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Everything posted by Avinash

  1. Respected Daadi Amma, Do you remember where you read that Radha was one year older than Krsna. I have read that Radha was older than Krsna, but I could not find any clue about the age difference between them anywhere? Please post the source if you remember. Avinash (76 year old)
  2. According to Bible, Garden of Eden is not on Earth. Searching for that is the same as searching for Vaikuntha on Earth.
  3. When daadi amma asked this question, then by the age of Radha at the time of Rasa, she meant the amount of time passed between the time the rasa took place and the time she appeared on Earth.
  4. Jn das ji, Your list is from bhuloka to satyaloka. If we do that, then don't you think you have ordered janaloka and maharloka wrongly. As per my knowledge janaloka is higher than maharloka.
  5. Avinash

    Time Travel

    If he wants some volunteer on which he can try the experiment, then I am ready. hey, but he must be able to bring me back.
  6. I do not accept the logic that if we are feeling pain, then we should think that Krsna wants us to suffer and therefore we should not try pain killers. If we go by this logic, then no disease should be tried to be cured. If we have got some disease, then we should feel that Krsna wants us to suffer and therefore we should not go to doctor. If somebody else in family is not well, then also we should think that Krsna wants that person to suffer and nothing should be done to cure him/her.
  7. So this means He was 7 or 8 at the time of rasa and 11 when He went to Mathura. But what was the age difference between Radha and Krsna?
  8. bhuloka, bhuvarloka, svarloka, mahaloka, janaloka, tapaloka, satyaloka.
  9. I read whole of KrsnaJanma khand of Brahm Vaivarta Puran because I guessed that I could get the answer there. I found that Krsna was 11 years when He went to Mathura. This makes Radha's age 12 years at that time if Radha was 1 year older than Krsna. But I am not sure if Radha was one year older than Krsna.
  10. But where does the division exist between one life form and the next, for example the mountain and the greater earth? If a mountain is considered to be living, there could be two meanings to this. One, the mountain as we see it is the body of the living mountain. Two, there is some deity in mountain and what we see it is a covering of his body, as my clothes cover my body. If we apply the second alternative for both Earth and mountain, then it is highly possible that the body of Earth goddess and that of the deity in mountain are seprated. But, if we consider the first alternative, then the body of mountain is inside the body of Earth, just as the bodies of various bacteria are inside my body.
  11. I have Bible. It is mentioned in Genesis that Cain had children from his wife. I could not find anywhere in Bible who his wife was. I will read again and check.
  12. Do you remember the lecture on 1000 names of Ganga in Bangalore? In that it was mentioned that the Himvan whom gods came to meet was not the mountain Himvan but a king who had kingdom in that mountain. So, when we say that mountains are living, what does it mean? 1. Mountains as we see them are living. 2. There is some living being (god, gandharva etc.) in the mountain. 3. Both of these. 4. None of these. The same question can be asked about Earth.
  13. Prishnigarbha,also known as Dhruvapriya, is the form of the Lord that was manifested to Dhruva Maharaja. It was a four handed Narayana form, which was blue, not red. Thus it does not fit well with the description. Thanks for reviving this thread. Isn't it very surprising that an incarnation Who appeared for a very short time, could be yugavatar? It seems more accurate that it might be Treta when He appeared. This is not the same as saying that He was yugavatar for Treta yuga. Moreover, I am not even sure if it was Treta at that time. Wasn't it satya yuga when God appeared before Dhruva?
  14. I spent a few minutes trying to figure out what a tress was, but then I finally concluded it must be trees mispelled. Oops, shame on me. How could I do this?
  15. According to Genesis 4.17, Enoch was Cain's son. Who was Enoch's mother?
  16. Why would a perfect God create an imperfect world? What is imperfect?
  17. Why would a perfect God create an imperfect world? What is imperfect?
  18. For Christians the problem has always been how to explain these "others". After all the only people mentioned are Adam's immediate relations. So some theorize that there were other people on the planet at that time, else why would Cain fear being killed by these 'others'. If we believe this, then we can not say that according to Bible, Adam and Eve were the ancestors of everyone.
  19. Who is PRznigarbha? Is he mentioned in Bhagwatam?
  20. 1st abortion clinic in recorded history
  21. Modern science has some criteria for deciding if something is living or non-living. But it is not a must that the criteria used in Hindu scriptures be the same. As per scriptures, a living being has soul. But it is not a must that everything that has soul must pass the criteria of modern science to be termed as 'living'. So, it is a possibility that there might be some things which are living according to modern science but non-living according to scriptures, and vice-versa. According to scriptures, are tress living? Or, in other words, do they have soul?
  22. There are different categories of incarnations. One of them is "yugavatar". I have read in Bhagwatam that the yugawatar for Satya Yuga was the sage Kapil. I am not sure about the yugavatar for Dwapar yuga.
  23. Brahm-Vaivarta Puran says that, according to the curse of Sridama, there had to be separation between Krsna and Radha for 100 years. By reading the purana, I could find that the separation started when Krsna went to Mathura. But it was not clear to me when it ended. May be it ended just before Krsna left the Earth. But, I am not sure.
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