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Everything posted by barney

  1. You have driven the nail at the right point. It is an individual's right to follow the path that he feels comfortable without hurting others. There is no single path to spiritualism and realization. Buddah shosed a path and he attained nirvana ans so did Swami Ramakrishan and Swami Ramalingam. And there is Satya Sai Baba showing a nutural path. It is up to the individual to choose a path of his desire. Never compel one to follow strictly anothers's and the result would be devastating. Sipiritualism is way to control your desires and lead one to dharma not become a fanatic and speak evil of others belief. Hinduism is a unique religion and gives you that freedom of choice in your path to spiritualism, please do not make it into another fanatical religion.
  2. barney

    Anbe sivam

    You sound like the fanatical Muslims and Christians. Calling a fellow hindu senile monkey. How long would it take him to call you the same? A click of a button that's all it takes. He has presented what he feels is right and if you have your points lay it out. Only low minded fools would call names and hurl curses. I hope you are not of that kind. Please refrain from calling names among ourselves.
  3. barney

    Anbe sivam

    ###And I'm talking about Indians who leave India high and dry to work in foreign countries. India feed them, clothed them, gave them identity and a home to live and the first chance they get, they jump onto a plane, fly to US, work and make US great and powerful country it is today and then say India is outdated and Hindusm is useless. Such traitors is the cancer of India.### What makes you think so? India is much happier if her sons venture out to earn a living rather than sit at road site stalls and waste their lives. Do you think India can feed all the unemployed youths if she cannot offer them employment? I wonder what kind of a politician if you chose to be one....... ##Don't be an idiot ... there is a lot of abuse cases among workers here in Malaysia but Malaysian Government is not favoring anyone. If emplyors found guilt, they will pay for it. Also, Indian Congress here made sure that Indian Workers are well-treated, which is more than I could say for some countries like Arab Saudi.## Yeh? Than you must be a fool if you had not noticed of late. Do you know a boy who complained the employer did not pay his wages was murdered and thrown from an highrise building and died? May be you eras were shut on that news. What about the Indian IT executives who were hauled up by police for no apparent reason abd later the Malaysian Government apologized to the Indian Government for their oversight. You realy must be an idiot of the first degree for bing blind to all these cases. The Indian Congress is nothing but a puppet to the Government and so is it's leader. Do you want to know their cases? I have many in my brief case but what does it matter in this forum. Anyway let us stick to the subject at hand. ##Does it say anywhere in the Gita or any other Puranas that by being merciful and compassionate toward all living beings (including cheating and lying Christians and Muslims), you can get quality of God (essence)? I don't remember reading any such nonsense before.## I do not rely on the Gita or puranas alone. I have other books to refer too. The cheating and lying Christians and Muslims too are children of the same creator we call GOD. People who commit sins are creating more bad karmas for themselves and it is their karmw to be born again to fulfill their destiny. Search your heart and soul, do not just read the Gita and repeat it like a parrot instead of decoding the pharses. They are all in parables an it is your duty to make a clear understanding of it. Never take anything out of context and say this is how it has to be done. ##Don't be riddiculos ... what for I be jealous of an atheist? I don't even consider atheists to be humans. I criticizing the stupid movie, not the stupid fool who act in it.## So, now you are judge and jury uh!.. You decide who is a human and who is not. Good for you and you are indeed a very intellectual human being with a gift to pick among the billions of human race who deserve to be human and who does not.... You make me laugh.....Hah! Hah! Hah! So the producers who are paying him in millions are stupid fools too coz they are paying a stupid fool to act. You are a good judge of charactor......Tel me what are your achievement in life to date? Anything to make people to turn their head? Come on.... don't be shy, you can tell me. ##If I was in the character's shoes, I could : 1. Fight to the end - even so the end is a bad one, I could still fight. I will not live and whine God doesn't exist because I couldn't get a girl. That's pathetic. 2. Kill the father. Why should he be happy when others are miseable? 3. Carry the girl off and marry somewhere (Gandhava Marriage - perfectly acceptable in Hindusm).## 1. Only stupid fool like you would do so. It is every man's right to demand an explanation from his creator like you would aske your father when some things does not go right. No father would condemn a son for asking question. It is natural for an ordinary human being to questiion his creator. They are not saints to be silent at every misfortune. So, your argument over it holds no water. 2. So is that what you learned from the scriptures that if you cannot fulfill your desire kill the person who is an obstacle in you way? That is gooooooood. Teach your children too the same if you have. Misguided hindu, that's what you are. 3. Well of course you can do that but at the same time you would have killed two souls who had loved and natured their child for so many years. Some parents get too emotional that they would take their life and that sin would fall upon your head my friend. Get you act together. And how much do you know about love and marring the girl you love? Do you have any experience in that part of life? Or are you just saying it for the sake of argument? Because if not than you do not have the merit to talk about the issue. Here I'm a good example of falling in love and having to go against her parents as they wanted me to convert into Christianity because they are Eurasians while I fought to retain my identity as Hindu and my sweetheart who is now my wife of 30 years following my faith. So, do not argue with me about lovers getting eloped. Many things can go wrong if you make hasty decissions in your life. Ofcourse it is easy to talk but not when you are in their show. ##That's what I'm talking about fool. You jump into the water and trying to learn how to swim without proper knowledge. If you love someone, you should prepare to do whatever proper to show your love. Seeking permission from your parents AFTER you enjoy yourself and spoilt their honor and trust in you is STUPID action.## Why are you contradicting your own statement? For a second you speak for and than against it. Are your sane? Hello! Am I talking to a nut? Do not make a fool of yourself here. I have said clearly the script called for such action and the actor played the part required. End of the matter. ## Then all you need is support from the girl. If the girl agrees, the character should just take off with her and marry her properly. Fact that he didn't shows that he is a coward. He wants to love but he don't have balls to back it up, and he ends up blaming God for it.## It takes a man to make the right decission and not a child like charactor as yours. He decided that the gril has been forced by the father to marry someone and she too after being informed that her lover had died decided to fulfill the father's decission and that is fate. And I think both had accepted that it was thier destiny to part in silent. Understand the story well before you speak nonsence here. ## They are NOT the same. Love is just one insignificant emotion which does NOTHING. If you want quality (or essence) of God, go and read Kaballah. That is study of Quality (and Essences) of God.## I'm sorry since you do not know the real defination for love, it is a waste of time arguing with a fool like you. As the Chinese would say hang ni "Lang bo si lang Koi bo si koi" Siapa makan cabai dia rasa pedas.
  4. This dudd is sick in thought and deed. He thinks he has mastered the Gita and knows all. Well, it takes all kind to form this world. In his eyes everybody is is wrong while he alone is right. "Anbey Shivam"
  5. barney

    Anbe sivam

    ##I'm talking about working for India, you are talking about selling her short for a buck. That is the difference between us. According to reports, 34% of employees in Microsoft, 16% in NASA and almost half in Silicon Valley are Indians. This sort of fools can make the same excuse as you do - they can go around and say "We give money to India, we are Indians also". Excuse me ... anyone can give charity to beggars, that don't make them love the beggar. That is what India is becoming now.### We are not talking about Indians in US alone but other countries in the East. Huh! But Malaysia, that is a question mark because Malaysian employers are a cheat and exploiters. Refuse to pay wages and withholding their passports. What a shame? Many reports have been made against Malaysian employers against mistreatment of Indian workers from India. Do you know that those families of Indian workers in Dubai, Abu Dabi, Masket are having comfortable life now that their sons and husbands are earning good money in foriegn land? Ofcourse you do not bother about that, do you? I'm not talking about movie producers and such, I'm speaking of a piece of "." which Kamal produced and acted in. Stick to the topic.## So far I have stuck to the topic but I think you have diverted. The script calls for such and so it had to be made in such a manner to make fools like you to make your own assumption. ##I believe Man can achieve God's Nature (according to what he thinks God is) but he cannot become God nor can Man become God's second on the Earth.## Wrong again. It is what you believe but not Ramakrishna or Ramalingam and so did many others before them. If you believe God is in you than you can be one by being compassionate and merciful towards all living being and that is the quality of GOD. If you talk about creation than we are creating human life every second and so are other creatures. Come to your senses and look deep inside not on surface. ##Wrong ... the question the movie asked is - whether "God is Love" or "Love is God", not whether God exists or not. Like I said before, Acting in Responsiblity IS Path to God, NOT Love alone. ANY fool can say he has love for God and do all sort of foolishness like what potrayed by Kamal. BUT if Kamal's character was responsible, then he could have fought to the end - end of his life or end of the conflict and he lives happily. Like so many atheists, denial is what kept Kamal's character's moving. He keeps thinking he was powerless and that is denial. In Love and in War, there is only two option - you fight and survive or you fail and die. Kamal is a character who failed but refuse to accept his defeat.## What is with you? May be you are bias or jealous of Kamal's fame and fortune. It was a master piece compared to any other Indian commercial movies and yet you critisize. You mus realy hate him very much otherwise why would you use such words. What is there to fight when you find that in the end the girl you loved is marrying the guy you just began to like and who has accepted you as an elder brother. If you are the director and writer what would you have done to end the climax of the story? Ask yourself and come up with something more interseting that you feel he failed to do. ##Hmph ... arrogant and stupidity. Has ANY lover asked permission from their parents to fall in love? Nope. So why fall in love and then seek blessing? It's like jumping into the water and then learning how to swim. If you love someone, you seek to find whether she loves you or not. If she does, approach the parents immediately. Do everything properly so honor of the families will not be jeapordized. Don't go around the city enjoying yourself first, forgetting about honor and trust your parents have for you.## We are not talking about asking permission before falling in love but asking permission and blessing after falling in love. Read the sentense well before jumping the gun. The father was a class conscious and greed for wealth but pretend to be a Shiva bakthan. Morever knowing the father was and enemy of the working class how would you think he could have aproached him? He was the writewr and director and I"m sure he knew what was need to make the movie more interesting and not the way you think. Coz if you had done one in your way I'm sure that too would have been successful if more like you are around. ##Karl Max is an atheist and a Communist (I believe) and their doctrine IS about disbelief in God. Also, "Anbe Sivam" means "Love is God", in another word, he doesn't belief in God and goes around thinking Love is God which is foolishness.## "Love is God" or " God is Love". What is wrong with this both? Aren't they the same? But do not confuse yourself with love between a boy and a girl. That love totally out of context. Please define the quality of GOD. ## Wrong ... according to Hindusm, Devoting yourself to service Man (among others) IS direct devotion to God. It is stated in Hindusm that "Makal Sevai Mahashevarn Sevai" (Service to the People is Service to God). It shows that Responsiblity toward the Society is Path to God, not Love like what stated in the movie.## Is'nt that what I said earlier about Sister Terrasa? Serving mankind is a direct path to God. Boy! Something is really wrong with you. ##So? I also seen Gautama Buddha (a Buddhist) and Mahatma Gandhi also. Is her service to the people greater than the former two? Why? because she is a foreigner who came to do service in India, which is why she is honored while Gautama Buddha and Gandhi is dragged throught the mud?## Gauthama Buddha was a teacher not a participator. So do not compare him to Mother Therrasa and Gandhi was a unique human being who had given part of his life to free India from the clutches of the British colonizer. Why compare these two persons to Mother Therrasa? ##I'm sure a lot of people with rocks and slippers is waiting for him in Malaysia, especially among womenfolks which he continued to insult in his movies with sexy clothes, stereotypical potraits and such.## Wrong again!.. He had come to Malaysia for the release of his new movie and I did not see any rocks of slippers flying. Are you imagining all this? I'm sure many young Malaysian Indian girls are hoping get a kiss on the chick from Kamal and I'm sure he would oblige he approached. I'm yet to see any other Tamil movies such as Kamal's. "Guna", "Kurathi Punnal", "Indian", "Alavanthan", "Hey Ram", "Veeramandi", "Anbey Shivam and yet to be released "Maruthapandhi" are all movies of Kamal that should be watched and not the cheap commercial production with vulgar potrayal and steamy dances which I think you appreciate very much.
  6. barney

    Anbe sivam

    Never willing to accept someone elses view point. What a self-centred and obnoxious person you are. ##Nobody said millions of Tamilians around the world are clever bunch, otherwise they won't be living all over the world (choose to leave India) and leave India in the gutters, do they?## This much you know about Indian economics. Do you know how many millions of foreign earnings now goes into India every month? It's obivious you do not know otherwise you would not make such a sweeping statement. These Indians working overseas are wiser than you and me. But what the heck anyway coz you are a self-centered fool. ##I have seen it - twice. We (in Malaysia) can watch Chinese, Tamil, Malays, Japanese and so many more shows and they have subtitles and such to help us understand. And it is still stupid piece of .. ## As though in India they do not watch other language shows. You must be living in a nut shell. The Indians are far more better movie makers than the Malaysians. Have you forgotten who gave the first movie career for the late P.Ramli? May be you do not know and that is why you puking. An Indian director form India and than and Indian local director. But what the heck ,you are an ignorant of all these facts. ##The character Kamalhassan places is character of stupidity embodied. The character disbelief in God because his girlfriend's father seems to be a religious person who mumbles God's name every 5 minutes (like a stupid Muslim fanatic just before they kill someone). ## The charactor does not say he disbeliefs the existence of God but clearly says God dwells in all hearts. Looks like you do not believe God dwells in every living entity. There are hypocrates and there are true devotees. Do not get confused. Thinking of God and uttering his name every second is not fanatism but using his name to commit crimes and atrocities is adharmam. You choose what you want to do, dharma or adharma. The heroine's father was a hypoctare and cheating his employees in the name of God. But you could not make out the moral of the story line. ##Kamalhassan's character is one who is coward. He has NO guts to take his love, get married and live life. His girlfriend is a materialistic one - she didn't even check properly to see whether her love truly dead or not and simply believe he is and end up marrying 6 months after the accident (which I find it insulting). I guess she was "itch".## That may be the style of your love story but not the charactor palyed by Kamal. There are some lovers who would want their parents blessings for their marriage while those selfish lovers would only want to see to their happiness and let the parents suffer the loss. May be you belong to the later. ##I don't see why Kamalhassan's character needs to blame God for anything. In my opinion, he is a coward who not willing to say "I'm a gutless coward" and turn and says "You are a coward" toward God for not doing anything (which is accordance to Laws of Karma - he who sow the seed will reap the benefict" I too had watched that movie and there was no such message in the story line. May be you imagined it. Although the charactor beliefs in the doctorine of Karlmax but never said he disbelief the existenec of God. Otherwise he would not say "Anbey Shivam". ##Also, I don't see why he has to potray Christians nuns to be very kind and etc ... why can't he potray Hindu Ashram workers who devoteed their life to live for God?## Devoting your life to live for God is different from devoting your life to serve mankind. Serving mankind is a direct path to God than devoting your live to God. Read the Gita well and you will understand the real meaning of serving God. ## Also, I don't see why he has to potray Christians nuns to be very kind and etc ... why can't he potray Hindu Ashram workers who devoteed their life to live for God? ## Was it not a fact? Take Mother Terrasa was she not kind and merciful? She came for her native country to serve the destitutes and untouchables Indians. Well, how would a self-centered person like you understand such an act of mercy? ##Hmph ... as far as I see, Kamal is an insult to Indian society. It is people like him (which government of India - another bunch of idiots - give him Doctorate awards) which is eating India away from the inside.# Don't worry next time if there is an award for idoits, I would recommend you for it. May be that is what you lack now. ##I find this movie INSULTING to my sensors. If Kamal stood in front of me right now, I could slap the fool in the face and asked him whether his mother slept with some foreigner to produce him?# Yes, I agree your sensors are far too low for such movies and morever Kamal has better things to do than meet an idiot like you.
  7. barney

    Anbe sivam

    It may have sound stupid to you but not to millions of Tamilinas around the world. May be you did not understand the moral of the story and the language. But to pass such a remark makes you look stupid. Certain Tamil movies have good moral values an this one "Anbey Shivam" far better. It teaches that God lives in all and that we should love each other to dicover the values of life. The charactor of hero played by Kamalahasan was superb. You have to see the movie before you pass such a remark.
  8. 240. Sita Ram Goel (1921- 2003) scholar, writer, publisher, the founder of Voice of India, an ‘intellectual’ Kshatriya’ par excellence, and a Hindu revivalist. Author of several books, including The Story of Islamic Imperialism, Defence of Hindu Society and History of Hindu-Christian Encounters. He writes: "It is an intuition ingrained in the Hindu psyche to inhabit our entire environment - celestial, physical, vegetable, animal, and human - with innumerable Gods and Goddesses. Some of these divinities are installed in temples as icons, and worshipped with well-defined rituals. Some others are worshipped as and where they are invoked. Hindu shastras, saints and sages have paid homage to many Gods and Goddesses in many sublime hymns." " I am a Hindu, which to me means the inheritor of the oldest and the highest spiritual culture known to human history." Hindu seers and sages as also Hindu shastras, no matter to what Hindu sect they belong, designate this spiritual center of Hindu society as Sanãtana Dharma. Sanãtana Dharma says that the aspiration for Truth (satyam), Goodness (šivam), Beauty (sundaram), and Power (aišvarya) is inherent in every soul, everywhere, and at all times, like the physical hunger of the body for food and drink. The Upanishadic prescription, ãtmãnam viddhi (know thyself) is a variation on the same theme. It leads to the same attainment - aham brahmo’smi (I am Brahma), tat tvam asi (thou art That), and sah tadasti (he is That). It is a steep spiritual ascent at the end of which the Ãtman (Self) becomes Paramãtman (Supreme Self), and the PuruSa (Person) becomes PuruSottama (Superperson). In the language of Theism, man becomes God."
  9. Dear Shivite, There is no seperation in God. All three Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are one and the same but with different functions. But most do not realize that all three were created by one Supreme Power call Sakthi. Sakthi is power[sHE] in female form we call Athi Parasakthi. Mother Durga is one of her forms. She is also divided into main three forms that is Parvathy[shiva's consort], Lakchumi[Vishnu's consort] and Saraswathy[brahma's consort]. Whithout these three sakthis Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva would be powerless. So, instead of fighting over who is greatest I would advice both to go deeoper into the scriptures and learn more about Mother Durga. Devotees do not call Narayanalakchumi but LakchumiNarayanan. There is a story behind it. It is the one female powerhouse that rediates and illuminates this planet and that is Athiparasakthi. That is why only female takes the role of motherhood. Without the female this world would be in darkness and unpopulated. You can pray to any one diety but all prayers in the end goes to Mother Durga who protects her children from the clutches of the evil. Let them praise Krishna or Vishnu but in the end their prayers would go to Mother Durga. So, next time just ignore them if they degrade Shiva who is merged with the Supreme Mother Durga. That is why HE to is known as Athimoolam.
  10. WWW is the calling card for such info. I sometime wonder why people like you surf the net if you cannot find such infos. The Jews know pretty well about their own religion and if you need to know about their feel free to browse their website instead of asking such questions here.
  11. In that case, what do we all have to do with Bhagavat Gita then? It's just like the case where when Ghandi told the British to leave India the reply was India is British. See how stupid the British were. Not realizing that they were in another's land and had the irony to claim that as theirs. So, the crux of the matter here is God does not belong to ISKCON and their interpretation of the Gita is for their own self interest. We are Hindus and Gita is for all and not for a particular gropu calling themself self appointed guardian of the Gita.
  12. The truth is hidden and it's your inability to discover it. [When god comes down its already written down in a simple and straight forward manner , with his names and also his parentage.] In what manner plase? Please define these verses: "paritrânâya sâdhûnâm vinâsâya ca duskrtâm dharma-samsthâpanârthâya sambhavâmi yuge yuge" [Well I dont want to scold this person for whatever reason he calls/pretends himself to be God . Its pity that people go on miracles. As srila prabupada says, miracles are for the ignorant , probably the genaration of kali if sent to sathya yuga, it woud say every other person there as God as every person in sathya was endowed with so many spiritual power.] He need not pretend as he knows what he speaks of. It's people like you and me who are pretends to know all. Srila Prabupada does not believe in miracles because he does not believe so but that does noyt mean there is no miracle happening. Miracles are everywhere for those who believe. It's the possitive mind that generates miracle and it happens because God is inresident of self. Miracle is defined as :a marvellous event manifesting a supernatural act of God " If such does not exist I'm afraid your waitng for KALKI to arrive is fruitless. I AM IN YOU
  13. Words of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba taken from this Biography He is the sub-stratum, the substance; the separate and the sum, the Sath; the SATHYAM He is the awareness, the activity, the consciousness, feeling, the willing and the doing, the chith; the SIVAM He is the light, the splendour, the harmony, the melody, the Ananda; the SUNDARAM "MY MISSION is to grant you Courage and Joy, to drive away Weakness and Fear. Do not condemn yourselves as sinners; sin is a misnomer for what are really errors, provided you repent sincerely and resolve not to follow Evil again. Pray to the Lord to give you the strength to overcome the habits which had enticed you when you were ignorant." "Worry, greed and needless agitation and anxiety, these cause even bodily disease. Mental weakness is the biggest cause of disease. Dis-ease is a want of ease; the contented mind is the best drug." "Be good, be joyful, be bold, be honest, be temperate, be patient. These are the rules of good health." "I refuse to call anyone an athiest or an unbeliever, for all are the Creations of the Lord and repositories of the Grace. In everyone's heart there is a spring of Love, a rock of Truth. That Love is God, that Truth is God. Divinity is there in the depths of everyone's Inner Being." "The Lord is above and beyond all limits of caste and color, of wealth and poverty; it is foolish to believe that the Lord asks for this gift or is angry when it is not offered." "I have come to guide and bless those who undergo the discipline and practice leading to Divine union. I am neither man nor woman, old or young, I am all these." "Do not praise Me. I like you to approach Me without fear, as a right. You do not extol your father. You ask for something from him, as a right, is that not so?" "You may be seeing Me today for the first time, but you are all old acquaintances for Me. I know you through and through. My task is the spiritual regeneration of Humanity through Truth and Love. If you approach one step nearer to Me, I shall advance three steps towards you." "I am happiest when a person carrying a heavy load of misery comes to Me, for he is most in need of what I have." "It is not mentioned anywhere that the Grace of God is available only for certain classes or races or grades of people. From the smallest to the biggest all are entitled to it. The Lord is everywhere, everything." "The world can achieve prosperity and peace only through such persons whose hearts are pure and whose minds are free of prejudice and passion, lust and greed, anger and envy." "I have not started the work for which I have come for I am still in the stage of preliminary reconnaissance. When I start my campaign the whole world will know of it and benefit by it." "Whensoever there is the fading of the Dharma and the uprising of unrighteousness, then I loose myself forth into birth. For the deliverance of the good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, for the enthroning of the Right, I am born from age to age." The Gita - Fourth Chapter. (verses 7&8) These verses in the Bhagavad Gîtâ of Order, sanskrit, word for word and translation: yadâ yadâ hi dharmasya glânir bhavati bhârata abhyutthânam adharmasya tadâtmânam srjâmy aham yadâ yadâ -- whenever and wherever; hi -- certainly; dharmasya -- of religion; glânih -- discrepancies; bhavati -- become manifested; bhârata -- O descendant of Bharata; abhyutthânam -- predominance; adharmasya -- of irreligion; tadâ -- at that time; âtmânam -- self; srjâmi -- manifest; aham -- I. Whenever and wherever it is sure that one weakens in righteousness and a predominance of injustice does manifest, o descendant of Bharata, at that time I do manifest Myself. paritrânâya sâdhûnâm vinâsâya ca duskrtâm dharma-samsthâpanârthâya sambhavâmi yuge yuge paritrânâya -- for the deliverance; sâdhûnâm -- of the devotees; vinâsâya -- for the annihilation; ca -- and; duskrtâm -- of the miscreants; dharma -- principles of religion; samsthâpana-arthâya -- to reestablish; sambhavâmi -- I do appear; yuge -- millennium; yuge -- after millennium. To liberate the seekers of truth, to take the power away from the wicked ones and to reestablish the way of the human principles I do appear age after age.
  14. Yes, you are right my friend. I was merely giving my point of view on how to counter the Muslims attack on Hinduism. There is this website that is trying to say Koran and Gita have more similarities. Which means to say that it is ok for Hindus to embrace Islam. Similarities Between Islam And Hinduism - Part 9 By Dr. Zakir Naik In this series of articles, we are analysing similarities and common grounds between two major religions of the world: Hinduism and Islam. In the previous article, we studied the various similarities between the concepts of worship in Islam and in Hinduism as mentioned in their respective scriptures. In this month’s article, we shall study, examine and highlight similarities between the concept of jihad in Islam and in Hinduism as mentioned in their respective scriptures. We shall also examine certain similarities in the teachings of the scriptures of Hinduism and Islam. Concept of Jihad in Hinduism And in Islam Jihad in Islam And in Hinduism a. One of the greatest misconceptions about Islam, not only amongst the non-Muslims but even amongst the Muslims, is that concerning the concept of Jihad. Non-Muslims as well as Muslims think that any war fought by any Muslim for whatever purpose, be it good or bad, is Jihad. ‘Jihad’ is an Arabic word derived from ‘Jahada’, which means to strive or to struggle. For example. if a student strives to pass in the examination he is doing jihad. In the Islamic context, ‘Jihad’ means to strive against one’s own evil inclination. It also means to strive to make the society better. It also includes the right to fight in self-defence or to fight in the battlefield against oppression and against aggression. 1. Jihad is not holy war Not only non-Muslim scholars, but even some Muslim scholars mistranslate the word ‘Jihad’ as holy war. The Arabic word for ‘holy war’ is ‘harabum muqaddasah’ and this word is not to be found anywhere in the Qur’an nor in any hadith. The word ‘holy war’ was first used to describe the crusades of the Christians who killed thousands of people in the name of Christianity. Today, this term ‘holy war’ is used to falsely describe Jihad, which merely means ‘to strive’. In an Islamic context, Jihad means ‘to strive in the way of Allah for a righteous cause’. i.e. Jihad fi Sabilillah. 2. Only one of the several forms of Jihad is fighting There are different types of Jihad i.e., striving. One of the types is striving and fighting in the battlefield against oppression and tyranny. Many critics of Islam including Arun Shourie quote Surah Al-Tawbah chapter 9 verse 5 “... Fight and slay the Mushrik/Kafir (Hindu) wherever you find them ...” (Al Qur’an 9:5) If you read the Qur’an, this verse exists but it is quoted out of context by Arun Shourie. The first few verses of Surah Tawbah before verse 5 speak about the peace treaty between the Muslims and Muskhriks (polytheists) of Makkah. This peace treaty was unilaterally broken by the Mushriks of Makkah. In verse no. 5 Allah (swt) gives them an ultimatum to put things straight in four months’ time, or else face a declaration of war. It is for the battlefield that Allah says “fight and slay the Mushriks (i.e. the enemies from Makkah) wherever you find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war”. This verse is revealed and instructs the Muslims to fight in the battlefield and kill the enemy wherever you find them. But naturally, any army general to boost up the morale of the soldiers and to encourage them will say “Don’t get scared, fight and kill the enemies, wherever you find them in the battlefield. Arun Shourie in his book ‘The World of Fatwas’ after quoting Surah Tawbah chapter 9 verse 5 jumps to verse 7. Any logical person will realize that verse 6 has the reply to his allegation. Surah Tawbah chapter 9 verse 6 says: “If any amongst the Mushriks (i.e. the enemies) ask thee for asylum, grant it to him so that he may hear the word of Allah and then escort him to where he can be secure”. (Al Qur’an 9:6) Today the most merciful army general may tell his soldiers to let the enemy go, but Almighty Allah in the Qur’an says if the enemy wants peace do not just let them go but escort them to a place of security. Which army general in today’s day and age, or rather in the whole of recorded human history is ever known to have given such merciful instructions? Now will someone ask Mr. Arun Shourie why did he deliberately not quote verse 6? 3. Jihad (i.e. striving) in the Bhagavad Gita All the major religions encourage their followers to strive in good works. It is mentioned in Bhagavad Gita “Therefore strive for Yoga, O Arjuna, which is the art of all work.” (Bhagavad Gita 2:50) 4. Fighting prescribed in the Bhagavad Gita too a. All the major religions of the world have prescribed fighting, at sometime or the other, especially in self-defence or for fighting against oppression. Mahabharata is an epic and sacred Scripture of the Hindus, which mainly deals with a fight between the cousins, the Pandavas and the Kauravas. In the battlefield Arjun prefers not to fight and be killed rather than having his conscience burdened with the killing of his relatives. At this moment, Krishna advises Arjun in the battlefield and this advice is contained in the Bhagvad Gita. There are several verses in the Bhagvad Gita where Krishna advises Arjun to fight and kill the enemies even though they are his relatives. b. It is mentioned in The Bhagvad Gita Chapter 1 verse 43-46 (43) O Krishna, maintainer of the people, I have heard by disciplic succession that those who destroy family traditions dwell always in hell” (44) “Alas, how strange it is that we are preparing ourselves to commit great sinful acts, driven by the desire to enjoy royal happiness.” (45) I would consider better for the sons of Dhritarashtra to kill me unarmed and unresisting rather than fight with them. (46) “Arjuna, having thus spoken, cast aside his bow and arrow, and sat down on the chariot, his mind, overwhelmed with grief”. c. Krishna further replies in Bhagvad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 2, 3 2. “My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life. They lead not to higher planets but to infamy. 2. “O son of Partha, do not yield to this degrading impotence. It does not become you. Give up such petty weakness of heart and arise, O chastiser of the enemy!” When Arjuna prefers to be killed unarmed and unresisting rather than fight and kill his cousins Kauravas, Krishna replies to Arjun by saying how this impure thought has come to you which prevents you from entering heaven. Give up this degrading Impotence and weakness of heart and arise, O defeater of enemy. d. Krishna further says in Bhagvad Gita Chapter 2 verse 31-33 31. “Considering your specific duty as a Kshatriya, you should know that there is no better engagement for you than fighting on religious principles, so there is no need for hesitation.” 32. “O Partha, happy are the Kshatriya to whom such fighting opportunities come unsought, opening for them the door of the heavenly planets”. 33. “If however, you do not fight this religious war, then you will certainly incur sin, for neglecting your duties, and thus lose your reputation as a fighter”. e. There are hundreds of verses in the Bhagvad Gita alone, which encourages fighting and killing, many times more as compared to such verses in the Qur’an. Imagine if someone were to say that the Bhagvad Gita encourages the killing of the family members to attain paradise, without quoting the context - such a deliberate attempt will be devilish. But within the context if I say that for truth and justice fighting against the evil is compulsory, even if it be against your relatives, it makes sense. I wonder how come the critics of Islam, especially critics amongst the Hindus, point a finger at the Qur’an when it speaks about fighting and killing unjust enemies. The only possibility I can think of is that they themselves have not read their sacred scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata and the Vedas. f. Critics of Islam including Hindu critics speak against the Qur’an and the Prophet (Pbuh) when they say that if you are killed while doing Jihad i.e. fighting for the truth, you are promised paradise. Besides quoting Qur’anic verses they quote Sahih Bukhari Vol. 4, Book of Jihad Chapter no. 2 Hadith No. 46 “Allah guarantees that He will admit the Mujaahid in His cause to Paradise if he is killed, otherwise he will return him to his home safely with rewards and war booty”. (Sahih Bukhari Vol. 4, Book of Jihad Chapter no. 2 Hadith No. 46)There are various similar verses in Bhagavad Gita guaranteeing a person paradise if he is killed while fighting. Take the example of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 verse 37: “O son of Kunti, either you will be killed in the battlefield and attain the heavenly planets (paradise), or you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom, therefore get up and fight with determination”. (Bhagavad Gita 2:37) g. Similarly Rigved Book No. 1 Hymn 132 Verse 2-6 as well as many other verses of Hindu Scriptures speak about fighting and killing. 5. Explain Jihad by quoting Scriptures of other Religions Allah says in the Qur’an: Say: “O people Of the Book! Come To common terms As between us and you: (Al Qur’an 3:64) The best way to explain a misconception of Islam is to quote a similar message given in the Scripture of other religions. Whenever I have spoken to Hindus who criticize the concept of Jihad in Islam, the moment I quote similar passages from Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita, and since they know the outline and the context of the fight in Mahabharata, they immediately agree that if the Qur’an too speaks about a fight between truth and falsehood then they have no objection but rather appreciate the guidance of the Qur’an. (To be continued) The author, Dr. Zakir Naik, is a well-known orator and scholar of Comparative Religion. He is the President of the Mumbai-based Islamic Research Foundation. He may be reached at: zakir@irf.net
  15. [it is mentioned in the Sweta Sutara Upanishad, Ch. No. 6, Verse No.9, ‘Na Kasia Kasji Janita Nakadipa’, which means….‘Of Him there is no parents, nor Lord’ He has got no parents, He has got no masters - That means, He alone is sufficient, He is not dependent on anyone else. The quotation given from ‘Upanishads’, was translated by S. Radha Krishnan. Further, if you read in the Sweta Sutara Upanishads, Ch. No. 4, V. No. 19, it says …‘Natastiya Pratima Asti’ ‘There is no likeness of Him’. It is further mentioned in the next verse of the Sweta Sutara Upanishads, Ch.No.4 Verse No. 20, that… ‘His form cannot be seen, No one can see Him with the eyes’.] Too many contradiction. If what it says is true than Gita is false. Krisha had parents namely Vasudeva and Devaki. Krisha was in human form. Arjuna saw his Krishna's real form on the battle ground So, if you believe the above then Gita lying? Do not take someting out of contex and claim this and that just like what the Muslim fanatics are saying. There are many things beyond human comprehension but people like you behave as though you know everyting that is happening. The panchaboothas play an important part in all living entity and not rspecting them would only bring devastation like the Tsunami and other natural disasters. Before discovering God early man had great respect for these natural order and called them spirit of nature. Even in the Rigveda homage is given to the fire God[or spirit] in layman's term. There is not only one interpretation of our scriptures but several. But most important is if one believes in God and prays to him in any form it is acceptable by the Supreme Brahman. So, it makes no difference because only he who leaves this body would know his next course not you, me or the others.
  16. [it is mentioned in the Sweta Sutara Upanishad, Ch. No. 6, Verse No.9, ‘Na Kasia Kasji Janita Nakadipa’, which means….‘Of Him there is no parents, nor Lord’ He has got no parents, He has got no masters - That means, He alone is sufficient, He is not dependent on anyone else. The quotation given from ‘Upanishads’, was translated by S. Radha Krishnan. Further, if you read in the Sweta Sutara Upanishads, Ch. No. 4, V. No. 19, it says …‘Natastiya Pratima Asti’ ‘There is no likeness of Him’. It is further mentioned in the next verse of the Sweta Sutara Upanishads, Ch.No.4 Verse No. 20, that… ‘His form cannot be seen, No one can see Him with the eyes’.] Too many contadiction. If what it says is true than Gota is false. Krisha had parents namely Vasudeva and Devaki. Krisha was in human form. So, tell is Gita lying? Do not take someting is contex and clai this and that just like what the Muslim fanatics ae doing. There are many things beyond human comprehension but people like you behave as though you know everyting that is happening. The panchaboothas palya an d important part in all living entity and not reapecting them would only bering devastation like the Tsunami and other natural disasters. Before discovering God early man had great respect for these natural order and called them spirit of nature. Even in the Rigveda homage is given to the fire God[or spirit] in layman's term. There is not only one interpretation of our scriptures but several. But most important is if one believes in God and prays to him in any form it is acceptable by the Supreme Brahman. So, it makes no different because only he who leaves this body would know his next course not you, me or the others. I AM IN YOU
  17. The hadith is notthe holy book of the Muslims. In the Koran there is no such verse but only in the hadith which was written by some over zealous caliph for his self interest. We can have peace if we unite. How could we have peace when we ourself are having so many differences in our own relgion? Te Vaishnavites against the Shiviates and vice versa. Hinduism itself is divided surely it would be a playground for the Muslims and Christians a like. Look how the dhalits are being treated by the orthodox Hindus. But when they converted to Islam or Christianity than we complain that the Muslims and Christrians are converting Hindus in mass conversion and whant the government to intervene. Ofcourse a Muslims would not want to debate rationaly because he fears his faith in Allah would be shaken and morever the religion does not permit him to question the quthority of the mullas. It is our duty to break that iron curtain that shields them from knowing the real truth. You may not be able to do that in open public but at least through their forums as they have penerated into ours. I AM IN YOU
  18. Remember that what is in the Kaaba is Shiva Lingam and the Muslims faith in that Lingam is much more stronger than many Hindus. Although they believe in one God and there is none other whch proves that the believe in the Supreme Brahman. The Muslims had been deluded for thousand of years by their mullas that the Muslim,s God is different from the Hindu's. Which means to say they do not wish to accept the other forms but only willing to accept the Linga form. Otherwise why do they perform the Haj by going round the kaaba and kissing the hole pointing to the Linga? They are indirectly praying to the Shivalingam but outwardly they deny so. Mohammad's father was the chief priest of the Kaaba during the preIslamic era and to show respect for the family diety he did not destroy the Shivalingam but all other idols. But being a cuning businessman his wish was to bring the hole world to Mecca so that the economy of Mecca would increase. That is why he called all other relgions as fake while his discovery is the true relgion. Anyway, my point is whatever the Muslims claim but they cannot deny or destroy the only pillar of their faith which is the Shivalinga and the Kaaba. No Muslim would want to take a challenge on that and debut on that issue. So, if they want to speak evei of Hinduism then the only weapon we can kick their butt is the Shivalingam. If they dare why not ask them to destroy it to proof that they are not idol whorshipers of Shivalimgam.
  19. {When Islam came about, Muhammad proclaimed that EVERYTHING which existed before Islam to be obsolete and ONLY Islam is accordance to God - that include Hindusm, Buddhism and Judaism.} Islam was forced into the Arabs by way of war. Otherwise Arabia would seen more Shiva temples than in India. No matter what the Muslims say they cannot get rid of that one symbol that still renails in the holy land and that is the Shivalinga in the kaaba. Can any Muslim destroy that particular black icon and say we do not worship idol? That is the challange we Hindus must ask the muslims around the world. So do not say it means nothing. I AM IN YOU
  20. Shiva worship in ancient Arabia By Muzaffar Hussain CULTURAL affinity is stronger than even national unity. Because any chunk of land comes alive only when culture infuses life into it. Two hostile nations can be brought back to amity only when the cultural bonds between them are activated. This was the thread Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee picked up to revive the pre-partition cultural bonds between the two scions of the Akhand Bharat. He, therefore, chose artistes and poets to accompany him on his occidental odyssey in quest of amity with Pakistan, because only the cultural appeal could touch the right chord. Thus the sympathetic resonance alone can be expected to replace the chronic mutual distrust with mutual trust and friendship. The style of prayer or the method of worship can always be shorter in life than a nation. Therefore, the particular way of living that has evolved on a particular stretch of land is recorded in the history of that land. This history concretizes that country's heritage, and that country preserves this heritage and bases its plans for future development on this legacy. Pakistan may have declared itself an Islamic State. But it cannot shed its ancient heritage dating back to the Mohenjo Daro and Harappa civilization. And its most famous national hero can only be the great grammarian Panini. The fanatic religious madness called Taliban may attempt to destroy every vestige of pre-Islamic Civilization, but it cannot deny the historical reality of Afghanistan's ancient religions of Vedic or Parsi fire-worship. In spite of Iran's embracing Islam, Cyrus, Sohrab and Rostam are even today hailed as Iranian icons. Gandhar (modern Kandhar) cannot disown Gandhari and the Mahabharat. Iran may observe the most militant form of Islam, but when the question of their ethnic origin arises, the Iranians proudly claim their Aryan descent. Kafvinak Zikramin Ulumin tab aseru Kaluvan Amatatul hava a lazakkuru Na tazasveroha udan elelavada-a lilavra Valuka ene zatallahe aum tab aseru Va aha lolaha Azah aramian Mahadev Manozel ilamuddine Minahum va savatt aru That means : "Can the person, who indulged in bad deeds and lustful and angry activities, be granted salvation if he repents, atones for and proposes to embrace dharma and follow righteous path? If he worships Lord Mahadev with true devotion he can attain the highest position in spiritual attainments." The name of Mahadev is mentioned in the Arabic original exactly as it is pronounced in Sanskrit or other Indian languages. Umer bin Hashsham further says, "Oh Lord! Grant me a day's stay in India in exchange for my entire life, because by reaching there a man attains salvation." Va sahabe ke vam fim kamil Hinde you man Yakulun na lajaha jan fainnak tavajjaru Another poet is cited in this same book on p. 257 who says, Aya mubarekal araz vashaive nohaminar Hinde Va adarakkallah majye vashaiye nazzale zikaratun The means :- "Oh holy land India, you are great Because God has made you to spread His Wisdom." The above lines are enough to show what sentiments the Arabs entertained regarding Lord Shiva and India. Lord Shiva was held as God of knowledge, and India the land of knowledge and both were respected for their benign influence. "Hind" is the name Arabs gave to India. They considered India almost like paradise and so they endearingly called their beloved daughters "Hindus" (intention was the daughters were heavenly fairies). They borrowed the figures "0 to 9" from Indian mathematicians. They called the numerals "Hindsa". Arab traders were impressed with the mouth-watering taste of Indian "tamarind". The English word itself has been a corruption of Arabic—"tamar-i-Hind" which means the "fruit of India" in Arabic. The Arabs' trade with India has been going on from ancient ages. Those guides who guided Vasco-da-Gama, the Portuguese explorer who found a new route to India in early sixteenth century, were the same Arab traders. The noted archaeologist, Shri Wakankar, has described this extensively in his book. http://www.atributetohinduism.com/
  21. Relativity in the light of Vedanta In Einstein's theory of relativity, E=mc2, he postulates that mass is equivalent to energy. Both space and time, deduced Einstein, are no longer absolutes. Consider his theory in light of the Vedanta system of Hindu philosophy. All matter throughout the universe is the outcome of one primal matter called akasha. Moreover, all force, whether gravitational or electromagnetic, is the outcome of one cosmic energy called prana. Prana acting on akasha is creating or projecting the universe. Einstein had thus proven mathematically what Vedantists had known for years. Some theologians have taken the theory of relativity one step further, speculating that Einstein's mass-energy equivalence also accounts for energy and matter as true functions of each other. A God of pure energy could thus become an avatar a doctrine held by Hindus, Tibetan and Buddhists
  22. barney


    Yes, that is the final upon selfrealization not before. Most of the Hindus in India and elsehwere have yet to come to this term because of their low spiritual value. And morever it would be difficult for them to understand such a concept as they believe in karma and suffering. They do not relaize that it can be reverted upon self-realization instead prefer to remain in the ignorant state. They should read the doctorine of Swami Ramakrishna and Swami Ramalingam. ATMAN IS BRAHMAN I AM IN YOU
  23. barney


    Sanatana Dharma or Righteousness Forever was the original name of Hinduism. It was Persians who invaded India during 6th century B.C. who gave the name Hinduism meaning the religion of people living near the Indus river[sindu River]. In Persian the letter H and S are pronounced almost the same so they mistook the word Sindhu (Sanskrit name for Indus) to H and then started calling Hindus and Hinduism.
  24. January 2000 INSIGHT Hindu Conversion It's a hot button that everyone is pushing. While Indians are demanding that Christians convert ethically, sincere seekers from other faiths are. Conversion is a red hot topic in India this month, what with the Pope's visit in November and the US Baptists' insulting October prayers for the conversion of "900 million people lost in the hopeless darkness of Hinduism" [page 37]. Those who know history know that the concept of changing one's faith is nothing new for Hinduism. Long before Islam or Christianity had even begun, Jainism and Buddhism contended with the Sanatana Dharma for the allegiance of India's masses. Great Hindu saints, such as Adi Shankara, Appar and Sundarar, gained fame in large part through their opposition to these nascent religions--an opposition so successful as to practically abolish both in the land of their birth. The other edge of conversion's sword figured when South Indian kings colonized Cambodia, Bali and other parts of Southeast Asia, for in those days, the way of things was the way of kings: the religion of the ruler was the religion of the subjects. While Hindus are worried about Christian efforts to "save the Pagans," millions in the West are quietly adopting Hinduism in a remarkable and little-discussed silent conversion, a conversion no less powerful and far more extensive than in the past. Sincere seekers in Europe, Africa and the Americas are starting to call themselves Hindu and seek formal entrance into the faith. They are the result of 150 years of Hindu philosophy surging out from India in several waves: first as scriptural translations, then itinerant holy men such as Swami Vivekananda and most recently as part of the diaspora of Hindus out of India, Sri Lanka and Nepal, and the resulting establishment of temples and ashrams in nearly every country of the world. The central Hindu concepts of karma, dharma and reincarnation are now understood by tens of millions not born in the faith but exposed to it through music, film and television, and even commercial advertising. There remains a significant contingent of orthodox Hindus today who firmly preach that Hinduism does not accept converts. They believe that one must be born a Hindu. Outsiders, no matter how learned or devoted, must wait until another lifetime to enter the faith. Leave alone that this opinion goes against historical fact, many modern Hindu scholars readily acknowledge that Hinduism does indeed accept converts. In 1899, Swami Vivekananda proclaimed, "Why, born aliens have been converted in the past by crowds, and the process is still going on. This statement not only applies to aboriginal tribes, to outlying nations, and to almost all our conquerors before the Mohammedan conquest, but also to all those castes who find a special origin in the Puranas. I hold that they have been aliens thus adopted." Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, former president of India, confirms the swami's views in a brief passage from his well-known book, The Hindu View of Life: "In a sense, Hinduism may be regarded as the first example in the world of a missionary religion. Only its missionary spirit is different from that associated with the proselytizing creeds. It did not regard it as its mission to convert humanity to any one opinion. Worshippers of different Gods and followers of different rites were taken into the Hindu fold. The ancient practice of vratyastoma, described fully in the Tandya Brahmana, shows that not only individuals but whole tribes were absorbed into Hinduism. Many modern sects accept outsiders. Dvala's Smriti lays down rules for the simple purification of people forcibly converted to other faiths, or of womenfolk defiled and confined for years, and even of people who, for worldly advantage, embrace other faiths." To the born Hindu of today, the question of entering Hinduism may appear unnecessary, for by one common definition Hinduism is a way of life, a culture, both religious and secular. The Hindu is not accustomed to thinking of his religion as a clearly defined system, distinct and different from other systems, for it fills his every experience. It encompasses all of life. This pure, simple view has to do, in part, with Hinduism's all-embracing quality, to accept so many variations of belief and practice into itself. But this view ignores the true distinctions between this way of life and the ways of the world's other great religions. There is no denying that Hinduism is also a distinct world religion, and to hold otherwise in today's world is a stance fraught with risk. If Hinduism is not a religion, then it is not entitled to the same rights and protections given to religion by the nations of the world. As just one example, in colonial Trinidad, Hinduism was not recognized as a religion, Hindu marriages were therefore considered illegal, Hindu children illegitimate and unqualified to inherit property. A great deal of Hindu ancestral property was forfeited to the colonial Christian government. The claim that Hinduism is "not a religion" weakens its position socially and legally with respect to other religions in the world community. Among Hinduism's four major denominations--Vaishnavism, Saivism, Shaktism and Smartism--only the Smarta lineage, represented by the various Shankaracharyas in India such as of Sringeri and Puri, does not accept converts. Smarta priests serving in American temples have consistently refused to perform the Namakarana Samskara, the name-giving ceremony [see next page] for non-Hindus by which they could enter the religion. But the spiritual leaders and priests of the remaining sects--representing perhaps 90 percent of Hindus--actively engage in conversion rites. The hundreds of Hindu swamis, pundits and lay persons who regularly travel outside India are a relatively passive band, offering a reasoned presentation of beliefs that listeners are only expected to consider and accept or reject. There is no proselytizing, no tearing down of other faiths. Hindu philosophy lacks the missionary compulsion to bring the whole world into its fold in a kind of spiritual colonialism and cultural invasion. That kind of conversion, which has gone on in India for centuries now, has seriously disrupted communities, turned son against father, wife against husband, friend against friend. Coupled with the enticement of material gain and destruction of ancient traditions, it has destroyed lives. The Hindu form of preaching does none of this. A direct result of hundreds of swamis and yogis coming to the West, and of tens of thousands of Westerners journeying to India, is the desire by some non-Hindus to become Hindu. The question then is, "How?" This is an issue that Hinduism Today publisher Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami faced five decades ago. Instructed by the great saint of Sri Lanka, Satguru Siva Yogaswami, to "build a bridge between East and West," he began his mission in America in 1957 and soon tackled the thorny issue of just how to enter the Hindu fold. As with many Americans, Subramuniyaswami had no prior religion. Hinduism was therefore his first. This early experience, in his twenties, set the pattern for his ministry in the years to come. He calls the pattern "Ethical Conversion," a six-step method that results in a sincere and lasting commitment to the Hindu faith [see facing page]. The Sivacharya priests of India explained to him that it would take three generations to fully establish Hinduism in a new country. The most innovative step in ethical conversion--and what truly makes it ethical--is severing from any former faiths. The devotee is asked to go back to his prior religious leader, priest, rabbi, etc., and explain his change of belief in a face-to-face meeting. The leader may attempt to talk the devotee out of his intention, or honor the depth of his new commitment and understanding. Why such a formal process? In 1966, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad issued this definition: "'Hindu' means a person believing in, following or respecting the eternal values of life, ethical and spiritual, which have sprung up in Bharatkhand [india] and includes any person calling himself a Hindu." While self-declaration remains the basic way to enter the Hindu faith, the VHP's 1998 Dharma Samsad meeting in America called for the development of "a process for accepting willing non-Hindus into the Hindu fold, which is an important concern among Hindus living in America." Those concerns include intermarriage, the need for a non-Hindu spouse to adopt the religion of his or her mate and raise their children in a purely Hindu home. Another is the standing policy of most Indian swamis in the West to not formally convert their devotees to Hinduism. They give a Hindu first name, and create what may be called an "Ardha-Hindu"--"Half-Hindu"--who finds himself separated by newfound belief and practice from his old faith, but not fully embraced by his new one. The situation gets especially precarious when it comes to raising children. Are they Hindus, or what? The practical outcome in the last 20 years is that they are raised with no faith. By setting a standard of ethical conversion, Hindus can also help alter the otherwise predatory nature of religious conversion. If, to apply the idea to another faith, every Hindu who wanted to become a Christian went successfully through an ethical conversion, there would be no claims by Hindus that he had been bribed, coerced, enticed or otherwise forced into the change. Of course, there would also be a lot fewer conversions! Finally, this is a time when religions are looking for ways to get along better. Unfortunately, the disruptive conversion tactics of missionary religions are rarely on the agenda at global meetings. By advocating ethical conversion, Hindus can overcome the single greatest obstacle to interfaith harmony. Six Steps to Ethical Conversion 1. Joining a Hindu community First and most importantly, the devotee mixes socially and earns acceptance into an established Hindu community. The devotee worships regularly at the community's satsangas or temples, makes yearly pilgrimages, performs daily puja and sadhanas within the home and seriously strives to live up to the culture. 2. Point-counterpoint The devotee undertakes certain assigned studies according to the Hindu denomination he seeks to enter. Simultaneously, he makes a formal analysis of his former religions, denominations, sampradayas or philosophical systems. He then writes a point-counterpoint comparing Hinduism with each such school of thought, carefully noting the similarities and differences. Part two of this assignment is to complete a written analysis of all former pledges or vows (such as those taken at confirmation), indicating when and why each point mentioned in those vows was abandoned. This point-counterpoint is presented to a Hindu elder for review and comment. 3. Severing from former mentors Formal severance is required if the devotee was officially a member of a particular religious denomination, such as the Catholic Church. If he did not formally belong to any religious denomination or institution, he goes on to step four. To complete formal severance, he returns to the former institution and attends services or lectures for a few weeks. Then, accompanied by a relative or friend as a witness, he meets personally with the minister, priest, rabbi, imam or mentor. The devotee explains that he will be joining the Hindu religion and wishes to sever ties with this church or institution. The object is to give the minister the face-to-face opportunity to talk the devotee out of his change of faith. If the devotee successfully conveys his sincerity to the minister, he requests an official letter of severance, stating that he is no longer a member of the former institution. The minister or priest may not give a letter, may give a release verbally or may refuse to give any form of release. Even in the latter situation, having declared his apostasy, the inner severance is accomplished. In the case of the Catholic Church, anyone who adopts another religion is automatically an apostate and not allowed to receive communion, confession, penance or other rites of the Church. 4. Adopting a Hindu name The devotee then proceeds to have a legal change of name. The new name is placed on his passport, driver's license and all important financial or legal instruments, including credit cards, library cards and bank accounts. Even before formal entrance to Hinduism, the devotee is encouraged to begin using his Hindu name--first and last--at all times. 5. The Namakarana Samskara The name-giving sacrament, namakarana samskara, can be held at any Hindu temple. Before the ceremony, the devotee informs family, relatives and close friends of his or her name change and intended entrance into Hinduism. At the sacred name-giving rite, the Hindu name is formally received, vows are taken and a certificate is signed, documenting the former name and the new name, place of ceremony and signature of the priest and at least three witnesses. At left is a sample namakarana certificate for this purpose. 6. Announcing the name-giving After the severance and name-giving, the devotee publishes a three-day announcement in a local newspaper stating that the name-change has been completed and that he or she has entered the Hindu religion through the namakarana samskara. The devotee should keep a copy of these announcements and all other documents related to the conversion (such as letters from attorneys and elders) as part of a dossier verifying the name-giving, as these may be needed in the future, such as when seeking acceptance into a conservative Hindu organization or seeking permanent residency or citizenship in a foreign country. Similarly, many temples in India and other countries will ask to see the passport or other appropriate proof of Hindu identity before admitting devotees of non-Indian origin for more than casual worship. Welcome Home The vratyastoma ceremony ("vow pronouncement"), dating back to the Tandya Brahmana of the Rig Veda, is performed for Hindus returning to India from abroad and for those who have embraced other faiths. One finds a wide range of converts in India, from communities such as the Syrian Malabar Christians who adopted Christianity shortly after that religion's founding, to the Muslim converts of a thousand years ago, to Indians converted in the last few generations. Especially in the case of many recent converts, the conversion is often superficial, and the return to Hinduism is a simple matter of ceremonial recognition. In other cases, complete reeducation is required. There are many organizations in India active in reconversion, some motivated by fears of non-Hindu dominance in regions once all Hindu. The Masurasrama in Mumbai specializes in reconversions through a Suddhi Sraddha ceremony, bringing dozens of converts back into the Sanatana Dharma each month. Masurashrama founder, Dharma Bhaskar Masurkar Maharaj, set a strong precedent in 1928 when he organized the purification rite for 1,150 devotees in Goa who had previously converted to Christianity. About the same time, Swami Agamanandaji of the Ramakrishna Mission in Kerala reconverted hundreds to Hinduism, as did Narayana Guru [see page 52]. More recently, two South Indian ashrams--Madurai Aadheenam and Kundrakuddi Aadheenam--have brought thousands of Indians back into Hinduism in mass conversion rites. Since the early 1960s, the Vishva Hindu Parishad has reportedly reconverted a half-million individuals through Suddhi ceremonies all over India. The VHP activities are extremely distressing to the Christian missionaries who, according to an analysis published in Hinduism Today, February, 1989, spent about us$6,000 to win over each convert. It is vital that reconversion campaigns are followed up with continuing education, social improvement, community temple building and priest training to create fully self-sustaining groups. For more on Hindu conversion, see chapter 24 of"Loving Ganesha", available from Himalayan Academy Publications, 107 Kaholalele Road, Kapaa, Hawaii 96746-9304 USA. or visit "How to become a Hindu" at www.himalayanacademy.com/basics/conversion/
  25. barney


    [A hindu is one who worships any religion of india that is not Buddhist, Jain, Sihk, Christian, Muslim, Jewish or Zoroastrian. That was how the name hinduism came up. Before that, it was a mixture of many religions taking from eachother whereever they saw the truth.] Hindus do not worship religion or for that matter any religion. Hinduism is a way of life. Hindus worship the only one Supreme Being in many forms because a Hndu believe God can manifest in all forms. The thirumoorthy [brahma, Vishnu and Shiva]is th main icon of Hinduism. Get the facts right before you post your answers. Hinduism is a name given to the Sanadhana Dharma or Saiva Sithandha Sanadhana Dharma by Persians. Go to history of Hinduism to get your facts. The rest is fine but please explain the core of Hinduism so that people of other faith would really understand what it means to be a Hindu. Hindus do not see others as their enemy as what Muslims or Christians do. Hinduism believes in karma and all living creatures have souls. We are here to fulfill our destiny and when it is over we live this body to take another according to our past karma. Yes, Hindusim accept new converts through the Namakarna Samskara. The Namakarana Samskara The name-giving sacrament, namakarana samskara, can be held at any Hindu temple. Before the ceremony, the devotee informs family, relatives and close friends of his or her name change and intended entrance into Hinduism. At the sacred name-giving rite, the Hindu name is formally received, vows are taken and a certificate is signed, documenting the former name and the new name, place of ceremony and signature of the priest and at least three witnesses. If one does not wish to go through such, he can always be a Hindu at heart and follow Hinduism as per order. But the proper way would be better as when such person dies there would be no confusion to his last rites.
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