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Everything posted by Avinash

  1. I have already posted how to write Callum in Hindi. Please scroll a little up to see my post. Let me know how you pronounce Phoebe. Then I will write that also in Hindi.
  2. Hi, I am posting Callum in Hindi here also. I am attaching an image that shows how to write Callum in Hindi. I am assuming that it is pronounced like KALUM, where KA is pronounced like ca of cat, LU like lo of love. If not, let me know the correct pronunciation and I will make another post after making the necessary correction.
  3. Please visit http://www.audarya-fellowship.com/forums/sanskrit/27154-hindu-lettering.html
  4. The thread "Hindu lettering" shows how to write Callum in Hindi.
  5. I have read about some fastings (e.g. ekadashi) in some puranas (mostly Padma purana and Brahm Vaivarta purana). But, if somebody asks me to describe any fasting, then I will no be able to answer off-hand. Rather, I will have to refer to some book (say some purana). I was thinking it would be better if a single thread contains descriptions to the fastings. In this thread, please give brief introduction to various kinds of fasting, how to keep those and their importance.
  6. Hi, Please see the thread "Hindu Lettering". It is in the first page of this ("Sanskrit") forum. In that I have written Callum in Hindi. drkpp also has done the same.
  7. I am attaching an image that shows how to write Callum in Hindi. I am assuming that it is pronounced like KALUM, where KA is pronounced like ca of cat, LU like lo of love. If not, let me know the correct pronunciation and I will make another post after making the necessary correction.
  8. Almost everyday I see lots of posts with requests to write some names in Hindi/Sanskrit. Of course, there are some posts for some other languages as well, but most are for Hindi/Sanskrit. The people these posts are from various countries. When I first saw such posts, I thought that those making these posts must be of Indian origin. But now it seems many are not of Indian origin. From the posts, it is obvious that they are not having only a momentary interest in seeing names in Hindi/Sanskrit. Rather, they are desperately interested. From one person I came to know that he had been trying to get two names translated for more than five months! When I found so much of interest, then lots of questions came to my mind (assuming I have one). I have a request to all those who have made posts asking translations of names in Hindi/Sanskrit and also to those who have not yet made such a post, but are thinking of making. Please answer the following to satisfy my curiosity. 1. Which country do you live in? 2. Are you of Indian origin? 3. How did you come to know about this web site? 4. Before posting your requests in this web site, what other options (if any) did you try? 5. Which of these options did you try first? 6. From the time you tried the first option (answer to previous question) till the time you got the translation, how much time has elapsed? If you have still not got the translation, then specify the time from your first try to date. 7. Have you got the desired translation? Or, are you still looking for it? 8. Why exactly do you need these translations? For tattoos? For displaying in invitation cards? Some other reason? Please specify. 9. Other than Hindi/Sanskrit, are there any other languages in which you want to see some names? 9. Any other information that you would like to provide related to this survey? Thank you for satisfying my curiosity. (Curiosity killed the cat.)
  9. Let me know how you pronounce the names. Do you want the phrase "forever with me" to be translated into another language or just the script should be changed? Which language are you interested in? Is it Hindi?
  10. In the passage, Bhisma tells Arjuna that Krsna worshipped Lord Siva. I am sure you are not considering Yudhithira as wicked. (Let me know if I am wrong). So, obviously Bhisma was not trying to delude Yudhisthira. It seems you are saying that this talk between Bhisma and Yudhisthira never happened. But Ved Vyas wrote all these to delude a wicked person in case he happens to read the passage. But this brings some questions:- 1. If Krsna is supreme, then why is it wrong to say this to wicked people? 2. If a passage is for deluding wicked people, then the content in the passage is not factually correct. But you do not consider entire Mahabharata as containing incorrect statements. This means that some passages in Mahabharata are for wicked people and some for good people. But on what basis does one determine which are for good and which are for bad? If a good person reads entire Mahabharata, then he will also read the passages for wicked people. Won't the good person get deluded? If an evil person reads the entire Mahabharata, then he will also read the passages meant for good people. But that thwarts the purpose of deluding him.
  11. Please see the thread titled "Do you want to write in Hindi/Sanskrit"?
  12. I am assuming 'Ju' in 'julian' is pronounced like 'ju' in 'july, 'li' as 'li' in 'list', 'a' as 'ya' in 'William', and n is quite obvious (e.g. n in Sun). I am assuming 'E' in 'Evan' is pronounced like 'e' in 'egg', 'van' like 'vaan' (i.e. with long 'a' sound). Or, do you think 'van' is pronounced like 'one'? Based on my above assumption, I am giving Julian and Evan in Hindi below. If your pronouce your sons' names differently, let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
  13. Is there any verse where knowledge is compared with light or some similar word, e.g., blazing, shining etc.?
  14. You are suggesting 'nahi jnanena sadrisham pavitram'. WOW. I like this one. Thank you.
  15. I and some others have formed a group. We are doing whatever little bit we can towards education of some poor children. Example:- Distributing them books, going to their places and teaching them. We want some motto for this.
  16. "Sathyameva Jayathe" glorifies truth. I need something that glorifies knowledge/intelligence/wisdom.
  17. It is fine even if the context is of spiritual knowledge. But the motto should glorify knowledge/wisdom in general. By searching on Net, I found "buddhih sarvatra bhrajate". Any idea what is the source of this?
  18. The verses given here refer to knowledge of Self or of worshipping Lord Krsna. But can I get some shloka which glorifies knowledge in general and not specific kind of knowledge? I need shloka to glorify knowledge or intelligence or wisdom.
  19. It is said that creation and dissolution of the world has been going around from eternity. If so, then infinite number of cycles of creation and dissolution have happened. In spite of this, if there was a first time when a soul contacted the material energy, this means that there are infinite number of souls. Is it so?
  20. I have never held any position in any temple except for doing some voluntary services on a few occasions. Therefore, I do not know the details involved. But I do not condier it bad even if somebody takes salary for being temple president. It is true that one should not hanker after money. But it does not mean that money has no use. So long we are in the world, we need money for various purposes. Either we should get those things from money earned by us or somebody should give us. Even if somebody else gives us, then also those things require money. The temple president, together with his duties towards temple, may have some other commitments because of which he may need money. It is mentioned in this thread that he and his family will be maintained by the temple. But still there may be some emergencies for which the president requires money.
  21. I think you will get some responses if you post your query in Vedic astrology discussion list. Go to the start page of this site i.e. http://www.audarya-fellowship.com You will see the link to vedic astrology.
  22. Why say anything to a christian? There are many hindus who are not aware of the terms dvaita, advaita etc. but have heard some of the teachings of advaita and they believe that all gurus teach the same. Some of the statements which they often repeat are:- "Atma hi parmata hai" i.e. soul itself is supersoul. "Yeh sansar maya hai" i.e.this world is an illusion. Please note. I am not saying that they prefer advaita to dvaita. Of course such people are also there. But here I am talking of those who think that the teachings of advaita (though they may not know this term) are taught by all masters. They believe that all masters teach the two statements mentioned above. Then there are some who have read somewhat about both dvaita and advaita. They believe that all masters consider dvaita as intermediate to advaita and that advaita is the ultimate truth. I remember that a few months back I was discussing with one of my colleagues. Here is a gist of the talk that happened between us (translated into English):- He - All our shastras teach that soul and super soul are one and the same. Me - That is one school of thought. He - This is the only school of thought. Me - There are some people who believe in dvaita and they think differently. He - Dvaita is just intermediate. Advaita is the ultimate. Me - But some believe that dvaita is the ultimate truth. They believe that soul and super soul, even though have some similarities, are not identical. He - If the two are not identical, then when did they become different? Me - They were always different. He - It makes no sense. Me - Why not? It is new to you. That is why it does not make any sense to you. He - Name one well known guru who believes that soul and super soul are not one. Me - How about Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramanujachara, Madhavacharya? There are many more. He - Are you sure they believed soul and super soul as not identical? Me - Yes, I am. He - Then they must be teaching the intermediate things. They thought that people were not ready to accept the ultimate truth. I told him that his view was incorrect, but he did not agree. He was fully convinced that all those who are considered learnt in shastas believe in the oneness of soul and super soul.
  23. Do those visions come true? If yes, this means that visions are correct and not illusions. If visions are not illusions, is it still possible that there is some chemical imbalance behind these? The answer is yes, it is possible. But even there is some chemical imbalance, it is immaterial if visions prove correct. To take an analogy, I may prepare some food for you. Lots of chemical reactions are involved when food is prepared. But it does not mean that food is not real.
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