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Posts posted by Maitreya

  1. Originally posted by atma:

    So sad, I remember those murtis, and still ring in my ears Deena Bandhu's voice telling the story and making all the funny faces.

    Maitreya, you should go with Deena Bandhu to the holy places. He knows all the pastimes and the language too. Is a nectar to go in pilgrimage with him.

    I am not sure which Deena Bandhu you mean as I hear there are two in Vraja.One I know from the early seventies.Great story teller.But he used to spell his name dina so I'm not sure its the same one.



  2. Haribol Gauracandra,


    The thing about Aromatherapy is you have to have true extract and not syntheic.But in any case it does seem to be a very subtle effect.


    Funny this would be my last post before going to see this Iranian movie called, Smell of Camphor, Fragrance of Jasmine.


    I'll check this thread before I leave in case you have a review for me.I have a feeling it could go either way.



  3. Poison you?,no never.You still haven't told me about the robbers and goondas yet. Posted Image


    I'm not sure about cats, but there is a dirty sock connection.Valerianic acid is what makes feet stink.El yucko!


    I use it in powdered form.You can use veggie caps, taking one ,then try two if needed, 1/2 hour before sleep.


    I also just swish some in plain water and chug it down, but then I can handle it 'cause I am a man. Posted Image


    In large doses it is an emetic, so start small.


    Small dose the effect is sattvic


    Large dose it is tamasic.

  4. Originally posted by atma:

    I can't sleep! Any herb for that?



    Oh yes, valerian.Nasty smelling and tasting but works well.Any herbs that are classified as nervines will help.


    Too much valerian and you may be foggy in the morning.So start with small doses and increase if needed.


    Dream of Krishna



  5. Originally posted by jndas:

    I was just concerned people will from time to time go back and edit messages and their context.


    If anyone wants a message deleted, just send me an email. If it seems reasonable and if the message is not related to philosphy, I will delete messages on request. But I will probably try not to delete messages regarding philosophical debate. Its just not fair for the discussion.


    If anyone wants their name removed from messages, I am willing to do that as well. I don't think it is a great idea, but I understand people may change their views and feel bad about what they previously said. Especially seeing how some of the discussions here have been a little heated, I am sure many people would like to go back and change their statements. Posted Image

    jndas, this would happen on VNN.Someone would answer a previous post and then the original poster would go back and change a few words which altered the context, and then the respondant would look foolish.


    We shouldn't be so afraid of phrases like, "I was wrongI'm sorry" etc.Or even "I'm a fool".I think I proved that by taking birth in the land of death seeking a happy life.So what's new.


    I am a horrible speller and often edit posts.But that is not such a big thing either way.How ever you choose to do it is fine with me.


    We really appreciate how you run this forum.





  6. Originally posted by JRdd:

    I love Gerard Depardieu. Didn't anyone see Cyrano de Bergerac? All the Mornings of the World? The Return of Martin Guerre?

    Why?I must ask why all women love this guy.I don't get it.JR can you explain this mystery to me?It is not just him as an actor,they swoon over him like he is some demigod or something.Mystery.



  7. From the above statement it is found that a devotee is not after any of the stages of liberation. There are five stages of liberation, already explained as being (1) to become one with the Lord, (2) to live on the same planet as the Lord, (3) to obtain the same bodily features as the Lord, (4) to have the same opulences as the Lord and (5) to have constant association with the Lord. Out of these five liberated stages, the one which is known as säyujya, or to merge into the existence of the Lord, is the last to be accepted by a devotee. The other four liberations, although not desired by devotees, still are not against the devotional ideals. Some of the liberated persons who have achieved these four stages of liberation may also develop affection for Krsna and be promoted to the Goloka Vrndävana planet in the spiritual sky. In other words, those who are already promoted to the Vaikuntha planets and who possess the four kinds of liberation may also sometimes develop affection for Krsna and become promoted to Krsnaloka.

    So those who are in the four liberated states may still be going through different stages of existence. In the beginning they may want the opulences of Krsna, but at the mature stage the dormant love for Krsna exhibited in Vrndävana becomes prominent in their hearts. As such, the pure devotees never accept the liberation of säyujya, to become one with the Supreme, though sometimes they may accept as favorable the other four liberated states.NOD ch.4

    This question came up on another thread and I can't find it again.I also forgot who first raised it.Brain fog.Anyway, I find it interesting that the soul can still develop in the way described above.


    It also brings another question to mind.If the soul begins it's journey from the Brahman,some turning to matter to exploit, others turning to spirit to serve,then doesn't that suggest that all those souls that initialy choose spiritual life entered Vaikuntha first, with some heading on to Goloka by first passing through Vaikuntha?


    YS MC

  8. Yes,animesh,you are right, the children should be bathed in nature as much as possible.They already live in little magical worlds, let them connect it up to the wide world of nature and learn to appreciate their Mother/Father God as the substance and source and love Them for it.


    And we should retain that sense of wonder throughout the whole of our lives.The world remains magic but we are conditioned to forget.


    Krishna consciousness is a remembering process, a way to regain the souls natural appreciation of that Greatest Magician, Krishna in everything.



  9. Yes,animesh,you are right, the children should be bathed in nature as much as possible.They already live in little magical worlds, let them connect it up to the wide world of nature and learn to appreciate their Mother/Father God as the substance and source and love Them for it.


    And we should retain that sense of wonder throughout the whole of our lives.The world remains magic but we are conditioned to forget.


    Krishna consciousness is a remembering process, a way to regain the souls natural appreciation of that Greatest Magician, Krishna in everything.



  10. Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

    You get what you pay for. When wearing sunglasses, the darkened lenses cause your pupils to dilate. If the lenses do not filter out the UV-A and UV-B radiations, you are gonna have big problems later in life, caused from sunburn to the retinas that have no nerve cells to inform you of the damage.


    Good luck, dude.

    OK I'm convinced.I had never heard that but it makes sense.I'll upgrade.


    Posted Image



  11. For a country that likes to give the image of tolerance France has really blown it.What do they make besides wine and boring movies so I can boycott them?



    Religious Freedom at Risk

    By Vaishnava Communications Institute, Oxford


    30 May 2001 For Immediate Release


    The French National Assembly voted this afternoon in favour of a controversial new law that is designed to 'reinforce the repression of groups with a sectarian character'. The Bill has met with a considerable amount of criticism, notably from the Catholic and the Protestant Churches, the US State Department and the Council of Europe. Pope John Paul II has also expressed his concerns on the state of affairs in regards to religious freedom in France.


    The law has the potential to dissolve any organisation, if the organisation or its leaders have a single legal conviction. Whilst the entire Catholic Church in France could be dissolved by this decree, the reality is that this law will target any minority group labelled by the French government as a 'cult'. Many religious and spiritual organisations in France, including mainstream Christian groups such as the Baptist Church, as well as practitioners of alternative medicine, are under threat by this law.


    The authors of the Bill claim to protect the individual rights of French citizens, but the Bill itself raises a number of serious questions. Who decides what is an acceptable belief and what is of 'harmful character'; furthermore, how can a law be compatible with basic democratic principles, when its application is entirely subjective?


    Cardinal Billé, President of the French Catholic Conference of Bishops, and Reverend de Clermont, President of the Protestant Churches of France, have both expressed their 'reservations' about the law in a letter to the French Prime Minister. They fear that the proposal will threaten 'fundamental liberties' and that the Bill could be 'subjected to trends, variations of time or to outside pressure'. They also question the ambiguous nature of the Bill, for it's directed towards 'sectarian groups', which is 'legally indefinable'.


    Hong Kong is now expected to write a similar Bill, which they would use to ban Falun Gong, a Chinese health and meditation movement. They have been waiting for the French Parliament to adopt its Bill before composing their own. Merudevi Dasi, Deputy Director of the Vaishnava Communications Institute, fears that the Bill will 'act as a dangerous precedent for other countries wishing to adopt repressive measures against religious minorities. Eastern Europe is especially at risk, as many of these countries are in the process of changing their religious laws'.




    The Vaishnava Communications Institute serves as a resource centre for Vaishnava Hindus in Europe. The institute carries out research on religious liberty issues and actively participates in interfaith dialogue.


    Merudevi Dasi


    Tel: (01865) 304311 Email: merudevi@pamho.net Useful resource: www.cesnur.org


    © CHAKRA 09 June 2001



  12. In checking the few recorded statements Srila Prabhupada made on this I found his complaint against this mantra is that it doesn't include the full pancha-tattva.He also said it was manufactured with rasabhasa, but choose not to elaborate.He saw no need but to follow what had been previously given.




    Whether he is offensive or inoffensive, anyone who even now chants sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityänanda is immediately overwhelmed with ecstasy, and tears fill his eyes.




    The präkrta-sahajiyäs who chant nitäi-gaura rädhe syäma have very little knowledge of the Bhägavata conclusion, and they hardly follow the Vaisñava rules and regulations, and yet because they chant bhaja nitäi-gaura, their chanting immediately evokes tears and other signs of ecstasy. Although they do not know the principles of Vaisñava philosophy and are not very much advanced in education, by these symptoms they attract many men to become their followers. Their ecstatic tears will of course help them in the long run, for as soon as they come in contact with a pure devotee their lives will become successful. Even in the beginning, however, because they are chanting the holy names of nitäi-gaura, their swift advancement on the path of love of Godhead is very prominently visible.

    Ädi 8.22


    [This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 06-08-2001).]

  13. Ahh... these are such great tips and stories.Thank you all.Those of us who have never been can pick up some of the flavor from you who have.


    I almost felt I was on that bullock cart with you dasanudas.I'll probably arrive in taxi from Delhi this time though.


    atma the idea of visiting Puri and elswhere sounds good.Mayybe I will go to Puri, I will just see once I am there.I can handle somewhat cold weather better than 100 degree type, so if it's not too radical I may just stick it out for the first trip.


    jndas, I may just take you up on the temple tour but not until the next year.The idea of mostly staying put appeals to me.I want it to soak in.


    Your grateful servant,





  14. Originally posted by jijaji:


    We are all individuals....thank GOD!



    sorry dude...sahajiya thread not bein started by this guy..(why beat a dead horse?)

    But be my guest..your idea anyway! Your the one getting into it with Premananda saying Radharamana was sahajiya and all!

    You start saying these things and then admit you know very little about the subject and then try to get me to start a thread on the subject.

    Is this how you get your entertainment?


    Posted Image



    jijaji, But I admit to the lack of info.You claim to have it.My idea is for you, the one who professes to know to share the knowledge.For two years now at almost regular intervals you offer me this same post.Are you on a timer or what?


    By the way I am not getting into it with PD as my above posts clearly state.


    Maybe if you took off the shades your reading would improve. Posted Image





  15. Originally posted by jijaji:



    Me thinks you lack knowledge what a sahajiya truly is.



    That is true.I have only a general definition, that is of one who takes devotional service in a cheap way.That is the group I belong to at present.


    I also understand that there are particular groups with their own invented practices, that have been a disturbibg element in Indian society in various ways.


    Perhaps jijaji would start a thread that explains one or more sahajiya groups in some detail.





  16. animesh, actually what you wrote has everything to do with the topic.As Jayaradhe has pointed out it is all Krishna's artistry.


    Every waking moment as you described can be filled with appreciation of Krisna within everything.


    Also in storms.I love thunder and lightning storms.Lightening bolts across the sky..WOW indeed!


    YS MC

  17. PD,


    I am not arguing.Please know that.I have no independent understanding of what is rasabhasa or what is not.I am most easily fooled.


    I accept the words of His Divine Grace as I posted them.I am blind to these finer points.


    There were advanced devotees who presented their works to Mahaprabhu.But they had to go through Svarupa Damodhara to ensure there was no rasabhasa.


    The discrimination of the devotees on the highest rung must be the guide for those on the lowest rung.


    Our position in these matters is most precarious.On one hand we must discriminate to the best of our ability, yet that ability is lacking in so many ways.


    May pancha-tattva have mercy.


    YS MC


    Monkey & the Bananas

    During this visit Srila Prabhupäda regularly spoke in his sitting room. Local residents offered fruits and flowers by placing them at his lotus feet.

    One evening in the middle of Srila Prabhupäda’s lecture, a monkey darted into the room and lunged for the bananas. Visaka dasi quickly threw her chaddar over the monkey and tugged at the bananas as he ran past her. She managed to get most of the bananas, but within a few seconds the monkey was gone with a prize banana in his hand.

    "Just see how intelligent this monkey is,” Srila Prabhupäda said. “This shows that in their own respect all living entities are intelligent. How long do you think it would have taken you to do that, run in and out of here and get the bananas? This monkey is so intelligent in regards to his eating. He can do it in a few seconds. Practically no one even saw him. He just took the bananas and ran out. This is what it is like in the material world. Everyone is very expert in their own sphere. So, we have to become expert devotees, not expert like the monkeys.”

    The entire incident lasted about four seconds. Even though Srila Prabhupäda had been lecturing, he was aware of everything going on around him. Srila Prabhupäda was always aware of activities around him. He was expert at doing more than one thing at a time.


    For the delight of the bhaktas,

    YS MC

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