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Everything posted by Avinash

  1. Now, consider the age of the universe to be the no. of years before which Brahma was born. When you calculate, you will get this to be a few trillion years which is much more than 14 billion years. [This message has been edited by Avinash (edited 06-26-2002).]
  2. To know the age of the universe, we have to decide what we should consider as the time of the origin of the universe. Is it the time when the current kalpa started or is it the time when Brahma was born? Let us consider the first. According to Puranas, the duration of satya yuga = 1728000 years; the duration of treta yuga = 1296000 years; the duration of dwapar yuga = 864000 years; the duration of kali yuga = 432000 years. So, the duration of one round of the four yugas = 4320000 = 432*10^4 years. One kalpa comprises 1000 rounds of the four yugas and there are 14 Manus in one kalpa. So, there are 1000/14 rounds of the four yugas during the time of one Manu. So, the duration of one Manu is 432*10^4*1000/14 or 432*10^7/14 years. Six Manus have already come and gone in this kalpa. We are living in 28th kali yuga of 7th Manu. So, the age of the universe is the sum of the following: - (a)Duration of 6 Manus i.e. 6*432*10^7/14 years or 2592*10^7/14 years. (b)Time taken by 27 rounds of the four yugas i.e. 27*432*10^4 years or 11664*10^4 years. ©Time taken by one round of satya yuga, treta yuga and dwapar yuga i.e. 4320000-432000 years or 3888*10^3 years. (d)No. of years that have elapsed of the present kali yuga. This is approximately 5000 years. When we add these four, we get the age of the universe as approx. 1971961571 years i.e. approx. 1.97 billion years. This is far less than 14 billion years.
  3. Did you know that (I'm sure you do): -The speed of light was predicted by Vedic and Puranic texts thousands of years! -The age of the universe (14 billion years) was contained in Hindu texts. Where are these mentioned in the scriptures of Hinduism?
  4. Why do we think that there is evil in the world? We think so because the world is not the way we want it to be. The world is not exactly as per our expectations. We feel unhappy because of this. Because of our unhappiness, we say that there is evil in the world. Why is it said that there is no evil in Vaikuntha? This is because the residents of Vaikuntha are very happy with everything that they find there. What do they have to do in Vaikuntha? They have to serve Visnu. They are happy because they like serving Visnu. This does not mean that they have no free will. It is not that they are brain washed into serving Visnu. They serve Visnu because they like to. So, they have just one desire - to serve Visnu. But, in the material world, different people have different desires.
  5. Friend to you I am but please don't be getting me involved in a grammer dispute.Especially with Avinash cause he would be beating me from one side of the pasture to the other. Where are you living currently? Why did you not post messages regarding you experiences of your pilgrimage?
  6. Was Rama's sadness genuine when Sita was kidnapped? Was Krsna's fear genuine when Yashoda ran after Him when He was a child in order to punish Him?
  7. I wanted to revive this thread. What do the members of this forum feel about this topic? Krsna has control over His deluding potency. So, can He Himself be affected by this potency? If yes, then how can He be considered the master of maya. If no, then does it mean that He never feels pain but just pretends to feel?
  8. Ask JRdd. or MOO the Theist. They will be agreable to me. They are my friends. Hey, I am also your friend.
  9. Dear Popcorn, I visited the site. I will sign the guestbook. But, before that I want to enjoy some of articles there.
  10. i'm trying to remember some of my past lives and if i knew this it might help How will the knowledge of the standard practice of cremation in USA help you remember your past lives?
  11. I don't think that there are compelling arguments to prove that pi represents God. If we want we can find many interesting properties in some other physical constant also and think that it represents God.
  12. Is AvinashJi be offering the correspondence course in corrections? And have you been taking same? Don't blame me if I correct you. After all, it is you who took my name thus drawing my attention. You should not have used the word 'be' after before offering. Insert the word 'the' before 'same'. It would better (though it was not necessary) if you used 'doing' instead of 'taking'.
  13. I have read the book. According to the book if we convert Pi into another number system (perhaps the system mentioned is binary though I am not sure as I am forgetting) instead of decimal, then we will get the clue. In the book some scientists use computer to decipher the clue and they succeed. But, it is not written what the clue is.
  14. We must remember that the flood mentioned in Puranas happened during the time of King Sradhadeva who became seventh (i.e. current) Manu, known as Vaivasta Manu. As J.N. Das ji has pointed out, Manu Samhita was written by the first Manu i.e. Swyambhuva Manu.
  15. I never had such an experience. This means that I am going to be reborn as a human and you are going to be reborn as mouse/cat/insect.
  16. If he is dead, then how can he do better or worse next time or any time? I was suspecting Theist or Sha to be Maitreya.
  17. Don't you think she may get bored by always being in Vrindavana? Anyway, let us hear from Radharani. She is here.
  18. May be she thinks that the other planes may have shops that contain many things that she would like to buy. If yes, then she can ask Krsna to buy those.
  19. Since JRdd ji is not well, it may affect her health if she posts here frequently. If we ask her to post here, then she may do it to please her. But it will not be good if she does harm to herself in order to make us happy. She needs proper medication and rest.
  20. Of course, she is very dear to everyone here. And, so are you.
  21. (ART thou noticing my English is improved? I am practising much with my husband.) How is your husband's English? What did you mean by the word 'ART' here? I think it is typing mistake. Perhaps you wanted to write 'Are'. I am agreed with AvinashJi It should be: - I agree with AvinashJi
  22. It has the names of all the people who were/are/to be born on the earth and the preditctions of their future and future births. It also tells us abt the past births. I don't know if it tells us how far away liberation is. How bulky is the book?
  23. I got this story from S.B. as you have guessed. Once during the reign of king Prthu, there was very little crop production. People were dying of hunger. Prthu came to know that Earth had hidden food within herself. I am not sure but this story seems to be allegorical. Anyway, the story says that Prthu decided to punish Earth. So, he took bow and arrow. Earth got afraid and took the form of a cow. She started running away. But when she found that she could not escape Prthu, then she came to Prthu and requested him not to kill her. She explained to Prthu how he could get food. She told him to level her surface by breaking some of hills. She also told him to do ploughing and watering. After all this was done, then there was good crop production.
  24. Why ask only about man? God has created many other species? So, why not ask about them also? If we ask, then we are asking why God created living beings. Anyway, my answer to your question: - God created man so that man could wonder why God created him.
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