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Everything posted by bhaktajoy

  1. Yes all are one.God help those who help others
  2. "Who am I?", asked Bharata. "That is not a question that can easily be answered." The king answered, "I fail to understand. Surely the form in which you are now existing is who you are." "No," said Bharata. "I am the atman(soul) and the atman(soul) is the same as the paramatman(supersoul). The supersoul is everywhere and therefore, the soul is also everywhere. I am everywhere. I am in all physical bodies. It is meaningless to ask who you are and who I am. We are all one and the same. Wood has come from the trees and this palanquin is made of wood. But is the palanquin wood or tree? When you ride on the palanquin, does anyone say that you are riding on a tree? Men, women, cows, horses, elephants, birds and trees, these are all meaningless names. They are all illusions. Everything is one and the same. I am everywhere. If there had been a place or an object where I do not exist, I could have everywhere, I do not know how to answer your question. Tell me king, are you your head or your stomach? Or is all of it, you? But then, what will you call that which is distinct from your physical body? Think about what I have said."
  3. Yes it is universal and your beliefs shape the kind of feedback you get from God.One thing is fascinating for sure,the nde's reflect Vedic philosphy 100%!Karma,Life is everywhere,Reincarnation,Ghosts,etc etc. I know few people by email contact only. Here is a nde of an Indian man. http://nderf.org/India%20Physician's.htm "Greetings! And thanks for the genuine appreciation. I am a Senior Homoeopathic - Physician having more than three decades of practice. Below my original message, I am now sending my personal NDE details for publication. You can also put my e-mail address on that. Let like-minded persons can come together & discuss this important matter which has wholly engaged the collective Indian Mind for thousands of years. With warm Greetings. We in India with our hoary philosophical traditions of more than seven thousand years and experiences of thousands of saints & sages believe in the Holistic philosophy of Life. No experiments conducted on "Average experience criteria" or objective studies of the brain can explain the function of consciousness. Each man's experience will be different like the fact that no two thumb impressions match. NDE of an evolved soul will be Transcendal. It is like a Quantum Jump. While as experiences of many ordinary people may be ascribed to stresses or emotional factors. In the matter of consciousness, we are entering a Quantum field wherein Modern science has no guidelines. I was also skeptical about Transcendal experiences until I had one NDE experience in 1969.After suffering an attack of acute Dysentery & loss of blood I was nearing the end. Suddenly I left the body & from the ceiling could look down on my body. In that state I could instantly be aware of anything I thought about. I thought of my mother. I could see her running helter skelter on a platform to catch a train. Later when I luckily recovered I corroborated that in fact ,at that precise moment she was running on a platform hundreds of Kilometers away to catch a train to come to my place, on receipt of a telegram about my critical condition. Any NDE which can be found true ,to objective reality is astonishing! How can mind travel through Space and Time? Mind is transcendal Reality. A quantum entity. Science has not still reached a stage of understanding it. As Shakespeare put it "There are Truths undreamt of under the sky!" Details. The incident actually occurred in September 1969.However as NDE is a profound experience it is deeply etched in my memory. I can recollect even minute details of it instantaneously though ,more than three decades have passed. At that time I was thirty seven, a robust young man. And was an Agnostic I was skeptical of religion or any thing that could not be called strictly scientific. My family had just moved into a small town called Eluru in Andhrapradesh, India. Because of the unhygienic conditions there I had a serious bout of Dysentery. Avoiding self-treatment, I put myself under the care of my friend in General Hospital. In spite of a vigorous course of Anti-Biotics the dysentery did not subside. I lost a heavy amount of blood. Added to that a serious fever developed. After a few days my condition deteriorated very rapidly. Pulse became very weak & barely palpable. On the third day of the full moon at midnight, the physician was summoned ,as my condition rapidly deteriorated & I was collapsing. While he was checking my heart-beats suddenly I left the body. From the ceiling I was looking at my own body! The visibility was very poor as if a thick cloud of smoke separated me from the rest of the surroundings. The severe pain that I was experiencing just before leaving the body had vanished. I was calm & composed. Suddenly I realized I was dead! My God! I have brought my young kids & and family and have left them in a strange place without any protection financially or otherwise! Visibility was not clear. Everything was misty. But it was as though I could see without vision, hear without sound. I was in another Dimension of Existence. I could hear the laments of women below & the hushed conversation. One thought became prominent in me. How absurd Life is! In the morning the body would be cremated. Is this all to life. What a meaningless end to a chain of boundless wonders & potential opportunities. It is like bubble floating on a sea. Then what is death? An entrance to another dimension? I was calmly & objectively thinking while my brain & body were lying below! & as though I was not the person affected by death. Evolution endows matter with higher & higher levels of consciousness & death seems to snatch it. While brooding I became aware of a presence. In a speechless communication IT informed me that I could re-enter the body if I so desired. But no time should be lost. However at that critical moment I pleaded for an answer to the riddle of Life as that thought had fully engrossed me! There was a beautiful vision of stars roaring past me. At the centre of all that tumult was a glowing light. Each star appeared to be a minute centre of consciousness. It was merging into & emerging from the central consciousness as desired by that cosmic WILL which shone like a very huge sun! The vision vanished & I noticed that the doctor was looking down at me with amazement. I smiled feebly and told him I was O.K. In that out- of -body state I could fulfill all my desires as if I were Omnipotent, Omniscient! I thought of my mother & I could see her running hectically on a platform at a Railway station hundreds of mile away! When I entered the body, the virulent infection had vanished & I could recoup in a couple of days. My mother later confirmed that indeed she was frantically running around Vijayavada railway station enquiring about a train to Eluru after receiving the telegram about my critical condition. NDE is cannot be explained in normal objective terms. I underwent a positive personality change. All my arrogance vanished." Actually I lost email contact with this man and now I don't know if he is still alive. Last time he wrote me: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 06:54:31 +0530 "My Dear Mukherji, I am very happy to have a friend in USA. I visited Mathura,Krishna's birth place.Of course due to poverty, over population & neglect the present state of the city is pitiable.However I felt the spiritual vibes of Lord Sri.Krishna. Actually in one bylane I felt as if baby Krishna was running in front of me.At Brindvan I felt joy. He was dancing with Gopikas. I felt enthralled.At Kalikamardhan ghat He was dancing on that huge serpent.Holiness took over me. My joy was unbounded.Please do keep in touch. Shivaraman.M.S." That silver cord thing is often mentioned in Yoga books.The Solar Plexus Chakra is energy center in our body.Christians deny these ndes because they contradict all the dogma. Another Interesting Nde of an American man: Copyright 1994 by P. M. H. Atwater BEYOND THE LIGHT, originally in hardcover, Birch Lane Press, http://www.iands.org/pmh17.html In 1979, Berkley Carter Mills made history in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the city of Lynchburg by becoming the youngest father ever to win custody of a small child in divorce proceedings. Six months later a massive load of compressed cardboard he was loading slipped out of control, slamming him against a steel pole. He remembers a sharp pain, collapsing, being in a black void, then finding himself floating in a prone position twelve feet above his crumpled body. He saw and heard people running around, yelling for an ambulance and saying, "Don't touch him, give him air." His body went from white to blue; there was no breath. The sight filled him with awe. "I'm here, my body is there. How did this happen?" (Refer to pages 72-75, paperback version, "BEYOND THE LIGHT.") Not understanding how he could suddenly be airborne, Carter Mills attempted to reenter his body. Crawling downward in swimlike strokes he had almost reached his goal when a gentle but firm hand tugged his right arm. When he looked up, there were two angels replete with robes, wings, bare feet, and streaming hair - no color but opaque white - and no particular gender. "What's going on?" he asked. "We've come to take you to God," they answered. After some confusion on Carter Mills's part the trio left the scene at tremendous speed, leaving the earth behind as if it were a star the size of a pinhead. Their destination was an intensely bright light. Carter Mills questioned, "How come I'm not cold and how come I'm not suffocating this far out in space?" An angel replied, "This is your spiritual body, and these things do not affect it." They took him to a suspended platform, and in the center was a being so powerful Carter Mills thought it was God. The angels bowed and took their places with two others, each with wings outstretched and hands folded in prayer, at the platform's four corners. Male in mannerisms and voice, the clean-shaven being turned out to be Jesus. Carter Mills could not look Jesus in the face as he perceived himself as naked and unfit for such an audience. After some coaxing from Jesus, he felt more at ease. "I'm going to judge you," Jesus said. Instantly Carter Mills's whole life began to play out, starting at birth. He relived being a tiny spark of light traveling to earth as soon as egg and sperm met and entering his mother's womb. In mere seconds he had to choose hair color and eyes out of the genetic material available to him and any genes that might give him the body he would need. He bypassed the gene for clubfootedness, then watched from a soul's perspective as cells subdivided. He could hear his parents whenever they spoke and feel their emotions, but any knowledge of his past lives dissolved. Birth was a shock: awful lights, giant people, eyes peering over face masks. His only comfort was his mother. He relived each incident in his life, including killing a mother bird when he was eight. He was so proud of that single shot until he felt the pain the bird's three babies went through when they starved to death without her. "It's not true that only humans have souls," Carter Mills cautions today. "Insects, animals, plants have souls, too. Yes, I still eat meat, for in this plane species eat each other to survive, but I bless my food and say thanks for the gift life gives. If I don't the food sours in my stomach." He was shown that hell is a black blankness without God. Upset, he yelled back, "How can you sit up here on this throne and allow such misery to happen on Earth?" Gently he was told, "It's your own fault. I gave you the tools to live by. I gave you free will and free choice. And I allow you to be part of my creation. It is your free will and your free choice that is responsible for starvation, war, and hate." Carter Mills felt pangs of guilt when he realized we coexist with God, no one is God's servant or slave. Jesus, the angels and platform, disintegrated into a giant sphere of light once Carter Mills no longer needed their shape or form to put him at ease. As the sphere grew it absorbed him, infused him with the ecstasy of unconditional love. "Sexual orgasms can't compare. You are so high. Magnify that to infinity!" He zoomed back to his mangled remains as a ball of all knowing light and crashed into his solar plexus with such force it jolted his body to action. He had been told before leaving The Other Side, "No hospital, no blood, no operation, God will show you how to heal yourself." Thus, when Carter Mills stood, he promptly walked to his car and drove home, on the way passing the ambulance that had been sent to rescue him. Those present verified that he had been dead for twenty minutes. The next morning Carter Mills awoke in a pool of blood. The doctor he went to for aid committed him to a psychiatric ward as insane when he refused surgery. Since three independent psychiatrists had to confirm the verdict, and one objected, Carter Mills was released. Although his injuries were extensive and severe, he recovered by himself and returned to work. His former wife took advantage of his plight and challenged the custody ruling three times. She lost each try. "The authorities tried to take my son away. I lost half my friends, my job, almost everything else I had, but I didn't lose God's guidance. I wouldn't talk about my experience for two years. I went from an active social life to that of a cripple before I could change things. I wanted to get a degree in psychology, but had to quit several years later when my money ran out." Carter Mills's appearance on the Geraldo Show in 1989 was preceded by an old buddy breaking off their friendship just because he had agreed to discuss his near-death experience on national television. Carter Mills was heartbroken, yet appear he did, there and hundreds of other places, sharing the voluminous knowledge he was given while on The Other Side. For this he has been both hated and thanked, shunned and welcomed. His mind is often flooded with incredibly accurate prophesies that leave him frustrated for want of knowing what to do about them. Sometimes he feels as if he's losing personal control. Light bulbs even blow up in his presence if he flips on/off switches too fast. Nonetheless, he is now healthier than ever, youthful and energetic, and he brags about how his son has turned out in spite of all the problems. "My sacrifices were worth it, for my son knows that God is real. He is drug free and tuned to his own soul." Embraced by the light of Jesus Betty Eadie's near-death experience Excerpt: But I wanted to know everything, from beginning to end. My curiosity had always been a torment to my parents and husband - and sometimes to me - but now it was a blessing, and I was thrilled with the freedom of learning. I was being taught by the master teacher! My comprehension was such that I could understand volumes in an instant. It was as if I could look at a book and comprehend it at a glance - as though I could just sit back while the book revealed itself to me in every detail, forward and backward, inside and out, every nuance and possible suggestion. All in an instant. As I comprehended one thing, more questions and answers would come to me, all building on each other, and interacting as if all truth were intrinsically connected. The word "omniscient" had never been more meaningful to me. Knowledge permeated me. In a sense it became me, and I was amazed at my ability to comprehend the mysteries of the universe simply by reflecting on them. I wanted to know why there were so many churches in the world. Why didn't God give us only one church, one pure religion? The answer came to me with the purest of understanding. Each of us, I was told, is at a different level of spiritual development and understanding. Each person is therefore prepared for a different level of spiritual knowledge. All religions upon the earth are necessary because there are people who need what they teach. People in one religion may not have a complete understanding of the Lord's gospel and never will have while in that religion. But that religion is used as a stepping stone to further knowledge. Each church fulfills spiritual needs that perhaps others cannot fill. No one church can fulfill everybody's needs at every level. As an individual raises his level of understanding about God and his own eternal progress, he might feel discontented with the teachings of his present church and seek a different philosophy or religion to fill that void. When this occurs he has reached another level of understanding and will long for further truth and knowledge, and for another opportunity to grow. And at every step of the way, these new opportunities to learn will be given. Having received this knowledge, I knew that we have no right to criticize any church or religion in any way. They are all precious in his sight. Very special people with important missions have been placed in all countries, in all religions, in every station of life, that they might touch others. There is a fullness of the Gospel, but most people will not attain it here. In order to grasp this truth, we need to listen to the Spirit and let go of our egos. I wanted to learn the purpose of life on the earth. Why are we here? As I basked in the love of Jesus Christ, I couldn't imagine why any spirit would voluntarily leave this wonderful paradise and all it offered - worlds to explore and ideas to create and knowledge to gain. Why would anyone want to come here? In answer, I remembered the creation of the earth. I actually experienced it as if it were being reenacted before my eyes. This was important. Jesus wanted me to internalize this knowledge. He wanted me to know how I felt when the creation occurred. And the only way to do that was for me to view it again and feel what I had felt before. All people as spirits in the pre-mortal world took part in the creation of the earth. We were thrilled to be part of it. We were with God, and we knew that he created us, that we were his very own children. He was pleased with our development and was filled with absolute love for each one of us. Also, Jesus Christ was there. I understood, to my surprise, that Jesus was a separate being from God, with his own divine purpose, and I knew that God was our mutual Father. My Protestant upbringing had taught me that God the Father and Jesus Christ were one being. As we all assembled, the Father explained that coming to earth for a time would further our spiritual growth. Each spirit who was to come to earth assisted in planning the conditions on earth, including the laws of mortality which would govern us. These included the laws of physics as we know them, the limitations of our bodies, and spiritual powers that we would be able to access. We assisted God in the development of plants and animal life that would be here. Everything was created of spirit matter before it was created physically - solar systems, suns, moons, stars, planets, life upon the planets, mountains, rivers, seas, etc. I saw this process, and then, to further understand it, I was told by the Savior that the spirit creation could be compared to one of our photographic prints; the spirit creation would be like a sharp, brilliant print, and the earth would be like its dark negative. This earth is only a shadow of the beauty and glory of its spirit creation, but it is what we needed for our growth. It was important that I understand that we all assisted in creating our conditions here. Many times the creative thoughts we have in this life are the result of unseen inspiration. Many of our important inventions and even technological developments were first created in the spirit by spirit prodigies. Then individuals on earth received the inspiration to create these inventions here. I understood that there is a vital, dynamic link between the spirit world and mortality, and that we need the spirits on the other side for our progression. I also saw that they are very happy to assist us in any way they can.
  4. I agree with Theist 100%.Celibacy is no lie.Why?Because Women have their periods only once a month.Sex is also a great obstacle because it bewilders.Lustful desires in the mind is just another form of violence.
  5. By M.A. Shrivastava Reported round the world, near-death experiences lift the veil off death and show us glimpses of a domain of love, compassion and beauty. NDEs not only obliterate the dread of death but also charge life with fresh meaning and purpose What happens after we die? Is there life after death or do we sink into nothingness? Are we punished for our sins and rewarded for our good deeds? Do heaven and hell exist? What about reincarnation? For man, death has always been an impenetrable mystery. Never before has there been such a large-scale denial of death as today. The cult of youth, good looks and health is a manifestation of man's tendency to run away from the perceived unpleasantness of death. For medical science, death is the ultimate enemy, to be defeated at all costs, even if it means keeping a person alive through artificial means. Ironically, this determination to fight death has opened the door to an exploration of it. In recent times, there has been a deluge of accounts of people who have returned from the jaws of death. Called near-death experiences (NDE), a term coined by writer Dr Raymond Moody Jr. in his book Life after Life, these descriptions and experiences have ripped the veil off the face of death. And what is revealed is neither frightening nor nihilistic. On the contrary, the landscape is radiant with love, beauty, compassion and joy. Death seems to open the doors to ongoing life where we encounter loving spiritual guides, see our akashic records, enjoy celestial music, and understand the purpose of our earthly mission. This not just obliterates the dread of death but charges life with fresh meaning and purpose. NDE survivors report leaving the body with a plop, and suddenly find themselves surveying their supine bodies from above. They find they can go anywhere simply by intention. They enter by themselves, or are guided by spiritual figures to a long, dark tunnel emanating love and warmth. For some, the experience is frightening, but for most it appears to be overwhelmingly positive. At the end of the tunnel, they see a bright vibrating light radiating powerful rays of love. God? In P.M.H. Atwater's book Beyond the Light, an NDE survivor says: "I felt whole and loved. My sense of well being was complete. I heard celestial music clearly and saw vividly colored flowers, like nothing seen on earth, gorgeous greenery and trees. As I looked around, I saw on a hill, Jesus Christ. All he said to me was that it was up to me whether to come back to earth or not. I chose to come back to finish my work." Another survivor is quoted: "A bright, new, beautiful world-beautiful beyond imagination! For half a minute I could see both worlds at once. Finally, when earth was all gone, I stood in a glory that could only be heaven." Back in India, Suresh Kothari, 73, a Mumbai-based businessman had a premonition in 1972 that something unusual would happen. Next day, he was admitted to a hospital with a liver abscess. As the pus was being drawn from his liver, Kothari felt a severe pain moving towards his head. He became numb and felt something trying to come out from his body. His eyes began to pop. He could feel some kind of energy rotating in his forehead. And then he was out of his body. "I entered an area of silent storm where light was oscillating at great speed. The entire view was multidimensional. I experienced divine love," he says. When he came to, he found doctors pressing his femoral artery to revive his cardiac arrest. Merra, a 42-year-old resident of Washington, USA, who has had three major NDEs and a few minor ones, recalls having seen a being of frosted white light pulsating near her during her second NDE in 1988. "I could see another bright light on my right but wasn't allowed to go near it. It looked like a male figure and was sending a lot of light towards me," she recalls. While Kothari and Merra witnessed light, 71-year-old Navinbhai Mehta of Mumbai smelt a beautiful fragrance synchronized with soothing music. A practitioner of acupressure and acupuncture, Mehta is strongly intuitive. One morning in June 1995, he sensed that he was going to die. His family members rushed him to a cardiologist where Mehta collapsed and was declared dead. Ten minutes later, he opened his eyes, much to everybody's surprise. About the period when he died, Mehta says: "I was traveling through a tunnel and could see a bright light at the end. As I neared the light, I heard indescribably beautiful music." Most NDE survivors recall feeling intense love when they went near the light at the end of the tunnel and wouldn't have returned but for unfinished business. "I felt as if I had reached the pinnacle of love. All my mental and physical fatigue was gone," says Kothari. His first reaction on returning to consciousness was: "Why did you bring me back? I don't want to come back." Merra was also unwilling to return but the being of light told her that she had unfinished tasks on earth. Merra also felt the presence of her parents who had died in a plane crash in 1978 and her sister who was murdered when Merra was 21 but could not see them. However, not all undergo pleasant NDEs. Describing the NDE of a Californian woman, Atwater says: "She floated out of her body into a dark tunnel, then headed towards a bright light ahead. Once the light was reached, she saw a landscape of barren, rolling hills filled to overflowing with nude, zombie-like people staring straight at her. She was so horrified that she started screaming. This snapped her back into her body, where she continued screaming until sedated. As she related her story, she declared death a nightmare and cursed every church throughout history for misleading people with heaven. She was inconsolable." Nevertheless, NDEs can also heal. Merra had had an incurable brain tumor since childhood. During her second NDE, she was taken into a room in the mountains where she saw her body lying on a stone-bed and three bearded men praying over it. Merra was told that they would perform a psychic surgery on her tumor. "They were massaging my body with oils, poured purified water on my head and lighted incense. Then I saw some dark energy emanating from my body," she reminisces. When she came to, her tumor was gone. NDE experiencers also lose a sense of timing while on the other side. "Though the whole process lasted for about 60 to 90 seconds, I felt as if I had spent thousands of years there and traveled thousands of miles," says Kothari. In Kothari's case, the effect of the NDE unfolded only later. After being discharged from the hospital, he could not recognize anyone for six months. He remembered the past vaguely. Then began the onslaught of deities. Kothari claims to have seen various deities sitting face to face with him in his house: "I used to see huge forms of Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira. One day, to my surprise, I saw millions of Lord Krishnas on my body, almost in each cell. If I looked down on the floor I could see 100 miles under the ground." Kothari asked the deities to explain the purpose of what was happening to him. Then began the flow of advice from them in the form of verses where he was supposedly given the secret of creation. Till date, 41,000 verses have been dictated to him. Most NDE survivors report a dramatic change in their personality. Normally, it takes a spiritual bend. Having seen the reality, they return as better and reformed human beings. "You return from your NDE knowing that we affect each other because we are all part of each other, and that we affect all parts of creation because all parts of creation interweave with all other parts. Any sense of aloneness or separation dissolves in the light of such knowing," says Atwater. Betty Eadie, author of Embraced by the Light, an account of her NDE while undergoing surgery, was shown the consequences of her actions in the akashic records. Her positive actions rippled through the lives of many people, creating joy and happiness, while her negative ones spread a stain of misery across the spectrum. What we do impacts the universe, she concluded. The experiencers return charged with a divine mission. "We think that God is outside us but we can experience God even in ourselves if we wish," says Merra. And this is what she teaches in her meditation classes, which started after her NDEs. Similarly for Kothari, post-NDE, death lost its terror and a spiritual quest started. Though still a globetrotting businessman, he gives religious discourses every evening and conducts spiritual awakening programs. Based on the knowledge passed on to him by the deities, Kothari has written Samkaleen Geeta, that was given to him by the cosmic voice when he asked for a simple path to salvation in the modern age. His other books include Krishna Leela, Agna Gnan, Prana Veda, and Bhakta Bhagwat. When taken over by the cosmic voice, Kothari speaks in various Indian languages like Marathi, Gujarati, Urdu, Sanskrit, some of which he doesn't otherwise know. Is death painful? "No," says Kothari, "It is absolutely painless. God is the best surgeon and anesthesiologist who takes out life without pain." One may add here that all experiences are subjective. During NDEs, Christians see Christ, Hindus see deities from the Hindu pantheon, and so on. Even their experiences are self-generated. Some see paradise, others a nightmare. Obviously, we create our own heaven and hell. Atwater says: "The biggest surprise for most people in dying is to realize that dying does not end life. Whether darkness or light comes next, the biggest surprise of all is to realize you are still you. You can still think, remember, see, hear, move, reason, wonder, feel, question and tell jokes, if you wish." Many in the medical community consider NDE to be a manifestation of the subconscious mind or the effect of anesthesia. Says DR Ramesh Dang, head of the Balkrishna Hypnotherapy Centre, Mumbai: "NDE is nothing but a projection of the subconscious mind, particularly common among people with a religious attitude." Dang's viewpoint does not explain Merra who was an atheist before her NDEs. She had never read any books on religion or meditation. "This is why seeing Lord Krishna during an NDE was such a surprise," she says. DR Shubhangi Parkar, head of the department of psychological medicine at Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, two of whose patients have undergone NDEs, says: "Whether one believes in NDEs or not, one should respect the feelings of the experiencers or else it could have a damaging effect on their minds." Both her patients benefited positively from the NDEs and were able to resolve their psychological problems. That perhaps is the bottom line. The medical community may baulk at the idea, but if NDEs enlighten us about the purpose of life, rid us of the fear of death and charge us with a sense of mission, we ought to embrace them with open arms!
  6. Haribol Prabhus! I am 18 year old guy but celibating Yes upon getting a higher taste one looses all material and bodily desires...
  7. Science is blind it cannot see God.In fact the whole universe is living because supersoul is everywhere!
  8. Dear Karthik Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances!AGTSP! cool!What are you doing in the US?I guess computer job...so you are a devotee from India,I see...Where from in India??? Don't call me Prabhuji as I am a very fallen soul.You are also senior to me...I am just your servant Have you downloaded other books from my site?Please let you friends know: http://www.geocities.com/freeprabhupadabooks How long you have been living here and how often do you visit home?hehe don't mind me just curious http://www.near-death.com has many profound near death experiences! See ya soon! Love & Blessings,Joy
  9. Dear Gimmegames, No you need not download any special fonts.Yesterday the Cantos were in HTML format.Now they are easy to download Zip files. Hari Bol!
  10. http://www.geocities.com/joymukherji2001/sb.html
  11. http://www.geocities.com/joymukherji2001/sb.html
  12. http://www.geocities.com/joymukherji2001/sb.html http://www.geocities.com/freeprabhupadabooks [This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 04-18-2002).]
  13. Thank you Karthik Prabhuji for downloading. Balaram font works great.I am afraid if there is any copyright issue involved!I don't have any permission from BBT either,let's see what happens,we hope we will hear from JN DAS soon.SB is quite expensive so making all 10 cantos available online helps. Also,do you have Srimad Bhagavatam book? [This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 04-17-2002).]
  14. Thank you Theist for your kind and encouraging words!I need blessings from Vaishnavas like you.PAMHO! Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!
  15. Karthik Prabhuji wrote: Great service. Do you think it will be a nice idea to contact the moderator of this forum, J N Das, and host it in this site? My reply:Thank you.It would be great to host Srila Prabhupada books on this site!Can you contact JN DAS?
  16. Karthik Prabhu, Hare Krishna! Steps to install them on your computer on WINDOWS/95 or 98. 1. Go to the Windows 95/98 Desktop 2. Double-click the "My Computer" 3. The "My Computer" window will open. 4. Double-click the "Control Panel" 5. The "Control Panel" window will open. 6. Double-click the "Fonts" 7. The "Fonts" window will open showing you the installed fonts. 8. Click on "File" and when the pop-down window appears select "Install New Fonts". 9. The "Add Fonts" will appear. 10. There will be a white text box labeled "Folders". 11. Navigate inside the Folders List box by double-clicking on the c:\ until you find the folder into which you saved the font's. If fonts are found a small entry will be visible temporarily counting the fonts as they are loaded. 12. After the fonts are loaded, they will be shown in the white text box labeled "List of Fonts". You can scroll through the "List of Fonts" list box and select the font you want to install. You can click on one font, or select more than one by holding down the control key as you are clicking on each font, or by clicking on the first font, holding down the shift key and clicking on the last font you want installed. You can also click on the "Select All" button. Note: If you try to install fonts which are already installed, you will be presented with a warning window telling you that you cannot install the font unless you first un-install it. This is a harmless warning which allows you to continue with the other fonts by simply pressing the OK button. 13. After the font is selected , press the OK button. 14. The font's will then be installed. 15. When you are done, close that window. 16. You will be returned to the Fonts window, and the font you've just installed will be in the list there. 17. You can now close the Fonts window, close the Control Panel, and close the "My Computer" window. 18. Your all done! Restart your computer. Hope this helps. Do you have Winzip program???Unzipped files can be found at c:/unzipped God bless.
  17. Dear gimmegames, Yes you're right I beg your pardon.The Diacritical Fonts are needed to read the books.I added it to my site.Please download the font and enjoy the books! God bless
  18. Dear Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Few months ago I downloaded Srimad Bhagavatam free,all 10 Cantos from harekrishnatemple.com unfortunately all books are now gone.What happened to that website anybody knows? I have decided to put it free on my web page.Geocities gives very limited data transfer(only 5 mb)...I am only experimenting at this moment.The files are in Zip format.I will add more cantos later. http://www.geocities.com/joymukherji2001/sb.html [This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 04-16-2002).] [This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 04-17-2002).]
  19. Dear Real Asian, Get yourself some Srila Prabhupada books mainly "Bhadavad Gita as it is" it is online at http://www.asitis.com They will help you great deal understanding the eternal truth.There is vast amount of knowledge,soon you will develop love for the Supreme personality of Godhead,Sri Krsna.Also,do you understand Hindi? http://www.near-death.com has many profound near death experiences. You already convinced of the existence of God? You will have to start with the Bhagavad Gita. Hope this meet you well. Love & blessings,Joy [This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 04-15-2002).] [This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 04-15-2002).]
  20. Although this human sacrifice thing is creepy it still dosen't bother me.First class knowledge is there...simply love Krishna joy
  21. Yes theist,even Indians are bewildered what to speak of foreigners Great hidden knowledge.You're right we have got work to do.
  22. Prabhupada: Oh, Mr. Murti, I'm very glad to see you. Come here in front. How do you like this movement? Huh? Mr. Murti: (inaudible) Prabhupada: Thank you. (chuckling) So any particular question? Rukmini: On the picture today that you gave Jadurani a picture of Sri Visnu. There is a foot on His chest. We didn't know what that was... there was a little footprint. Prabhupada: There are some special marks on the chest of Visnu by which in Vaikuntha He is known that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Otherwise, in Vaikuntha, everyone has got the same feature like Visnu. Just like if President Johnson comes here as a gentleman, you'll not, nobody will recognize him whether he's president or not unless he shows his special mark. Is it not? All government officers, big officers, they have got within the coat one, some mark. So far I know. So similarly, in Vaikuntha the inhabitants, they got svarupa. Their form is exactly like Visnu. There is no difference. When the Visnuduta came to take Ajamila from the hands of Yamaduta. They were four-handed with sankha-cakra-gada-padma as Visnu, the lotus flower, this disc, and the club, and the conchshell. There is no difference in the body. Simply by that special mark, some special hair on the chest and there is Bhrgu, I mean to say, sole, sole, a mark of the feet of Bhrgu Muni. So by some special marks one can recognize He is Visnu. Otherwise, from bodily features and from dress and from ornaments, there is no distinction between Visnu and His devotees in Vaikuntha. They're all four-handed. Svarupa sayujya salokya sarsti. They have got equal, I mean to say, situation of prosperity, wealthy, equally, almost equally powerful. So practically there is no difference between Visnu and Visnu-bhakta. In Krishnaloka also. Only Krsna is little blackish. Otherwise there is no... In the Krsnaloka they are two-handed, and Visnuloka they are four-handed. All the Vaikunthas, the residents, they are four-handed. You want four-hand or two-hand? (laughter) Mr. Murti? What do you want? Four hands? Mr. Murti: Two hands more than Krsna. Prabhupada: Yes. In this universe only Brahma has got four hands. Nobody within this universe. And Visnu also. In this brahmanda, in this universe, there is a planet where the ocean is of milk. Here, just like salted water. There are many oceans. Ocean of oil, ocean of ghee, ocean of milk. The ocean of oil, you have got experience in this planet. Within the earth you are getting some... Your civilization depending, your motor car civilization is depending on that ocean of oil. You are getting oil and lavishly spending it. Stock is supplied by God. Your material advancement will be finished if the stock is not supplied by the Lord. So these foolish men, they do not know. They think that "Without God we can live." Who has created the ocean of petroleum within the earth? Is it possible for human being? (laughter) Hamsaduta: Someone has said that the dhoti, the dhoti that the brahmacaris wear, is the dress that's worn in Vaikuntha. Is that correct? Prabhupada: Just see Visnu. He has no coat-pant. Here is Visnu. Or Krsna, He has no dress. He is also bare body. Only Radharani is covered. In India also, still, the covering of the body is only for woman, but men, this, practically one dhoti is sufficient. Sometimes langota, the underwear. Langota, underwear. What is that? Nanda-kisora: Swami? What does Nanda-kisora mean? Prabhupada: Nanda-kisora, kisora means a boy. Nanda-kisora: Boy? Prabhupada: The transcendental boy of Nanda Maharaja. Devotees: Oh! Prabhupada: Yes. Madhusudana: How is the lotus a weapon? They're all weapons. All the symbols in Visnu's hand, are, all the symbols in Visnu's hand are weapons. How is the lotus a weapon? Prabhupada: Lotus is blessing. And that disc and club is for punishing. Visnu has to see two ways because He's the Lord. So, as it is said in the Bhagavad-gita, paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam. Just like the state. State is meant for punishing the criminals and giving protection to the law-abiding citizen. Wherefrom this idea is taken? It is taken from Visnu. Everything. Because He is the supreme maintainer. So everything is required for maintaining. So this gada, the club, and the disc is for punishing the disobedient, the demons, or those who are harassing devotees. To punish them the Visnu-cakra is there. Just like Maharaja Ambarisa, he was harassed by Durvasa Muni, and Visnu-cakra punished him sufficiently. Maharaja Durvasa... Maharaja Ambarisa was a great king, but a great devotee at the same time. Because he was ksatriya and householder, Durvasa Muni, he was envious. Durvasa Muni was brahmana and a great yogi. So he could not tolerate that a householder king... King is supposed to be dealing in politics, economics. Therefore, according to social position, he is lesser than the brahmana because they are simply engaged in the matter of transcendental advancement of life. But a devotee is above the brahmanas. That is the position of devotee. Here, the highest qualitative position is to be situated in the modes of goodness or to acquire the qualities of brahmana, in this material world. Truthfulness, controlling the senses, controlling the mind, simplicity and knowledge, faith in God, there are so many qualifications which makes a person as recognized brahmana. But a devotee, never mind whether he's brahmana or a candala, he automatically develop all these qualities. Yasyasti bhaktir bhagavaty akincana. Anyone who has unflinching devotional faith in God, he has all the good qualities. I've several times narrated the story of that hunter. He was animal killer and he used to enjoy by killing the animal half. But when he became a devotee, he was not prepared to kill even an ant. Who taught him? Nobody taught him but he was simply chanting Hare Krsna. That's all. So if you actually making progress in devotional service, you are constantly in touch with the purest. Krsna is the purest. Bhagavad-gita, it is said, param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan. "You are the param brahma, Supreme Brahman." Brahman, every living entity is Brahman but He is param brahma, the leader of the Brahman. Just like the president is the first citizen of the state. Similarly, Krsna is also a living entity, but supreme living entity. Just like the first citizen. So similarly, every living entity is Brahman, but param brahma is one. That is Krsna. And therefore in the Brahma-samhita it is confirmed, isvarah paramah krsnah. Krsna is... Everyone isvara, more or less controller. Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, Indra, Varuna, Vayu, Candra, Surya. There are so many. They're all demigods. Say, almost God. But they are not Supreme God. Supreme God is one. Sometimes people who do not know the purpose of Vedas, they say, "The Hindus are worshiper of many gods." That is nonsense. Actually those who are followers of Vedas, they worship Krsna, only Krsna or Visnu. Tad visnoh paramam padam. Rg mantra. Tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah. And in the Bhagavad-gita it is said, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyam. What is the purpose of Vedas? To understand Krsna. One who does not understand Krsna, his Vedanta philosophy is nonsense. However you may advertise that "I am Vedantist," is a pakka nonsense. Because he has not attained the perfection of Vedic knowledge. The perfection of Vedic knowledge is to know Krsna, and that is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: Bahunam janmanam ante. After many, many births. Jnanavan. Jnanavan means Vedantist. Not... They have made it, that Vedantist... Vedantist, Vaisnavas, they are also Vedantist, but it has become a common sense, a common affair that the impersonalists, they are called Vedantists. Because, due to Sankaracarya's propaganda, they have made their position as Vedantists. But common men, they do not know that the Vaisnavas are the best Vedantists. We shall discuss Vedanta here also. Vedanta... In Ramanuja-bhasya there is... Perhaps you know, in your country. There is Ramanuja-bhasya Vedanta. Madhvacarya, he has also written Vedanta-bhasya. Not only Sankaracarya. But because the Vaisnavas, they know bhasyam brahma-sutranam. The Srimad-Bhagavatam is the actual explanation of Vedanta. So therefore they take more interest in Srimad-Bhagavatam because that is the actual explanation of Vedanta. Just like in the Vedanta-sutra, the, what is Brahman, Absolute Truth. Athato brahma jijnasa. The inquiry is, "What is Brahman, Absolute Truth?" The Vedanta-sutra answers... The Vedanta-sutra is made like that, questions and answers like that. So answer is janmady asya yatah. "The Absolute Truth is that from whom everything is emanating." He is the ultimate fountainhead of everything. Just now we tried to explain that the state functions protecting the good citizens and punishing the criminals. That should be the state business. Wherefrom this idea came? The law and... What is called? The law and order department or what is that? Devotee: Law and order. Prabhupada: Yes. Wherefrom the idea came to the human society unless it is there in the Absolute? How the idea comes? Therefore that law and order is Visnu. Janmady asya yatah. The idea of law and order came from Visnu. How nicely explained. Janmady asya. In two words, janmady asya yatah. Janma means creation, and adi, adi means first janma, then sthiti. Sthiti means staying, maintenance. And then dissolution. So three things. Yatah, from where these three things are happening. That means this world is being created from that source, it is being maintained by that source, and when it is annihilated it rests in that energy, the whole energy. Pralayam yanti mamikam, Bhagavad-gita. When everything is dissolved, the energy is absorbed by the energetic. So that is Absolute Truth. So Srimad-Bhagavatam explains that Absolute Truth. Janmady asya yata anvayad itaratas ca arthesu abhijnah svarat. In the Vedanta-sutra it is simply said that "The Absolute Truth is that which is the fountainhead of everything." Now if fountainhead of everything, then what the Absolute Truth's nature shall be like? That is explained in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The first thing is that janmady asya yatah. The factor, the Absolute Truth from which everything is emanating, so that emanation includes indirect and direct manifestation. What is that indirect and direct manifestation? The direct manifestation is the spiritual world and the indirect manifestation is this material world. Indirect manifestation means it is simply a shadow of the spiritual world. Just like in the Bible also it is said the man is made after God. So you have got two hands, one head, two leg. So the mental speculation is said that these devotees, they create God according to their own feature. Because I am two-handed, and therefore I create God with two hands, Krsna. But actually, the fact is not that. Actually, because Krsna has got two hands and we have got an imitation body of Krsna, therefore we have got two hands. Because this is imitation. That we know everything, everyone. This body will not stay. Therefore it has got janma. Janma means birth or creation at a certain period, and it stays, say, for fifty years or hundred years. Then dissolved, dissolution. Therefore it is imitation. Just like if you create a doll, clay doll, very nice beautiful girl. But it will... It is imitation. It is shadow of the real beautiful girl. It is created at some time and... So reality is there in the spiritual world. Therefore it is called janmady asya yatah. The idea comes from there, but the impersonalists, due to their intelligence being very meager, they think that the Absolute Truth is without any variety, impersonal or void. They think that varieties are only in the material world, but actually, real varieties are there in the spiritual world. It is only refelection, as it is described in the Bhagavad-gita, urdhva mulam adhah-sakha. Adhah-sakham. Asvattham prahur avyayam. Asvattha... This material creation, material manifestation is compared with a banyan tree whose root is upward. And that I have explained several times how the tree can be upwards root. That means it is reflection. Just like you stand on the riverside, the tree will be reflected on the river, on the water, as obverted. That means that is reflection. As soon as we say that this is a tree, the root of which is up, that means it is reflection. The Mayavadi philosopher, they do not take account of the mathematical calculation, 380 degree. They are taking account of... 360 degree, the whole circle. They are taking account only 180 degree. And other 180 degree they're making void. But actually, the whole point is 360 degree. That is geomatical calculation. If you simply know 180 degree, then the other 180 degree is unknown to you. So real life, real variety, real beauty, real knowledge, everything in reality is there in the spiritual world. It is only reflection. Therefore Bhagavata explains that janmady asya yatah anvayad itaratas ca arthesu abhijnah. The Supreme Absolute Truth is cognizant, abhijnah. Cognizant and svarat. Svarat means independent. In this way, the explanation of Brahma-sutra is given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Therefore Srimad-Bhagavatam is vaisnavanam priyam. Yad vaisnavanam priyam. Yasmin paramahamsam ekam param jnanam jneyate. The knowledge of Srimad-Bhagavatam is to be understood by the paramahamsa, the highest perfected man, paramahamsa. It is not ordinary thing. Devotee: Swamiji, if all things here are a reflection of what is perfect in the spiritual world, then shouldn't hate and frustration and despair and prejudice also appear in the spiritual world? Prabhupada: Yes. Devotee: Does it? Prabhupada: Yes. Devotee: Then isn't that... Aren't they bad? Prabhupada: But that frustration has no disappointment. (laughter) That is the beauty. Just like Lord Caitanya is manifesting that spiritual frustration. "Oh Krsna, I could not see You." He's jumping on the sea in frustration. But that frustration is the highest perfection of love. Yes. Everything is there. But without inebriety. You are very intelligent boy. I thank you. Yes. Yes. There is frustration, but not this frustration. Yes. That frustration, I mean to say, enriches one's eagerness of love for Krsna. Everything is there, but without inebriety. Everything is there. Yes. Now see, Visnu? Of course, in Vaikuntha-jagat there is no violence. But Visnu is taking the symbol of violence. Otherwise what is the meaning of this disc and club? So when He wants to be violent, He comes here as Nrsimha-murti. (laughter) And He sends some of His devotees to play violence. That is Hiranyakasipu. Because there the devotees are so much in accord with Krsna and Visnu that there is no question of disagreement. But violence is when this disagree-ment, atheist. Therefore sometimes a devotee is deputed in this world to play as atheist, and Krsna comes to kill him. To teach these people that "If you become atheist, then here is disc and club for you." But it is not possible to be displayed in the Vaikuntha. Otherwise, if there is no the propensity of violence... Just like there is sometimes mock fight. A father is fighting in mock with a small child, and he has become defeated. But there is pleasure. So anandamayo 'bhyasat. The Lord is joyful. So there is joy in fighting also sometimes. So your question that everything is there, that is a fact. Everything is there. Otherwise if everything is not there, they cannot be manifested here because it is reflection. Just like in... Of course, this discovery is by the Vaisnava, Gaudiya Vaisnava. Just like the love between Radha and Krsna, it is called parakiya. They are not married husband and wife. But Radharani appears to be wife of some other gentleman. But Krsna, from childhood, They were friends. So Radharani could not forget Krsna. She used to come to Krsna and stand like that. That's all. And He was playing. Kisora-Kisori, They were boy and girl. But there is no inebriety. Just like here the boy and girls mix and there are so many abominable things. Distressful, which is binding their material bondage. So that friendship between boy and girl is there, but without inebriety. Krsna had so many gopis, girlfriend, but there was no contraceptive pills. (laughter) That is the beauty. Here, the so-called love is lust. And there, that is the highest. The same thing, obverted, perverted reflection. Just like in the original tree the topmost part has come down to the down. Similarly, in the spiritual world the highest, topmost level of love, parakiya... Parakiya means love not by marriage life, by friendship. That is there. But there is no such inebriety. It is pure. So perverted means the topmost thing has come down to the lowest. Here, this parakiya, loving other's wife or other's husband, is most abominable, adultery. Not allowed by society, not allowed by the state. But tendency is there. Even one is married, he wants to love another's wife. Or if the girl married (s)he wants to love another husband. Why? That is there. But without inebriety. That is the beauty. So everything is there, but here, that thing is reflected, pervertedly. Therefore misunderstood. There is so many other corollaries. You see? But you must know everything, that without being in the Absolute Truth there cannot be relative manifestation. This world is relative manifestation. So these things are not to be understood in the beginning, but as the questions came we discussed something. But you must know, as the Vedanta-sutra says, janmady asya yatah. Everything is emanated from that Absolute Truth. That is the fountainhead of everything. We cannot manufacture anything. It is not possible. But this is shadow and that is reality. And in the shadow... Just like photograph. You find that everything in detail of your beautiful face in the photograph, but that is not reality. That's all. So you'll find everything in details, all... Or you can understand actual photograph, actual idea, actual notion of the spiritual world by scrutinizingly studying this material world. The impersonalists, they think that in the material varieties there are so many abominable inebrieties, therefore in the spiritual world all these things should be minus, void. That is their material calculation. They cannot think that in the spiritual world also there is love. Because here, in this world, the so-called love or lust is frustrated and followed by so many calamities that therefore they cannot conceive that in the spiritual world also there is love. Their idea, in one sense, is right, that how these nonsensical things can exist in the spiritual world? Therefore they make it altogether minus. No variety. Impersonal. That is less intelligence. They cannot understand that photograph is the reflection of the actual person. There is everything in detail. A movie. Actually, the same man is laughing, walking, dress, everything, but it is all false. That they cannot understand. Therefore the Vaisnavas say they are less intelligent. The real understanding should be that if in the real person all these features are not present, how they can be reflected in the photograph? The Mayavadi says, brahma satyam jagan mithya. Brahman, the Absolute Truth, is real truth, and this world is mithya. Then mithya means it is a reflection or shadow. Mithya does not mean that it has no existence. The shadow is also existence. Therefore Vaisnava philosophers say that mithya means temporary. Now you have got this body. This is temporary. That's the real understanding. And if I say it is mithya, then if I kill you, then why I am punished? I can say, "Oh, it is mithya, it is false. So what is their fault?" No. It is not mithya. It is temporary. Not mithya. Mithya how can it be? Because it is reflection of the reality, therefore it cannot be mithya. Then the reality becomes mithya. Mithya means not fact. The real explanation is that this is shadow. Shadow, but the reality is in the spiritual world, and that is indicated in the Vedanta-sutra, janmady asya yatah. The fountainhead of all emanation. That is Absolute Truth. Advaita: Swamiji, last night our window was broken. Was that maya striking at us? Prabhupada: Hm? Advaita: Last night my window was broken. Was that maya striking? Prabhupada: Yes. Advaita: Kids broke the window? Prabhupada: Yes. Maya is always striking. Why do you take only a window? Why do you compact maya in the window? He is without window, within the window. Maya is not only, I mean to say, limited to a certain extent. The whole world is maya. Jagan mithya. The whole universe is maya. Only that part is not maya where the chanting Hare Krsna is there. Devotees: Haribol. Hare Krsna. Prabhupada: As soon as there was some slacking in Hare Krsna the maya struck. (laughs) Yes. Yes. Govinda dasi: Swamiji? Prabhupada: Yes. You are asking at the last moment. You are very much careful about time. Govinda dasi: Oh. I didn't know. Prabhupada: No, you ask me. Govinda dasi: No, I won't ask. Prabhupada: No, no, no, you ask. Yes. Yes. Govinda dasi: Could you describe Krsna's pastimes as cowboy whenever He goes out in the morning with the cowherds boys? Prabhupada: Yes, you can... Because... Have you seen how the... You have no experience here in your country. Have you got any experience? But in India we have got experience how in the morning the cowboy takes some food from the mother and with the cows he goes to the field. The cows are let loose on the grazing ground. They are enjoying, and this cowboy is sometimes singing. The flute, Krsna's flute is because He is cowboy. The cowboys still play in that flute. In India you'll find. Because the cows are let... They are doing their own work, and what this boy will do? They are playing. There are many cowherds boys, they are playing. Sometimes playing on flutes, sometimes sporting, sometimes eating. So Krsna was exactly doing like that. All the cowboy friend went with Him. Krsna was, of course, a very rich man's son. His father was very rich. So He used to take with Him very nice foodstuff, lugdoo, kacauri. And other, His poor friends, they were taking capatis, dry capatis. (laughs) So they were enjoying, dividing, "Your food, my food, his food." And some-times there was some trouble in the forest because Kamsa was after Krsna to kill Him. He was sending his assistants. So some asura would come, Bakasura, Aghasura, and Krsna would kill. And the boys would return and narrate the story to their mother. "Oh, my dear mother! Such and such thing happened and Krsna killed it! Very..." (laughter) The mother will, "Oh, yes, our Krsna is very wonderful!" (laughter) So Krsna was their enjoyment. That's all. The mother is speaking of Krsna, the boy is speaking of Krsna. So therefore they did not know anything but Krsna. Krsna. Whenever there is some trouble, "Oh Krsna." When there is fire, "Oh, Krsna." That is the beauty of Vrndavana. Their mind is absorbed in Krsna. Not through philosophy. Not through understanding, but natural love. "Krsna is our village boy, our relative, our friend, our lover, our master." Some way or other, Krsna. That is the beauty. Therefore Sukadeva Gosvami is describing the playing of the boys. ittham satam brahma-sukhanubhutya dasyam gatanam para-daivatena mayasritanam nara-darakena sakam vijahruh krta-punya-punjah "Oh, these boys playing with Krsna, they have attained this position, oh, after, I mean to say, accumulating many, many births pious activities." Krta-punya punjah. Just like a man collects dollar, dollar, dollar, dollar, dollar, and one time he amasses money, say, millions of dollars. Similarly, Sukadeva Gosvami is describing that these boys who are playing with Krsna, they have amassed their pious activities for millions and billions of births. Because with whom they are playing? They're playing, ittham brahma-sukhanubhutya... Satam. The stalwart philosophers who are after brahma-sukha, brahmananda. So that brahmananda is here, Krsna. And dasyam gatanam para daivatena. And for the devotees, He is the Supreme Lord. And mayasritanam nara-darakena. Those who are covered in maya, for them He is ordinary human boy. And with Him these boys are playing. They have amassed pious activi-ties of many, many millions of births. Otherwise it was not possible. So they do not know Krsna is God. They do not know. But their affection for Krsna is so great and nice that it is inexplicable. They were playing, Krsna is defeated. Oh, Krsna has to take the friend on His shoulder. Yes, because He was defeated. So Krsna is accepting, "Yes, come on My shoulder." So this Krsna-lila, that also one who tries to understand and understands, they are also like those boys who have amassed pious activities of many, many births. It is not ordinary thing. Yes. And mayasritanam nara darakena. Those who are under the clutches of maya, they will think these Krsna's pastimes, "What is this? What is this? Krsna conscious persons, they are enjoying about Krsna's going to the field with some cows?" Yes. Just like one of our students, that Ranacora. He asked me, "Swamiji, how is that God has become a cowherd boy?" Yes. Because ordinary people, they are thinking God must be so great, so great, great, that they cannot conceive. And that great personality, how He becomes a cowherd boy playing with cowherd boys? Yes. Brahma also became astonished, and therefore he came to check "Whether He is my Lord or not?" (laughter) Yes. Bewildered. Muhyanti yatra surayah. The Bhagavata says therefore, even the great personalities like Brahma, they are also bewildered to understand the personality. He, Brahma also heard that at Vrndavana Krsna has appeared and He is acting as a cowherd boy. He was also astonished. "Oh, my Lord? He has become a cowherd boy?" So he came to check. He, I mean to say, took away all the cowherd boys and cows and everything. And after a few seconds he came, he said Krsna is playing in the same way. And although the, I mean, stolen cowherd boys and cows they, by the, I mean to say, energy of maya, by influence of Brahma, they were kept in a secret cave. They were sleeping. But Krsna is playing. That means He has manifested again with the cowherd boys and cows. Then he was convinced, "Yes, He is my Lord." Then Brahma-stava is there. Ananda cinmaya rasa pratibhavitabhis tabhirya eva nija-rupataya kalabhih. So Krsna can expand in many, many thousand times. What Brahma will do by stealing His... No, that is not possible. So Brahma was also convinced. These things you'll find in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Brahma-vimohana. Even Brahma is bewildered, what to speak of ordinary men like us. So Krsna-lila, to understand... There is no need of understanding. Simply you love Krsna, then the whole business finished. Just like if you touch fire, if you understand it or not understand it, the warmness is there. Similarly, either you understand Krsna or do not understand Krsna, it doesn't matter. Simply if you love Krsna, then your life is perfect. That's all. Devotees: Hare Krsna. Prabhupada: You can take this. Hare Krsna. Devotees: Hare Krsna. (offer obeisances) (end) His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
  23. Dear Ram Prabhuji, Please accept mu humble obeisances.AGTSP! They cannot understand more than this that's why they are born into such religion. Ok muhammed did such things but now what?What's the use?I know fundamental Islam preaches nonsense.How can it be eradicated? We are devotees here not fighters.My suggestion is we must enlighten our fellow Indians to save Vedic culture not fight some other religion.Demons are everywhere.In this age of quarrel only knowledge and love is needed."I was to suffer 100 times more but Krsna is so merciful."All suffering is due to karma.Clean out karma and there will be peace & happiness.Human form of life is very important we cannot waste our precious time pondering over such issues.Krsna has his plans working,it looks like chaos but it's not. Hope this meets you well. God bless.
  24. A "Muslim" is "one who submits to God." Scriptures say God is love.We have got practical experience that love is not exclusive it is universal,everywhere it is,reflection of spiritual rasa. In "Perfect questions Perfect answers" Prabhupada says we give God names according to his qualities. I think their religion is not false 3rd class it may be but not false.Where ever the word "God" comes up it's our beloved Krsna.Similarly when christians insult Krsna they do it to Jesus,innocent children of God...what can be done? [This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 04-13-2002).]
  25. We must impart knowledge and love of Krsna,more and more,so in next birth they will not suffer or be freed altogether. I can only imagine how horribly people are suffering all over the world(including Kashmir). Srila Prabhupada says "Thus a godless civilization becomes the source of all calamities." from krsna book ch4. Srila Prabhupada said that following the teachings of Christ very carefully was most appropriate for Christians. However, he also told Christians that they should immediately close all the slaughterhouses and start chanting the names of God. In other words, Prabhupada wouldn't tolerate any perversions from followers of other paths either. Prabhupada did say that Allah, Jehovah, etc were also conceptions of Krishna, but he always said that the Supreme Person was undoubtedly Krishna, and he distinguished between Krishna (the perfect understanding of the Absolute) and the devas (who are also conceptions of the Absolute for neophytes, etc). Furthermore, Prabhupada strongly rejected impersonalism, since Krishna also says that impersonalists have slow progress and their methods are troublesome (12.5) "He was traveling around the world and requesting people to chant the holy name of God. Once while in Tehran, Iran Srila Prabhupada was challenged by one Muslim: "Why should we chant the name of Krishna we have Allah's name?" Srila Prabhupada answered: "No, no. We are not forcing you to chant Krishna's name, you chant Allah's name but do it sincerely." Everyone in the room was satisfied with such a perfect answer. So this is the great example of uniting different communities." http://www.vnn.org/world/WD0001/WD16-5285.html RELIGION=COMMON SENSE+KNOWLEDGE+LOVE [This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 04-13-2002).] [This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 04-13-2002).] [This message has been edited by bhaktajoy (edited 04-13-2002).]
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