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Everything posted by Avinash

  1. Avinash


    In Hinduism there is nothing called Old Testament. So, before we can reply to your post, you should tell us what you mean by Old Testament of Hinduism. You are saying that it could be creation story of Hinduism. If it is creation story, then I can explain. If it is something else, then let me know.
  2. What are the arguments one can come up with to show that his guru is bigger? Let me think of some:idea: :- My guru looks more handsome. My guru has bigger tilak on his forehead. Any more?
  3. Big idiot I am. I was wondering why he had put '/' instead of '.' I did not realise (/ = ".") means replace '/' with '.' Realised that only after reading your post.
  4. As per my knowledge, your children will have no problem in these temples. Even if some individual creates problem, then also you should not worry. This is because the number of such temples is so small that even if both you and your husband had been Hindus since generations, then also the chance that you would visit these temples would be very small. I am personally a Hindu. My parents, their parents and so forth were Hindus. My uncle (my father's elder brother) has a record of twleve genrations of my ancestors. All of them were Hindus. But even then I never visited the temples I mentiond though I have visited many-many temples in my life. This is because the number of such temples is very-very small. Moreover, in temples people are not asked to describe their lineage. Not only this, even in these temples, the restriction on those whose both parents are not Hindus is gradually being lifted off. I have read of some temples where earlier they did not allow non-Hindus to visit. But now they are allowing. Just think long the following lines:- Let us assume that your children are allowed entires in all temples of the world. Does it mean that they will visit all temples? Of course not. So, why worry about one or two temples who put restrictions? You talked about Catholic forum. In Catholicism, there is a group called Catholic church. Most of the Catholic christians belong to this. This group is considered so important that it matters to christians a lot whether they are accepted in this group or not. (Of course, you must be knowing about this far better than me.) But, in Hinduism, there is no such single group. There is various divisions within Hinduism. If you consider these divisions as groups, then the groups who allow only those whose both parents are Hindus, is so small that it should not matter you. There are so many other groups. What is more important is that your children can very easily lead their life without belonging to any such group at all. To catholics, it may matter a lot to them what Catholic church says about them. But, to Hindus, it matters least what one or another group of Hindus says. I am a Hindu and I do not belong to any organised group. But it never affected me. I freely interact with the members of this group thought I do not belong to their groups and they know it.
  5. Yes, that is the one. When you chant the mantra, then chant as if you are engrossed in it i.e. as if you are singing it.
  6. If both you and your spouse have decided that you will teach your children about both Hinduism and about Jesus, then there is nothing to worry about. In order to teach your children Hinduism, if you want them to mix with other Hindus, then your children will be easily accepted by them. Just one very small negative point:- I have not witnessed it myself but as I have heard, there are some temples where they may not allow those whose one or both parents are not Hindu. I do not know which are these temples and I also do not know how strictly they follow this rule. But I know very well that the number of such temples is so small that you can easily neglect their number.
  7. Guruvani, When I was going through the thread, then I became curious about kundalini yoga. But, after reading your post, I have decided that I won't even try for this yoga if this is what you say. It is horrible. While reading near the end of your post, I even felt a little bit of giddiness. All the best to those who do this yoga. But I would rather chant, do pujas, and read spiritual books.
  8. Even as per modern science, there is absolutely nothing wrong in saying that the Sun moves round the Earth. I am neither joking nor being crazy when I make this statement.
  9. Kailasa, Even though there are still grammatical errors in your writings, I must say that your English has improved a lot. Now you write much better English than you used to write earlier in these forums.
  10. In spite of many perils of money, I do consider money as important. From my birth till about one year after I started earling, my days and those of my siblings were spent in abject poverty. My father had to struggle a lot because of financial problems and my both parents expired as we did not have enough money for their medical treatment. I often feel guilty because of this reason because my parents had high hopes from me. Since I was academically inclined since my childhood, they had hopes that one day I will be able to solve their financial problems completely. My relatives and neighbours used to give my example to their children. But I could not fulfill anybody's wishes. When my parents were not well, then I could not afford for good treatment for them as I myself was not earning. Now I have more money than I ever imagined I would have. Of course, even now, the way the word 'upper class' is used, I cannot be considered as upper class. But I have enough that I do not have to borrow. When I had money problems, then I used to think - "If I earn only this much, then that will be sufficient." Now, I earn much more than that. But it is good that my lifestyle has remained simple. Since my lifestyle has remained simple, I have more money than is necessary for me. I like spending money in taking care of poor people. Often I read about plight of some poor people. I read how somebody is suffering from some disease and his family does not have enough money for the medical treatment. I read how some mothers are willing to sell their children and the price is such a small amount that I easily spend that much amount in just one day. There was a time when I used to sleep on roadsides. I used to see many others doing the same. Now my financial problems are over. But, I see that there are many who are in that and even worse conditions. I like spending money to bring them some happiness. That gives me happiness in return. Rather than being poor myself, I would like to make money and spend it on good cause. "You cannot help the poor by becoming one of them." - Abraham Lincon So
  11. Correct. That is why I say that cows are vegetarian. What about pigeons? Do they eat meat?
  12. You have given the URL as www/namosteindia/land/ru (/ = ".") But it does not seem to be correct.
  13. From what I have read about pigeons, it seems they are vegetarian. But I do not know anough about them to be sure. However, I can say that cows are vegetarian.
  14. Lots of people hear voices. But it is different in case of schizophrenics. They hear as if somebody is really talking to them and others do not hear those voices. It must be very difficult for schizophrenics to feel that somebody is continuously talking to them (often things they do not want to hear) and they cannot see the source of the voices.
  15. If you read Mahabharata, then you will find that any incident happened because of some other incidents before that. Moreover, this incident, in turn, caused some other incident. So, if you change any one incident you will have to change many others. Because of changing those many others, you have to change still many others. Finally, the change will be so much that what you finally get will be completely different from what current Mahabharata contains. If by changing you are asking what incidents were not good, then the answer is that there were many such incidents. Otherwise, what was the need for war? But Mahabharata being a recorded history, it should contain what happened and not what we wish should have happened.
  16. Hey, than you for calling me optimist. My friends, coworkers, and family call me pessimist. I will answer your post in more detail after some time.
  17. There are many poor people around. Every day, I see so many beggars. They beg others for money, food. Suppose they make money and then take care of themselves from their own hard-earned money rather than begging. Don't you think this would be better?
  18. Rather than becoming poor yourself, it is better to earn money and spend it in good cause. So, I do not agree that we should become poor. But I do agree with many things that you have written. I agree that we should cultivate the habit of simple living even if we have lots of money; we should not use dishonest means of making money.
  19. Here is the family tree of Lord Rama, taken from Valmiki Ramayana, starting from Lord Brahma to Lord Rama. _____________________________ Brahma Marichi kashyapa Vivasvan(Sun) Manu Ikshvaku Kukshi Vikukshi Bana Anaranya Prithu Satyavrata(Trishanku) Dhundumara Yuvanashva Mandhata Susandhi Dhruvasandhi Bharata Asita Sagara Asmanjya Anshuman Dileep Bhageerath Kakutstha Raghu Pravriddha Shankhana Sudarshana Agnivarna Shighraga Maru Prashushruva Ambarisha Nahusa Yayati Nabhaga Aja Dashratha Rama
  20. Please read Bhagavad Gita. Krsna did claim that He was God.
  21. Hi, Remember your own post? Several months back (I guess around two years) you posted the experience of another devotee who had written about his experience in Iraq. I mean, you quoted that devotee. I also remember you quoting him that Lord never forgets His devotees. I remember that post of yours quite well because I had read it completely. Hope, you also remember. After all, it was your post.
  22. I am not aware of such an explicit verse, but there is a story. Ramanujacarya once asked Lord Ranganatha, "My Lord, what is the fate of the devotee who cannot remember you at the moment of death?" Lord replied, "If my devotee cannot remember me at the moment of death, then I will remember my devotee." <!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="../../../../_borders/in_com_bw_rt.htm" TAG="BODY" startspan -->
  23. Have you checked your PC for virus?
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