Buddhism

    was a mass predominating religion in India.


    My salient argument has been:-


    1. The criterion of popular vernacular writings about a faith is not a reasonable one to establish the extent of its permeation.

    (especially when you are looking at ancient times where the majority of the masses were illiterate and the very small literate class/es had a Sanskritic or Pali focus)

    2. Tamil Nadu is not an appropriate sample

    for the examination whether Buddhism dominated Hinduism in any period of Indian History.



    [This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-12-2001).]

  16. talasiga: Can you show me any Tamil Hindu writings from the BC period. Even before Siddhartha's appearance in Northern India. No !

    Accordingly, your logic would have it that, therefore, Hinduism wasn't widespread. Inane !

    karthik: From the BC period? Sure. If you can read ancient Tamil, read up ......................

    talasiga: If your "rebuff" relies on me being able to read Tamil, then you have failed because I cannot. My Diksha Guruji was a native speaker of Tamil but he died some years ago Posted Image so he cannot help me with my petty discussions.


  17. Originally posted by karthik_v:

    Could our erudite Talasiga, who often writes verses of great insignificance and banality ......


    Your very honest comments about my poetry

    are not relevant to this thread.

    Gauracandra had kindly started a thread

    called "Talasiga's poetry".

    I would be most gratified if you were to post your comments there


    as and when and where you read the verses

    (ie on the thread that the verses appear).


    On the other hand,

    if you are just trying to hurt my feelings,

    it may be best to simply ignore any of my

    poems which seem to be heartfelt.

    This way you can hurt me directly

    without stooping to insults.





    karthik: Webster defines Hagiography as folows:


    "HAGIOG'RAPHY, n. [Gr. holy, and a writing.]


    Sacred writings. The Jews divide the books of the Scriptures into three parts; the Law, which is contained in the five first books of the Old Testament; the Prophets, or Nevim; and the Cetuvim, or writings, by way of eminence. The latter class is called by the Greeks Hagiographa, comprehending the books of Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ruth, Esther, Chronicles, Canticles, Lamentations, and Ecclesiastes."


    And now where was I using it? In this context:






    The present form of Hinduism [with Idol worship, temples, etc] is believed to have been the result of the retaliation of the Brahmanas against spreading Buddhism.



    Again, there is no hagiographic evidence to support this.




    The standard and precise usage of "hagiography" is to denote <u>writings about saints</u>. Please see Concise Oxford Dictionary. The meaning that you have given is covered in Oxford by the word "Hagiographa" meaning the 12 books of the Hebrew Scriptures not included under the Law and Prophets groupings.


    If you meant "sacred writing" it might have been better if you had said so.



  19. Originally posted by talasiga:

    In ancient India, Sanskrit was the predominant scriptural vehicle

    of Hinduism


    Pali was the predominant scriptural vehicle

    of Buddhism.



    karthik: Ashoka's inscriptions are not in Pali alone but Avadhi as well. So, the inscriptions are in many Prakrits.

    talasiga: DING DING DING A LING A LING ! Wakey wakey !

    1. royal inscriptions on stone pillars do not constitute the substantial SCRIPTURAL record of a faith which is the subject here.

    2. As Ashoka did not rule Tamil Nadu, it is hardly likely one would find his inscriptions there ! (not that this point is really relevant in the light of point 1).



  20. Originally posted by karthik_v:

    First of all Pali was just one of the many prakrits; not a language as many believe.



    talasiga: It appears that you are displaying your ignorance through false erudition. In the linguistic context "Prakrit" means any ancient natural language of India co-existing with Sanskrit and derived from it. This is how it was in the early 1970's when I studied linguistics. Even the Concise Oxford Dictionary gives a similar meaning.

    karthik: Perhaps, I wasn't clear in expression. Ashoka's inscriptions are not in Pali alone but Avadhi as well. So, the inscriptions are in many Prakrits.

    talasiga: Sorry ! Your expression "First of all Pali was just one of the many prakrits; not a language as many believe", was quite clear as any reader will see and clearly demonstrated your misunderstanding of the nexus between Pali, Prakrit and language.



  21. Originally posted by JRdd:

    I am wary of soy products. Here is a link to an article on the dangers of soy products. ...........





    This is a very appropriate and interesting link.


    I am not a great FAN of soya either

    despite being dietetically a vegan for nearly 30 years now as I am not able to

    tolerate dairy.

    This is not due to some cerebral reckoning

    but my own experience in a therapeutic dietary context.


    I also note that Dr Max Gerson, who promoted a Potassium rich, low fat, predominantly fruit and vegetable based diet for cancer cure specifically prohibited the soya bean on account of its high fat content (along with nuts etc).


    Most dried pulses such as beans and lentils

    have a low percentage of fat 4% for chick peas, less than 3% for the others. However soya beans are 17% and while most of this is unsaturated, it must be remebered that it will undergo cooking. Latest research tends to show that the the heating of unsaturated fats renders them carcinogenic.



    Dr Max Gerson - A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases

    Totality Books Publishers

    PO Box 1035, Del Mar, California.


    Ford Heritage - Composition and Facts About Foods

    Republished by Special permission of the author by

    Health Research, PO Box 70, Mokelumne Hill, California 95245


    Udo Erasmus - Fats that Heal Fats that Kill the complete guide to fats, oils, cholestrol and human health

    ISBN 0-920470-38-6

    Alive Books, 7436 Fraser Park Drive,

    Burnaby BC Canada



    Even so my wife loves the tofu mousse

    I make for her in summer:


    Vitamise (blenderise) a hunk of tofu (200 grams)

    with a Hanuman handful of any dried fruit of choice OR a dollop of HONEY

    with the juice of one orange


    a Hanuman handful of some fruit in season

    like MANGOES

    (some cardamoms or vanilla bean may be blended in also)


    Plop into dishes and garnish with some sliced fruit

    Put in freezer for 1.5 hours

    (experimentation allowed)

    and Presto:


    Talasiga's Tofu Mousse !

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